How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and His Gurmukhi Language Explain Theory of Millions of Universes and Superuniverses, Indian and Arabian Languages, Grammars and Linguistic Systems, Light and Consciousness: Be Happy Philselfologically 154

In this part, we discuss how Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has explained the millions of universes, super-universes, human consciousness, vacuum, zero point energy, multiverses and lot many things while using the natural sounds of the sounds expressed in the Indian and the Arabian Alphabets, Vowels and Consonants, and thus the basics of world languages, linguistics and the grammars. It needs that if one wants to comprehend it, one need to know and learn the Basic Indian Theory of Vowels, Consonants, Elements, Dimensions, 5 Basic Elements, Light and Consciousness, and one can learn it by reading, studying and researching this series of “Be Happy Philselfologically”.

How and where we notice the “Role of Dimensions in the Cartesian and Circular Systems in the Indian Alphabets, the Invariant Math” is in the way these are added. For example, when we notice the Vowels, we have the following configurations:

SA+(0+SA+HA)+CH=S+ACH as the Vowels

SA+(0+SA+HA)+CH=S+AJA as the Consonants

The above addition gives about how many “spins” has been added to the given “primal spin” say we have the ACH, the Indian Vowel Systems.


The consonants on the other hand are given by:


Now, in the initial view, we may notice that these “spins” are impossible, but the Indian Sacred Systems put the reasons, and that it goes to the presence of MA+NA that these spins occur:

A+ MA+NA+A’-CH-A’+ =A-(N)-J

The above gives the “2 Primal Spins”, and the 3rd Spin occurs due to addition of the “V or B”, which in the Indian Alphabets and Theory of Elements is the “Quantum or the Solid Dimension” added to the A-(N)-J:


Now, the Dimensional Structure of the Indian Term of “Vianjana” is almost ready, but we have to specify how it has any link to the 3-Dimensions, and it needs “E, EE, I” as say at the VI, VE’, VEE, and to show that it’s the plural or multiple, we have to add the “N” at the end, and thus we have:


We then write it as Vianjana for English use, but in reality it need not have the A’s and thus, we can it as: VI-A-N-J-N

Such additions, which convert say CH, the “First Dimension of Air Element” to the “Third Dimension of Air Element”, and thus the JA, and that is ACH, the ACHA as the AJ, the AJA.

In this aspect of the Indian Grammars, we notice that all dimensions get used, converted and modified in a single word, and if we study only one Indian word properly, we can understand all dimensions of the universe. For this reason, the “Indian Words as Mantras” is the Philosophy of Dimensions while using the Vowels and Consonants as the Spins and Dimensions, and each vowel as the “spin” or “spins” is the change in the dimensions of “Light, Matter and Consciousness” and “Energy Levels when the Vowels are also the Base that we change”.

The O, A, E, EA, and the Higher Dimensions are the “Dimensional Spins”. As the A’-A’, the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’, these Spins are the “Fermion Spins”, and as the 0’-0’, the 0’, 0’, 0’ as the left, right and central 0-Spins, these are the “Direction Spins”, and constitute the “SU(N) Systems, which we know as the 4th Dimension in the Philosophy of Consciousness”. The SU(N) experiences the Vacuum, the Zero Point Energy Systems of the Millions of Universe, which we can also study as the Infinite Universes.

The SU(N), the 0’-0’ Systems, when get the “Space Element” without which the “Space is an Empty Place, the Vacuum” where nothing visible can exist, give us the Su(kh)-O-Pata Systems, and that is as follows:

0’-K’-0’, and the K’ is the “Space Element as the Impurity”, and it’s the SU(KH) instead of SU(N) as in the SU(N), we have the Space, but if we want to create the Space Element, we have to add the “First Impurity of the Space Systems”, and that is the use and creation of “spin” that is thus the K’, and as it creates the “Spin and Quantum Gravity”, we feel as if its “my system” in the human consciousness, and this SU(KH) that visualizes the “Quantum Universe” when get next impurity of P, the Solid Systems in the Indian Theory of Elements becomes “SU(P)-N”, and the main word is only the SU(P), and it’s the Straight Line of Concentric Circles that goes through the SU(N), SU(KH) and SU(P) as 0, 1 and the 3-Dimensional World that later jointly goes into 3-Dimensional Physical World, and in it, the SU(P) is the Visual of Classical Universe. Then after the SU(N), SU(KH), SU(P), the 3 Supreme Systems of Consciousness, we arrive to the “local network”, and that is what we know as the SACH as the SAJA, and in simple and plain language, it’s the ACH-AJ Transitions in Space, which we happen to see as the 3-Dimensional World, and thus the JA-GA, the JAG (JAGA) and JUG (JUGA) Theories, which we apply to the “World of Consonants” in which the ACH, the Vowels go the Spins, and AJA as the Vianjana goes to the Consonants, the Physical World, the Matter, the Clusters of Consonants, which dissipate maximum energy from the human body and its existence.

We have to focus on how we visualize the “Vacuum, Classical and Quantum Universes”, which we have as the 3 Observers, yes the Conscious Observers having the names of Karta Purakh, Akal Purakh and Akaal Moorati and many other names, which are also God, the Observer’s Names : We notice that the “SA” is Light that does not glow as the white light glows, and if we imagine how black light glows as white light is one of the question that invites the theories of black body, radiations and white light. When we say we see “white light” , it comes from the “black body radiations”, and even the sunlight that we see comes from the burning of hydrogen in it, and when we see electric bulb giving light, it too gives it due to heat, the flow of electricity, the currents. For this reason, most of the new scientists, and or the young scientist when thinks of “Vacuum as the Center of Universe” thinks that when we go to vacuum, if it glows, it should be different from the black body that gives light on earth systems, so we keep digging at the same neuron hoping that it will glow.

Yes, it glows, but that may be piezoelectric glow, and a reaction to our excessively digging it. This glow is common in brain piezoelectric systems as our brain gives results to movements of the body and reacts to the waves, vibrations and the pulses or the spins, and that is not the vacuum. In this context, the SU(N) is the 1-Dimensional Space Systems that are concentric circles, which has expanded to infinities from its zillions of years of expanding, which too is almost infinite time of expanding. Light travels to infinite places for infinite time and this is infinitely going on in the space. We happen to live a kind of life, where we “tap” things, and store ethereal systems, sunlight, air, water, fire, earthly solid systems, and we may not imagine how light travels for millions of years and what are the light years say if light travels for an year and comes to meet us and say o well, it took just a year to reach you from the other galaxies, and how we imagine as if it travels 300m per minute or at most 1500km per hour as if some racing car. Light travels from sun and we get it within 8 minutes, but spreads into the universe and keeps moving with same speed reaching to far off places in thousands of years and many light years.

