World Religions, Faiths, Philosophical Studies of World Cultures, Civilizations, Media and TV: How Quantum and Classical Dual Qualifications can Stop Violence and Terrorism in World: Be Happy Philselfologically – 117
We have education systems in the world that is based on the awarding of degrees with the scientific and the systematic approach all over the world. Right from the our entry into schools, we are educated the modern systems, and we may not have the religion and faiths as the stream of our education, and that is because the “Single Theories and Models of Everything with Quantum Sacred Systems, and the Advanced Physics Models” are still to be introduced in the Asian Countries and many other parts of the world. Moreover, the global modern education systems say from 2010 onwards are all based on the Quantum Sacred Education Systems, and the Governing Bodies and the UNO still have to play their role in it.
This part of the series discusses about how the Scientific and the Religious Study Models accordingly have the solid grounds, but when we introduce the “Theory of Elements and Studies of Dimensions as given in all world religions, faiths and the philosophies” that is otherwise practiced in the Alternative, Holistic, and Integrated Medicines, along with Yoga, Meditation and Spiritualism and the Churches, Mosques, Ashrama’s, Gurudwara’s and other religious place teach and educate the same.
As the child grows while learning the school and religious systems as two different systems, one slowly leaves the religious heritage and cultures of the world civilizations. Due to this reason, the world languages, grammars, music, art, sacred maths and geometry, linguistics, and lot many other subjects of the “Sacred Systems” are on its extinction and most of the educated people may not even know it. At the same time, most of the education systems say in the schools, colleges and universities do not really teach and educate it. So, we notice that modern citizens may have a very little respect for various religious or even hatred for certain world religion or a faith.
In most parts of the world where the Imperialism seem to have dominated the nations and the states, we notice that the arts, crafts, skills, architects, and other native and the local works, manufacturing and the productions were given such a low profile that most of the families, communities and the ethnic groups slowly extincted from the human communities, and this also made everything related to it extinct. Their next generations abandoned and left almost all works. The states and the countries under the Imperialism for say 300 years seem to be given less education and information in such a way that all sacred educations when vanished from the world education systems, almost all countries seem to have been offered freedom after second world war, and all History books that we read in the world syllabus seem to oppose the native, religious, and say rural people as the “Social Reformers” and that none is an approved a philosopher in the modern history and the classical studies in the world after second world war. It seem to have well harmed even the most developed countries as well as we notice that the developed countries may have almost nothing of what we say the quantum studies and the European Grammars do not have all vowels and consonants included in its structures. Its Philselfological Research Report based on about 40 years prolonged independent and free and thus self-invested research works. It assumes that governing bodies, UNO and other global projects are a world family where we sit and chat about world not as thus everything “official” proving funds and charities remove the classical problems when quantum people are terrorists or ignorants of theories of elements, dimensions and consciousness!

As a result the local market, the regional business setup and thus the nations faced the coming up all with big corporates that slowly established as the local and world market with any importance to individuals, the art-craft, dress, languages, sacred systems that one has in the family and the tribe. It slowly extincted the complete set from say Sacred Indian to Modern India where see almost “NO Real India”, and all of it has happened and occurred in just 50-60 years as say after World War 2.
The Global Manipulations seem to be based on the “Fake Spiritualism and the Theories that Human is a Light” and that seem to fully extinct the importance of living things, the individual talents and merits that has kept families and tribes together for thousands of years as even now the “Aborigines, the Aboriginal People Live from say 50,000 Years”, and all of it has ended up in hugest possible pollution and corruption in most parts of the world. For example India is flooded with Fertilizers and Chemical (Pharmaceuticals) with Heavy Pollution in many parts, and people lack the “Organic Foods and Meals” and that most people in these regions suffer from Cancer, AIDS, HIV, TB, Sugar, Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Depression and Other Psychiatry Problems, and the Official and the Private Sector now depends on “Charities and Donations” with almost NO Future to say for anything that has life or fertility of soil. It is here with people living the real world civilizations that no official and UNO records and claims and other proofs can justify anything, in reality people now live the lowest possible life standards with heavy pollution and without organic products in most parts not just of India but most parts of the world. We do not have to say big shame to anything or anyone as we can think, feel and see.
