So I have Epilepsy,
And baths were one of my first known trigger spots.
I have done a lot of work with this very intense and scary condition since I refused to continue to numb myself with the expensive medication – since western medicine knows so very little about the source and reasoning behind the causes.
So what did I do?
Go withIN to find the REAL root causes of this brain, body and spirit altering condition.
I had to change my entire BEing through my daily practices which include diet, exercise (yoga), meditation and figuring out my triggers through stress, deep-rooted trauma, depression, anxiety, etcetera.
This has been no easy or simple journey. But it has definitely been worth it by sincere in the time and work over these past few years. 🔮

Healing Bath

Healing Herbs
(If you have ANY questions about your own health concerns or mine, please reach out. There is SOul much we can DO to take action for OUR lives. And I feel this is something we should start talking about with all the diagnostics flying around these days.)
My baths have turned into a total ceremony, which I have to stay very mindful of.
Outline of my personal water-dimension traveling journeys:
Take a shower and clean the body to get rid of dirt, grime and bacteria that has built up on yOUR skin.
Clean the tub- both physically and energetically.
Gather your bath alter items, snacks and plenty of fresh water to drink.
Start pulling the water, give thanks for the warm clean water that is about to cleanse you.
Sage the tub area and bathroom to clear out old stagnate or negative energy that could be hangin’ out in there.
Add your herbs, Epson salt, and oils. But remember to bless them in yOUR hand and set your intention with each one for how you wish for them to help you on yOUR journey.
Welcome in the 4 elements for a balanced bath. Water- bath. Fire- candles. Earth- crystals or sacred dirt. Wind- I open the windows to hear and feel Him.
Set up your crystals and other bath altar items around the tub.
Burn some polo-santo to welcome in clear healing energy to yOUR journey space.
Pray once more over the water and set yOUR intentions for what you would like to release, receive or relax INto.
Get IN.