So, the SU(N) is the Light, which is the Philosophy of “Sleeping Light” as if one jumps saying it’s the Kundalini and Chakra Systems, but its also the atoms, molecules, nuclear and other systems, and where we need more attention say in the Wood, Coal, Petrol, and anything that can give light, but we have not gone to dig it as we dig the coal and petroleum. Well, some doctors feel confused when a religious person or one who practices meditation goes and says: “You know I feel Su(n)”, and both discuss “Numbness”, and patient gets the antidepressants and cannot sleep all day.

Well, the SU(N) Energy needs that we first convert it into the SU(KH), and that is to create the Poles, Bi-poles, Tri-poles and Dipoles, so that its “Starts to Spin” and glows, and thus gives light energy, and also the thermal energy. The “Thermal Energy, the Heat Energy” comes when we put it to the SU(P), the Third Level and “Force of Friction” starts to act, and thus it gives then light, electricity, magnetism, thermal systems as a result of “Spins at the Vacuum, Nuclear, Orbital and the Orbit Level”. It changes the “Light that is at 0 or 1-Dimension as the SA, SU(N), and goes into SU(KH) and SU(P), the 2nd and 3rd Dimensions, and most confusing remains that if SU(P) is 3rd Dimension, what is the 4th Dimension, and when we count the 0-Dimension, it’s the 4th Dimension, and if we start to count from the 1-Dimensional Systems, it’s the 3rd Dimension. When we get the “Physical World Results from the SA, SU(N), SU(KH), and SU(P), we feel most pleased”! 


We here need to think of the SU(P) with its roots, etymology and the syntax systems, and its as the SW(P), and that the P goes through the Quantum Systems as according to the Indian Alphabets and Theory of Elements (also Theory of Quantum Elements), and thus the popular word and term of Swapna, and that is the SU(P) is the Quantized P (Solid Elements, the P, F (PH), B, BH, M) Systems. If we want to understand it in our daily life, it’s the “Process of Ionization that is SA, SU(N), SU(KH), SU(P)”, and we notice that when two atoms say Sodium and Chlorine give us the Sodium Chloride, its all from the SU(N) State of NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) and HCL (Sodium Chloride), and when we put both to reaction, it’s the SU(KH), and we get the following:

NaOH, HCl (SU(N) State) (In nature most of the things are preserved and thus do not go through the chemical reactions)

NaOH+HCl (Su(kh) State) (When we offer environment, the chemicals get initiations to react) (Its called the Aadi)

Na(+)Cl(-), the Time of Charge Ionization (SU(P) State) (There is the middle state of charge ionization) (Its called the Madha)

NaCl, H2O (Ja(g), Jaga, Jagrit, the Ionization Completion State) (Its called the Anta)

In the Initial (Aadi), Middle (Madha) and Final (Anta) States, the SU(N), the Vacuum Systems remain present. The Gurbani, the sacred Doctrine of Quantum Systems, the Philosophy of Quantization (Vowels), Quantity (Consonants) and Quantum (Elements) and the Dimensions as the Philosophy of Indian Sacred Systems as described by the Sikh Gurus and the Indian Bhagat’s says:

“Aadi Ant Madh Pooran Parmesurah…” (Gurani)

“In the Initial, Middle and Final Stage and State of Every Reaction, and thus in Everything, Vacuum State and Level remain present”

In this context, the Gurbani is the Wisdom Tree of All World Religions, Faiths and Civilizations.

Thus, the Gurbani describes and explains the 0-Spin Systems of Space, the SA, Vacuum as the Zero Energy Systems as the First Universe Systems as the Sachkhanda (SA+ACH, the Light and Consciousness as ONE, and thus the God, the Light Who Speaks), and then it discusses the Quantum Universe as that of the Matter as the Antimatter, which is run by the Shakti, the Kinetic Energy, the Durga Systems, and finally the “Mrit Mandala, the Sphere of Matter”, the Physical Universe, the Universe, which has been studied and research as the Classical Universe of Gods, Humans and the Devils alike. So, we have the Space and Anti-space as Space and Space-Element Systems, Matter and Antimatter Systems as the Vacuum and Quantum Universe, which creates the Classical Universe Systems. The Antimatter is also popular as the Dark Matter and Black Matter and Energy Systems, and it’s the Abode of Durga, the Shakti, the Primal Kinetic (Electric) Energy Systems. The reason for saying SU(N) simply means the Magnetic Universe, which when we spins with the 0-Spin creates the Electric Universes.

The Indian Sacred Systems call the Electric Universe as the Beejali Systems, and the Magnetic Systems as the Beeja Systems. The Beeja means the B+EE+JA Systems, the 3-Dimensional of B (P, PH, B, BH, M) as from the B+EE+CH, which is the Strong 3-Dimensional Force of “CH”, the Light and Consciousness as the Kinetic Systems of the Universe, and that is again, the B+CH where the CH is the Vowels as ACH, and CH alone stands as against the ACH and that is something as the Anti-pair without which the ACH may not exist, and one of the most popular Indian Term of ACH-R and CH-R says it all, where the Chara and the Achara form the “Role of Anti-pairs as the Pair”, and we notice that Chara-A-Chara constituting the Entire Magnetic and Electric Universes. The Chara goes for the Electric Universes and the A-chara goes for the Magnetic Universes. Similarly, the Tama and the A-tama gives the Matter (Tama) and the Antimatter as the A-tama. The A is the A’-A’, and thus the 2-Dimensional Systems, but as its prefix, it alone is 2-Dimensional, and if we add it to anything, it adds 2-D’s say the A-CH is the 2-Dimensional System of the 2-Dimensional Systems of Air (K is 1-Dimensional Space while the CH is the 2-Dimensional Air, and thus the Indian Sacred Systems of Quantization). How funny it can be that A is 2-D and CH is also 2-D, and when we add it goes as 2-D and 2-D with the name of A-CH, and how sad we feel to know that the A is 2-D Spin Systems, and the CH is the 2-D Matter. Thus, the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi Language describes the “Fabrics of All that we see and experience in “Space as Universe” as other its Totally Empty Systems”:

When we think of “Spin and Matter”, we have to think that we cannot add dimensions just because these are present, and thus when we have the O-CH (say as U-CH), E-CH, and A-CH, we cannot alter the “CH”, the Air Quantized Systems. In reality, the “Spins are Conversion of Dimensions into Lower or Higher Dimensions” to suit the Eternity of the Quantum Systems.