How and Why we get almost no results from appeals and other means is that its what we need to do as the “Personal Duty, the Feelings of Shame and Reverence” and its the “Philosophy that we live; the Feelings of Reverence and Shame” that is the “Practical Philosophy”. If we want to convince the big corporates and senior officials that is not easy legally and otherwise its the “Intellectualism in the World that is the Classical World” that does not give enough importance to the feelings and the emotions, and thus almost nothing can constitute enough grounds to prove anything legally in many matters. For this reason, the only example that has supported humanity is setting an example without convincing the governing bodies, corporates or the UNO Systems as that is almost impossible in the law, and law no matter local, national and at international levels does not oppose anyone doing what seems right to individuals. Some people followed this simple and down to earth approach has been say Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela:
In the Quantum we the Philosophy of Consciousness and if one follows it as the Jeeva, Ishwara, Right Brain Theories is called the Bhagat and thus the Bhagati (Bha+Gati, the Bhoo is the Physical say Earth and Nature in general with the bha as the 7th Row in the Indian Theory of Elements and the Alphabets, we have Bha (Solid Structures) in 2 Dimensional Space (G) and that goes as the Tricolors, the Three Chirals and so on as the (T) simply means the Physical Life in the Space and its extensions in the 3 Chirals (3 Vibrations of Indian Alphabets in the 7th Rows deals it and thus its the Tricolor Theory and the Physical Life Systems) all over the world, people follow the “Setting of An Example by Following an Example” Philosophy, and that may not be possible in the Classical Systems as when one is in the governing body; on duty, UNO and other Officialdom’s. The Single Models and Theories of Everything are thus the “Quantum Single Theory” that people all over the world follow one or many ways, and that is how people also practice the world religions and faiths as well.
When we discuss such points in any official systems, its not liked by any authority in the world in at least in the developing countries and most of the people are treated as “Psychiatry Patients” or “Too Sensitive Vegans and Vegetarians”.
The reason for pollution and corruption seems coming from the deep rooted psychology and philosophy that in many countries including India the “Democratic Constitutions, Officialdom and say UNO Systems” differ from the Indian World Religions and Faiths, and also that religions and faiths are neither taught to students nor the Indian Most Primitive Theories of Elements, Dimensions, Consciousness and Other Sacred Educations are part of Indian Governing Body, Officialdom, Law and Order, UNO and Other Treaties that Indian Government and many other governing bodies in the world follow. It creates the “Weak Loophole” as people by birth start to learn and know the World Religions, Faiths, and all that we say Spirituality and the Sanskara systems, but no International Law and thus the constitutions recognize it, and rather it says: “Personal Matters”. It makes the normal and daily life as if “Confusion” rather the “Chaos” as most of people who are educated lack any sound knowledge about the “Theories of Elements, Dimension and the Consciousness” and that makes people face the “Psychiatry Problems in the Philosophical and Religious Crises”, and now most of the educated people seem to live in the “Isolation” rather than “Infinity” and it has split almost all human relationships and employers face the same crises. For this reasons, most of the educated people in India may also know a very little about the religious ceremonies, daily prayers (path), Kirtan, and the only thing remains is to imitate what the media shows. So, the educated people in the world seem to look for the “Self-identity” that now we have well explained in the “Single Theories and Models of Everything”, the Quantum Systems.
The Sacred Indian Systems describe the “Teacher, the Master’s Theory of Elements, Dimensions and the Quantum Systems as the Gurparsadi”, the Guru is the Dimension, that is also the Frame of Reference and the Parsadi is as:
1. The Para Systems, the Classical Systems
2. Sadi=Sa-ti (TA, THA, DA, DHA, and NA-H-NA) that is popular as the “Shanti” and that is the Sadi and the Sati does not differ, and thus the Quantum Systems as the Parsadi or the Parsad Systems with dimensional words of Sata, Satha, Sada, Sadha, and the Sana. This way it as the 2-D with the Satha is the Spacetime Systems.
The Para and the Sadi, the Sati, together makes what we know as the Classical, the Para Systems and the Quantum, the Quantum Qubit Systems together as the Indian Philosophy of Gurparsadi.
Thus, the Indian Regional Languages, Cultures, Heritages, and all that we have discussed in this series is in the low profiles and nearly extincted. It for these reasons leads to violence, terrorism and riots as law may not recognize anything religious as academic and according to the officialdom, and thus people may not wish to make their kids, the children priests or the farmers but someone who is recognized officially and as a result India has millions of degree holders who may be unemployed!
If such researches ever upset governing bodies or the UNO and the Other Treaty Systems, we have to regret in future as may be leaving the masses of the world behind and that is the native people, aborigines, rural people, tribal people and educated and degree holders, who are also unemployed. They need and want “Identity” and that does not terrorism or a separate land, and that is the saddest part of human history in last 100-300 years. The 50 Years are only as if the single identity, the masses in need of work!
