How Superstring Theory and Sacred Indian and World Alphabets Describe the Classical Superstring, Quantum Superstring, 25 Classical Quantum Strings, and Gurmukhi Contribution by Sikh Gurus: EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems and Be Happy Philselfologically – 127

When we consider the Superstring Theory, we notice that the two superstrings are arranged as the two vowel rows and the 5 strings as the consonant rows. Moreover, the 5 Consonant Rows in the Indian Alphabets give the 5 Solid Structures from Space Element in the 1st Row and the Solid (Earth) Element in the 5th Row. It thus fully depicts the String Theory as it’s without changing any of its arrangements and the placements. When we consider the Superstring, the First Vowel Row is the Zero Dimension of Elementary Physics Particles, and it is also placed, arranged and studied as we study the Modern String Theory.

When we consider the 2nd Vowel Row in the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi, we notice that while the 1st Superstring Row is the Classical Elementary Particle Systems, the 2nd Row of the Vowels gives us the Quantum Elementary Particles as its from the “Classical Combinations” of the 1st Row into the “Quantity, the Quanta, the Quantum Combinations, which happen to be the Quantum Permutations”. These two rows of classical and the quantum combinations and the permutations constitute the Indian Mantra Systems that describes the Classical and the Quantum Universe while using the 36 Sacred Quantum Sounds, in which we have the “Sacred Blend of Classical Sounds and the Quantum Sounds of 5 each, and together when these beat in various mediums give the 25 Quantum-Classical Consonant Sounds, which we use as the “Sacred Harmonics in Music and Musicology”.

The Indian Thinkers, Philosophers, Sacred Educationists, Musicians, Mathematicians, Scientists, and others have been using it as the “Sacred Parameters and Standards of Classical (1 Superstring), Quantum (1 Superstring) and the Classical Quantum (25 Strings) Systems”.

The Indian Alphabets, as well as the World Alphabets, create the “Strings and Superstrings as with the Classical Vowels, the First Row of Indian Alphabets and the Quantum Vowels, the Second Row of the Indian Alphabets and it constructs the Classical Quantum Strings that count to the 36 Sacred Sounds and the 36 Dimensions that it all creates”.

For example, the word “Paar”, which is the Modern Para Systems has the Superstring with P, the Solid Structures, the “AA” as the Classical Superstring, and it ends up in the Quantum Row of Vowels, the “R”, and we have the Classical Quantum Solid P, Classical “AA”, the Classical Vibrations to say that goes to “R, the Quantum Superstring” and thus have the PARA Systems as the Classical Solid Structures existing with the Classical Vibrations, the Sacred Dipole of “A-AA” to gives us the Quantum World of “R, the RA”, the Second Row of Indian Vowels.

Moreover, the First Row of Vowels is the Atomism and the Second Row of the Indian Vowels is the Vortex, the Quantum Systems. The 5 Rows of the Indian Consonants thus creates all that is between the Vortex and the Atomism, and it thus gives us the 5 String Rows of the Indian Consonants as the Ionization of the Vortex Atomism in which the “Para” Sacred Systems are most significant as described above.

The Para Vortex Atomism and its Ionization gives us what we know as the “IK-Onkar Satigur Parsadi” as the Vortex Atomism and its Para Ionization. It is the “Quantum and the Classical Philosophy of Vortex Atomism and its Para Ionization” as given by the Sikh Gurus and that they developed the Indian Tattva Darshana, the Sacred Philosophy of Theory of Elements and Dimensions. In this context, the Alphabet of Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Language is one of the finest creation and composition by the Sikh Gurus say particularly by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji who invented the Gurmukhi Theory of Elements and Dimensions, the Indian Tattav Darshana.

