All World Therapy Services Need to Visit Every Living Person and Homes: All Indians and World Citizens Need Health Services at Home: Be Happy Philselfological Appeal for Health and Wellness – 105

All Indians and World Citizens Need Health Services at Home: The Indian Healthcare for the Wellness of All needs an honest approach sending health workers to every living home of India as it prevents all diseases as people have suffered so much that economic crises, pollution and general lack of health care and wellness needs that the Indian Government offers Healthcare of Suzok (Acupressure) to everyone and generate donations, charities and funds for “Free Prevention of Every Diseases for Every Indian” as otherwise people seem to commit suicides in India while not willing to go for expensive health tests or visiting hospitals regularly.

We need to raise petitions for health and wellness that Indian Government offers Free Home Services through about 400-500 No Drug Therapies that the Alternative Healthcare Systems offer and claim that “It Keeps All Diseases from Home, Health and Individuals” and its almost free and the governing bodies can afford it.

Myself, I have done PhD (AM) specializing “Multiple Drug-less Therapies” and its use for health and wellness for all.

I am also Admin at the Life Dynamix – Wings for All ( while in its Medical and Healthcare Panel that also teaches, educates and certifies one in various healthcare systems.

In our opinion at Life Dynamix as I also personally think that all world governing bodies can offer hundreds of services of alternative medicines and healthcare as modern times that we live have put world communities into lowest living standards in the underdeveloped and the developing countries and simply offering very expensive solutions for common people may not bring any possible results and most of the funds go for research for say Cancer and AIDS, and we can help people live simply and healthy life if the governing bodies and the private and the religious people take some initiatives in these almost free services, and its surely the solution and modern researches can go well even when all are healthy and well, and these are “real solutions i life” and in no way utopian.

I wonder why UNO, World Governing Bodies and Corporate, and even NGO’s do not seem to provide free healthcare with no drug and alternative therapies. In my more than 40 years of age, I have never seen anyone offering it, and while I talk and write about it, I may seem a “little abnormal”, but we can surely help every citizen of the world visiting every living one and the homes, and it needs a resolution and a petition. It is so simple that once decided, it will help billions of people live healthy at no cost to the governing bodies and or otherwise, is not, so please take a step just add it in the checklist.

Its the health and wellness concern that is humanitarian, philanthropic and utilitarian and shows our love, compassion and care for the world in which we live and this is the real bliss that all enjoy in the beautiful world that is home for many. The self-love and love for all are one as one is for self, the self-love and the other is for all, the love for all, and we all can do it together and that is real globalization if we care for all, and that really does not cost anything but just willingness to do so as all Reiki Masters have been doing and the world flourishes and everything seems healthy and green.

Thanks for your time!

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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