It is my belief that every breath, every thought, every motion, & emotion is a prayer. I believe that we are in constant connection with the energy of Creation. When we begin to realize that our very life is a prayer and that everything around us is connected to this prayer of life we begin to fully grasp the divine nature of our human experience & in that I have found the most beautiful expression of freedom and sovereignty that I have yet known. Everything has spirit and within that spirit lives the essence of the living prayer. This truth, for me is inescapable & as I, with every breath ascend into the energy of the Source Field I begin to reach new heights in understanding that I am but a drop of water in the ocean of all that is & with that same knowing I also realize that I am also the ocean, that we are one and in that connection is the prayer. Through me and through you, through all that surrounds us and all that can be imagined, in the seen and unseen, the prayer flows.
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