The Indian Mantras are written using this scale, for example:

“OM Shri Ramaya Namaha” gives this scale:

OM is the Classical Vowel Setup and the RAMA in it is the “Root Word from the Quantum-Classical Setup”, and we have the “Rama+aya” that has the Quantum Vowel Row of the YA (Ya, Ra, La, Va, Rahra), which makes the Indian Classical Mantra Quantum, the Quantized as the RAMA+AYA, and the NAMA at the end gives it the Sound Energy Level of “N and M”, which we is the Bindi and the Bindu Sacred System of Black and White Hole that uses the Sound Energy from the Classical Quantum Setup of 5 Rows of Indian Consonants, and thus the Indian Mantras, SVO Structures in the World Grammars, Quantum Qubit Computing, Homotopy Type Theory, Invariant Math Foundations, Music, and other parameters use it. The Vedas and the Gurbani give it in the Sanskrit and the Gurmukhi Languages as the Evolutionary Linguistic Systems, which is a newly emerging topic and subject matter that now revives the Modern Quantum Sacred System calling for studies of the universe, consciousness, and quantum be educated to masses. The masses have not known it as the Imperialism and the Corporates never wanted people, the masses should be educated it all. The corporates have used it all in the computer and machine programming, and now the masses are learning and while doing it all, people like me doing it this charity and welfare works from our own pockets as we still lack public and social awareness that while doing the fastest and high quality works, I have the slowest possible PC and the Internet Service Packages and that at times, I may seem irrelevant and exaggerating many points that are now part of global education systems as the Global Paradigm Shift. What should we expect in world peace concern, the USA, Russia, European Union, Australia or other countries as least possible contribution seems available from the other countries as we hugely lack funds, facilities, and services.

The Sikh Gurus has used many “Sacred Mantras” in the Gurbani say:

“OM Namo Gur Gopala” (Gurbani)

However, the major change that they brought while translating Indian and the World Scripts from say Sanskrit to Gurmukhi has also brought the “Enkari Philosophy” where the following major change in the Indian Sacred Mantras has a shift:

“Salok! Aadi Gur Ea Namaha! Jugadi Gur Ea Namah! Satigur Ea Namah! Shri Gurdev Ea Namah” (Sukhmani Sahib, Gurbani)

In these Sacred Quantum Mantras, the Sikh Gurus has put the following mantras in a different, the Gurmukhi Format:

“OM Shri Ramaya Namah” to

“OM Shri Ram Ea Namah” as the “Salok” above has the “Shri Gurdev Ea Namah”, and these Sacred Mantras in Sikhism has the “AYA in Ramaya Changed into EA with the root name RAMA”. (The EA is pronounced as the EAY). It thus aligns with the IK-Onkara Philosophy. The IK has the EA Affinity grammatically and linguistically.

These Sacred Mantras with the “Sacred Root Track” of “AYA” go to the “EAY” where its all “EA”, the exclusive use of Classical Vowel Row, the First Row of the Indian Vowels. The “AYA” Mantras however go to the Quantum Row, the YA, RA, LA, VA and the RAH-RA Row of the Indian, the Gurmukhi Vowel Row.

Thus, the Sikh Gurus has put the Indian Mantras from the Quantum to the Classical Levels where its the “AYA” changed into the “EA, the EAY”. It gives the Indian Mantras more of the Classical Superstring rather than passively acting as the Quantum Subordinate Mantras. That is how we notice the most read Sikh Path and the Prayers of Sukhmani Sahib, the Gurmukhi Version of Sanskrit based Sukh Sagar (Vishnu Purana) with its blend with the Holy Gita 24 Chapters put as all the Sukhmani Sahib:

“Salok! Aadi Gur Ea Namaha! Jugadi Gur Ea Namah! Satigur Ea Namah! Shri Gurdev Ea Namah” (Sukhmani Sahib, Gurbani) (Here the EA is pronounced as EAY)

We also notice that as the Jewish, Egyptian and other Sacred Matrix Systems, the Indian or Sacred Alphabets that uses the 36 Sacred Phonetic Sounds of Space(S)*time(H), the SAHA Systems in all world languages and the linguistic models are the “Basic Matrix Structures of Gene; the DNA and RNA and thus the Genome Systems. When we consider the sacredness of these 36 Sacred Dimensions of Sound and Light Energy, the Space*Time, the SAHA in any Sacred Structure does no change anywhere in the universe, and that is why the Indian and World Alphabets of Unchangeable 36 Sounds, which are verifiable everywhere is the “Basic Parameter of All Structures especially for DNA Care and Disease Cure”.

