Have you ever considered that the things you do for a healthy body can contribute to a healthy planet? Well, they can. The things we choose to do each day can make a difference in the world around us – healthy choices for us equal healthy choices for our environment.

How do our personal decisions affect the global environment? Think about it for a minute. What about the way you travel to work every day, for a start?

Most Americans drive to work. It’s the way we grew up and what we’re accustomed to. If you changed your journey from driving to biking or walking, you’d be exercising your body each day and at the same time you’d be saving on emissions created by driving your car. Every gallon of gas saved equates to 17 pounds of carbon dioxide that isn’t introduced into the atmosphere.

If you live too far away from your job, why not set up a car pool with people who live in your area? When it’s not your turn to drive, you can still get your exercise by biking or walking to the house of the day’s assigned driver.

Another way to improve your body and your planet simultaneously is by planting a vegetable patch in your garden or by joining a community garden project. There are several ways to profit from doing this.

The first benefit is that you will be growing your food locally, rather than buying food that has been brought in by plane, train or automobile from up to 1,500 miles away. By growing your own, you won’t be contributing to the use of all that fossil fuel and again saving on greenhouse gasses.

The second benefit is the most obvious – you will be getting fresh, chemical-free vegetables added to your diet, rather than eating vegetables that have been sitting around for a while, losing valuable vitamins and minerals each day.

The third benefit is more exercise. Gardening is hard work! You’ll be stretching, bending and lifting more than you would with just about any other activity.

If that’s not enough, there is one more benefit and it’s a big one. People who eat well and exercise regularly have a lower likelihood of ending up in the hospital at some point in their lives. How does that relate to a healthy planet? If you think about the equipment that gets used in hospitals for each and every patient, you’ll realize how much you’ll help the planet. Ambulances, machinery, lighting and even the manufacture of hospital equipment all use up valuable energy sources and emit toxins into the air. If you don’t need them, they won’t be used on your behalf.

You can see how maintaining a healthy body can help create a healthy planet. If you’d like to know more, contact your chiropractor to find out what else you can do for a health personal regime that will be beneficial on both a personal and a global level.


Ashley Coombe
Author: Ashley Coombe

Ashley Coombe is the owner of The Shopping Boutique www.theshoppingboutique.com, an online boutique that carries Diaper Bags!

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