We live in times where knowledge is overflowing and yet wisdom has become scarce. From the moment we go to school we are bombarded with so much knowledge about the world and we grow up feeling powerful and in control because of our knowledge. Formal education produce graduates in every field and experts in many aspects of life. We know so much about the world and yet surprisingly we understand so little about life. Wisdom is being delisted in our vocabulary. Try some words of wisdom with your friends and you will get sneers and giggles. Some would say you are sick or have a fever. For the world has valued only facts but not the value behind the facts. We have learned to appreciate the how to’s of everything but detest asking the question why. Yes we can reach the moon but why? Yes we can create nuclear bombs but why? Sam Keen quotes, “Knowledge and fact has overwhelmed us and, in direct proportion, wisdom has disappeared.” Thus we grow up lopsided in a lopsided world. Diseased mindscapes creating diseased landscapes. We drown in knowledge and lose sensitivity to the most poignant aspects of being human–to see with the heart and to touch with the soul. So much knowledge has driven our senses unfeeling. Our preoccupation with facts has disregarded our values and left them out in the cold.

Author: Bodhi

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