How and why we need to know the CH and the A-CH as Dimensions is because the “CH is the Matter” and A-CH is the Antimatter Spin Systems as the Circle from the A as the Antimatter. At times, we may feel that CH type words are matter and the A type words or letters as the antimatter, and very easy and simple way is see the vowels and consonants, and in the Indian Sacred Systems, the Vowel is always the Antimatter, the Life Giver Systems of what we know as the Prana, and thus the Prana Shakti is simply the “Vowel Systems”, and the Consonants are always the Matter, the Life Graber Systems of what we know as the Prana Anti-shakti, the Prana-harasa Systems. We, the humans have to use both the vowels and consonants to keep the soul and body systems in union, and thus need the “Vowels and Consonants in Balanced State”, and that is what the Indian Classical Music, Raga Systems do for better health and wellness.

The “Vowels Make Soul Dance” and the “Consonants Make Body Dance”, and both together make “Body, Mind, Heart and Soul Healthy”.

In this context, the most ancient Indian Sacred Systems has been to use the SA as the SAHA and thus the term “Sohun”, and these are the 4 Levels and the States of Light, and when we consider the Anti Systems to this Antimatter (Sohun), we have the “Hansa”, the Matter Theory of Light as Particle or the Light as Particle Wave. These together make and create the 8 Dimensions. Now, these are the SAHA and HASA Dimensions, and how we use it very noticeable point:

1. S/H: It creates the Sounds of “SH”

2. S+H: It creates the Sounds of “S:, the SAH, and the SAHA by itself”

3. S*H: It creates the Sounds “S with Dimensions of A, E, O and AE”

4. S-H: It eliminates the Sounds of H from the S Systems.

We notice that these are linguistic quantization systems, which are almost exactly same as the “Quantum Systems” in the modern world.

The “S and H” is also the “Light and Particle Dual Wave Systems” of Light and Sound Systems.

We may also notice that the reversal systems as with the H/S, H+S, H*S and the H-S are nothing, but the “Count of Spins used in Reversal, the Reverting Systems”.

How a modern student may find it as the most funny when we revert any system it goes through the 3 Primal Quantum Filters, and immediately jumps to the 4th Level, which is perpendicular to the 3, and in the reversal, the 4th dimension, when breaks down into the 3-dimensions create “noise”, and we see and notice “Huge Image, Audio and Video Cloud Systems”, and when we collect the bits back, and try to create the 4th Dimension again, we notice that “Nothing Changes” as the “I, the Self-identity never changes”, and if by cheating and tempering the 3-Dimensional Setup, we assume that we can fool the 4th Dimension that is innocent’s cheating as if the big cyber criminal, who would smile even when doing the “little copy paste” from someone else’s website or blog, and think of “cheating”, and one cannot really do any big cheating without becoming a “big” criminal. Where we seem to cheat is when we deal with the 3-Dimensional World , which has its own ethics, morals, values, and the “Truths of Human Civilizations”, and we happen to harm it most as it seems from the last 300 years of Imperialism, World Wars, Economic Crises, Pollution and Corruption”, and it’s the 3-Dimensional Setup, which faces the threat of extinction, and definitely not the 4th Dimension.

The “H” as the Number of Total Spins as compared to the “Master Spin of S” is the “Dimensional Reduction of H”, which results in the “0, A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, and the Higher but the Classical Spins”, and when we “Quantize the Classical Spins”, we have all A’s changed into the “0, A, E, O, AE, and the Higher and Quantum Spins”, and the Modern Quantum Student would call it the “X, Y, Z and K Filters”, but these are simply the “Spins and Angles”, and at a certain angle, the “Same Spin is A’, and creates the A, E, O and AE dimensionally”, and that our problem is that we are habitual of numbers and not of dimensions in math, and is same in the languages and the grammars in which most of us may not know about how we use the SAHA, MANA (use of M and N), infinity system in languages, and the proper use of A, E, O and AE, and also the S/H (SA/HA), N/M, A/O, and or the H/S, M/N, and O/A, and so on, and these two great uses of languages are the “Rules of Sandhi and Vicheda”, and give us the “Quantum Qubit Computing and Quantum Teleportation and Transportation” with a greater ease, which even the kids can learn and do, and when we talk and discuss the “Philosophy of Golden or the Developed Ages of Human Civilizations”, it’s not a joke as we discuss the “Developed Age and Civilizations of Indian Civilizations”, and its same in all world civilizations, and in the “Philselfological Hypothesis of Model and Theory of Everything”, we talk, discuss, and research about all world civilizations as most developed civilizations without imposing or superimposing one on other and creating the mess in any world civilization as all are unique.

When I say: “They don’t want it”, my family members and friends ask: “Who are THEY!” 


Please tell “them” that we do not know! How can we ever suspect governments and big corporates, and many other people who may be “they!”, but cannot suspect anyone even a little bit until we do research and come to know many others are also doing it, and at times, they become “they”! 


Well, we notice that it’s not very easy to undo the previous learning, and that is why we find it hard to educate the “educated and degree holders”, and thus adult education, educating the masses, who are beyond normal age of learning, and that is because we may never have been educated the “Single Models and Theories of Everything”, and that we have never also been educated about the “Homotopy Type Theory and Invariant Math Systems”, which combines all subjects under one roof, the shed.

The above are the processes, which also occur in our human brains, and change “States of Mind, the Brain”. All brain and body health medicines and the drugs are prepared to suit our brain at these 4 levels, but dimensionally.

Now we need to discuss about how and why we say and call it as the Straight Line of Concentric Circles that goes through the SU(N), SU(KH) and SU(P) as 0, 1 and the 3-Dimensional World that later jointly goes into 3-Dimensional Physical World, and in it, the SU(P) is the Visual of Classical Universe. For it, we take the SU, the 1 Dimensional Light as the 1-Dimension is the Straight Line, the Linear Representation of the Universe, and even the “Systems of the 6 Universes Threaded Around the 7th Universe”, which we know as the Superuniverse, and differs from the SU(N) as the SU(N) is the Effect of the Cause Universe that we know as the Super-universe. The S(U) having the 1-Dimension as a Straight Line needs to have the “Origin, the 0-Dimension”, and that is the “S(M)” Systems, where most of the Indian Sacred Terms say the A(M)-rit, the Amrit come. The Indian Philosophy of Super-universe goes to the SO(M)A Systems of Universe, and also known as the A(M)rit Systems.

