How Akhara as Creator of 35 Gurmukhi Quantum Sounds Explains Indian Vigyana (Sacred Science) of Vacuum, Classical and Quantum Universe: OM, NAMO and A’ as Theory of Aspirated Sounds and Superstring Theory: Be Happy Philselfologically 157
In this part of the series, we discuss how the OM, NAMO and the Akhara Theory of Vibrations explain the Classical, Quantum and the Information Universes.
The Religion, the Quantum Side of Universe (Right Brain) differs from its Classical Counterpart of “Spiritualism, Yoga and Meditation” that focuses on the “Mastery of Logic and Rationalism”, and thus the Intellectualism in the world.
In the Indian Civilizations, the Quantum Sacred Systems are known by NAMO, the Christ Theory, and it supports all Reincarnations, and the OM Theory is the Classical Theory of God as Light and Bliss, but may not believe in the Quantum, the Consciousness present in the “Living Systems”, and thus the Ishwara Sacred Systems.
One of the major problems in the Establishment of World Peace is that the Classical Systems claim that the animals injected with painless systems “do not feel pain”, and thus Classical Systems do not exactly support the Ishwara, the Consciousness.
Most of the Modern Indian Doctrines as well in most of the countries after World War 2 seem to be based on Classical Systems that are against (means do not well support) the Ishwara, the Consciousness, the Quantum Systems. We notice its “Effect and Impact” on the “Revolutionary Systems; Political Parties, Religions and Social Organizations” who openly seem to support the Classical Theory of Mesmerism and the European Revolutionary Theories as well as communism, rationalism, and logic of western revolutions that put the Vortex Atomism down as the Atomism, and thus Intellectualism as the best. Thus, most of Modern Indians are influenced by “Modern Intellectualism as in the Rest of the World”.
The Quantum Systems of Paradigm Shift of 2012 has brought the Vortex Atomism back that has now transformed the European Countries and Civilizations back to the Vortex Atomism.
The Modern Depression seems to be the Depression of Intellectualism, Logic, Rationalism, and thus it seems the Depression of say “Left Brain or the Intellectual’s Depression” if we may call it so, which seem to be influenced by the “Revolutionary Movements in the Modern World based on the Left Brain that supports Atomism, but not the Vortex Atomism”. In other words, its the “One Sided Brain Empowerment”, which we have discussed in the previous parts of the series:
“Its the “Theory of NAMO is the Theory of Spectrum, and OM creates from Light, the White Light”. Thus, the Modern Nano Systems, Optical Fiber Theories, the Theories of Vortex, Metamaterial Systems and all that we know as the “Nuclear Systems” is nothing but the NAMO Theory. What we know the Bhakta, the Bhagat in Indian Systems follow it, and the Priests follow the “Law of the Holy Books and Abide to it” and that is the OM Theory, the Theory of Modern Education Systems. That has a very clear and significant difference that Sacred Education Systems are the NAMO Systems, and the Law and Constitution Based Education Systems are the OM Systems, and when we accept it without showing flags on the “Light, OM and the Spectrum, NAMO”, we can have peace in the world and that is the scientific peace! We at the Life Dynamix – Wings for All and the Life Glowing Path Inc. Pray for all in the world.”
Quantum Math, Physics and Computing: How Sanskrit, OM Theory, Punjabi, Gurmukhi, NAMO Theory Helps in Establishment of Scientific World Peace: Parmatama and Parmeshwara as Christ and Antichrist Theories in Languages: Be Happy Philselfologically 103
The religion is the quantum art that follows the consciousness, and when it, the consciousness suffers, we may call it the “global suffering”, and it seem to harm the quantum universe of consciousness!
Now, we have put all of the above for the OM, NAMO and the Akhara Theory of Vibrations explain the Classical, Quantum and the Information Universes.
