Here’s an important point – Nothing works the first time. When you try something new it probably won’t work. When you try something new several times it probably won’t work. And the turning point in my life came when I would hear good ideas and I was so eager to be successful and I would run out and try new ideas and they wouldn’t work. I would try a new way of getting an appointment, to close a sale…it wouldn’t work. And my natural response was that I should be disappointed realizing that nothing works at least the first few times. So I decided I would try a new idea five or 10 times before I pass judgment on it. I would not just try it once and quit like most people do and that changed my whole life. It was a turning point in my life because I realized that if you have a good idea and you have a good goal and you want to double your income, improve the quality of your life… that you need
to try new things to get new results… it’s not going to work the first time…well that didn’t work so try something else, and try something else, and try something else. Now if you try only two things can happen. You can either succeed or fail. If you succeed you do more of it, if you fail you learn from it, get smarter and try again. So you cannot lose by taking action you can only lose by not taking action!

You will find it much easier to change when you’re around positive people. It’s very hard to change when you’re around people who don’t want you to change…who want you to be the person you were. Sooner or later in life you’re going to have to make choices. As Gandhi said “be the change that you want to see in the world.” Be the kind of person that you want to see and if that does not bring people around be prepared to walk away.

Recognize that everything you achieve in life is going to be with the help or support or cooperation with other people. So I always think, what is it that other people want and need from me? How can I help other people so that they will want to help me back? Top sales people think about their customers all the time. They think about who their customers are and what their customers want. How they can help them the most and how they can help them even more today. In their relationships successful people are very focused on the most important people in their world both personal and business.

There is a process which has made more people rich then any other single process of goal achieving. And it’s to take your major goal and to structure it as a question. If your goal is to earn $100,000 a year then you write …”how can I earn $100,000 in the next 12 months?” That’s an open ended question. Not “how can I earn it at my job doing a specific thing?” It’s an open ended question… “how can I earn that amount of money?” And then you discipline yourself to write 20 answers to the questions and the 20 answers are all the different things you can think of to earn $100,000. Work longer, work harder, upgrade my skills, get a new job, take a part-time opportunity… whatever it happens to be force your self to write at least 20 questions and answers to those questions. The 20 question method called mine storming forces you to dig deep into your mind where you will find all your answers and
it may be call a person or read a book. Let me give you an example we had a young fellow an entrepreneur at 35 years old who had built a successful business and he worked about 10 years to do it. And for two years he wanted to sell his business so he could take a year off and travel and enjoy his money. And so for two years he sort of floundered around like a fish on the dock wanting to sell his business with nobody offering to buy it…he suggested it to people and people weren’t interested. In this exercise his 20th answer and often it’s the 20th answer that is the breakthrough was …buy a book on how to sell your own business. And it just went off like a flashbulb in his mind. He was amazed at how many books on selling a business there were. So he bought two or three books and two months later he restructured his business and packaged it and sold it and took a year off. It was a single idea, it was a breakthrough idea and it was so simple just get a book on the subject. It seems like such an obvious answer, but a lot of times the obvious answers are the most overlooked.

So I don’t know if you are 65 and broke and living in your car with pots and pans and without money, but wherever you are never give up on your dreams.

Most people have great goals I want to increase my income, lose weight, get out of debt, be healthy and have a wonderful family. But then they decide before I start I’m going to take a vacation to a beautiful place called Someday I’ll. In my estimation most people live in Someday I’ll. Someday I’ll lose some weight, Someday I’ll read that book, and listen to the program, Someday I’ll get out of debt. There is always Someday I’ll. If you want to be a great success there is one simple rule get yourself off that island for life. If you want to do something decide you’re going to do it. They have done studies with successful people and unsuccessful people and successful people launch…they just do it. Unsuccessful people get the same information same ideas, but they always have an excuse for not starting. Aristotle said 95% of everything you do is the result of habit so the rule is form good habits and make them your masters rather than allowing bad habits to form. That the other rule says that good habits are hard to form but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with. One of the turning points in my life and my studies of psychology with the discovery that all habits are learned and can be unlearned. You do not unlearn a habit you simply replace a bad habit with a good habit that has more power and impact. And how do you develop a good habit? You develop a habit by repetition. Almost everything you do for the time you wake up in the morning is habit. Start to think about yourself what would be the best habits to have?

When I was young man I had a revelation change my life I have read articles over the years and made some lists and made some priorities and things like that, but I always felt that my life was like the Sun and all the different factors of my life were like planets that orbited around my life. whether there was physical fitness, socializing or work our time management they were all planets in orbit. What change my life was when I realized that time management is the sun and everything I do is the planets in orbit. Everything we do in life revolves around time because time is the substance of our life. The quality of life is determined by the quality of your time management. Everything that we have or are or ever will be Will be a direct result of how we utilize time. And the wonderful thing is that we are free to choose how we use our time.

I want to be successful in starting a business you study what people have learned, written down or shared in seminars and in audio programs. I learned this from a very wise man named Caughmier spent more than 50 years studying success. And he developed over 1000 success principles that he had derives out of 6000 books. And when I met him I asked him the question, “Of all these thousands of principles which is the most important principle of all?” And he said, “Brian it’s simple”… he said to use proven success methods to learn from the experts. He said that you will never live long enough to learn it all. So what I found is that successful people have learned from the experts from those who have gone before them. Unsuccessful people try to make it all up like a cook going into a kitchen taking ingredients out of the cupboards throwing it all into a bowl and wondering why it does not
taste good. This is why 80% of sales people are functioning way below their potential. Only 20% of the sales people make all the money. Why 20% of the businesses in any industry make all the money. Why 20% of professionals in any industry make 80% of the money. Is because they follow proven success principles. Proven recipes, proven formulas, proving combinations and they just do them over and over again and they master them. And they can do more and more of them, faster and faster, easier and easier and at a higher level of quality. All this translates into greater results.

If you could only accomplish one goal in life what goal would have the biggest impact? Now for most people, especially when you’re maturing in your career, the biggest goal is money. If you had money then you can buy house, car, family lifestyle. So that is quite normal. For others maybe it’s a Health goal. For a business owner maybe it’s a business goal. For people with relationship problems it’s maybe a relationship goal. But ask yourself if you only could achieve one goal or resolve one problem and remember and unresolved problem is merely a goal unachieved which one would it be and write that down and make that a definite purpose in your life, a central organizing principle of your life.

A Nobel prize winning study of the evolution of civilizations came up with the term respondability ….is your ability to respond effectively with the ups and downs and negative events of life is the key measure of your ability to be successful and happy in the future. And what you do is to say whenever you’re feeling negative or unhappy about anything you say…”wait a minute I’m responsible”….”I’m responsible for what happens. I can’t change the past so I’m not going to spend a second worrying about the past. I am going to become so busy working on my future and my goals that I don’t have time to think about the past.

One of the smartest things you can do is to develop the habits of thinking and acting that enable others to become self made millionaire’s. What is so hard about this to understand? Most people are thinking about how little money they have and they worry about being broke, they worry about lack in poverty, they worry about the prices of everything and they’re wondering why they are not flourishing financially. Because they are thinking about poverty and lack rather than prosperity and abundance. Now these habits of financial success are learnable as all habits are with practice and repetition. In other words you can program yourself to think like self made millionaire’s and remember it has to start on the inside before it ever comes true on the outside.

Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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