The human being is an ambivalent being; always searching for more; always asking; not accepting what is standard; always going beyond what is current… Actually there is a an unending quest for being human and this i believe is the gift of the spirit. A taste of this gift is the endless doubt and discomfort at easy answers, shallow relationships, and the compulsion to ignore the obvious so that we may live truthfully with our open and hurting hearts. The spirit also gives gifts of anger at injustice, passion for truth, hate for lies, and obsession for freedom. It is the spirit within us that sheds tears for our neighbors who are hungry and for those who suffer and are in pain. And actually it is the living spirit of our humanity that makes us stupid enough and romantic enough and idealist enough to believe in a better world and that in our smallness we can still make a difference when all the others are drowning in cynicism and despair. Namaste! I greet the mighty Spirit within you now!:

Author: Bodhi

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