The above 36 Elements are the “Basics of Gurmukhi Brahmi Languages, which also happen to develop from the Kashmir Civilizations” at say the Sharda University of Indian Civilizations situated in the Kashmir regions. The Sikh Gurus developed the 36 Elements as the Gurmukhi (the Modern Language of Homotopy Type Theory and Math) and wrote the Gurbani using it, and also formatted all world languages and grammars with it, and all is recorded in the Quantum, the Philosophy of Consciousness, Universe and Human in the Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Sacred Wisdom of Mouth, Languages, Scripts, Linguistics: How World has Hindi and Punjabi Parental and Mother Languages: Philselfology of Glossolalia and Golden Times of India – A Civilization – 50

Natural World and Arts with Hindi, Punjabi and Sanskrit: Be Happy Philselfologically, Kashmir Civilizations and Philselfological Quantum Single Model and Theory of Everything – Part 11

This Philosophy of Alphabets is called the NAMA, the Bindi and the Bindu Systems which we consider as the GURU in the Gurmukhi and it gives SAHASAKRITI, the Spacetime of SAHA. The Sanskrit thus in general focuses on the OM Theory, while the Gurmukhi deals with one of the most ancient systems of Bindu, the Dot shown with OM Symbols and Philosophy. Thus, the Sanskrit exists as the Classical Language and Gurmukhi as the Brahmi, the Quantum Language Systems. While the Sanskrit uses 25 Consonant Systems at many places, the Brahmi, the Quantum Sanskrit say the Gurmukhi Sacred Systems use the 36 Vowels and Consonants with Akasha, the Spacetime element of SAHA, and this is what makes the “Eastern and the Western Quantum Sciences” one. The Sikh Gurus have so strongly supported the Kashmir Civilizations that the 9th Sikh Guru was beheaded while he defended these Hindu Civilizations that also stands as the “Sacred Old Testament of Sikhism. Its what the Civilizations of Kashmir has brought to the world:

The 5 Rows of Indian Consonants in the Alphabet say the Gurmukhi, these create the Solid Geometry with the 2 Rows of Vowels as the Quantum Qubit Computing and the Programming of the Solid Sacred Geometry, and if we closely look at the word that describes it as the “Marama, the Essence”, we have it in the Egyptian Civilizations as the “Merkaba” that has “Ka” as the Space Element in the Indian Alphabets, and thus we see the “Beauty of Indian Solid Geometry of 5 Elements, the Consonants, and the Light, the First Row of Vowels and Consciousness, the Second Row of Vowels playing as the Merkaba”:

The Indian Sacred Linguistic Math as the Homotopy Type Theory and all the “Sacred Topological Systems” it creates is based on the “A=1/2(A’)” and all that goes as the SAHA, the A=S+H+A” for Linguistics Systems goes as either added or subtracted as the A=1/2(A’) that formulates the Finite Difference Theory a worth studying subject matter with all things based on the “Space.time as the Vowel based Quantum Continuum that is A=1/2(A’)+s+h as the same that we study as s=c*t, the speed of light and time equation as the “Vowel Theory, the Homotopy and Topology of Space and Time as the Quantum Continuum”, and how Newton and Taylor gave the series and theorem using it is available here at the link:, and the image below speaks the same:

All that is “Church Numerals goes as the A’ (OORA that is equal to O), 2A’ (AARA that is also equal to A), 3A’ (EERI that is also equal to E) and the 4A’ (EARI that is also equal to AA and EA in the Homotopy and Topology) System of the Indian Sacred Linguistic Systems, which is the “Higher Order Functions” that we discuss as the Homotopy Type Theory of Gurmukhi.

