5 Major and the 2 Super Major Divisional Dimensions of the Vowels in Film, Documentary and Camera Video Making and Management: Sacredness in the Media and Production Houses – Be Happy Philselfologically – 80
The 5 Sacred Vowels, “EANYIAN, YANIAN, YANANA, NANA, MAMA” in the Punjabi and Hindi languages that are always drawn on the horizontal lines standing alone vertically are the 5 Most Sacred Vowels in a way that gives these vowels a distinction of having the 5 Sacred Dimensions which goes either upward or downward as the horizontal angles of a camera while making the horizontal dimensional adjustments of the object.
The Super Vowels in the Punjabi and Hindi are the “Haha and Rara” as together with the AA, EE, OO, we have the “HAHA, RARAH, EANYIAN, YANIAN, YANANA, NANA, MAMA”, and these are the sounds that one creates while making the angle adjustments and thus the camera, body, brain and the image adjustments and pronounces it. While uttering these 7 Sacred Vowels, one first utters the first 3 Sacred Vowels of “OO AA EE” the traveling of sound energies from left to right brain, and then “SASA” in the middle brain, and while making the adjustments of the body and brain coordination with the image, and then in flow says and utters the sounds: “KA KHA GA” in the left brain, the “GHA” in the middle brain, and then says as supported by the right brain: “RARAH” as a relief for thus made sacred alignment. Now, we all say and utter these sounds of vowels and the consonants while doing any possible task say taking image, the photo or snap. This repetition goes for all sacred vowels and the consonants until, we complete it with “M”, the 35 Sound of Indian and World Languages, and then we naturally say: “I”, and sit down in a chair.
When together with the 5 Major and the 2 Super Major (HARA and the RARAH) the Special Vowels as total of 7, “HAHA, RARAH, EANYIAN, YANIAN, YANANA, NANA, MAMA”, we have the Sacred Spectrum of the 7 Colors as the Scale for the Camera, Music, and all other technical adjustments and thus its the Most Universal Search Engine for All Purposes, which we adjust according to our own Inner World of the 7 Sacred Colors and we do every possible work in the world by the following two major theories:
1. Theory of Similarities: In it, we find what is similar to what we know inside ourselves, which Plato calls the Inner Ideal World, and the Yogis call the Kundalini World
2. Theory of Comparisons: When we find the Inner and the Outer Worlds, we use the Theory of Comparison, and its the Comparison of what we know as the object and the “I” as the subject.
In all kinds of media and production works including the Film Making, Production and Manufacturing of any kind, and its the Shakti, the Force and the Energy Conversions as we see the Inner, the Kundalini, the Semiconducting World inside, and when we see and observe it inside its “One Power Dimension” that we know as the “Sankalpa, the First Sacred Dimension”. When we look for how to put our “Sankalpa, the Power Dimension” into practical, we use the Theory of Prism, and thus the 7 Dimensions of Shakti, the Power Conversion Dimensions or Simply the 7 Shakti, the Force and Energy Dimensions. This process is well known as the “Vikalapa” or the “Kalpatru, the Kamadhenu, the Cow or Tree made from the “Seed of Sankalapa”, and thus always have the 7 Sacred Dimensions, which follows the Theories of Induction and Seduction and thus the production and manufacturing of the original idea, the ideal dye as converted into any production, the product and thus the object, and we have the 7 Rainbow Colors placed in the same as the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Vowels, which are always 7 placed as the 7 Sacred Dimension of Shakti, the Energy Levels and the White Light that crosses through it is the Power Dimensions of the “AARA EERI OORA …” as the Vertical (1st Dimension as the One Dimension, Horizontal (2nd Dimension as the Two Dimensions), Perpendicular to the Vertical and the Horizontal as if the 3rd Dimension, and thus the 3 Dimensions, and the “I” remains as the 4th and the Dynamic Dimension, and thus the “AARA EERI OORA” or the “YANG YING YONG”, which in English are as the “AN AA AN EE AN OO”, and the “An in English is the “Ang” as in the “Yang” Theories:
These 7 Sacred Vowels as the Shakti, the Force and the Energy Conversions follow the 7 Methods of Self-defense as these are the 7 Sura, Swara or the Sounds, which means the Defenders of Existence and thus the Theories of Defense Mechanism and the Theory of the Fittest:
The attack theory has the same 7 Sacred Dimensions of Shakti, the Force and thus the Energy Conversions which are among the major functions of the Right Brain and thus the Women or the Females can use rightly as the 7 Dimensions of Taking Image by any Camera. In it, the Power is in the Eye Focus, the Brain Focus, which has the 8th Dimension of Power, and its nothing but the Bala, the Power Stored from the 7 Dimensions of Energy, and thus the Power of White Light, the Light Behind the Prism, which has split it in the Prism, and functions well in the Left Brain, the General Intelligence, which the Men or the Males use most and thus accordingly, the Women and the Men Excel without struggling or fighting for the fittest as these brain functions are the “Self-survival”, the Swaibhanga or Swaibhoo, the popular name of Shiva or God in Indian World Religions and Faiths, which together constitute the Theory of Light, the Parkasha as the Nama in which the “Na” are the Shakti Dimensions and the “Ma” is the Power Dimension and together these constitute the names say “Rama” as the blend of all mantras as the 7 Dimensions and the Power of Focus on Light creating the “Light Inside that Glows”, and thus the Theory of Nama that absorbs all Mantras as Sun absorbs the Dark Energies, which Absorb Light giving all the duality as quality that one clearly sees what the Dark, the Matters have to show us all, and thus All the Mantras in the Universe Serve the Nama, the Light that creates it all.

The image shown above has the following explanation in which universe as a prism has white and black light, that creates the 7 Forms of Shakti, the Self-operating Power and Energy Dimension as in it the Power Dimension also sustains the 7 Force Dimensions as the Person taking the Image, the Photo has all properties of the object, the image in the the right brain, which we know as the women’s brain and operates it with the left brain that focus and we know it as the male brain, and thus the followed theory and the explanations:
“The Supreme Deity is symbolized by the small globe at the top, which is divided into two hemispheres, the dark half representing the divine darkness with which the Deity surround Himself and which serves as His hiding place. The radiant hemisphere signifies the divine light which is in God and which, pouring forth, manifests as the objective creative power. The large dark globe to the left and beneath the dark half of the upper sphere signifies the potential darkness which was upon the face of the primordial deep and within which moved the Spirit of God. The light globe to the right is the Deity who is revealed out of the darkness. Here the shining Word has dissipated the shadows and a glorious universe has been formed. The divine power of this radiant globe is cognizable to man as the sun. The large light and a dark section represents the created universes partaking of the light and darkness which are in the nature of the Creator. The dark half represents the Deep, or Chaos, the Eternal Waters pouring forth out of the Deity; the light half-circle containing the figure of Apollo represents the diurnal hemisphere of the world, which in the ancient Mysteries was ruled over by Apollo. The dark half-circle is the nocturnal hemisphere ruled over by Dionysius (Dionysos), whose figure is faintly visible in the gloom.” (With thanks from the source: http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/sta40.htm )
In human life it has the “Seed Mantra Importance” as its how one should open the Mouth with “OO”, utter the First Sound beginning with “AA” from the Throat, and the Use of Human Shakti or the Stored Energies with “EE” as without it no result to 7-Folds of Energy, the Shakti can have any activation as Indians calls it, the “Mantra Jagran, the Jagarati, the Activation putting Mantra to Work as we use the Machines and the Computers to work” or in the west as the “Activation Frequency of Energy, the Shakti” as the Mantras in the Modern World fail to work without first saying the Sacred Vowels of “AA EE OO”, which constitute the Om and the Namo as the Activation of Human Energies as we may not be asked to say it after our First Class, Grade 1 in the schools as per world syllabus and the curriculum that needs we all say and practice the 10 and the 16 Vowels practiced all over the world:
(The VAVA may be pronounced as the WAWA)
And its same in all world languages, but we mostly stop practicing it say after the Primary School Education, and thus forget the “Omniscience Education Systems” which we know as the “Sacred Education Systems of Indian and Other Civilization”, which happened to be replaced with the Modern Education Systems introduced by the Theory of Imperialism that does not work when the world is one, and its so simple by uttering the Sacred 10 Vowels of any language in the world daily. Its the “Seed, the Beeja Mantra” and now we know that the most of the educated people lack it that is first saying the “AA EE OO”, and then do rest of the works and the tasks, and thus most of us may not speak these vowel sounds which are called the “Seed Sounds, the Beeja, the Electric Charge that Influences the Biology as the Mantras, the Mantras, and the Mantra also means that helps the bio-energies flow and work well as with the Beeja Shakti, the Electric Strikings, the Chanting of Sacred Vowels activates the imaginations which function and work in the Right Brain of 7 Dimensions of Energy having the Power of Imagining operating from the Left Power Brain of Beeja, the Electromagnetic Systems and it activates the Power to Imagine properly without which one may get no real success in real life.