When we consider the SAHA, MANA and the A, E, O and AE Systems of the Nuclear, Nano and Orbit Systems, we also need to understand it as the SU(N) giving the terms of M-S(U)N or the M-SU(N), and also the A-SU(N), which we know as the most popular words and terms as say the SU(N)-MASU(N), ASAN, the ASU(N) with one of the most prominent word in the Philosophy of Sikhism, and that is the “NI-SANU”, which is opposite, but in an unusual way to what we know as the BI-SU(N), the Creator of Virtual, the Mayavi, the Artificial Systems addressed as the P, PH (F), B, BH and M in the Indian Sacred Systems of the Elements.

The NI-SANU runs the BI-SAN(U) as what we know as the Guru Systems, and its thus also known as the Master’s Seal, the Seal of God, and other verifiable seal systems, which indicate that one can contribute in the modifications in the previously done or now existing systems. It does not however say who can do it, but simply that anyone who “seeks gets it”, and it does not need the “classical prerequisites of age, qualifications, experience, class, creed, region, nation, and reference letters, awards, rewards, etc. and so on” as the quantum works are the “scholarly works”, but innovations that need only “intent and intention, the seeking”, and that is the “good intention” is the end of journey where we think of quantum systems.

When we consider the Gurbani, we read such poetic verses:

“Kar Asan(n) Ditho Chao…” (Gurbani, the Spell Check Required)

“The God Systems are based on the A-Su(n)” (Here the A is also the A’-A’ and with A-Su(N), it means the A’-A’-Su(N), which is the form of Cobordism)

In other words, the A as the Sacred Spin Systems, the Creator of Chakra’s is at the Physical World Levels gives us the A-san(u), and as these Asan(u), the Pada, the Positions are mainly the O, A, E and AE for the Physical World, we have the “O, A, E, AE”-“Sa(n), San(u)”, and by simply know few terms properly, one can learn Indian Sacred Systems.

Thus, the A, E, O and AE with its natural “A-kara”, the Visible and the Physical Systems associates with the SU(N) Systems, and we acquire the A-SU(N), the Asana to see the wonderful universe and the creation in it. Moreover, the “Affinity among the Letters as the Terms” gives that when we have the MA from the SA-MA-NA-HA, and the SA-MA-“A, E, O, AE”-NA-HA, we have its MM’ Systems, and that is when we consider the Two Opposite Spins of M as the M and M’, we have the following:


And the great wonder is that this very “Spin Exchanges at the Nano, the MANA Levels as the MM’ and M’M, and say even the M/M’ and the M’M is the Self-identity of I, the Consciousness as the MAM, MAM’ or M’AM”.

If we go further to the M and N Spins at the Nano Spin Levels, we have the M and N interchanging and exchanging the spins, and it gives the MN’, M’N, MN, the MANN, the MANA Philosophy of Creative Intelligence”.

When we go little further, we have the N and N’ exchanging the Spins at the Nano Spin Levels, and the NN’, the N’N and the NAN are the terms when our mind, the brain systems read something as “Not me”, and that is NN’ simply means “Not Me” in the same way as “MM’” is the “I, the Self-identity”.

The Indian Sacred Systems thus when discuss the Philosophy of Mann, the Creative Intelligence describe the M and N as the Two Quantum Dots, the Photons in which N as the Second Photon, the Quantum Dot, the Bindi has the Memory and the M as the First Photon, the Quantum Dot, the Bindu is the Free, Blank or the Empty Photon. The M and N fully discusses the Two Photons, the Quantum Dot Entanglement in the Indian Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars, and thus the Indian Sacred Systems. The popular terms in it include the MM’, MN’, NN’ and the NM’, and in it the NM’S-Kara (Namaskara) is very popular. It is the complete study of the 2 Photon Entanglements with all that we know as the Quantum Qubit and Quantum Teleportation, the Quantum Transportation.

Now, when we think of the Modern 4 Photon Entanglements, it has the SA and HA, the SAHA as the “S and H” in addition to the “N and M” Photon Systems. It’s as if to say that SAHA, the Nucleus behaves differently at the Nano Levels of the Atomic Systems. As we discuss the M and N say as the MN’, the MANA, we have the SU(N), the Vacuum as the SAHA dealing with the MANA, and thus the S-N as the Vacuum, and thus the Indian Philosophy of S-N, the Shoonaya and the Soonaya, the Zero, and when any evolution occurs at the origin, the cause systems, the Indian Sacred Systems call it the M-H, the MAHA, which ultimately goes to the MA-HA-NA, where the Primal Universe is studied with the terms of MAHA-Siva or the MAHA-Shiva, and we have the MAHA-Vishnu, MAHA-Brahma, MAHA-Shiva as the creator of millions of universes as if in the “single hair”. We can put it as Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has described it with our modern interpretations according to the Hypothesis of Philselfology:

“The “Pure Light Who Speaks and Talks” is also our very own identity:

“Mann Tu(n) Jot Saroop Hain Apna Mool Pachhan…” (Gurbani)

“The Mann, the Creative Intelligence is the Light, Who Speaks and Talks, and this is what one should realize as one’s very own, personal and thus self-identity, which does not differ from God, who Speaks and Talks and His Identity, the God and His Image giving human the same image and identity… ” (Gurbani)

One of the major contribution from the Indian Sacred Systems is that when it describes the “A-tama”, it describes it as the Light, which does not talk as it does not have the “Information Universe” and also it does not follow the “A-khara, the Information Universe”. So, the “Biggest and Largest Casimir Plate without Information Universe” is the A-tama and the Parma-tama Systems. These are thus very good levels of the “M” Photons and the “N” Photons are the “Creative Intelligence” in the Indian Sacred Systems, which is the “Ishwara, the Information Universe Systems”.

Now, when we think of Superuniverses, the Para Systems of Universes play its role, and we have the Parmeshwara as the Information Universe Systems. It has the “Sound Energy, the Nama, the Shabada, the Information Systems, which is transfers to the A-tama, and its Anti-Superuniverse Systems, the Parmatama”. When thus the “Parmatama and Parmeshwara Sacred Systems thus Exchange the Two Superuniverse Systems of Free Photon Systems, the M and the Information Universe Systems of N, the Information Universe, we see the Visible Superuniverse Systems that the Indian Sacred Systems describe as the Brahma and the Parbrahma”.

