Gratitude comes not from circumstances, but from within. It’s a
decision and a choice. I have chosen one quotation that is
relative to gratitude for each day of the month and a spiritual
exercise for you to practice.
Remember: “Practice makes permanent.”
For the next 30 days, I will share with you quotes and exercises for
you to practice so that you can begin to receive all the blessings
that have been stored for you for so long.
A spiritual exercise promotes movement of the inner consciousness
and is simply to open a channel between yourself and Divine spirit.
Journaling is an exercise. You may want to keep a daily journal
to write your feelings about the daily quote.
Then, contemplate on them throughout your and become consciously aware
of what happens for you and how you can bring happiness to what
you’ll be doing.
When you begin practicing the exercises, Divine Spirit enters and
you become more independent, thoughtful, self-motivated. It will
allow you, if you allow IT, to move toward taking that first step
toward discipline and self-mastery.