Thus, the Sacred Vowels help flowing of small crystals as if the prisms, the sources and resources, which we call the “Para”, the Knowledge and Wisdom of the Invisible and the Perfect World Inside our Physical and the Chemical Worlds in the left brain that needs a little sparks of light from the right brain, which is the Biological World, the “Jeeva of Beeja” and lives outside in Nature and the Natural World, and the Universal DNA, the Jeeva Systems.
In the Indian Religions and Faiths, the 95% Diseases in the World are from the Right Brain as its a Chaos that when controlled and managed for better results may give almost all possible diseases in the universe as we as humans may not dwell as unorganized species and need “freedom of thought, emotion, and action as the triangle of psychiatry”, and we want philosophy as food of soul, but as we remain in the systemic, organized and so called scientific functioning that we may be no better than the machines and the computers that fails us, and suppression of chaos gives almost possible discomforts to the right brain, and we may have no cure for it as due to suppressed and oppressed inner environment, we have the critical loss of bio-energies that never need logic and calculations, and meanwhile we seem not practicing the “sacred vowels”, which help in the “living the chaos as singers and dancers do”, and thus we have AIDS, Caner, HIV, TB, Arthritis, and all that is lifelong diseases present among mos of the people who are creatively intelligent, the users of the right brain or the abusers of it.
In the Indian Sacred Education Systems, we have all the brain functions from the left to right brain systems, and thus the atomic, nuclear and the molecular fissions and the fusions working as follows:
7*4+7=35 (Sacred Atomic and Nuclear Fission Theory)
Scalar Quantity (7 Sacred Dimensions of Energy *4 Divisions of Energy)+Vector Quantities (7 Sacred Dimensions of Sacred Vowels) = 35 Sacred Vowels and the Consonants
In it, the 7 Sacred Vowels when split into 4 Sacred Divisions as the Indian Astrology says the “OM AA EE OO” that always ends with the “Namah”, and works perfectly well in the 28 Sacred Constellations. For example, the sacred vowel say “S” can be as follows:
“SOM SAA SEE SOO”, and in it, the “OM” has all the sounds that we use as the 7 Sacred Divisions, the Search Engine Levels as in Punjabi and Hindi, we have:
“HAHA, RARAH, EANYIAN, YANIAN, YANANA, NANA, MAMA” as shown in the image I have drawn with a free flow explaining some students how the brain, the natural camera in the brain works with Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as the Fission, Fusion and thus the Atomic and Nuclear Energy uses of “Camera and Taking Imaging, Tasks from Start (OO, the OORA) to End (EE, the EERI) with a Middle (AA, the AARA):

The first 3 (the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd Columns) with 7 Rows help the Left Brain, the 4th with 7 Rows help the Central Brain, and the 5th Column with 7 Rows helps the Right Brain, and thus the (3*7+1*7)+(1*7)=(4*7)+7=35 Sounds with “I” as the 36th Sound, and thus the All in One Theory of Audio, Video and the Imaging!
These are as the 7 Sacred Divisions of Vowels that we add to the Punjabi and the Hindi Alphabet of 35 Sacred Consonants and the Vowels. These are in other words, the “Namah” Sounds that direct the sound energies to any target and we know these as the 7 Colors of Rainbow as shown in any camera, image and color selection and management that has a deep link with all Media and Music World as the Musicology that can heal the natural world when used properly. It is the Essential of All World Languages, Grammars and thus the Linguistics.
