When I was a child, I used to dream so much about missions. At night when I was about to sleep, I would go on thinking about my favorite happy thought, which was to be assigned to a mission to a far far away land in Africa where I would bid goodbye to all my loved ones to spend my entire life in an unknown mission area, in total renunciation of the world and working in full abandon, unmindful of the sacrifices, until I finally rest in peace. The Missions. This was what captivated my imagination in almost my entire childhood years. And although that is not what actually happened in my life, what captivated me most is not only the sense of adventure, it is not only the rising up to the challenge of going to an unknown place, but more so because of the all consuming passion to do the Will of God. Almost everyday of my life, I would ask the Lord, what is it you want me to do. I used to taunt God saying, Just tell me what to do, and I will do it. Give me a mission and I will fulfill it. I would not say “Lord let this cup pass away from me…” but would always rather say “ not my will but yours be done.” It should be a pleasure to suffer the tortures of hell itself, should God ask it. Honor to be hanged, glory to be nailed to a cross, Pride to be burned at the stake, if that is what God would ask. I don’t know if it is because of my boastfulness and my pride that I never REALLY received a straight answer from God. The vague answer that I always picked up was this, “What would you rather do?” or “ I give you the freedom.” So now i am here joining causes, and spending my life for whatever its worth my pride and my honor to make the world a better place.

A little act of kindness can make the world a better place. Nothing big or small, just something so little can make someone else’s life better. – Jeremy Limn

I am reminded of a story of the Thornbird. “There was a legend about a bird that sings only once in her life. The moment it leaves her nest, it searches for a thorn tree. Once it has found one, it flies to the highest point and sings. Then it plunges her heart in the thorns. Dying, it sings its most beautiful song and outsings the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song, existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen and God in the heaven smiles. For the best is bought at the price of great pain. Or so says the legend.” From Collen Mccullough. Thornbirds.

Author: Bodhi

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