Transcript of the Video below
I really want to provide something of value for you in the health and wellness sector. This is such a passion of mine. I also want to thank you for joining my Sherrie Carnicle Fitness Page. I’ve been doing a lot with that and I really appreciate your engagement and support and want to provide awesome value to you for you to continue to be healthier and have more vitality and that brings me to today’s topic. Growth hormone and if you’ve heard of it or not heard or not sure why it’s important…I want to explain that there are some ways to naturally boost your bodies ability to increase your growth hormone which is the fountain of youth.


There are people that really need supplemental growth hormone and are going through hormonal changes in their body and need that help. And I agree that this is something some people need. I also agree that there are ways that we can naturally increase our body’s ability to produce growth hormone. So what growth hormone does is it is released like a pulse through exercise and through sleep. It is in stage three of sleep. So if you are not sleeping right your body is likely not getting to stage three sleep. So it’s super important to keep your body lean, to improve your muscle mass, for recovery, sugar and fat metabolism… all the things that you need to maintain that youthfulness. And growth hormone is really the fountain of youth…so how can you naturally boost your body’s ability to produce its own growth hormone?


1. Exercise
The first way that I want to talk about is exercise. Exercise obviously is important for a lot of reasons and it also increases your growth hormone. It’s not just any exercise…so going out and doing jumping jacks or a couple sets of push-ups, and bicep curls…that’s not going to cut it. There is an intensity that you need and certain exercises that are proven to boost your growth hormone which are squats and deadlifts..two exercises I can say that have been clinically proven to boost your bodies growth hormone. If you don’t know how to do it properly I recommend hiring a professional. Even if you get one lesson with a personal trainer…make sure they are very knowledgeable and they know how to put your body in the right positioning. You might have back issues or different problems that don’t allow you to do some of these exercises so don’t worry there are four other ways that I’m going to talk about. However, if you can make sure that you use proper form. So that’s number one.


2. Intermittent Fasting
Number two intermittent fasting. Now there is a lot of different ways to do intermittent fasting. There are some ways in a period of time where you might eat at 8 o’clock at night and then you do not eat for another 16 hours and then you have a four to six-hour window of eating. It will allow your body since you will be sleeping through getting that sleep and then your body will utilize that fuel a lot more efficiently when you have that time period when it’s fasting through the night or those sixteen hours. So that’s one way to do it. There is also cleansing…certain types of cleanses. I believe in a cellular cleanse… so if that is a 1 to 2 day fast. There is a program I coach where we do the fasting and it provides nutrients. So while your digestive system is resting your body is getting nutrients that help eliminate toxins from the cells that help your digestive system rest and also proven to boost growth hormone 1 to 2000% through intermittent fasting. So that is a lifestyle that is hopeful to boost the growth hormone.


3. Managing and Reducing Stress
Number three is a big one and that is to manage and reduce stress. So we all are faced with stress. But we can’t help that. There is mental stress emotional stress, Physical stress…when we are sprinting and working out that is still stress. So what happens when you are bombarded with stress your body releases cortisol. Now we are going to talk about a cascade effect and why stress affects growth hormone. Stress releases cortisol and cortisol is catabolic which means that it breaks down muscle tissue. So when you are in a catabolic state you are decreasing your metabolism and your body is breaking down its own tissue to survive. When you release cortisol it is like eating two donuts without even eating them. It does that to your blood sugar and how it affects the growth hormone is that it reduces your sleep. So when you’re highly stressed you are releasing cortisol and you’re not sleeping at night. Then when you’re not sleeping at night you do not go to stage III of sleep and you’re not releasing the growth hormone. So that is the cascade effect. So you have to manage the first one to help the second one to get to the good sleep. So how do you manage stress? Well, number one your mindset that is something we can control. We walk around and see people but don’t know really what’s going on up here. What we make of things is the biggest piece that stresses us out.  There is something that I learned from a coach once and it was … No Story – No Problem. Something happens that is the event then you decide what the story is about the event and then it’s either a problem or it’s not. So for example let’s say you’re driving down the road and someone cuts you off right there you can decide to let it go and keep doing what you’re doing and being a good driver and just let it go or you can make a story and you can get all mad and frustrated at the person who cut you off and start speeding up and get mad and when you get out of the car and tell The next person you see how this person cut you off and pissed you off on the road. That’s a story and it becomes more so limit those… if something happens just let it go you do not mean that kind of stress in your life. So that is one thing which is mindset. That is just one part of mindset.