So, 7*4+7=35 (Sacred Atomic and Nuclear Fission Theory)
It for any world language always follows the Sacred Theory of Fission say in the Uranium Fission:
So, in general all light sparks that every chanting of mantra, the sacred vowels gives the required activation energy so that the Consonants work and flow on these and work and serve us as this video shows”:
Thus these 5 Sacred Vowels are the most precious among all vowels as these adjust the “Sacred Levels of the Natural Search Engines called the Human Kundalini Channels in the Backbone that appear in the 7 Glands, the Semiconducting in the Kundalini Chakras”, and if it follows the “Spectrum Theory of Prism with the 35 Sacred Vowels and the Consonants”, and have the 36th Sacred Combination of A Vowel and A Consonant, which is the “Civil Surgeon S: or the SAH, the “S” and the “H”, as the “S: or the Sah” is the Sound of “Vi’surgeon”, the Scientific Activity Surgery, the Vi’sarjana, and thus the Master Command of the Prism Theory as the SAH”, and as we have discussed:
“The Gurmukh and the Mannmukh together have 36 Sounds, which have the Yin-Yan Pairs in the Gurmukha as the 8 Yin-Yang Pairs=16 Sacred Vowels and the Mannmukh, the Consonants as having the 10 Yin-Yang Pairs=20 Sacred Consonants in all world languages as we know it the “Gurmukhi, the Brahmi Languages”. These Yin and Yang Pairs are present in the Entire Body Systems as we have called the Sacred Kundalini, the Natural Semiconductor Systems in the Living Bodies and thus these as the 18 Pairs, the Dhatu’s of the 36 Sounds of the Gurmukhi, which our human biorhythms produce as if the Natural Instruments, the Orchestra inside our body as people, who meditate can experience, and its same as the Instruments and the Orchestra outside the human body, and thus the Brahmi Languages”.
“The Ayurveda and the Sacred Dimensions of the Universe: Matter, Sound, Energy, Light, Sacred Semiconductors and Role of Sacred Education Systems in the Health and Wellness Management – Be Happy Philselfologically – 77”
The most of people among us know the OM as the Nama and the Mana theory with Namo, the Namah, but the Indian Spiritual and Scientific Researches go far beyond than this theory of the Nama and the Mana as these both are the qualities of the Light as the Matter, the Particle and the Light as the Wave, but without the Theory of Space as beyond the 5, the Five Elements, there cannot be any theory about the Light, Sound and Energy as these all are nothing but the Theories of the Shakti, the Matter only, and when we talk and discuss about the Power Dimensions, we may have to ignore the Theory of Nama and Mana, and discuss the Sacred Dimensions of Power, and it accepts the Nama and Mana as just Two Sacred Dimensions with the Thumbs representing, and it has 7 Sacred Dimensions of Shakti, the Force and Energy on One Side and the Sacred Dimensions of Power, the Bala on the Other Side, which have its own studies and research as we notice the End of 7 Sacred Dimensions at a Point that runs the “Mara, the Mrit, the Matter World” as shown in the say Chinese Civilizations:
Thus the Theory of Medium in which the Light, Sound and Matter works and we get the Energy Conversions, and thus the Theory of Omniscience as the Bindu, which is the Theory of Light as the Sacred Medium, the Medium of Triangle of Matter, Sound and Light is known as the “Mara Theory”, and in which only the “Light as Turiya” works is called the “Rama Theory”, which is the opposite of the “Theory of Mara”, and we all use it in almost all of Indian Languages by saying it as the “Mara, Mera, Maru, Meera, Mora, and as the “Mine” and so on with the “Ma” as the source everything as Prime Shakti, who created the Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva when created them said it as the first word, the “Ma, Maa, Man, Mai, and so on”, and for the “Rama Theory”, we say say, “Rama, Roma, Rima, Ramo, Ramay, and all that gives the sense of “Ra” as the Pure Light as the Power say as the Ray, the Rai”. The popular word “Raya”, which we use as the “Ray” in English is the etymological thing that says “Raya as the “Light which the sound emerges, and at the same time, the “Mara” means in which the Sound Travels towards the Light, and thus the Medium, with “Me” as the root indicating the medium of sound as the electromagnetic system, and in this case, the sound is not the ordinary sound but after its conversion into the electromagnetic wavelengths, and the light in which it emerges as we say the “Ra” is beyond the access of electromagnetic systems, and thus what we know as the Invisible, the Nirakara Rama, and the Sarguna as the Mara, which stands as the Nama in the OM Theory. Thus, we always have two theories:
1. Theory of OM as the Nama, Light and Mana, Matter, and the OM as the Sound
2. Theory of Rama as the Mara, the World or the Medium of Light and the Rama, the Medium of Light in the Pure Light, the Sacred Use of All Light Theories in the Light medium as varying light frequencies in the Colorless Light of the Space. In it, we discuss the Light (Rama), Medium (Mara) and Space (Matter as Physical, Biological, Chemical and Medium-free Space), and its what we know as Theories of Maha-Vishnu, and the Lord Rama as the Maha-Vishnu, and this very theory has been well proposed by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism for our practical scientific and technological life, and thus the “Semiconducting Theory of Everything”:
“As in the English Languages, we have “An” before “AA EE OO”, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji proposed “RA” at the end of all Sacred Vowels, and thus the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Brahmi gives “AA EE OO” as the “AARA EERI OORA”, and wonder is that most of modern and the western people may not say and speak it properly. These Sacred Sound of “AARA EERI OORA” are for not getting trapped into the “Kundalini, the Shakti, Force and Energy Conversions, and thus Saving Our Original DNA by simply learning how to speak and say it all, and thus pronounce it. Otherwise, the Electromagnetic Degeneration due to Wrong Dissipation of EM Waves and Vibrations of “AA EE OO” without saying “An before it”, and thus added “Ra” to “AA EE OO”, and thus made it “AARA EERI OORA”!
In the Chinese Civilizations, the same is as the “Yang Ying Yong”!
Thus, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as the First Sikh Guru, and next Nine Sikh Gurus gave the Highest Possible Respect, Reverence and Honor to what we may know as the very simple “Mantra Theory of Rara” and its so in almost “All Indian Mantras”, which have “Ra” in it say as the “Guru Mantra that many know as the Guru, the Jupiter Mantra”:
“OM Gran Grin Gron Sah Gurvey Namah”
In their very practical approach, the Sikh Gurus have asked all to use the “Rara”, and “Ra with Greater Stress” as is in the “Waheguru” in which “Ru is said as “roooo…” and that “rara when pronounced for many times with holding the tongue in the same position becomes the “Rarha”, the “AARA, EERI and OORA” as the “AARAH EERIH OORAH”, the “Sacred Vowels having union with the “H: or Hah” which changes into “Rarooo”, the “Rara Philosophy of Rama as Light, and thus the AARA, EERI and the OORA as the Light of Human Existence not just the Semiconducting Theory of the Kundalini, the Sacred DNA”.
In the Punjabi, the Brahmi Gurmukhi, the sacred word “Rama” is said twice when one says “Waheguru” as all the “Sacred Focus on Rama, the Light, the Rara” is use of Light and Sound as Medium not the sound by itself in other words, the sacred conversions of Sound and Light Energies as the Power, the Sacred Electromagnetic Power in say Vacuum as the Space, and thus the same in the Human Brains. This is one of the reasons that OM always needs Nama, but the Rama does not need the “OM and Nama” as its the “Medium of Both the OM, the Sound and Nama, Matter Conversions”, and its what we say understood as we write -1, 0, +1, and for the “0, the Zero”, we put no sign, and thus the Rama is “OM Rama Nama”=”Rama”, which is same as the Symbol of Arrow in which OM is at the Head, which directs as the Scalar and the Nama is what follows it, and its the Main Secret of All Vedas possible in the Sacred Universe Systems! It can also be understood as the Trinity of Rama (Light), Mara (Life of Material world as the Blend of Physical and thus the Vata as the Purely Electromagnetic Systems, Biological as the Fusion as the Glow in the Living ones including the human Brain, and thus the Kapha and Chemical as the Pita and thus as the Fission in the Sun), and Life (as Mediums):
The Philosophy of the Tir, Teer, the Arrow and the Phurba: “A traditional Phurba is divided into three distinct parts: the pommel, the handle, and the blade: its head, body, and feet (see the figure). Symbolically these correspond to the three realms of shamanic cosmology: the heavens, earth, and the underworld. Appropriately, the shaman grasps the Phurba by its handle (the human realm) and holds it like a dagger, with the blade downward.