It thus seems the modern systems have almost failed to educate philosophy, religion, sacred arts, maths, linguistics, sacred grammars, sacred music, and all that is the real treasures of the masses in the world. These subjects mainly deal with the “Plato’s Inner, the Idea World, the Kingdom of God”, and the modern education systems as otherwise mainly educate about the “Plato’s Outer, the Real World”. So, we all may be professionally very educated, learned and established in our respective fields, but we now depend on “Pills” to live in the “Inner World” as we lack almost every inner, the sacred and thus quantum qubit studies in the modern world at least up to 2010.
In the Modern Education Systems, we notice lack of funds in almost every country in the world. It seems the huge funds go to the religious education that is not recognized in the modern education systems. Thus, many points give a blind vote that people fund terrorism, but people all over the world fund the religious education from thousands of year and no one wants it should ever extinct. Thus we notice huge funds face troubles whether its for terrorism, religious education or religious and the tribal developments and researches as people who fund or give donations in it are afraid of isolation and the disintegration of the communities and cultures as when most of the countries seem to label or blame it as “Funding of Terrorism”. The governing bodies neither seem to educate the world religions and faiths nor there seems proper support to it but many religious people now face trials as terrorists and the threat to modern systems. In this concern the UNO has almost failed and there seems no recognition of religious education in the schools worldwide and nor the modern education approach supports it properly.
We notice in our Modern World say in the Modern India that a religious person who is well versed in the given religion say in the Hinduism or the Sikhism, but without a degree from the college or university one is treated as an uneducated person, and its here that modern educations need serious attention that in the dual education systems, one needs recognition as otherwise an educated person from the college or university or anyone else gets full recognition and attention by just wearing the religious costumes and cloths. We notice in India and many other parts of the world that even in the religious places, the people who have the university degrees get attention and others are not well treated in most of matters, but when the religious people who has been sent jails or encountered as the terrorists has been mostly the non-academic people and UNO and Governing Bodies seem to run the literacy missions that educates the religious people and slowly one starts to paid worker not a volunteer. This is a very significant as now modern students are given the religious education with huge funding. If we have dual education the exploitation and misuse of funds can be very easily managed with public involvement. The irony is that religiously educated person may play almost no role in the modern education systems, and the modern educated person knows almost a very little about the world religions, faiths, grammars, maths, sacred geometry and so on, and when both these educated people meet we notice “a kind of negotiation” that seems as if “Peace Corps and Terrorist Meeting in Media”. These are the common observations that people say in many countries note and as we have been going through terrorism say in Punjab State in India from 80’s to late 90’s when the religious people were almost fully misunderstood and presented as terrorists all over the world at the same time and youth during that times has faced the “Threats to Religious Identity in School (Institutions) and Society”, and we have had a dairy farm with say 25 cows and buffaloes, we noticed the decline and end to local manufacturing, production and market that extended to say 2010 with complete loss of Indian Manufacturers, Original Works of Artists, Classical Systems, and things changed with manual work to works with the machines and thus great loss of employment and that all with heavy pollution in India and Asia, and thus these observations simply seem to convey that natural and normal life in Asia does not seem to exist no matter what media shows or official coverage as ordinary people and the masses without work and job mainly face it.