At the Superuniverse Levels, the Parmatama and Parmeshwara are the “Two Superuniverse Plates of Free Photon Universes and the Information Photon Universes”, and it creates the Infinite Universes that we can see and thus the Parbrahma Systems. This is called the “Hair, the Secret of Millions of Universe Threaded in the Superstring, when we consider the Hair and Millions of Universe in the Great and Grand Body of Parbrahma, the Visible Superuniverse Systems”. Thus, the Atama is the Free Universe and the Ishwara is the Information Universe, and the Brahma is the Visible Universe present due to “Information Exchange between A-tama (Free Photon) and Ishwara (Information Photon), and we see all as the Superuniverse Systems of Parmatama, Parmeshwara and the Parbrahma, and thus the “Secret of Millions of Universe in the Hair of Parbrahma, the Visible Superuniverse Systems”. Its also studies, discussed and researched as the Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha (Shiva) Systems of Universes and the Maha-brahma (Parbrahma), Maha-Vishnu and Maha-shiva Sacred Systems of Superuniverses, and thus says Gurbani, the Philosophy and Science of Quantum Systems:

“Akal Purakh Ke Deh Mo Kotik Bisan Mahes…” (Gurbani, the Spell Check Required)

“In the Parbrahma, the Visible Superuniverses, there exist many universes and thus the Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Universe Systems” (Gurbani)

Well, I have done very long research on it for say 30 years long, and would not still like to submit anything to classical staffing who simply seem to investigate the facts, figures and compare with what already exists in the knowledge banks and the information databases, but “they” are well paid and the attorney fees are also very high, and we think of governing bodies, officials, corporates and the individuals. I feel the “shame” as most of the researchers may not even earn enough bread and butter to feed their families and they go through the “defense and security checks”, “crime branch scrutinies”, “anti-social and terrorism tests”, and lot more which allows individuals no room to contribute in the world developments and evolution, and their researches go to the “nationalized systems and private sectors” seem to get the maximum advantage and that is one of the worst condition in the developing countries where the “classical staff and students, the psychiatrists and the new batches” may even assume these people fit for “MD Degrees by Research”, and what a shame to democracy if and when it happens.

A very good discussions with the following open research and debate goes as follows:

“3.)Thirdly ,this might sound crazy but it is open to debate…Our physical universe is immersed in complex space (a space with reference frames for which V >> C.

Remember the math of complex analysis. your coordinates now change from X > iX ,Y > iY and Z > iZ. if V >> C using the lorentz transformation equations.

4.) so if we have a complex space for which a point iR is defined by iX + iY +iZ ,then energy in such a space will have the complex quantity “i” attached to it ..iE. This would mean that energy will be infinite (a consequence of lorentz transformation as soon as V >> C.” (With thanks from the source:… )

We discuss the above hypothesis as the Parmatama Superuniverse is “Imaginary” and the Parmeshwara Superuniverse System is the “Real” and in it we have the Parbrahma Superuniverse “immersed” and thus the E=O+iA and SAHA=M+iN, etc. is what we also discuss in the same context.

Now, in this context of SU(N) of S-N Systems, we have the M-H, the MAHA Systems, which describe the SU(N) as the Sacred Systems of Millions of Universes with the MAHA Sacred Systems. So, the SU(N) is not the Numb, but the Single Dimension of Light where it does not deal or act as the “Dual System of Wave and Particle”, and thus the SU(N). In this context, we can easily notice from the Indian Quantum Languages that we have the SU(N)-M and the M-SU(N) as the Sacred Systems of the Millions and the Billions of Universes, and thus how we can notice is simply as the M-SU-N and it gives us the M-H-N Systems that the H in the MAHA Systems is SU(N), and to specify it, we put it as:

HA=SU(N) in the MAHA Systems

In other words, the SAHA is having the HA as the SU(N), and the SA is the MA Systems, and if we put SAHA as MAHA, we have the MA-SU(N), and this very thing is called the pair of SU(N) and MASU(N). In other words, the Indian Sacred Theory of Super-universes goes as the MA-SU(N), the M-SU(N), and it is far more than the Superuniverse as it deals with the Millions of Universe in the “Single Consideration of Super-universes as the M-SU(N)”, and here the names of God change its meaning as when we think of God as Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscience as all it says the MAHA, and its ends as the Effect Universes from the MAHA, the Cause Universes, we have the MA-HA-NA, and to this NA Tail of the MA-HA-NA, we have the SA-NA, the S-N, and due to its Single or 1-Dimension, its written as the SU(N), and its ONE Superuniverse as the Single Center of 6 Universes and thus the SU(N), and if we think of Millions of Superuniverses, we have the SU(N) replaced with the M-SU(N). Here, what we need to know is that the SU(N) if Integrated gives M-SU(N) as follows:


In other words, we have the following:

SU(N) N-Times=M-SU(N)

N is the millions of universes and superuniverses, and all simple add up to make up the “MA”, and thus we have the following:

MAHA, MANA, and SAHA as say:


Thus, the SANA, which is the main Indian Sacred Term for the “S”, the Space and Vacuum Conversion into Superuniverses and the Universes is the S(N) even though we can also write it as the SANA. The other term that is S(M) is of great priority here. The point that we need to understand is the difference in the following:

MA+(SA+HA)+NA=Super-universe Systems (In it, we have the Two Photons of MA and NA as the primary systems, and the SA and HA are the secondary two photons, and in it the Creative Intelligence is the Primary Systems, and it opens up the Nano Systems and the Metamaterial systems)

SA+(MA+NA)+HA=Universe Systems (In it the two classical photons are primary and the MA and NA are secondary and thus uses the Classical Systems of Universe in which MANA, the Creative Intelligence is secondary, and thus focuses on the classical nuclear systems)

In other words, the MANA, the Creative Intelligence resides inside the Superuniverse Systems, and vibrates with what is popular as the NAMA, and thus as the NA+MA.

We may conclude the above based on axiomatic systems of the SAHA and the MANA with the MAHA Systems, but the Indian Sacred Systems offer a better solution with use of “N” Quantization of Light with Integration of N-Systems and N-times as the “R” Systems, which give the proper term of NARA to N-times systems, and this systems is the “Pure Light Who Speaks and Talks”, and thus the N-times N Centers of the Universes collectively become the 3-Dimensional Setup of the SAHA, MAHA and MANA as the N-tail integrated as the “NA+EE+RA”, and thus the “NIRA” roots, and that acts as the M-Center, and thus the “Niran”, which is actually the Nira(m) as the A(N) and A(M) do not seem to differ, but Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, while describing the A(M) Systems has prominently put the A(M), and the great wonder is that in the “Entire Gurbani”, we rarely find the use of A(N), but most of words and terms of the Super-universe, the Nirankara Systems use the A(M) most exclusively as the Gurbani calls it the Quantum Sciences of Maha-purakh, the A(M).