The most popular terms are the Gyana, A-gyana and the A-khara Systems. The Classical Systems in any world civilizations go for the Gyana, the Space Element as the Light, and the A-gyana goes for using the Perception, the Sound as the Alternative to the Gyana Systems. However, both the Gyana and the A-gyana cannot exist without the A-khara, the A-kara and the Aa-kara Systems. For this reason, all of the world theories follow the Gyana (Classical), A-gyana (Knowledge about Sound and Perception Systems), and the A-khara alone stands as the Vi-gyana as every science in the world deals neither with the Gyana and the A-gyana as this is human levels of observations as the Gyana is the Light as the Observer and the A-gyana as the Human Perception, and these thus create the Human Classical Philosophies of Light and Sound Observers and that is the Concretion and the Perception, and it has nothing to do with the A-khara Systems, which is the Guru, the Quantum Gravity Systems.
As Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who explained the Quantum and the Classical Universe Theories to the Yogis of Himalaya (Sidh Goshti, the Theory of Classical Universe) and to the South Indians (Dakhani Onkara, the Theory of Quantum Universe), but also stated that its the A-khara, the Vibration and Sound in the universe that deals with both the Quantum and the Classical Universes popular as the Right and Left Brain Theories.
In the Left and Right Brains, the Two Dipoles, the 3rd and the 4th Dipole is the A’ and the A(=A’-A’) as the Vibration, which the Indian Sacred Systems simply put as the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’ with the 2A’=A and the 4A’=AA=2A as the Dipole, the Merkaba present in the “Central Nervous Systems, which deals with the Left and Right Brains as if the A’, A and AA Systems, and thus creates the “Sacred Dipole in the Human Nervous Systems”.
The World Classical Theories see the AA, the 2A=4A’ as the Light, the Classical View, but the A=A’A’=2A’ gives us the Sound, the Quantum Universe, the Greater Ease to Know Thyself and Universe Systems.
The A’ at the Center of Creation is attached and aligned with the A’-0 and the 0-A’ where the 0, the Zero Point of Energy of Vacuum is present, and thus we have the 0-0, the Vacuum, the 0-A’, the Karta, the Human Essence of Consciousness, the Neurons and the Neural Networks. It creates the 0-A’-A’, 0-A, 0-2A Systems, which are thus the Supersymmetry (0-0), the Super-partners, the Fermions (0-A’) and the Bosons (0-A), and the Solid Systems of 0-2A. Its thus the Quantum Sea, which is called the Bhava-sagara (Quantization of Vibrations), the Quantum Sea of “0-A’-A-AA”, which creates every thought, feeling, emotion and all that we can think, feel and imagine.
We all live as long as we have the “0-A’-A-AA” inside us, which are the 3 Observers, the Classical (Light), Quantum (Sound) and the Information (A-khara) present, and when we have the Quantum, the Sound Systems going from say the AA to A, we face the physical death of body, we live with the “0 and A”, and finally after universe faces death, we still live with our identity as the “0-0” (Puran, the Pooran, the Complete I, the Self-identity)
In reality as the space never dies, one never dies at the vacuum level of 0-A’ and the 0-A’-A’, and that makes us the “Dipoles of Universe”, which is the 0, A’, A, and AA, and it has its allied as say with the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, and in these two Dipoles and the Anti-dipoles, we have only the A’ as the Vowel Creator, the SA of the SURA”, and the SU, the Light as the Dot is merely the A’ and when we quantize it, we have the “0-A’-A-AA” Systems created from it, and that makes the A’, the SU what we know as the Quantization of Vacuum and Light as the SURA, and the S is A’ and its the Aspirated Sound of Vacuum as say also the Sound of M in our physical world, and we have the “0-A’-A-AA” as the Set of N Sounds, and that is also the “Secret of Creation” that is popular as the “Theory of Bindu, the Brahma” with the “Theory of Bindi, the Shakti, the “0-A’-A-AA” Systems”, and what we see as the Bindi, the Physical World is only our own wished manipulation of the vacuum, the free zero point energy, and its called the karma Theory in the Indian Sacred Systems as well as the Other Sacred World Civilizations.