The way all world religions and faiths practice the left brain, the innovative studies can always be summed up as follows with “Quantum Qubit Life Systems” as the “O, A, E and AE”:
1. The Jarha, the Physical World (OORA, the O)
2. The Jeeva, the Living Biological World, the DNA Systems (AARA, the A)
3. The Jeeva-Atama, the Atomic World as the Living World (EERI, the E=O+A)
4. The Atama, the Atomic World (EEAA, the E+E Systems)
In the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Languages and the Brahmi Languages included in the Gurbani, the Sacred and the Poetic Languages, the Jeeva, the Quantum Life Qubit Systems are put in the easiest possible ways as:
1. JI+O=JIO and also as the JEEO
2. JI+A=JIA and also say as JEEA
3. JI+E=JIE and also say as JEE’E
4. JI+EA=JIEA and also say as JEE’EA
In this way, all Indian Sacred Brahmi, the Classical and Quantum Systems describe the “DNA and the RNA based on the Letter of Elements in the Indian Alphabets”. The “CHA, CHHA, JA, JHA, YIN-YAN-HA” gives the “Life Dipoles as we say the Air Elements that says that Shakti, the Life Dimension is the AIR Dimension while the KA, KHA, GA, GHA and the YIN-YIN-HA is the same Energy and the Shakti as the Space Elements that we say the Male Energy, and thus the Elements also give the Genders of the Universe with Matter as the Neutral Gender, and that the Linguistic and the Grammatical Genders are thus the O as the Neutral Gender, the A, the Male Gender, the E as the Female Gender, and finally the AE is the Matter, the Gender that deals the “Collective Systems” and thus is what the 25 Consonants explain as the Matter D’s, the Theory of Elements of the Periodic Table. Thus, the Indian Poetics use the Dipoles as the Mono-pole, the O, the A, the Bi-pole, the E as the Tri-pole and the EA as the Dipole in the Classical and the Quantum Studies and Research of the Universes and that is how the Gurbani says:
“Hari Simran Lag Bhagat Upaye…
Hari Simran Lang Ved (Bed) Upaye)” (Sukhmani Sahib, Gurbani)
“The Art of Focus makes one the expert in the Quantum Sciences, and thus the Bhagat, and that it can also make one expert classically, the Veda Systems as when the Great Manu, the First Man Philosophy in the world did, and thus the Vedas were revealed to him, and one can attain any knowledge and wisdom as either in the quantum way or the bhagati way.”
The above classification is so simple in the Indian Civilizations that one may even laugh at it, but what the Indian and Other World Civilizations say in the name of religions and faiths is that “Ishwara, the Living Cells and the Systems” have the Jeeva-Atama, the Living Atoms that act and react as the conscious living systems. This is where the modern theories may think of what world religions and faiths call the “Living God, the Jeeva Systems, the Quantum of Life”. We if recognize the “Living Cell and Systems as the Jeeva-Atama, the Living Atoms”, we can understand all world religions and faiths without even reading any scripture.
Now, the above “Quantum Qubit Classifications of Everything in the Universe as the A, E, O, AE” is in two ways; namely the Classical and the Quantum:
1. Classical Classifications: O, A, E, AE
2. Quantum Classifications: A, E, O, AE
In other words, the Classical Sacred Systems consider that the O, the Brahma is the Origin of Everything and that its the Light (O, the OM) that is the “First Thing in the Universe”, but the Quantum Sacred Systems, the Bhagat Systems consider it in a quantum way that its the A, the Vishnu, the Living Systems that come first. The Others have the Shiva, the EERI as the Origin of Life, the Jeeva-Atama, the Physical (Nonliving) and Living Systems Systems. The Durga, the Shakti Sacred Systems claim that its the “E-E, the EA, the Enkari Systems” that create the “O, A, E Life Systems of the Physical, Chemical and the Biological Systems”, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji describe it in the Japji Sahib as:
“Eka Mayi Jugati Viayi Tin Chele Parvaan…” (Japji, the Gurbani)
“The EA Systems in the Space (K) as the EAK, the Durga Systems create life, the Physical (O), Chemical (A) and the Biological (E), the Three Identities (the Brahma, Vishnu and the Mahesha that is same as the Father (O), Son (A) and the Holy Spirit (E), the Enkari).” (Japji, the Gurbani)
In other words, we have to make one as the God-Base from the following 4 Major Indian Doctrines:
1. The OORA (O), the Physical World
2. The AARA (A), the Chemical World
3. The EERI (E), the Biological World
4. The EEAA (EA), the Material World
The above 3, the O, A, and the E is shown in the image below, and the rest is the material world of the AE:

This is how the Indian and All Other World Religions and the Faiths study, discuss and research on the universe, life, and the Tat Darshan, the Philosophy of Elements, and how it creates everything as the “sacred Dimensions of Life”. This is called the “Quantum Setup of the Universe and Life in it”.
