How Aspirated Consonant K’ with A’ and A Explains Philselfology, Languages, Linguistics, Grammars, Quantum and Sacred Systems: Gurmukhi, Aspirated Sounds as Basics of Philselfological Theory of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically 140
If we start to learn about the sounds, vowels, consonants, letters and the sentences, we come to know about the “Aspirated Consonant Systems”, which is the “Base and Basics of the Hypothesis of Philselfology”. Well, it is the Classical Representation of Aspirated Sounds, the Spins, and by using the A’ and the A’-A’, we can convert it into the Double Spins, and also in the Vibrations of the A’-A’ make the K’ (Aspirated Consonant) Systems become the K-Systems.
In the Indian Sacred Systems, the Aspirated Sounds of say the A’ goes to A’, A, 2A, and 4A, which may not be present in the Modern or the Western Languages, Linguistics, and thus the Homotopy Type Theory and the Foundations of Invariant Mathematics that develops without this Aspirated, the Virama, the Halant, and thus the Spacetime Philosophy, Science and Math in the World Languages, Linguistics and Mathematics may not be helpful for all, and thus if we want that everyone learns the subjects like Language, Invariant Math, Sacred Sciences, Music, Grammars and the overall Global Paradigm Shift, we have to consider it seriously as it creates the “Sacred Bridge Between Fermions (A’, 2A’) and Bosons (3A’, 4A’) with the Infinities hidden at the Middle of it all, and thus to say the World of A’-0-8A’ as the SAHA, the Quantum Spacetime”, and in its wide range from 0A’ to 8A’, the Aspirated Vowel and Consonant Theory in the World Language Systems give all that we have in the Elementary Physics Particles, Fermions, Bosons, and other Elementary Particles.
Now, one point that draws and needs attention is about how the SAHA and SA-0-HA or the 0’-0-0’, the Quantum Spacetime has been developed in the Hypothesis of Philselfology, which also adds the “Self, the Philosophy of Infinity, the 0-Spin” at the Center of Philology as the Phil-ology, and thus the “Phil-self-ology”.
The basic assumptions include that all world languages and what everyone speaks even without the knowledge of any world language uses the “Aspirated Vowel and Consonant Systems”, which are written as follows:
K’+h=K or even the K’+h+h=KA, and still higher dimensions of h added to the K’, the Aspirated Consonants and the Vowels. I took this statement as the “Most Basic of Everything, we have in our life, which birds, animals, and humans use”.
Then the major problem was to develop it into a system, which everyone can understand. So, I looked closely into the “Aspirated, the Halant, the Virama” in the Indian Languages and English, while all other world languages or even the non-users of languages use.
So, the Aspirated Vowel and or the Consonant go as follows according to the Philselfological Hypothesis:
K’+ Breath Duration Added + Aspirated Removing H + The creation of Vowel say as KA, KU, KE, KEA, etc.=K
In other words, we all use the breath, the breath control that settles the duration and thus the count of h in the Aspirated Systems as the K’+h or the K’+h+h
The addition of h to K’, the Aspirated Consonants can go to Infinite Time, and thus to the Infinity, that is, we can have K’+h+h… infinite times h, which gives the Infinite K-Space according to the assumption in this hypothesis named Philselfology.
Now, the “h” in the Aspirated Consonants say the K’+h or the K’+h+h that we use has the duration of breath is same as the time duration of ‘h’, and in the Indian and All Other World Languages, we notice that this “Breath” is same as say the “S” added to the Aspirated Consonants, and thus we have the following:
K’+S+h or K’+S+h+h
(Please read more about the Aspirated Consonants: For English and the similar languages:, and for the Hindi, Gurmukhi, Sanskrit, and other Indian Languages: )
Moreover, we cannot utter the “Aspirated Consonant even if we have the “S, the Breathe Duration Added”, which is also the “Count Level of h”, so we need to add the spins, vibrations and thus the vowel of A’, 2A’ to make it all happen:
K’ (Aspirated Consonant)+S (Breath Duration)+H (Breath Divisions for h) +A’-A’ (Vowels, the Spins that give spoken sounds a shape)
This is the Essence of Every World Language, Linguistic and the Grammatical Systems, which we can find by little effort and home work.