The IK has the “I=E+E”, the Ionization of Atom, the Indian Vowel Model as from EAK to IK. These two statements are the A and C-Theorems in Physics. In our “Philselfological Model of Indian Alphabets, Elements and Dimensions”, the “E is the Spin of Electron” and thus is the same as the Electron Spin Model. When we consider E as the Spin and have the O, A, E and the EA as the 4 Primal Spins, these are also the “Primal Dimensions”, which go as the Dimensions and Parallel Dimensions, in which we have the First Row of Indian Vowels as the Atomic Dimensions, and the Second Row as the Ionized or Molecular Dimensions that deal the Zero Point Vacuum Energy Systems of the 4th Dimension, and the First Row of Consonants say the Ka, Kha, Ga, Gha and Yina are the 3-Dimensional Setup of the 5 Elements, which has the 4 Major Free Spins with Space as Zero Spin, and Solid as the 4 Spins inside the given structure. Based on this spin, the Vowels are the Male Dimensions and the Consonants are the Female Dimensions, which are also the “Standard Physics Elementary Particles, the Vowels” and the Susy Physics Elementary Particles, the Consonants”. The 5 Rows of Indian Consonants in 5 Rows seem to fully follow this pattern as each row with spherical harmonics:

Moreover, the “Manifold Systems” go for the 5 Elements as the 5 Harmonics and the Ionized Systems as the Two Sacred Scales as the setup of the Indian Vowels:

The 10 Vowels in the Indian Alphabets as Dimensions forms the Topological Vector Space, and the 25 Consonants with 5 “Manifold Dimension in each row” constitutes the general Topological Space, and in it, the “SAHA Systems are what bounds the Topology with the Homotopy, the Two Ends as the SAHA”, and the “SAHA also means the Bridge, and that in the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi has the Seven Bridges that Euler used to describe the Theory of Seven (7) Bridges” and in the research work of Philselfology when goes for the 7 Rows of the Gurmukhi Alphabet, I happen to find the Topology:

“The Seven Bridges of Königsberg is a historically notable problem in mathematics. Its negative resolution by Leonhard Euler in 1735 laid the foundations of graph theory and prefigured the idea of topology.” (With thanks from the source:… )

“Dohan Sirean Ka Aap Suami…” (Gurbani)

“The 4th Dimension of Topology holds the Two Ends of Homotopy that happen to be made up of 3 Dimensions, and thus the word Swami”. (With thanks from Gurbani)

For it, the Indian Philosophy goes to describe the “Ionization (R) of Space (K)” and it’s quantum continuum as the “Kara System in the ONKARA and the EKONKARA Systems” that is the basics of Indian Sacred Geometry.

The Layers in the Universe or that we say the “Manifolds” are the Consonant Dimensions, that is the Dimensions in which the Spin is present, and that count of spins go as to keep the Space Element in its Shape and Size with the 4 Spins of 4 Elements of Air, Water, Fire and Solid that creates the “Manifolds”, and here this is the Topology Structures in the Indian Sacred Systems following the Homotopy Type Theory, the Invariant Theory as with the Entropy, the Atom inside has the Atomic Vowels and outside its the Molecular Vowels, and for this reason we notice:

“OM Shree Ganeshaya Namaha” in which we notice the “AYA=AA+YA”, the Homotopy of Atom and Molecule, the Entropy of Indian Homotopy and Topological Systems. The Indian Sacred Systems call “Homotopy Male and Topology Female Systems” which function and work on the “Zero Point Vacuum Free Energy Systems” that are called the SAHA Systems, the 36th Vowel Cum Consonant Systems that is popular as the Sohun-Hansa for the Homotopical and Topological Entropy of the given circle or a system, and its well summed up here:

“For connected differentiable manifolds, the dimension is also the dimension of the tangent vector space at any point.