So if we read Gurmukhi, the Nirankara Systems are written as the Nira(m)kara, while when we discuss the Center of Universe Systems, we naturally put the Nira(n)kara Systems, and its same when we discuss the Siva and the Shiva where we have the S+H and the S/H Philosophy of the Indian Sacred Systems. It may seem a point of importance for many readers of Gurmukhi Language that Nira(m)kara Systems is written everywhere in the Gurbani, and in reality, we do not notice the Nira(n)kara, and here the Gurmukhi and Gurbani gives some significant reasons to be different from the Hindi and Sanskrit even though we can say it’s all same.

However the Siva and Shiva differ as the later is the Avtara of the Siva, and when we consider the superuniverses, we have to accept it say the Maha-Vishnu and Vishnu Systems, and Maha-shiva and Shiva Systems when we study the Superuniverses as the Advanced Level of Quantum Systems. That may be one of the reasons that Sikh Gurus explain Sanskrit as the Sahaskrit, and that Gurmukhi does not use the A(N) as in the Sanskrit, even though prefers the A(M).

The A(M) is the Systems of Free Photon and the A(N) is the Systems of Memory Photon in the Entanglement of Two Photons. If we put the A(M) in the Nira(m)kara Systems, which is same as the Siva we can claim it as the Sacred Free Photon Systems, and if we put the Nira(n)kara, its same as Shiva and it’s the Memory Photon in the entanglement. The big claim that these two do not differ is also right as after long time, the A(N) changes into A(M) and vice versa. These are also the two plates of the Casimir Effect, and are the Primal Systems of the Information Universe.

When we have the S/N, we have the S(N), and when we have the S/M, we have the S(M) is one of the easiest way to understand and comprehend the infinities. As we have the SU(N), it’s the 1-Dimensional Light Systems, but when we have the 0-Dimensional Light, that is S(M). It can well described as one of the major Indian terms say as the SAMA, and this too is the pure light philosophy while the SANA, the S(N) is the applied light. These are the major considerations in the Hypothesis of Philselfology, and are thus based on the Indian Theory of Elements, Dimensions, Light, Vacuum, Space and Consciousness.

Now, when we think of the A(M) and A(N), it again is same as saying that A/M and A/N, and thus constitutes the Primal of Aadi Shakti, the Durga Dimensions, which has its main parts say as the A/N, K/N, CH/N, T/N., T/N and P/N, and it creates the “Sacred Control of Infinite Quantum Dots, and it’s to create the Decimal Systems as it’s based on the systems when N tends to Effect Universe Point that is mostly 100, which here we assume based on the Studies and Research on Durga Shaptipati and will verify by results and more research, which we know as the Effect Universe, the Classical Universe Systems”. On the other hand, the O/M, A/M, E/M, K/M, CH/M, T/M., T/M and P/M, etc. are as we put say the K/Infinity, and it mostly creates the Zero Systems as the K/M is the Limit when L tends to infinity, the K tends to 0.

Now, when we use say the K/N and K/M, we get the 1 and 0 Systems of the Cartesian Graph as the 1/N goes for the Bindi Systems, and the 1/M goes for the Bindu Systems. From this assumption, we can easily notice that the Cartesian Graph has the Y-Axis as the Parameters of the M, the Bindu and the X-Axis go for the Parameters of N, the Bindi. What special we note in this assumption, hypothesis and thus the result is that we have the Vertical Infinity of M and the Horizontal Infinity of N, and in reality when the M is Cause Infinity, the N is the Effect Infinity, and thus the “Grounds for Cause and Effect Universes”, which we know as the Quantum and Classical Universes.

It further leads to the Real and Imaginary Light Systems, which can discuss as E=O+iA Systems, and thus replace it as say E=M+iN, and in the circle, it also can go as say S=M+iN, and that is the S as “Arc or Circumference” and the M is the Center of Circle, while the N are the Points (Quantum Dots) on the Circle. We can use this hypothesis for considering the “Indian Sacred Wisdom of Quantum Dots, the Bindi and the Bindu as the MANA (MA as the Center of Circle) and NA as the “Other Photon” and that is the reason slowly it goes feeble and collapses, and we say that the “Memory Photon has died” and that is why many researchers assume that the Creative Intelligence also dies”.

Just expressing things as with E=O+A or the E=O+iA, and then offering the “Higher Domains and Dimensions of E=M+iN and even the E=S+iH Systems for the Indian and the World Vowel Systems which then generate the great number of derivative vowels and the consonants and its derivatives put us to solutions that we also assess nowadays with the Perturbation Theory:

“An approximate “perturbation solution” is obtained by truncating the series, usually by keeping only the first two terms, the initial solution and the “first-order” perturbation correction”:

(The Image and references from the source with thanks: )

We when add the Indian and World Vowels of E=O+iA, and higher orders say EA=E+O+A, and thus 4, 8, 12, 16, 32 and 64 Orders and Levels of Vowels, we have it all as it says:

“Perturbation theory leads to an expression for the desired solution in terms of a formal power series in some “small” parameter – known as a perturbation series – that quantifies the deviation from the exactly solvable problem. The leading term in this power series is the solution of the exactly solvable problem, while further terms describe the deviation in the solution, due to the deviation from the initial problem. Formally, we have for the approximation to the full solution A, a series in the small parameter (here called ε), like the following”:

(The Image and references from the source with thanks: )

When we consider the E=O+iA Systems, it also describes the “Dimension and Dimensional Systems”. Now, when we use the SAHA Systems, its the “Time Dependent Systems” as in it the “Fast Moving Waves or Particles are measured as the SA, the Light Systems, while the Slow Moving Waves or Particles are measured as with the HA Systems, and the dimensional comparison of time dimensions stands as the “Dimensions of Time”, which give us the Scientific and Technological Equations as the Ratios of Slow and or Fast Dimensional Changes, the Movements and thus say the Velocity goes as with “Distance and Time with change in location, the two points (initial and final), which may seem too simple but is the most basic in the quantum systems as in the quantum we discuss the “First and Second Photon, and its location and distance as the difference between two locations”, and thus uses the SA-HA as surely when we say “Free Photon” (SA) and “Memory Photon” (HA), and find the quantum world by simply the “SA-0′-0′-HA” where the 0′ is for the Photons. Thus with the SAHA Systems, we can easily achieve the “Time-dependent Perturbation Theory”, and with it we can develop the “A, E, O and AE of Feynman Diagrams”:

“Time-dependent perturbation theory, developed by Paul Dirac, studies the effect of a time-dependent perturbation V(t) applied to a time-independent Hamiltonian H_{0}. Since the perturbed Hamiltonian is time-dependent, so are its energy levels and eigenstates. Therefore, the goals of time-dependent perturbation theory are slightly different from time-independent perturbation theory.” (With thanks from the source:… )

Moreover as the SA-HA is also the 4th Dimension (SA) and 3-Dimensional Setup and Systems (HA), it naturally follows and behaves as the “Transition Probabilities and Fermi’s Golden Rule”:

“One of the prominent failures of the Bohr model for atomic spectra was that it couldn’t predict that one spectral line would be brighter than another. From the quantum theory came an explanation in terms of wavefunctions, and for situations where the transition probability is constant in time, it is usually expressed in a relationship called Fermi’s golden rule.”