I found it as the “Origin of Sound, Vowels, Consonants, and its thus also what we know in the Indian Sacred Systems as the SAHA, the SANS, the PRANA, the Infinite Energy and Power of Breathe, the Secret of Pranayama, Yoga, Meditation, and but breathe in general”.
While I have done say 20-25 years of research on this Theory of Aspirated Sounds, Vowels, Consonants, and its role in the universe, I have been able to get almost every possible theory in the world from this “SAHA, the Breathe, the Quantum Spacetime”, and presented it as the Quantum Sciences of the Our World as in the Series of Be Happy Philselfologically, and thus also used it as the “Base and Basics of Superstring Theory, and the Single Model and Theory of Everything”.
While after research of many years, I also have been able to notice that the “Breathe is Secret of Everything with the K’+S+H+A Systems, and is same as the Classical and the Quantum Systems in the World”, and that all world languages use it while this part remains hidden in the languages and the grammars we study all over the world as we seem never be well educated about these “Scientific, mathematical, philosophical, musical, and the sacred systems in the world of Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars”.
While working on this Hypothesis of Philselfology, the Infinity of Philology, I also found that it has the following systems functioning inside it:
K’+S+H+A, K’+S+0+H+A, K’+S+H+(N (IN Infinity)+M(OUT Infinity) as 0-Spin Systems, the K’+S+H+”A-E-O-AE” as the Dipole Systems, and whatever we have discussed in the Series of Be Happy Philselfologically and or otherwise.
It’s also the “Base and Basics of Indian and World Theories of Elements, Dimensions, Alphabets, and the Sacred Systems, the Astronomical, Astrological, Mythological, Cosmological, Quantum Sciences, Invariant Mathematics, Languages, Linguistics, Grammars, Music, Quantum Qubit, and to say all that we find in the Ancient and the Modern Systems, and thus also the Studies and Research of Space, Time, Spacetime, Dimensions, the Physics Elementary Particles, Nano and Metamaterials, Spintronics”, and lot more as expressed in this series of Be Happy Philselfologically, the Hypothesis for the Theory of Everything.
We need more research works on the “Aspirated Consonants”:
Thus, if we use this “Theory of Aspirated Consonants”, we can help humanity learn, study, and research almost anything even if one knows no language, and thus it’s also like the “Sign Language of K’+S+H+A with the A, E, O and AE (AA EE OO), the Primal 4 Vowels.
Moreover, it has the following simple equations, which we can develop with a little research and home work:
K’+S+H+A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+0’-0’+1/2 Spin of A’ (Basic Equation)
In it, the Spin goes vibration!
If we ask Pauli for the Pauli Exclusion Principle in the Aspirated Sounds like the K’ and even the A’, we have to think it as follows:
K’+S+H+A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+0’-0’+1/2 Spin of A’ (Left Spin) (1)
K’+S+H+A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+0’-0’+1/2 Spin of A’ (Right Spin) (2)
K’+S+H+A’-A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+0’-0’+2*1/2 Spin of A’-A’ (3)
This implies that we have the 1/2 Spins of A’ giving us the Vibration:
K’+S+H+A’-A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+(0’-0’)+ 360 Degree Spin of A’-A’ (4)
A little assumption and hypothesis can save lots of time, money and energy, just to say that for any easy concept, we can understand that the A’-A’ is the Magnetic and the Electric use of the human brain, and that is how the brain creates the electric and magnetic spins in our expressing any letter, vowel, consonant or the word. Our brain then stores it as the Electromagnetic Systems, and thus the A’-A’ goes as the A’-0-A’, and by passing few days, or months, we forget these spins as the A’-0’-0-0’-A’ keeps increasing for all that we think, feel, imagine, and express, which our brain records. The “Mechanical Brain Works as A’-A’, and the Electromagnetic Works as the A’-0-A’ help us to remain one with the 3-D Worlds and the 4th Dimensions”. In it, the meditation is the “Creation of NOT infinity, but the 0-Spin Systems that expand to infinities, and this is what is called the NAMA Theory”.