The Bindu is dealing with both the Vacuum, the 0, the Zero and the Bindi, the Decimals Systems, and that is what “we” are as the “Vacuum Free Energy Systems” in the space, who also create the universes. When we go to the higher levels of consciousness, the higher planes, we are also know as the “Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and Durga”, and they are also part of our team of universe, and we slowly become the same as they are, but still maintain our own identities of I, the Consciousness. All of it does not happen with Gyana or A-gyana, but the Akhara, the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’ as the A, E, O and AE, the Sacred Dipole Systems, the Merkaba Systems of the Universes, which is the Vi-gyana, the Science of the Universal Systems, and its for the “Spiritual Cloning of Physical Bodies where I, the Self-identity” does not change. This is the “Theory of 35 Quantum Sounds”, which creates the Vedas and the Gurbani, and thus the Vi-gyana, the Science.
We notice two popular terms in the Indian Akhara Vigyana, the Science of Information Universe, the Sacred Science, and that is about the Quantization of Sound Energy of “H” in the SAHA Systems, and that makes the HA as the HANA, the HANSA, and the two terms are the A-Hankara, and the Hankara, which talks and discusses about the Philosophers A, the Vibration Theory and the H, the Quantization who attain the “Ego Problem as either Hankara or the A-hankara”, and assume they do the “real research in the given fields, and if the person doing work on the both the Ahankar and Hankara gets any status that is called the S-ankara, the Level of Messenger of Light, and that is personal choice for A-hankara, Hankara and the S-ankara, and if one even leaves these three one goes to the Kara Systems, and thus goes one with the Karta, the Quantum God Himself in the Indian Sacred Systems as described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism.
So, how we can understand the Akhara Theory of Quantizations of Vibrations of A’ as the A, E, O and AE is very simple, we have the following format for the Akhara Theory:
OM Mantra NAMO
Kara Aaakara Akara=Light (Kara) Matter (Aakara) Spectrum (Akara)=OM Mantra NAMO=Sacred Theory of Cobordism=M-W-N
Now, the Kara, the Light (we happen to know this Kara Light as the Kiran), gives us the Spectrum, which is the Vibration of Light as Transverse and that is the Akara, and as the Longitudinal Wave its the Aa-kara, the Aakara, and that is Light as Vibration of A and AA (2A). Its the basic of not only Indian languages, but almost all world languages.
So, what we know as the Mantra from the Kara (Light) and Akara (Spectrum) is the Akhara Vigyana, and it has the Akara that we see say in the following manner as the A, E, O, A for the Indian Vigyana (Vijnana) Systems:
“Vijñāna (Sanskrit) or viññāṇa (Pāli<1> is translated as “consciousness,” “life force,” “mind,”<2> or “discernment.” (With thanks from the source: )
The Akhara Vigyana starts with the 0, the No Senses, Perception, and Vibration as the Consciousness, the Quantity of Senses and Perception, and that is what we can always label as the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’ that has transitions of 2A’ as the A’-A’ and 4A’ as the 2A-2A, and that is what constitute the Akhara Vigyana, that also goes for the O-OO, A-AA, E-EE, AE-AAEE, OA-OOAA, EO-EEOO, the 6 Sensory and the Motor Nerve Systems, which are the Maatra’s, the Vowels, and it constitute the Indian Vigyana, the Sciences of Universe, Consciousness and Life Dynamics that we know as the Indian Sacred Systems:
“Ṣaḍāyatana (Sanskrit) or saḷāyatana (Pāli) means the six sense bases (Pāli, Skt.: āyatana), that is, the sense organs and their objects.<1> These are:
1. Eye and Vision
2. Ear and Hearing
3. Nose and Olfaction
4. Tongue and Taste
5. Skin and Touch
6. Mind and Thought
(With thanks from the source:… )
We can also put these 6 Male and 6 Female Sounds of N, the Shakti, the Force as the 12 Nidana, the 12 Physical Bodies of the Bindi, the Consciousness, the N Sounds as the O-OO, A-AA, E-EE, AE-AAEE, OA-OOAA, EO-EEOO, which are the 12 Vibrations as the Treasure of Sound Vibrations, the Bindi that we have. (Please read more about it from here: )
These 6 Males and 6 Females as the O-OO, A-AA, E-EE, AE-AAEE, OA-OOAA, EO-EEOO also constitute the Singular Vibartion of O, A, E, AE, OA and EO as the NAMA Theory, and the Plural, the Dual Vibrations of OO, AA, EE, AAEE, OOAA, and EEOO create what we have discussed as the MANA, and the NAMA has its pair as the RUPA (MANA), and thus the NAMA-MANA as the NAMA-RUPA is well discussed here:
“The term nāmarūpa is used in Hindu thought, nāma describing the spiritual or essential properties of an object or being, and rūpa the physical presence that it manifests. These terms are used similarly to the way that ‘essence’ and ‘accident’ are used in Catholic theology to describe transubstantiation. The distinction between nāma and rūpa in Hindu thought explains the ability of spiritual powers to manifest through inadequate or inanimate vessels – as observed in possession and oracular phenomena, as well as in the presence of the divine in images that are worshiped through pūja…
This term is also used in Buddhism, to refer to constituent processes of the human being: nāma is typically considered to refer to psychological elements of the human person, while Rūpa refers to the physical. The Buddhist nāma and rūpa are mutually dependent, and not separable; as nāmarūpa, they designate an individual being.<1> Namarupa are also referred to as the five skandhas.” (With thanks from the source: )
When we consider the A-AA, we also have its object that produces the vibrations of A-AA, and its here that we have it all as say A-“A-AA”-AA, where the transitions of A-AA, and its subject and object levels of A and the AA make it all the A-“A-AA”-AA, and thus all 12 Systems of Sounds (The Aggregates, the Systems of Fire the Aga) have the levels of 18 Dimensions of the Sounds, Subjects and the Objects as what we know as the Skandha, the 18 Dhatu Systems:
“The Eighteen Dhātus<ag> – The Six External Bases, the Six Internal Bases, and the Six Consciousnesses – function through the five aggregates. The eighteen dhātus can be arranged into six triads, where each triad is composed of a sense object, a sense organ, and sense consciousness. In regards to the aggregates.
1. The first five sense organs (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body) are derivates of form.
2. The sixth sense organ (mind) is part of consciousness.
3. The first five sense objects (visible forms, sound, smell, taste, touch) are also derivatives of form.
4. The sixth sense object (mental object) includes form, feeling, perception and mental formations.
5. The six sense consciousness are the basis for consciousness. (With thanks from the source: )
With our objects (25 Consonant Systems), subjects (Vowels), the 0 (as the SAHA) as the Consciousness and the Dualism of name-rupa (mana) with the Dualism of Vowels as the Longitudinal and the Transverse Waves and the Vibrations, we can sum up it as follows:
“Four Paramatthas: The Abhidhamma and post-canonical Pali texts create a meta-scheme for the Sutta Pitaka’s conceptions of aggregates, sense bases and dhattus (elements).<24> This meta-scheme is known as the four paramatthas or four ultimate realities.
Ultimate realities: There are four paramatthas; three conditioned, one unconditioned:
1. Material phenomena (rūpa, form)
2. Mind or Consciousness (Citta)
3. Mental factors (Cetasikas: the nama-factors sensation, perception and formation)
4. Nibbāna
(With thanks from the source: )
One of the great thing about the 12 Vowel Sounds, the 18 and the 24 Vowel Sound Pairs, we have it as the Parallel Sounds of Vowels, which has the ability to restore as with the A=A’+A’, AA=2A=A+A, and even the O=0+A’, A=A’+A’ and E=O+A gives the Dynamics of Universe as the Vibrations, Waves and the Quanta Systems, and in the SAHA Systems of Quantum Spacetime of the Quantum Sounds, we have all the Vowels as the SA+HA and thus the 35 Sounds of HA, the Vowels, which we then represent as the Light Expressed as the Akhara, the Akara, the Shape in the Universal, the Quantum Flows of A and AA that is well known as the A-Dhara and the AA-Dhara, which simply means the Flow of the A’, A and the 2A Systems, where the Dhara, the Quantum Flows follow the Unique Laws, Principles, Rules, Regulations, and thus giving the Special Characteristics, Qualities and the Virures of the Given Natural Flow is called the Dhara(m), the Dharma, the Religion in its popular terms as explained in the Sa-kanda and the Sa-kandha Sacred Systems with the names of Nama, Rupa, Dhatu and thus the 36 Dimensions of the Superstring as the 18 Dhatus’, the Elements in the Indian Sacred Systems also have the A-“A-AA”-AA with the A’-A’-“A’-A'”-“A’-A’-A’-A'”-A’-A’-A’-A’ as the Other 18 Dhatu’s that are the Shakti Dhatu, the Bindi Systems of the A’ for the Bindu Systems of the 0, which coexist as the Siva (0) and Sakti (A’), and thus as the 0-A’ creating the SAHA as the 0-A’, and that the rest of the universe is the “Layers, the Khanda’s as say with the A’+A’=A, 2A=A+A=2A’+2A’=4A’ and dimensionally as the O, A, E and AE as the Pada, the Sacred Positions of the Vibrations of the String in the Universe, and thus the String and the Superstring Theory.