(Image and details with thanks from the source:… )

Thus, the First Photon goes as the “M” and the Second Photon as the “N”, and with “SA-HA” as the “Dimensional Differnce”, we have the “O, A, E and AE” as the Dimensionally Quantized Systems that these two photons, the N and M gives during the M-N Entanglement, and thus is the Indian Theory and Philosophy of Mann, the Mana, the Creative Intelligence. Thus, we have the following:

Assume the system is described by a Hamiltonian, H, and we have the H as the H0+H’ in the following way:


The “H0 is the SA Systems: The Unperturbed Hamilton” say the “Velocity of Light” and the “H’ is the Time-dependent Perturbation”, the HA Systems say the “Velocity of Sound Systems”, which we can put as follows:

It well follows the SAHA=H0+H’=SA+HA (Please read the original derivations from the source with thanks:… )

One of the point in it all is that the O, A, E and AE are also the Space Coordinates, and result from the dimensional time systems, and thus the SAHA gives the O, A, E, and AE Space Coordinates as the Time Dependent Systems, and we see it as in the image:

Image: It well follows the E=O+iA as the Eigenfunctions and the Exponential Functions of Euler

P.S.: Now, when we do such works that are new, we may seem very wrong or funny to the “classical minds” who may not want to explore in the quantum way and simply blame such works as self-assumed even if we have put hundreds of references and addressed it as the hypothesis, yes the Hypothesis of Philselfology. I personally regret a lot about the classical mathematicians and scientists with technologists who may not have studied the philosophy or the pure math, science and technology, and sorry to say so, but in return such works are questioned as if craze or madness in the presence of classical staff and students. 

Here, we have to notice that we are sitting, standing and living on the “Boson Systems”, the Earth, Moon and the Sun Systems, and as we go towards the center, we notice that the O, A, E, and EA as the Boson Systems have the SA and HA during the large phases and distances, and that is where we note huge light spheres as SA creating the Sound and Electric Energies, and that is the regions of nuclear bonding, and as we go advanced into the MANA Regions, we have the Nano Worlds of Neutron Stars and very thing that we want to conduct on earth, and that is the “Nano, the Chara Worlds”, and its based on the Fermions as the base. So, we have the following:

“O, A, E”, “AE, EO, OA” as the Earth, Moon, Sun, Signs, Constellations and North Polaris Systems, and the SAHA goes as the Electric Regions near the center of universe while the MANA goes as the Self-glowing Magnetic Systems, which “feel as light-consciousness at one place as we feel the “I, the Self-identity”. With the MANA as the Center of the Universe, we open the “Next Door” as follows:

“MA+SA+HA+NA”, and it goes into the Super-universe systems. These are 6 Universe Systems, and at the center, we change yet another option, and that is as follows:
“SA+MA+NA+HA”, and we may think and imagine more doors, and that is where we can understand the Micro Universes inside the Universe Systems.

In the Gurbani, the Most Stable and Immovable Systems of the Universe are described as the PARA Systems. The “Immovability as equal or same as the Space by itself is known as the S(M)-Poor(N) Systems of the Space, and it’s the Most Stable System, which as the P, the Solid Row (PA, PHA (FA), BA, BHA, MA) gives the “Quantization’s of Solid as Most Immovable” with PA+RA Systems. If we consider the last letter, the consonant of the Solid Row, we have the “M” as the Origin of all universes from the most immovable, and thus the Space S with “Adola, the Immovable as the S(M)”, and it goes quantized and remains the S(m)-poor(n).

In the ordinary way, the Poor(n), which is P+OO+R+N is the PARA, the “Most Stable and Immovable (P) when Quantized (R) Systems” goes as the Poor(n). The words that have the same root categories go as the PARA, FARA, BARA, BHARA and MARA, and one of the popular word is the Para(m), the Parma, which we can interpret as the PARA+M (Center and Cause), and that gives the root Indian words and terms with the Para(m)+Ishwara say the Para(m)eshwara and say the Para(m)-atama, which simply means the “Most Stable and Immovable Para(m) as the Central, the Federal Systems”.

Here, we can put that the gases have the forces, which are easily moveable, the liquids have little less movable forces, and in the solid, we have the forces which are not moveable, and that is what we can say solids having the strong forces keep it as solid, and the Indian Alphabets discuss these properties and characteristics as the Vowels and Consonants, and the consonants are arranged with the increasing strength of forces, and with the weakest force as the K, the first letter of the first consonant row ends with the strongest force of M, the last letter of the last consonant row.

Moreover, we have the last row as the vowel row, which deals the quantized waves, and that is also the light or sound as the particle waves, and thus the “Pa” as the Strongest Force gets its Quantized Universal Levels only with the “Ra”, and thus the “Strongest Force Quantized is the Para Systems” in the Indian Theory of Elements and Dimensions. If we add it as one force, we have it as the cause system, and thus the “Param”, and as the effect, yes the effect of “Param” is “Paran”, and as “Effect Systems” even the universes cannot exist without the A, E, O and AE, we have to put the “Paraan”, and or the vowel that describes how the Paran is going to expand with the N-Dimensions as otherwise it remains the “Parma System”.

The Para, the Highest Levels of Spin Forces by strength, which create say the Diamond Stars is put the “Sacred Levels of Observers Purasa, the Purasha Systems”, which is the Para and SA, the Light Systems as the 1-Dimensional Pura (Strongest Light Systems) and SA, the Light, and thus the Indian Philosophy of Purasa, the Purusa, the Purusha, and the similar names, and here Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has added the Pura+kha, the Kha is the Space Element, and thus the Purakha as the Space Element as the Strongest Force that keeps the Space Element as the Ethereal Space and Universe Systems. Further, when we say Purakhu, we have the “Ethereal 1-Dimension Universe Systems”, and thus the Karta Purakhu as the Observer Level of Etheral Universe Systems. Here, the Gurmukhi Vowels as the OORA, AARA and EERI become the Vowels of Parkasa, the Parkasha, the Strongest Light Systems in Space, which also shines in the 3-Dimensional World as the Pargasa, and the Ga in Pargasa is the Space Element in its 3-Dimensional Setup, and describes the Quantum Vowels, and that is also part of Hypothesis of Philselfology based Shri Guru Dev Ji Quantum Philosophy, Gurmukhi and the Other Indian Theories of Elements, Dimensions, Light and Consciousness.