That is how the Gurmukhi and Theory of Aspirated Sounds constitutes the Bases and Basics of Philselfology.
Now, we nowadays notice a serious problem in finalizing the time dimensions theory of the past and present for future as it says:
“In the future, the scientists plan to investigate the possibility that quantum space has three dimensions of space, as Sorli explained.
“The idea of time being the fourth dimension of space did not bring much progress in physics and is in contradiction with the formalism of special relativity,” he said. “We are now developing a formalism of 3D quantum space based on Planck work. It seems that the universe is 3D from the macro to the micro level to the Planck volume, which per formalism is 3D. In this 3D space there is no ‘length contraction,’ there is no ‘time dilation.’ What really exists is that the velocity of material change is ‘relative’ in the Einstein sense.” …
As the researchers explain, without using time as the fourth dimension of spacetime, the physical world can be described more accurately. As physicist Enrico Prati noted in a recent study, Hamiltonian dynamics (equations in classical mechanics) is robustly well-defined without the concept of absolute time. Other scientists have pointed out that the mathematical model of spacetime does not correspond to physical reality, and propose that a timeless “state space” provides a more accurate framework.” (With thanks from the source:… )
How the Philselfological Theory of SAHA as the Quantum Spacetime explains it can be put as follows:
The SAHA, the Quantum Spacetime, and that is we give 3-Dimensional Systems, the 4th Dimension of Time, and thus, we have the following:
Time Dimension as say: S-0-H=0’-0-0’ for O, A, E, 0, and the OA, OE, AE, 0 giving us:
O, A, E, SAHA, and the OA, OE, AE, SAHA, and thus what we read and write as the O, A, E, SAHA as the O, A, E, Time or the (x, y, z, t), and as when we use the Cartesian and other Graphical Systems, we have the other pair of the (x, y, z, t) as the (x’, y’, z’, t’) that is equivalent to the OA, OE, AE, SAHA (or Time), and that the (x, y, z, t) is the Magnetic System with the (x’, y’, z’, t’) as the Electric Systems in the Universe. When we say these two systems represent the Electromagnetic Field, it needs to have the “0-Spin” present in it all as:
(x, y, z, t) and (x’, y’, z’, t’), and lo it’s the SAHA and the “t” as the 0’-0-0’, and thus we can also write extended equations as:
(x, y, z, 0’-0-0’) and (x’, y’, z’, 0’-0-0’), and that we have the following:
(x, y, z, 0’-0’) (The Classical Equations)
(x, y, z, 0’-0-0’) (The Quantum Equations)
Here, we notice that the time, the “Time Dimension” can be “Finite to Infinite”, and that is the “Sacred Scale, which is the Indian Vedas and Other World Sacred Systems has used for calculating anything and everything in the universe”. It has two scales, and that are the one, which follow the “0’-0’”, and the other “0’-0-0’” as we descend from the center of the universe, we keep adding the “0-Infinity Spins according to the level of calculations, and that mythological calculates the Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Cosmic, and Other Large and Small Units of the Indian and the World Sacred Systems and the Sacred Math of Mythology. For example, when we say God created the Universe in 7 Days, it’s the Innermost Circle of the Center of the Sacred Universe, and when we come to earth systems, we have Millions of Day Divisions and ratios, which are added as the 0’-0-0’, 0’-0’-0-0’-0, and up to say 0’-infinite 0-spin dimensions-0’, and these 0-Spin Dimensions are added linearly and in the parallel mode, and thus we can call it the Time Matrix!
