There comes a point in your life when a door slams in your face and you wake up 20 years older. You realize you aren’t where you imagined. You’ve had large successes and even larger failures. You’ve experienced great love and also the kind of loneliness where you cry yourself to sleep many nights.

You grow up and start to love yourself. Your self-esteem is no longer attached to the ebb & flow of society’s trends. You value kindness and ask yourself how you can help the people in your life. You no longer need hedonistic escapisms. You confront your problems. You press on. You are tenacious. You are grateful. You value integrity.

So to everyone out there battling life’s adversities remember you are stronger than you think. Press on. Take time out to thank God for your gifts. Life is short. Be happy!

Ps – I am so very grateful I finally received my new reading glasses, yesterday.

Rebecka Read

Rebecka Read
Author: Rebecka Read

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