From a Pythagorean perspective, the three parts of the Phurba also represent the three realms of (1) spirit or mind (which is eternal and of the essence of the divine), (2) the soul (which brings the divine into active manifestation in time and space), and (3) matter (which is animated by the soul). These three levels structure the macrocosm as a whole and are mirrored in the microcosms of individual people. In this way the shaman identifies with the Phurba.
For Tibetan Buddhists the upper half of the Phurba (pommel and handle) represents nirvana, and the blade represents samsara (the illusory world of the senses). As a whole the Phurba symbolizes their union in a single primordial nature, the Ineffable One, the awareness of which is the essence of wisdom.
Although there are many kinds of Phurbas, the pommel usually has three faces, representing three aspects of Vajrakilaya (Tib. Dorje Phurba)—the deity governing and immanent in the Phurba (kilaya is a form of Sanskrit kila, which translates Tibetan phurba; vajra kila means “unshakable or indestructible phurba”). The three faces are Vajrakilaya’s joyful, peaceful, and wrathful aspects (a compassionate wrath that destroys dualistic delusions, obstructions, and other negative influences by transmuting them into wisdom). This is, however, just one of the many layers of meaning. For example, the faces also represent Buddha’s “threefold body” (Skt. trikaya): his individual mortal personality, his timeless Buddha nature, and his spiritual joy in teaching. They also represent the basis, path, and result of spiritual practice. Above the three faces is a unifying symbol, such as a half-vajra (half-thunderbolt), symbolizing enlightenment, the indestructible nature of awareness. A Pythagorean might see the three aspects of the Ineffable One: Existence, Life, and Mind, which recur in various guises throughout the divine realms.” (With thanks from the source: http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~mclennan/BA/ADD.html )
All of it can also be summed up as shown below:
“The presence of OM at the beginning of every Mantra completes the Programming and Installation Part of the Mantra as is the Computer Programming, and as we have said:
< link=’wingsforall.com’> Wings for All < /link }as <Beginning of OM=’Mantra’>Guru Mantra<End of Mantra>
as <OM> “Gran Grin Gron” “Sah” “Gurvey” <N/amah> (OM is as OAM)”
Please read more at here:
How Our Children and Others Can Learn Art of Researching: Philselfological Approach for Better World: Part 13
Thus, and as for example, the Neurons and the Neural Networking, the Physical Electromagnetic Systems, the “Pargasa Systems” as part of the Physical, Biological, Chemical and all in the “Parkasa”, the Space:
The same is the “Parkasa in the Heart, the Rida, the Rhythm from where everything starts as its the Kinetic Center of the Body, the Rhythm, and thus well know as the “Rida” in the Indian Scriptures say Math, the Mith, the Myths, and any disturbance in it means, the “Dara”, the “Fears as Fearing of Falling while say walking, Dying, and so on, and anything that has two divisions can cause it say the earthquakes at the Equators or any two zones or the environment and thus India as the Heart Zone at the Equator!”, and here its acquires the Sacred Physical World, and thus the Pargasa” and thus the Cyclones and the Tsunami Systems in the World:
Such humble and noble souls are now the most suffering, ignored and thus put to daily updates in the Nano World, which is totally unnatural as it completely ignores the “Real I-ness and forces one to be Global and Universal using the Force, the Sacred Shakti Dimensions as the Operating Systems as its the Natural Semiconductor, which can convert all the “Shakti Dimension Vehicles in the Entire World, and we will end up as the Powerless Species, who obey the Commands as the Machines and the Computers without having any will or wish to disobey it ever, and thus it may extinct the worth, value and the nature of the original life!”:
We may better learn the “AA (+, the Physical Identity of “I”, and thus the God in the Neurons, the Micro-electromagnetic Systems) EE (-, the Biological Identity of “I”, and thus the God in the Living Cells, the Micro-germ-electromagnetic System), OO” (0, the Chemical Identity of “I”, the Micro-chemistry as the “Sacred Biochemistry”, and thus the God in the “Rasa”, the “Ojasa” as Lord Krishna says “I’m in the Rasa of everything chemically”, the essence of Ayurveda, and then what is the “Space as the Parkasa and the Pargasa”, and therefore “Ban” all of it that “Taps” the Neurotic God Systems that seems Neurotic, and first pause and discuss what exactly we want as we have discussed in the Be Happy Philselfologically Series! The Shakti, the Energy Conversions are nothing but the Combinations and the Permutations of Living Cells with Chemicals and its a Childish Joy of Innocent Grown Ups as we can assume and suppose!