When we consider the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi, it describes the “Levels of Force and Energy Systems, which we know as the Shakti”, and in this context, where we need more considerations is that we think and believe in the solid, air and liquid states of matter, and the Indian Sacred Systems as well as all other World Sacred Systems in all human civilizations uses the classical (first row of vowels), quantum (second row of vowels), fire, and space as also the “States of Matter”, and thus all nuclear, nano and vacuum energy systems are the solid state, matter state, and wave-particle dual systems in which the spins, forces and waves are considered, and what the matter appears as light, sound, fire (thermal), space element with the air, water (liquid), fire and solid states is the result of “forces, the spins”.

The Physics Elementary Particle Model and Theory as well as the Grand Single Theory of Everything, the Grand Unification Theory, and all that we call the “Quantum Paradigm Shift”, and otherwise express what the “World Sacred Civilizations has practiced from millions of years to say”, and that is where we need considerations as without the Elementary Levels as the “States of Matter and Force”, we cannot really imagine science, math and technology. The science students face so many troubles imagining the universe in 3 States of Matter; Solid, Air and Liquid, and therefore what the World Sacred Systems always have been say the Indian Sacred Systems, the matter and forces has been always considered, studied and researched as the light, space, air (gas), liquid, force of friction (thermal energy), solid, quantum and what we know as the particle and the solid waves, and its all the 8 Sets of Force and Energy as Matter at the Nano Levels, Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Levels, and thus the 8 Rows of the Indian Alphabets as recorded on the bases of Spin, Force and Energy Levels of Matter and the Antimatter. The Primal 35 Quantum Sounds and the Letters cannot be changed, altered or modified, and we can verify it everywhere.

If we think and assume that these sacred systems need modifications, we already have it based on the S/H Ratio Systems of Sound Energy Systems, and that is why we have the SH Sounds and it adds many more letters which keep adding as say the 5 Letters for each 5 Dimensional Levels of Spins, and if we say we can create numerous more sounds and letters with the Quantum Sciences, these can fit well in the Higher Dimensions of the Indian Alphabets, and for example the Arabian Civilizations developed many new force, matter, energy and sound systems during centuries and that all letters and the sounds has been well added to the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi Language has adopted many quantum, classical and solid sound versions from the Arabian and the Israeli Sacred Systems.

The Indian Sacred Systems say the Gurmukhi Alphabets do not say that what already has been done is the right thing, but rather in due course of time, new sounds and letters has always been a welcome as according to the “Theory of Elements, Dimensions and Human Evolution”, and in it the String Theory, the Superstring Theory and the similar proposals in the modern world are not the exceptions.

One of the funny thing can be that we look at Indian and Arabian Alphabets and think of say 35, 40, 45 or the 52 Letters and Sounds, but these in combinations with the Vowel Theory and the S/H ratios gives hundreds and thousands of sounds, which are also the “Complete Setup of the Universe” as in each letter and sound with vowels is the “Mantra” Systems, which stores complete information about the “Theory of Elements, Dimensions, Light, 5 Basic Elements, Quantum, Nano, Spins, Waves, Vibrations, Light, Consciousness, Sound Energy, Force, Bonding, and lot more but at least with the Superstring Theory”.

In this context, the Indian Alphabets like Gurmukhi that also uses the Arabian Alphabets describe the Universe in various formats and versions. It follows the Theory of Elements, Dimensions and the Perturbation Theory as it deals with the Infinite Number of Combinations and Permutations of Vowels and Consonants as the Quantum Systems.

Now, when we think of the Alphabets, we also need to consider the roots, etymology and syntax systems, which the Linguistics and the Grammars describe about the Sound Energy Systems as we cannot limit the universe within the certain count of sounds, but also do not need to add the unnecessary sounds to prove our knowledge and wisdom, but all infinite dimensions, the infinite fermions and bosons with infinite super-symmetry and super-asymmetry systems exist “Within the Range” of “Sacred Compositions of Indian Alphabets say Gurmukhi” and its same within the range and domains of the “Sacred Compositions of Ragas, Musical Meters, Music, Sounds and Musicology”. Plato went to jungle to count leaf’s on all trees, and when tired of it wrote: “Every tree shares one thing, and that is the “leaf”, and one does not need to count all leaf’s”, then he wrote about the “Theory of Forms” with a little, but big thing “Theory of Triangles”.

We can add a personal note and regret here that it has not been educated to us for centuries and are now able to study it due to internet and computers, and that it has always helped the human civilizations to achieve the highest levels of human knowledge and wisdom as in it all, we unitedly approach towards the betterment and the greater good in the world, nature and universe.

When we consider the Ancient World Civilizations, we think of great achievements in almost all faculties and departments of human knowledge and wisdom. However, the same is true even today and does not change with time, place or things we use. That is where we have to put all results of the Science, Math, Technology, Nano Systems, Metamaterial, and the similar as the Standard Quantized Systems, which has been the Indian Alphabets, Vowels, and Consonants in all possible formats and versions. If we can do it, we can achieve the past, present and future simultaneously as we use the same matter, energy, force, light, sound energy, and the sacred systems, which has been used in the past, and remain so in the future.

When we edit, we also add.

P.S.: Just to request it again that all of these works are based on the Gurmukhi as described in last 300 years of imperialism and in 600 years of compilation of Gurmukhi, the Quantum Sacred Systems of the Gurbani (11th Century-17th Century), and differs from the Sanskrit Language in many cases, more research works are required to established as the most compatible systems with the Quantum Systems, the Siva as written in the Raga Compositions of the Gurbani on this format, we hope for the best results in this regard.

The Previous Part of the Series: How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Explains Quantum Universe as Cause (Art), and Classical Universe as Effect (Karma) with Casimir Effect, Zero Dimension, Planck, Spacetime Systems: Gurmukhi, Vowels, Parallel Universes and Be Happy Philselfologically 153

The Next Part of the Series: How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Explain Sacred Cobordism, NAMA, Bindi as Information Universe in Superuniverses of Parbrahma with Parmeshwara and Parmatama: Secrets of Sanskrit, Indian and World Languages: Be Happy Philselfologically 155

Thanks for your time!

Be Happy Philselfologically while listening to Good Quality Music Everyday!

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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