The Quantum Works on the World Religions and Faiths are well discussed in the Ayurveda and the Homeopathy happens to explain the Puti, the Potency Systems as the O, A, E and the AE present as the “Water Memory”, the Jala, the Amrit Boond (the Drop of Living Water), and the Holy Living Water Systems, and thus what we know as the “Water of Baptization in World Religions and Faiths” is all based on the “Water Memory” as in water, we also have the “Philosophy of Water DNA, the Pahlan Jio Pani Hai…” (Gurbani: That first form of Living Systems is the Water as the Dipole”, and that is water as H-0-H as the “O, A, E” as the “-,0,+” Charges in the Water and or anything in the universe is the “Life Dipole” that materializes as the AE, the Matter in the Universe”, and that is the Philosophy of Ayurveda and Homeopathy, and that is the “Quantum Dynamics of Life” as well:
The Sanskrit Languages describe almost all systems that has the inner base of vowels and the consonants, and that is mostly the “Kundalini Systems”, but the Brahmi Sanskrit is the output of the local and regional needs of native, rural, aboriginals, and tribal people who speak different languages and thus also use all that gives diversity and inside all follow what we know the “Classical and the Abstract Systems of Sanskrit called the Sahasakrit in the Gurmukhi Languages”. In this context any regional language say Chinese, Japanese, Armenian, Hindi, Gujrati, Tamil, German, English, and any other world language is well recognized mainly in the Brahmi Sanskrit, called the Sahasakrit, the “Natural Observations of Local People”. We can easily limit this subject matter with “Compilations of All National and the Tribal Languages of any country as the Brahmi Setup” and in this context Shri Guru Granth Sahib is one of the great example, but its not the only example, all world religions and faiths also do the same in the regions that has a specific civilization as in the Holy Bible, there are many contributors and in the Veda Compilations, the contributors are also many, and that always has it the “OLD Testament with the NEW Testament”. The “Old Testaments” are the example of what we can say the “Sanskrit”, but without the “New Testaments and thus the Brahmi Languages” no develop can be possible. If we recognize any new idea, invention or creation that is always the addition to the “New Testaments” in anything that exists and on it grow and develop the “Old Testaments” as well.
In this context, the World or the Global Media, Journalism and Film and the TV Industries need a very close look as we do not have the “Dual Recognition of Democratic and Religious or Faith Based Qualifications” as if say the “Indian Religions and Faiths say the “Girls can marry at the Age of 16”, the “Indian Constitution, the Democratic Systems may say that “Girls can marry only at the Age of 19 Years and otherwise its illegal”, and in this context most of the media productions in any form and format may not give global or universal appeal and many productions face threats from either religious or cultural systems or governing bodies do not support it, and that means the “Oscar Best Movie” may not be approved in many parts of the world, and that wastes most of the productions as films, documentaries, books, newspapers, magazines, and all that we say media expression as world civilizations seem to have no clear decision on the governing bodies and religion and faith based systems. So, we may have never heard that any full movie or film was liked by all! Thus, the world is full of “Masala Movies that may not express the Religions, Faiths, Cultures, Civilizations and so on as what world now sees as the Sacred Educations and the Single Models and Theories of Everything”.
We are now heading towards the “Quantum World of Classical and Quantum Worlds working together with all identities kept as its and more and better interpretations to all that we get or give in the media. So, we thus need recognition of the dual degrees so that members in the family and community can discuss everything, and that is also everything sacred, the quantum to say!
The Western World has achieved great marvels in the Quantum Studies and thus the Western Media and the Productions reflect it very well. However, the Eastern Media and Production now need the same works based not on imitation of the western media but some great quantity of works and production based on the Quantum Studies based on the World Religions, Faiths, Spiritualism and the Civilizations of say India, Arabian Countries, Egypt, China, Japan, and other Asian Countries. It needs a great contribution from say Indian, Arabian, Chinese, the Eastern Media and the World Media in general that good quality quantum works based on the said go the people worldwide and to the masses that also educate them, and no wonder the Life Dynamix University and Be Happy Philselfologically Systems can offer grounds for it with the dual qualifications and the licenses to practice in some capacity. It can make world a better place with things understood better.
Now, the great thing about the “Quantum, the Poetics as the Sacred Education Systems and the Sciences, Maths, Music, Grammars, etc.” based on the “Quantum, the Poetics” is same in every country and its states, but we seem to know it through “Brain and Intellectualism based on the Classical Systems in the World”.
Now, we have the Single Theories and the Models of Everything, and the Dimensions as the Poetics of the Universe, we can easily understand how ignorant we have been in past centuries while crusading in the world wars and anti-terrorism movements in the world that seem to have ended the “Quantum Poetics in Our Daily Life” and have ended up in the Global Depression, Recessions and All that is Nothing but the Rigidity of the Classical Systems”.
