The only thing we have complete control over is our OWN perception of the world and the way we choose to react to others perception of us.

There will be people who see you differently than you know yourself to be, people who “don’t get you”,  people who have you “summed up” based on what you show them on the outside, who think you’re “too bold”, or strange and quirky, too curvy, too rigid and the list goes on and on. 🗣

It’s human nature to see someone and make an assumption about “who” they are. It’s part of the survival animalistic brain that does that quick scanning (judging) for safety. ✋🏼

But it’s ok, you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. I’ve had to work on this over the years. Being an empath and feeling everyone’s feelings, likely feeling their feelings about themselves rather than what they really think of me. Feeling like I have SO much more substance than being “just another fit blonde girl who used to compete” and wanting to prove it but who do I have to prove anything to? In fact, many will just look at the pic and “like” it without reading..and that’s ok, if they wanted to take a deep look, they’d read. I know now that the only thing that matters is the relationship between myself and God. I’d like to say I’ve always had confidence and never really cared what people thought but that would be a lie.☝🏼 It’s been quite a practice over time to change this. To look deep within, to love me more, to embrace the imperfections, to let go of attachment to the good opinion of others and just flow in my own truth. 🙏🏻

I’m grateful for this journey and grateful to admit I haven’t had this all figured out and am still on the journey to loving myself more and letting natural evolution of personal development take place.

Let Go!🌈 Be You! ❤️Evolve!🌳 Shine⭐️

Sherrie Carnicle

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Sherrie Carnicle
Author: Sherrie Carnicle

Hello Friends, my name is Sherrie Carnicle and I am so grateful to connect with you all. My greatest passions are motherhood, communing with nature, animals, the creative arts (writing, dance, music, art, film), personal development/self-mastery, and spirituality.        **        My spiritual awakening began in 2008 when introduced by my yoga instructor Gary to Eckart Tolle's "A New Earth" and then shortly following I read Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret". My Mom fostered an environment focused on faith and I had always been "religious" growing up. I was pretty involved in the Lutheran church, but nothing resonated with me as much as the new spiritual teachings I was learning in 2008. I felt that it finally tied everything together and filled in the gaps that had always been missing in my life. It was about my connection with God and seeing my own Divinity that woke me up. As a personal trainer and nutritionist by trade for over a decade and someone very identified with the body, I felt that I had already mastered the physical realm of existence in a sense therefore I was compelled to dive into spirituality and self-mastery. Once I began to practice...

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