The Time Matrix for it that the Indian Sacred Systems give is as follows:
K’+S+H+A’, and in it, with the Time Dimensions of the Medium say the Space Element, the K’ goes with the S, H, the SAHA, the Spacetime Systems, and ends up with the A’ Vibrations, which can be 1/2 Spins, and that is the Spin of Electrons, and it can also be the 1/1 or the 1/3, the Spins of Neutron, and NOT as vibration as that of the Electron.
The confusing point is that Spin and the Vibration differ a lot, and it’s denoted as the A’, the Spin if we say so, and the A’ as the Vibration when as the K’+S+H+A’, and such a big conversion of the “Spin into Vibration” may seem a BIG thing. However, we put it as follows:
K’+S+H+A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+0’-0’+1/2 Spin of A’
In it, the Spin goes vibration!
If we ask Pauli for the Pauli Exclusion Principle in the Aspirated Sounds like the K’ and even the A’, we have to think it as follows:
K’+S+H+A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+0’-0’+1/2 Spin of A’ (Left Spin) (1)
K’+S+H+A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+0’-0’+1/2 Spin of A’ (Right Spin) (2)
The (1) and (2) give us that in the World Languages and the Linguistics, we may have to add the Left and Right Spins of A’, the Aspirated A to get the Aspirated K’ converted into the K. Thus, we have the following:
K’+S+H+A’-A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+0’-0’+2*1/2 Spin of A’-A’ (3)
This implies that we have the 1/2 Spins of A’ giving us the Vibration:
K’+S+H+A’-A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+(0’-0’)+ 360 Degree Spin of A’-A’ (4)
The SAHA as the SA-0-HA as for any spin say the A’-0-A’, the 1/2, 0, -1/2 is as if using the two photons say with S=Point 1 and the H=Point 2, and the Photon as the Infinite 0-Spin moves from Point 1 to Point 2, and thus we have the S (Point 1)-0 (0-Spin Photon)-H (Point 1) giving us the Time Dimensions, which may well satisfy scientists:
“The researchers give an example of this concept of time by imagining a photon that is moving between two points in space. The distance between these two points is composed of Planck distances, each of which is the smallest distance that the photon can move. (The fundamental unit of this motion is Planck time.) When the photon moves a Planck distance, it is moving exclusively in space and not in absolute time, the researchers explain. The photon can be thought of as moving from point 1 to point 2, and its position at point 1 is “before” its position at point 2 in the sense that the number 1 comes before the number 2 in the numerical order. Numerical order is not equivalent to temporal order, i.e., the number 1 does not exist before the number 2 in time, only numerically.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Thus, the SA as the Velocity of Light and the HA as the Velocity of Sound give the Quantum Light, Sound and Time Dimension with 2-Dimensional Systems as shown below:
Image: Path Integral Formations: The path integral formulation of quantum mechanics is a description of quantum theory which generalizes the action principle of classical mechanics (Please read more from the source:… ), and its also the Spin Foam of A’, the Spin Systems that create the Infinite Spin and Quantum Foam with the A’-0′-0′-A, the Spin Networks provide a language to describe quantum geometry of space. Spin foam does the same job on spacetime…, and please more about it from the source: ), and one day we will be learning the A, E, O and AE as the 4-Geometry in the 3-D of A, E, and O!
SAHA, the SA and HA as the Photon:
In our daily life, we have the A as the 1/2 Spin Systems, and when its Half of it, we have the O, the 1-Dimensional Systems, and when its all the Double of A, the 1/2 Spin, we have the AE Spins, and when its the 1/3rd of the 1/2, we have the E Spin Systems. In this context, we can also explain the “Quantum Spin”, which is the “Particle and Anti-particle, Matter and Antimatter from Neutron to Anti-neutron, Proton and Anti-proton, and the Electron with Anti-electron as if the Achilles (SA) and Tortoise (HA) Systems for all Micro and the Macro Systems in the Universe”, and what we call spin can be the linear motion (1-D, the O), 2-D (A) or the 3-D (E) motions, and all that is perpendicular to 1, 2, and the 3-D Systems, the 4th D as the AE. So, we can solve the SPIN Paradox with the 3-Dimensional and the 4-Dimension Motion of Micro (Fermion) and the Macro (Boson) Particles and Matter, and just imaging the “Spin of Electrons in atom is the 3-D Paradox of the Classical Systems”, and we simply add the Quantum Philosophy of the “0 and the Infinite Spin” as to visualize everything in the 1, 2, 3 and the 4th Dimension for the Classical Paradox of String and Superstring Theory for the Spins, which can be flat, linear, circular, spherical or the Higher Dimensional Quantum Motion. We notice it in the following:
“ALL FORCES ARE MEDIATED BY PARTICLES WHICH HAVE INTEGRAL SPIN: So it looks like spin is the main difference between ‘force-particles’ and ‘matter-particles’. Spin certainly seems to be a very important property in quantum mechanics!