In other words, with the “Neutral Systems of Ionization, the O”, one can focus on it as the “Vibrations, the A” and or as the “Consciousness, the E”, and all is downloaded to the human body, the AE Systems. This way, the life is classified into 16*4=64+20 Systems that is the 64 Yoga and the 20 Bhagati, the Gyana Systems that has Indian Sacred Systems of 64, 80, 84, and that is all in the Indian and the Other World Civilizations as the Classical and the Quantum that follows the 4 Divisions and or the 5 Divisions as according to the Classical Systems of 16 and the Quantum Systems of the 20. For the easy way the 4 Sides of Information Universe, we always have “ONE System” that is always the UP and DOWN only and the IN or OUT in many world philosophies. The Indian Classical Systems mostly follow the 16 BIT Systems in all poetics, weight, and other dimensions. If we add the UP and DOWN Systems of Pressure that is related with the E=M*C*C Systems, we have all classical system converted into the quantum systems. As this topic is little different from the normal tempo of this part of the series, we will discuss it in a single and different part of the series of Be Happy Philselfologically. We have a good discussion about it in the following part of the series though:
How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World of Sciences Sacred Ease of Learning with Atomic Orbitals: The Sacred 8 and 10-Dimensions of the Universe, Holy Spirit and God, its Sacred Visualization, 14-D and 16-D’s: Be Happy Philselfologically – 61
In my proposed Philselfological Single Model and Theory of Everything, it seems that we first need to educate people how great their state, nation and civilization is in context to the “Quantum Poetics, the Base and the Basis of Models of Everything”, and slow down imposing the “Classical Systems, which are always from the country that has more power and authority”.
I discovered in my research of Philselfology that we are educated on mighty nation as the “Classical Nation”, and thus we as the citizen of our nations may know a least about the “Quantum Civilization and the Sacred Poetics and Education of Our Nations in which we live”. The computers can do anything, we start to believe as in the classical mode and in the quantum mode, its what we individually know and do according to the “Quantum Poetics”.
To know our nation and the nations, we have understand the great “Quantum Poetics, the Mathematicians, Scientists, Artists, and yes anyone who has observed and followed the Quantum Sacred Systems of the Nation and the Civilization in every country to see “Heart of Nation” instead of “Brain of the Nation” that we know always the “Science and Technology in the Classical Mode and the Classical Systems”.
One of the major drawback in the Classical Systems has been that it may always support the killing of animals and birds for eating, alcoholism, gambling and all that causes suffering, the global suffering in many world religions and faiths with exception of Buddhism and Jainism. The Quantum Systems follow the “Poetics and are Devotion Based Bhagati Systems” and does not support any of the above said and thus goes vegetarian in its approach. Thus, the Classical Systems support the Materialism and the Spiritualism is supported by the Quantum Systems.
However, the Classical Systems blame the Quantum System for using the Martial Arts, and even though the Quantum Claims are based on the Non-violation, the Classical Dominance goes as far as treating Martial Arts as the Means of Terrorism and Extremism in almost all world religions and faiths. For example in the western and modern civilizations, we notice that in His Second Coming, Lord Jesus says he will come with great martial arts, and that has been in lives of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna and Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, but they has been blamed as the users of Martial Arts and the Weapons by the Critics of the Classical Theories throughout human civilizations.
Here we notice that the Classical Theories of the World Civilizations describe good and bad, punishment and reward, but the Quantum Systems talk and discuss about the Theories of Elements, Dimension and Consciousness as the Platform of Cosmic Play of Consciousness with creating suffering.
We notice that in the Quantum Vowel and Consonant Theories, Linguistics, and thus the Languages, Grammars and the Linguistics in any world language gives us “All Classical Systems Converted into the Quantum Systems”. I have spent say simply 30-40 years understanding these “Sacred Quantum Systems of Math, Music, Grammars, Languages and the Classical Systems” and prepared “Letters to White House (USA), UK, Australia, Iran, India, and some other parts of the World Civilizations” during my studies in Australia in 1989-91.
The entire knowledge in the modern and the ancient systems is within the “Framework of 4-Dimensions of Self-assembling Systems” that exists as the Architect Systems of the Universes, and we can easily understand it all just from the A, E, O, AE, the 4 Quantum Vowels that the world civilizations have recorded as the “Sacred Patterns, Design, Sounds, Colors, Structures, Symbols and the Signs in Nature, Life and the Universe”. The Indians have studied it as the 4 All Purpose Vowels of Sound and Light Systems while recording it as the Sacred Ayurveda and the Astrology with all that we commonly know as the Sacred Vedas.