Almost all of the Modern Sciences and the Technologies seem to follow the “Mana, the Sound and Light Theories”, which almost fully ignore the universal truth of “I” as the “Light Theory, the Nama as the Consciousness”, and thus what the Modern Bio and the Nano Technology deals is nothing but the “Psora (Vata), Sychosis, the Psychosis (Kapha) and the Syphilis (Pita) of Homeopathy and the Ayurveda without considering the “Ojasa”, the Turiya State of Matter that runs the universe but its degeneration process start slowly and once started can never be stopped very easily and thus what the modern world calls the 6th Extinction of Life on the Earth Systems, and it seems we lack the 7 Dimensional Philosophy of the Mana, which when realized (Apana Mool) lives in the “Pargasa”, the Sukhsagra, the Joti Saroopa”, and the thus “Virtual I”, the Particle (Modern Artificial Theory of Semiconductors with very difficult possible retreat as it gives all results too quickly as it mostly seems), and thus the need to know the 1 Sacred Dimension of Power, the Bala, the “Real I”, the Light, the Wave, and thus the Nama Theories as we have discussed in the previous part:
“The Ayurveda and the Sacred Dimensions of the Universe: Matter, Sound, Energy, Light, Sacred Semiconductors and Role of Sacred Education Systems in the Health and Wellness Management – Be Happy Philselfologically – 77”
The most important point in these discussions is that all the Roga , Bhoga, Yoga have only the Artificial Use of the Kundalini, the Semiconductors, and thus are called the Sacred Tools and Instruments of the Shakti, the Mana, the Sound Energy Conversions into the Light. Only the humans have the Rarest Gift of the “Power Dimensions, which are the Dimensions of Space that always remains one as the “Par+akasa” and the “Par+gasa” that means the Space (Parkasa) and the Electromagnetic Systems (Pargasa) in it” to do what even the Gods as the Deva’s, the Citizens of the Heavens may not do as they all live as the “Bhoga Species”, who must follow the Sacred 7 Dimensions of the Shakti, the Force, unlike the Power, the Bala Dimensions which only the Humans can have, and thus the Gurbani says that the Shakti Controls even the Deva’s!
Thus, any experiment on the plants, insects and animals may solve the Physiology (Vata, the Tamo), Psychology (Kapha, the Rajo as the Homeopath checks the coating and color of tongue), and the Chemistry (Pita, the Sato Guna) of Humans but not the Philosophy and the Original, the Pure Innovation as we know the plants, animals and humans have the same levels and thus face the roga, bhoga and the yoga problems alike and thus the natural healthcare of the natural, the physical world, the Roga managements, the Vata, and thus the “Vata’varan”, the Husband of the Vata Systems, the Environment of Nature in the world, the earth systems, and the “bhoga”, the Kapha, the biological world health management in the world, which is also popular as the “Kuphur, Kapharan”, the things not in tune with the physical, the world of physical and the human law and order, and then is the “Yoga” as the “Yogini Management”, which is the Ultimate Management of the Natural 64 Energies in the Universe with the 16 Sacred Vowels as the Head Shakti’s and the 20 Consonants as the Assistant Shakti’s and the Bhagat Kabir Ji says:
“Holy People should worship accept the Force and Energy Dimensions as one and thus the both the Naraka, the Sacred Consonants and the Swaraga, the 4 Varga of 16 Sacred Vowels,”, and that is why they broke the law of the Philosophy that the Philosophers and the Thinkers should not write. So, they wrote the Holy Gurbani, the Teachings of World Religions and Faiths. The major point in it, the Sacred Teachings in the World say the Gurbani is that it deals with the “Power, the Bala Dimensions”, and does not worship the “Shakti, the Prakriti Dimensions” as it saves it to serve the “Power, the Purusha Dimensions”, which are same in the Shakti, the Females and the “Shiva”, the Males.
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!