Now, we may wonder what the 0 and A’ are in our daily life, its the Origin, the M of the Circle of Sound and the Point on the Circumference which we put as the A’, and thus 0 and A’ is the Theory of Circle of Sound with One Center of M, and Millions of Sound Points of N, which we discuss and describe with the A’, A, E, O, AE, and other vowels. In other words, when we fix spring to the fixed point, its 0, and when we use the spring it stores the energy of A’, A, 2A and thus the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’. If we use the Tuning Fork, we have the Base of Fork as say M, the Two Vibrating Ends as the A’ and A’, which if we combine give us the A’+A’=A and Other Vibrations:
The mass on the spring as the “Creator of A’ Vibrations”:
In this context, the Spring Theory is the Linear Expression of A’ and A’-A’ that depicts the String Theory as the O and A with E=O+A.
The quantum systems of vibrations as the A’, A and with 2A=A+A explains how nothing differs from the God Systems of “0, A’, A, 2A”, which vibrate in the universe as the O, A, E, AE or A, E, O, AE Dipole of Vibrations. In this context, we have the 2A as the Solid Vibrations of the Universe, the A as the Vibration of the Consciousness as God Systems named Vishnu Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems, and the A’ is the Co-existential Systems of God as the particle wave with its Pure Light Form of Light Waves as the 0, the Zero, the Bindu Systems. The 0-A’-A-2A is the Finest Expression of Indian Theory of Cobordism for the Spirituality as the Waves and the Vibrations of 0, A’, A and the AA or 2A, and no one can understand everything about the 0, A’, A and AA or 2A Systems as its called the A(N)T(A) Systems, which means the Infinite N Quantum Points of A, the God Vibration. The only way to know, understand, and learn and research the God Vibration of 0, A’, A and AA or 2A is to be ONE with it, and its then called the A-bheda, the Secret of A-vibrations of God. In other words, if one wants the Anta, the Bheda of God Vibration, one may never realize it to materialize, but the Abheda (Oneness) is the only known secret to “Realize and Materialize the God Vibration of A”.
Every scientist and the researcher in the world seem to have expressed that the God Vibration as the Holy Spirit helps realize and materialize the God Secrets, and Einstein, Newton, Galileo, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and other known ones have said and expressed it in their writings, the researches, the testimonials and the witness that the Secret of Universe is nothing but oneness. Moreover, the 0, A’, A, 2A or AA express and explain the universe as the O, A, E, AE for the 0, A’, A, 2A or AA respectively, and the Patanjali Yog Shastra (Ancient) with Sanskrit expressing it as A, E, O, AE, the 4 Pada Theory and the Sikh Gurus (Modern) have expressed it as the W-A-H-E-G-U-R-U, the W, H, G, R for A, E, O, AE as WAHEGURU, which is same as the A, I, E, O, U, the 5 Basic Vowels in the World Languages, Grammars, Linguistics, and the Vibration, Music, Harmonics, etc. Theories in general.
