Excerpt from the Introduction of “The Book of Truth”
Now the first thing we wish to attend to in this instruction is a belief that things will not change. If you all attend to yourselves for a moment, the lives that you are living currently, and see what areas of your life you have decided—underline the word decided—will not change, you will see where you are holding energy in abeyance to historical structure. And the alignment you have in this very moment is what is claiming this thing as static. It will not change.
What we would like you to do now, the reader, yes, is decide for a moment that one of the things you see in your life that you agree will not change will be changed—underline will—and not through force of will, but because it can. The moment you decide that it can change, you have shifted the frequency of the thing that has been static. The moment that thing is shifted, it can be lifted in higher resonance to be manifested as changed.
The alignment that you hold in your own being is what is claiming your life into being, and the agreements you’ve made thus far about who and what you are, what it means to be a man or woman, a success or failure, even happy or sad, yes, is what claims you in all ways. The decree we give you by our authority is that this thing will be changed, this thing you’ve decided will be changed by your agreement to be in change. And already you are deciding to move beyond the known, or the codification of what was, to a new landscape where change will be possible. We are saying “will” intentionally, not may be possible, which would support you in wavering on the fence. “Perhaps this is so, perhaps this is not.” But it will change, which aligns you in your intention to claim the higher and to call it into being.
Now when you live in a world that has shared constructs, things you’ve all agreed to, you must understand that the same method applies. When humanity decides that they can change and move beyond what they’ve known, the landscape must effect the change that is claimed. So much of what you attend to, what you see before you, what you agree is there before you, are constructs that were made in collective use over a millennia. “We have always had this, so it will always be there.”
As mankind collectively gives in to her inner authority, his inner authority, which is the Divine Self in truth, mankind realizes itself outside of the landscape that was claimed in lower nature. As mankind lifts to a new potential, what must happen is that those things that were called into being by mankind in fear, in a need to control others, in defiance of the light that they truly are, will be attended to as the things that will change.
Now hear these words. This is not only an instruction, but it is a manual for ascension of the being that you are as truth. And we call it The Book of Truth because the truth of knowing who and what you are is actually what transforms you.
Most of you like to do things. “Today I will go fix this or that. I will make this or that a little better.” But we will say this to each of you. While you may attend to your days that way, you will never transform to the True Self by changing your dress or fixing your hair or opening another bank account or buying a bigger house. What you would attend to as a manifestation of change without the truth in alignment is simply an expression of choice. As the True Self— underline the word true—comes forth and claims victory; her purview is all she sees before her.
Now the consequence of that—and we will use very simple language here—is that the one who sees truth calls truth into being. When you have a lie, or something that was constructed as a lie, when you claim it as truth and you align that thing to truth, the lie is gone because it will not exist in the truth, in the octave of truth, as the vibration of truth.
If you can imagine for a moment that the being that you are is holding a vibration, and the vibration it holds is informing all it sees, you can begin to comprehend that the alignment to the vibration as truth, the truth of what you are, will then inform all you encounter. When a lie is encountered by truth, the lie no longer exists.
Excerpted from The Book of Truth by Paul Selig with the permission of TarcherPerigee, an imprint of Penguin Random House. Copyright © 2017 by Paul Selig.
Q&A with Paul Selig
Author of The Book of Truth
When did you know you had a gift as a Channel and an Empath?
When I was in my early 30’s, I studied a form of energy healing and was volunteering at a center for people with life challenging illness in NYC. I found that when I had my hands on them, I could “hear” for them and, as the information I received proved itself accurate, I began to trust it more and gradually began to open up to the level of dictation, or channeling, that I now receive from my guides. It was also at that time that I began to open up as a clairsentient and began to “feel” what was going on with my clients emotionally and physically.
How are you able to embody people who are still alive and understand their emotions/feelings?
I’ve been called a medium for the living. I work as a radio, and I “tune in” to the client as if he or she is a radio station. As I do this, I may begin to resemble them, or the people that they ask about, taking on their mannerisms and expressions as I “hear” them telepathically. When I work with a couple of a family, I operate a bit like a switchboard, stepping in and out of each person to hear how they are contributing to a problem or a dynamic.
The Book of Truth is your fifth channeled book, and the second in a new trilogy. What makes it different, and do readers need to have read the first book in order to benefit from this one?
The guides I work with dictate the books, and they say each text stands on its own. They create a one-room schoolhouse where everyone will be met, regardless of where they may be in their learning. This book works directly, and palpably with the vibration of truth, which they say is here and is reshaping the world that we live in. The guides say that they are supporting us in reclaiming our true, divine nature, which is who we are and always have been.
Many of your clients/ readers claim to experience a shift when reading your books and teachings or attending your workshops. Can you speak to this?
The books are encoded with the vibration my guides work with, and the guides say that they are working directly with the readers, sponsoring them, actually, in their own development and alignment to their own higher nature. The energy the guides work with is often quite palpable, both to readers of the texts and to those attending the workshops. There is a lot of phenomenon attached to this work, and even people who are not used to feeling or experiencing energy are often surprised by what happens.
What is the most challenging part of what you do?
I show up for this work consistently, even when I don’t really want to. My biggest challenge has always been that I’m the channel, and I don’t feel particularly special or evolved. I am available for this, though, and my energy system seems to have been prepared for this work. I am grateful for it, although I can’t say that I always understand it.