Based on the Veda Systems, the Theories of Elements and Dimensions has been developed but at the same time, the Quantum Systems also explain that every human uses these Sacred Quantum Vowels right from the womb, birth and when a child starts to speak, and that Sacred Wisdom is the Vowel Theory that may not have classical words in it. The Poets, Writers, Researchers, and the Creative Intelligence may not need any formal education in the Quantum Systems as even the kids can learn how to use mobiles as well the computers, toys, games and so on. The technology goes close to human creativity and the fantasy but the Science and Math and the similar subjects make humans think rationally and it is where one need to use both sides of the human brains with the Mathematical Linguistics same as say Grammars and the Maths, the Classical Systems and the Linguistics and Poetics that are same as the Quantum Systems that humans use for self-evolution, the Theory of Mann:
“Mann Tun Jot Saroop Hain, Apana Mool Pachhan…” (Gurbani)
“O My Creative Brain (MANN), please understand and recognize that you are the “Source of Zero Point Free Energy, the Pulsar, the Light, please recognize this very real identity of yourself…” says the Gurbani…”
We can see how the Essence of Quantum Systems, the MANN is well explained as the “Source of Zero Point Energy” in the following video that otherwise has been explained as the “Atama in the Classical Systems” in the World Religions and the Faiths. The Bhagati or the Quantum Sacred Systems discuss about the Mann as the Zero Point Energy Tapping Systems:
We notice that the Classical Systems in the World seem to have suppressed the Quantum Systems for a quite long time, but we now are getting out of the foggy visions:
The one thing that most of us may not know is that the Indian, Asian or the Eastern Languages are written in the same way as the Quantum Computing, Qubit and other Machine Languages are written and in it, the human brains are so trained and educated that people in this region follow everything for rest of life, and contrary to the “Brain Control Theories”, this simple to follow natural theory for humans is called the Sanskara Theory, and the Sanskara Theory is the Highest of the Quantum Qubit Programming that works instantly. The Mantra Theories with which the Classical Computer Programming from say the Sanskrit Languages has been done differs from the Quantum Qubit Poetics.
The Western Civilizations have yet to explore the Poetics, the Sanskara Theories as the Quantum Qubit Systems. My major researches are on it that will help East and West BE ALIKE with the Classical and Quantum Sacred Systems as the Modern Civilizations. The point of concern is that the “Theory of Atama has been educated too much, which is the First, the Source Photon, and what receives, tapes and uses it as the Second Photon, the Mann Theory in the World Religions and Faiths.” For this reason, the Brahmi Languages say Gurmukhi, the Punjabi differs from the Sanskrit, and the First and Third Person in these two systems differ a lot, what is the “I” in Sanskrit is “He” in the Gurmukhi, Punjabi and Other Brahmi Languages in the World, and Sikh Gurus have added almost all Brahmi Languages of Indian Civilization in Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib, and thus the Living Guru of Sikhism.
In the Brahmi, the Quantum and the Classical Compilations of All World Civilizations, the Indian Sikh Gurus and the Bhagat’s as the Gurus explain the Quantum Theory as the Nama Theory, and the Classical Theories are mostly described as the Onkara Sacred Systems in the world. In the Gurbani, the Classical and the Quantum Systems follow the Standards of Sacred Education Systems of the Universe. For example, the Onkara Theory and Philosophy is explained as the “Dakhani Onkara” and the Quantum Theory is explained as the “Sidh Goshti” and this division of Classical and the Quantum Poetics in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the Major Basis and the Basic Linguistic Quantum Qubit Operators that we have discussed as the Philselfological Model of Everything for both the Classical and Quantum Systems in the human civilizations.
In the Indian Sacred Systems, the Gurus are the Classical and the Bhagat’s are the Quantum Sacred Systems and what they share is called the Shabada, the Akhara, the Information Universe. In reality the Gurus follow the Classical Way to create the Quantum in the Information Universe, the Akhara Universe.
In other words, the Bhagat, the Quantum Identity do not have to imitate the Guru, the Classical Identifies and their Systems. So, the golden rule is that the Classical Systems are the Gurus, the Teachers and students if do not want to be the gurus can enjoy life with the Quantum, the Chara, the Nano, the Metamaterial Systems as if the Gods and the Goddesses in the heavens do!