If we see and notice Sanskrit Language, the WAHE and GURU, we can notice the Guru as the K, Kha and Ga, that gives the Kuru (Do) and the Guru as only having the dimensional differences in the Theory of Elements and the Indian Alphabets as based on the Research work of Philselfology that strives to work on the “Most Ancient Indian and the World Theories and Works on the Alphabets having the Theory of Elements, Dimensions, Basic Elements, Light, Consciousness, Universe, Waves, Vibrations, Studies of Cosmos, Astrology, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Languages, Linguistics, Grammars, Etymology, Syntax, and the Quantum Sacred Systems in the World Civilizations” as its the origin, base, and the basics of Vedas, Gurbani, and Other World Sacred Systems, both the classical and the quantum.
Its well said here about how Vacuum (0), Subatomic Vibrations (A’), Atomic Vibrations (A) and the Matter Vibrations (2A or AA) coexist and operate:
“Quantum physics states that something can actually come into existence only when it is observed. That means that something only exist because a mind first thought it into existence. Everything exists primarily as a quantum potentiality or Quanta. When something is observed, Quanta which is Energy come together to form subatomic particles, and in turn atoms, then molecules until finally something manifests in the physical world as a localized space-time event that can be observed by the five physical senses.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Now, when we study Science, we seem to think statistically and we can take an example that gives insight into how we tend to think and imagine:
“Absolute Zero (0° Kelvin) is also known as −273.15° Celsius and −459.67° Fahrenheit. It is the temperature where all matter looses it’s momentum/kinetic energy.” (With thanks from the source:… )
When we say the Zero Degree Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, we need to imagine that its the Zero Thermal Energy, but seem to think and imagine that various temperatures exist in nature and its “-, 0, +”, the upper and the lower limits that make us go away from the “Base of Topic”, and we may keep imagining about temperature without considering that its the “Energy, and its related with Vacuum, Zero, Static, Kinetic, Dynamic and Quantum Systems”, and very easily constitutes the “Single Model and Theory of Everything”, and follows the Law of Conservation of Energy. In this context, we can also think and imagine that temperature, the thermal energy is an “Energy, the identity, which we can quantize”, and that is how the Sacred Indian Systems explain it; 0, O, A, E and AE in which the Thermal Energy is at its Vacuum, the Zero Level (0), its Static (O), Kinetic (A) and Dynamic (E), and of course it goes as Quantum, the “AE”, the 4th Pada in Indian Sacred Sciences, Maths and the Other fields and faculties of “Forms of Energy”. The Indian researchers, sages, seers and thinkers have always “Quantized Everything into 4 Pada (Quanta) Systems based on the Vibration Theory, and thus the O, A, E, AE”.
Now, when we consider the 0, O, A, E, AE, we have it all as the E=M*C*C or E=M*C^2, and in our hypothesis, its simply:
EA=O*E*A=M*C*V, and what it says is interesting:
“What theory? energy = matter, condensed squared right? e=mc2 E = mc2 gives the rest energy of some mass; c is the speed of light. so e=mc2=DxV where D is atomic density and V is Vibration, and mc2 describes the atomic level; while DxV describes particles at the sub atomic level.
(With thanks from the source:… )
If one dimension is the density, we can put that E=O*A at the Vibration Level!
(Please note its quantum analysis and not classical one)
We will edit and add.
P.S.: Just to request it again that all of these works are based on the Gurmukhi as described in last 300 years of imperialism and in 600 years of compilation of Gurmukhi, the Quantum Sacred Systems of the Gurbani (11th Century-17th Century), and differs from the Sanskrit Language in many cases, more research works are required to established as the most compatible systems with the Quantum Systems, the Siva as written in the Raga Compositions of the Gurbani on this format, we hope for the best results in this regard.
The Previous Part of the Series: How 35 Gurmukhi Quantum Sounds Explain Languages, Sacred Grammars, Linguistics, Consciousness, 5 Basic Elements, Light, Religions, Faiths, Spiritualism, Yoga, Meditation, Universe and Achim Kempf Quantum Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically 156
The Next Part of the Series: How 35 Quantum Sounds in Gurmukhi, Indian Alphabets, and Vibration Theory of 4 Dipole Pada as A, E, O, AE Describe Information Universe, Superstring Theory, Sacred Languages, Grammars, Invariant Math: Be Happy Philselfologically 158
Thanks for your time!
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