Here comes Christmas once again and the holiday spirit captures our souls with all the glitter and the glamor and the parties and merry making. There are lots of food and gifts and buying one wonders what Christmas is really all about. The Christ in the first Christmas was the God who became man. He chose not to be born of a mighty king or even from a well to do family. In fact, Mary only had stables to give birth to. Jesus was born in a time of darkness where the Empire has chosen a tyrant Herod to rule the chosen people. All the children 3 years old and below were massacred by Herod hoping to kill the Messiah. The Jesus of the first Christmas was not fond of glamor and riches for he was to bring true peace on earth — the Reign of God on Earth as in Heaven–where’s there’s justice, wellbeing for the needy and poor, liberation for the oppressed, equality and brotherhood of all peoples. For this reason did he earn the ire of the Roman Empire who executed his crucifixion.

Author: Bodhi

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