One of sad points in the World Civilizations has been the division and partition of India that seems to be drawing from Sanskrit and Brahmi Systems developed as in the west most of imperialists has been convinced of the Sanskrit Languages and even today, the Brahmi, the Quantum Languages overlooked and almost fully ignored and alas no research seem to has been made about how the “Brahmi Languages of World Civilizations say Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Languages” are far better than Sanskrit as the Classical Studies. The Hindi is also the Quantum Sanskrit as the Punjabi (Gurmukhi), but most of the Western Civilizations may have paid a very little attention. As say Sikhs, the Brahmi Language users and Punjabi’s in general seem “Rebels and Terrorists”, the Indian Partition in 1947 and later creation of New States in India and Other Commonwealth and the Western Countries is mostly based on the Sanskrit, the Classical and the Quantum, the Brahmi Languages, and that is how we can notice that the Modern Imperialism has almost extinctic the Brahmi Languages from its basic roots in the world civilizations, and even the Sanskrit has lost its roots in the Indian Civilizations as most of Indian know almost know nothing about Sanskrit, and we claim to be modern and civilized:
If I have to appeal to UNO and World Governments, its always inviting to pay attention that world has lost the Most Ancient Classical Languages and the Almost All Brahmi Languages, and modern power play has put all Brahmi Languages to a great shame that new generations can not read, write or speak it well, and that is a big shame. Moreover, the World Literacy Missions say the Sarb Sikhya Abhiyan in India and the same or the similar literacy missions in the other parts of the world are a total failures in this regards as the people and the masses who are not educated or live in the rural areas, tribes, native and aboriginal places follow the Sacred Education Systems of the Theory of Elements, Dimensions and the Consciousness, and thus the Quantum and the Qubit Systems with Single Models and Theories of Everything. When we educate them anything other than this, it breaks up their systems and ends the art, craft and other languages and skills that can not live on the “Stored Databases alone”, and we may then simply produce educated and the literacy people who may not like their culture and heritage, and that is where the role of UNO, Governing Bodies and Other Agencies is a little questionable as described in this series of Be Happy Philselfologically on the Theory of Elements, Dimensions, Quantum and thus the Nano and Metamaterials. The people who protest and or suffer are not against the governing bodies or officials, but that the systems that seem not to support the Quantum Systems, Theories of Elements and Dimensions, Ancient Education Systems, World Religions, Faiths and the Sacred Education Systems in general, and it has taken modern countries to two world wars, the imperialism, cold wars and the similar including use of terrorism in spreading trading.
Educated people may refrain even from going to these areas and at the same time, the modern people in our schools and colleges may not know anything about how these people have been living on earth from say 50,000 years and more, and thus all that is world treasures, heritage, cultures, languages, and theories that develop are not part of the modern education systems, and it seems we need it as the Single Models of Everything as well as it bridges the ancient, the sacred and but lost and the modern civilizations of the world!
The still bigger shame is that all over the world we seem to educate the one sided brain languages of the machines and computers but not the linguistics.
Well, in any case, I have been able to convert all world civilizations and its classical systems in the quantum systems theoretically, and now its the easiest methodology with the quantum qubit computing that we will be able to convert any classical systems of the human civilization into its preferred classical state and the quantum conversions say using Euler, Newton, Einstein, Plank, Darwin, Plato, Hahnemann (Homeopathy), Ayurveda, All World Therapies, Sports, Music, and if we keep adding it embraces all that we have classified version of the human civilization and then put it as what we have called and classified as the Quantum Sacred Systems, and that is also what we may find as the “World Sacred Systems of All Kinds” as so simple that even a child can learn it very well:
“First Ecological Change that I put into practical was that the entire world needs a major change in earth systems was in 1981-92, I studied the Geography of World books in the Middle School, and put the world ecological and graphical systems in new system that is practical and wrote as student of Geography that all Indian rivers that create floods in Assam side need to sent Rajasthan, a desert state of India.”
Please read more about it from: Philselfological Education System: New Sacred Ecological Education System Based on Kids of First Grade Research Works, the Initiatives : The Proposal Grounds of Phiselfological Model of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically – 44
The previous part of the series: Please read more about it from: World Civilizations, Universe with Classical and Brahmi, the Quantum Languages: Quantum and Classical Studies of Light and Life: Sanskrit and Hebrew as Classical with Armenian and Gurmukhi as the Quantum Languages – Be Happy Philselfologically – 116
The next part of the series: Please read more about it from: How Quantum Business, Trading, Ethics, Morals, Value Systems help solving Global Public, Governmental, UNO, Religious, Charity, and NGO Crises: Gurmukhi Philselfological Model of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically – 118
We will edit and add.
Thanks for your time reading it!
P.S.: Please note some words may be repeated to many times, and that the article spinner may prove the quality work as “a little poor”, and that is where we need the role of “Theories of Elements and the Dimensions” given as the Dual Education and Qualification that we all can very easily discuss and explain all over the world.