Hello my name is Matthew and the message I like to share with you is to not see yourself as a victim of anything in the world. It is easy to get caught up being the victim, but when you come to a place of owning your creation, owning your life, owning the fact that your life is the results of your thoughts then you take back the power of knowing that you have the ability to change anything in your life that you don’t feel best represents who you are choosing to be in this life. And when we come out of that victimhood and more into a state of unconditional love seeing our potential in the world and know that our highest thought and grandest feeling, highest outcome comes from God and anything that discourages us from believing comes from fear and the ego. So when we come from that place of unconditional love and acceptance and move forward and know that we have the ability to change
and create in the world if we do it with God. We are constantly in communication with spirit through our thoughts. Always remember that whatever you are working on whether it be personal or worldwide to thank spirit. The best prayers are ones of thanks and gratitude and when you do that you know it’s going to happen. It’s best to do that rather than hoping something is going to happen. If you say that you hope something happens…you are living in an experience of hoping. When you want something to happen…you are living the experience of wanting. When you feel you’re ugly and you hate yourself and feel that you can’t do something then that will be your experience.

Always remembering to build your own self-confidence with your own thoughts.

“I can do this…
I will do this…
Thank you, God, for this”
And know without a doubt in the process.

Knowing your experience of life is your experience of God itself. Knowing that everything in the ultimate truth is positive…negative doesn’t exist…everything is love and when you let go of your righteousness of the way you think it should be and love it for the way that it is you can see the divinity of God in all things knowing that everything serves the highest purpose and Good.
Matthew Helme

spread positivity

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