Spin is an intrinsic property of particles. There is no picture in the framework of classical physics which can explain what spin is.
Quantum mechanics can describe spin, but can it explain it? Spin is a property which we discover if we study nature and we can rig up mathematical structures which perfectly reflect how it behaves — but in the first place we have to accept that there is something which is very different from the macroscopic things we experience with our senses.” (With thanks from the source:… )
We can create our own paradox: Is dot, line and circle same in some or the other way, and can we have sphere be the same thing as the dot, and what is the quantum solution for it! 0r
As in the above scientific source, we thus have the SAHA as the Zeno’s Paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise, and that the SA is the Achilles and Tortoise is the HA, and in the Infinity Paradox of SAHA as the SA-0-HA, the SA and HA seem to be going be together, and thus the Achilles (SA), the Fermions and Tortoise (HA), the Bosons in the Infinity, the 0-Spins seem going with same speed and pace, and once the Great Galileo did it for the “Gravity”, and we may do the same for the “Quantum Gravity” and that with the “Zero Quantum Gravity”, the SA and HA go at the same speed and reach at the same time, and when Galileo would think about it, Newton would have eaten the apple that fell on his head, and now we need to water the tree to get more apples!
Thus, the 0-Spin is the Photon or General Light with velocity “c”, and the 0′-0 or the 0′-0-0′, the O, A, E, and AE are what light gives as various forms of energy, and in the classical we may study it as say the “spins”, but when quantized these change into the dimensions as we analyze it according to the “Indian and World Sacred Theories of Elements, Dimensions, Spins, Vibrations and Quantized Systems”. I noticed it in the equation of E=M*C*C, when I put it into the Quantum Systems as follows:
EA (4th Dimension)=M (1-D)*C (3-D)*V (2=D)=M*C*V, and if we put this Quantum Equation of E=M*C*V as the S-0-H, the Quantum SAHA, the Quantum Spacetime, we have:
EA=C*M*V, and here the M=Quantum Gravity, V=Velocity of Light in any given medium where the speed of light is having V<C (Speed of Light)We can have the 11 Superstring Dimensions of this Quantum E=M*C*C as EA=M*C*V, and that can further give the 36 Strings and the Superstrings as the Mediums of the Universe, which constitute the Superstring for the Light, Sound, Matter and Energy Systems, and that is EA=M*C*V <img src=”” alt=”Smile” title=”Smile” title=”v_middle” />
We will discuss it later or on some other time!
It goes as we edit and add.
The Previous Part of the Series: How Indian and World Sacred Systems with 0-Spin Describe Quantum Spacetime, Infinity Systems, Invariant Math, Astronomy, Astrology, Universe and its Physical Death: Gurmukhi, Superstring Theory and Be Happy Philselfologically 139
The Next Part of the Series: How An Indian Student of Gurmukhi and Foreign Student Discuss Quantum Photon, Spin, Dimension, Fermions, Bosons, Hyperspace, Universes, Sacred Math, Geometry, Dipoles, Life Dimensions, Hindi, and Gurmukhi: Be Happy Philselfologically 141
Thanks for your time!
Be Happy Philselfologically while listening to Good Quality Music Everyday!