In geometric topology, the theory of manifolds is characterized by the way dimensions 1 and 2 are relatively elementary, the high-dimensional cases n > 4 are simplified by having extra space in which to “work”; and the cases n = 3 and 4 are in some senses the most difficult. This state of affairs was highly marked in the various cases of the Poincaré conjecture, where four different proof methods are applied.” (With thanks from the source: )

Here, the Vowels go for the Homotopy and the Consonants go for the Topology, and that gives “Every Indian Word or Term be used as the Sacred Geometry with the Zero Potential Point as First Row Vowel and the Dimensions around it as the Second Row, and the Consonants are the Layers as the Dimensions of the Geometrical Structures”. For this reason, the Indian Meditation goes explaining that “Every Sound is Interlinked with Geometrical Shape and Color”. This all goes as the String Theory and Braids that go quantum is the beauty of Indian Sacred Geometry and Sacred Sciences associated with it.

For greater ease, we can put the Indian Linguistic Homotopy and Topology as the Circle inside which we have the “First Row of Vowels” and Outside the Circle is the “Second Row” and in between we have the 5 Manifolds, the Concentric Circles of 25 Consonants as its in the Gurmukhi Script. This “Simple Model of Everything is the Sacred Entropy as Homotopy of Two Rows of Vowels using the Topology”, and thus it’s same for atom and the universe!

This simple model goes well for the Topological Dynamics:

In it, we have the “Indian Consonants as the Phase Spaces and Metric Spaces” where we also find the presence of A-Theorem and C-Theorem operating simultaneously as we also notice the Phase Space and the Real Space Systems in the same set of concentric circle with 7 radius’s:

“Unlike the theory of smooth dynamical systems, where the main object of study is a smooth manifold with a diffeomorphism or a smooth flow, phase spaces considered in topological dynamics are general metric spaces (usually, compact). This necessitates the development of entirely different techniques but allows an extra degree of flexibility even in the smooth setting, because invariant subsets of a manifold are frequently very complicated topologically (cf limit cycle, strange attractor); additionally, shift spaces arising via symbolic representations can be considered on an equal footing with more geometric actions. Topological dynamics has intimate connections with the ergodic theory of dynamical systems, and many fundamental concepts of the latter have topological analogues (cf Kolmogorov–Sinai entropy and topological entropy).” (With thanks from the source: )

Thus the Indian Linguistic Homotopy and Topological Theory and Models are simply the “Topological Homotopy” that is same as the “Vortex (Topology) and Homotopy (Atomism)” while using the Indian Alphabets as the “Topological Homotopy of Consonants and Vowels”. These are also popular as the Indian Mantra Theory!


Gurmukhi Model and Theory of Universe with Indian Vowels and Consonants: When we consider the Gurmukhi Script and the Alphabet Model and Theory for Everything, and consider the “Theory of Universe”, we have the 7 Layers of Universe as the 7 Layers with the 8th Layer as the “SAHA, the Bonding, the Ionization of and in the universe”. This also goes as expansion of life in the universe with the “SAHA, the Sacred Ionization” as shown in the Sacred Geometry Systems that is “Kita Paasao Eko Kavao…” (Gurbani, the Sacred Symmetry as the Sound Energy creates life, and that is the SAHA as the Rotating Octahedron Systems):

I remember when one of the great American Christian Preachers prophesied about these sacred education systems at the University of Adelaide Auditoriums in 1990 saying that these works will bring the “Great Sense of Self-respect, Dignity and Liberty, and people will enjoy the human honors… and even from your states and nation from where it will originate… says the Lord… “I’m what I’m”, …”, and when Lord God said it, my friends smiled, laughed and danced when these prophecies were done! Many holy saints said the same! Amen! Smile

The Previous Part of the Series: How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has added Euler, Pi, Phi and Sacred Geometry to the Quantum Philosophy of Indian and World Civilizations: Gurmukhi, Elements, Dimensions and Superstring Theory: Be Happy Philselfologically – 126

The Next Part of the Series:
How Nama Theory gives Advanced M-Theory of Everything, SAHA Spacetime, Kara Quantum and Classical Sacred Systems: Gurmukhi, Superstring Theory, Merkaba, HoTT, Invariant Math, Geometry, Music and Sacred Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 128

It is thus also one of the examples of how we can use EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems.

We will edit and add.

Be Happy Philselfologically!

Thanks for your time reading it!

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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