Then there are affirmations… What do you say to yourself in the morning?
The minute you open up your eyes in the morning your feet are on the ground… Amen… I have another gift of life today! That is the best way to wake up. It is a gift that not everyone gets to experience. Meditation is another way to calm that stress. I’d like to throw on a guided meditation or throw something on from YouTube …there is a podcast called meditation oasis there is a lot of good meditations that can bring that cortisol level down and get you out of the stress thinking.
Yoga is another good way and then lastly on reducing stress is your environment. So your environment. Who are the people you are hanging around? And what are they talking about? Is it stressing you out? How much control do you have over your environment? Can you limit your exposure to certain people? At work many times you’re not able to do that. You can, however, decide if you were going to make a story about it are you can decide to just focus on you because that is all we have control over.


4. Improve Sleep
Number four is to improve your sleep. You can’t really do number four unless you do number three. Improving sleep what does that mean? That means that you are falling asleep well. You were sleeping through the night you are not waking up. You want to get at least six hours. They say 7 to 8 but as long as I get six solid hours I feel well rested. It’s the quality, not necessarily the quantity. So how do you improve your sleep? One of the things his house soon do you eat before you go to sleep. I like to say at least 2 to 3 hours before you go to bed that allows your digestive system to rest so that it’s not working and you can get into the relaxation state a little bit better. Keep it light before bedtime. Shutting down your technology. I like to put my phone on airplane mode and turn it off at least an hour before bed and then get your mind time to be prepared to relax. You can journal, read a good book. Get your mind in the right direction before winding down the day and that will help improve your sleep.


5. Supplementation
And the last one and supplementation. So supplementation is important since most people don’t get every single thing they need. If you were to eat a perfect diet with 5 to 6 perfect meals with fruits and vegetables, protein, herbs, and extracts. Even then…our soil is not the same as it was when our grandparents were eating because of processing, farming, and different things so we are not necessarily getting the supplementation. So adaptogens are something that helps with stress and sleep… adaptogenic herbs. They help the body adapt to stress so it calms your stress response allows your body to sleep well. Natural Calm is a drink that I drink at night that is a magnesium drink or I do an Epson Salt bath to get the magnesium through bathing, and there is also Melatonin. A little Melatonin can be helpful for sleep. I do coach a program that offers that as well.


To recap…we have the following for Boosting Growth Hormone Naturally: 1. Exercise
2. Intermittent fasting
3. Managing and reducing stress
4. Improving sleep
5. Supplementation
Sherrie Carnicle
Author: Sherrie Carnicle

Hello Friends, my name is Sherrie Carnicle and I am so grateful to connect with you all. My greatest passions are motherhood, communing with nature, animals, the creative arts (writing, dance, music, art, film), personal development/self-mastery, and spirituality.        **        My spiritual awakening began in 2008 when introduced by my yoga instructor Gary to Eckart Tolle's "A New Earth" and then shortly following I read Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret". My Mom fostered an environment focused on faith and I had always been "religious" growing up. I was pretty involved in the Lutheran church, but nothing resonated with me as much as the new spiritual teachings I was learning in 2008. I felt that it finally tied everything together and filled in the gaps that had always been missing in my life. It was about my connection with God and seeing my own Divinity that woke me up. As a personal trainer and nutritionist by trade for over a decade and someone very identified with the body, I felt that I had already mastered the physical realm of existence in a sense therefore I was compelled to dive into spirituality and self-mastery. Once I began to practice...

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