How Ayurveda and Indian Sacred Systems Explain Sacred Dimensions of Universe: Matter, Sound, Energy, Light, Sacred Semiconductors and Role of Sacred Education Systems in Health and Wellness Management – Be Happy Philselfologically – 77
We have our Sacred Universe with the following Sacred Divisions and the Dimensions, which are same as the Human Body Functions as described in the Ayurveda and other natural sciences:
1. The Earth Systems as the Vata, the Solid Systems, the Tamo or Static Systems
2. The Moon Systems as the Kapha, the Liquid Systems, the Rajo or Kinetic Systems
3. The Sun Systems as the Pita, the Gaseous including the Fire Systems, the Sato Dynamic Systems
4. The 12 Sign or the Rasi Systems as the 7 Systems of Body based on the Self-effort and the Shakti Dimensions
5. The 28 Constellations Systems as the Sound, Matter, Energy, and Light Management as based on the Mantra Therapies
6. The North Polaris as the 8th Dimension in the Human Body as the Sound, the Shakti of Mana Theories and Light Dimensions, the Shiva or Power Dimensions as based on the Nama Therapies
7. The Center of the Universe, the Sachkhanda as the Light or Consciousness Systems in the Living Bodies as based on the Grace and Blessing Theories, the Ashirvada, the Effortless and thus the Uncaused Systems as simply by standing in front of the sun, we get the sunlight and thus easiest of all dimensions
8. The Rasyana, the Universal Iona or the Ion Theory as the Sacred Energy-Power Dimension of the Universe as the Ayurveda calls it the “Amrita, the Ojasa Dimension”
We now discuss all of these 8 Sacred Dimensions in a little detail:
1. The Earth Systems as the Vata, the Solid Systems, the Tamo or Static Systems: These are popular as the Rakshasa Systems, these are the solids in the living and as the nonliving things, which means Matter into Light Conversion by Direct Methods in which the Material and Mantra are always there as the matter and Matter Conversions, and thus the Bhoot Vidya, the Systems of Knowledge of Matter. We as humans live on earth but depend on the Matter and Material. It follows the Process of Melting. In the sound therapies, its the “AA”, the “Yan” or the “Yang” as the say human legs with say with the abdomen and the lumbar regions. In the color therapies, its color is the “Red” as that of the regions of the abdomen and below as the legs. In the Metallic Therapies of say Ayurveda and other Alternative Medicines, its represented by the “Copper” as the right side of the body, the Sun Systems, as its the Solar Plexus as the Natural Semiconductor and thus the Sacred Kundalini. In the Indian Music Systems, its the “Sa”, the First Sound of the Sargama.
2. The Moon Systems as the Kapha, the Liquid or the Fluid Systems, the Rajo or Kinetic Systems: These are popular as the Manushaya Systems, these are the liquids in the living and as the nonliving things which means Matter into Light Conversion by Indirect Methods using Sound Energy as the Mantra Theories. It may not use the Theories of Light. We do not live on the Moon, but need to know how matter, light and sound works as the Earth-Moon Systems together. It follows the Process of Evaporation. In the sound therapies, its the “EE”, the “Yin” as the say human arms with heart and shoulders, and thus covered backbone, the spinal chord. In the color therapies, its color is the “Yellow” as that of the regions of below the arms including the chest. In the Metallic Therapies of say Ayurveda and other Alternative Medicines, its represented by the “Gold”, the Earth as the “Guru, the Gravity” Systems as the central side or the center of the body as the Natural Semiconductor and thus the Sacred Kundalini. In the Indian Music Systems, its the “Re”, the First Sound of the Sargama.
3. The Sun Systems as the Pita, the Gaseous Systems, the Sato Dynamic Systems: These are popular as the Deva or the Devta Systems, these are the gases in the living and as the nonliving things which means Sound Energy into Light Energy Conversions by Indirect Methods using Light Energy, Nama Theories as the Mantra and the Nama Theories. We do not live at or in the Sun, but need to know how the Sunlight, the Sound into Light Functions as we receive the Sunlight, Ultra and Infra Lights, Thermal Energy, and other waves from the Sun, and thus the Sound, the Matter Waves and the Light, the Light Waves, and thus need to understand the Sound-Light, Matter-Sound-Light (Moon Systems) and the Matter-Sound (Earth Systems) Energy Systems to run life systems on the Earth Systems. In the sound therapies, its the “OO”, the “Yong” as the say human head with brain and above the nape regions of the backbone, the spinal chord. In the color therapies, its color is the “Blue” as that of the regions above the Neck, the Voice Chords and head in general. In the Metallic Therapies of say Ayurveda and other Alternative Medicines, its represented by the “Silver” as the Moon Systems, the left side of the body as the Natural Semiconductor and thus the Sacred Kundalini. In the Indian Music Systems, its the “Ga”, the First Sound of the Sargama.
The Musical Fourth Sound, the Note and the Bliss is the “Blank, the Vara, the Ojasa, the Bridegroom Sound” Note, the “Silence due to the Unstruck Sounds of Vowels”, which is same as the Musical Silence, the Turiya, the Ojasa, and thus the Transitional as the Ojasa is in the Living Bodies and the Universe, which the Ayurveda and the Vedas in general call the Biorhythms as the “Prana’s with the Tejasa, the Tri-guna, the “Te”, and the “Jasa”, the Flows of the “Prana’s” as the “Te”+Jasa” the Ojasa, the “OM, the Light due to Sacred Flows in the Living Body and any semiconductor, the PN or NP and the Bands, the Ojasa of the Semiconductors in general” as shown below for the Sacred Semiconducting Kundalini of a Leaf, and “A Leaf Can Save the World”:
Thus, we have the Sacred Nature going in the Physical (Tamo, the Vata, the Static as to the Physics, and what we know as the Hardware, the Jantra’s (Yantra’s) in the Computer Engineering and Sciences), Organic (Rajo, the Kapha, the Kinetic as to the Biology and what we know as the Software, the Tantra’s (Tantra’s) in the Computer Engineering and Sciences), Inorganic (Sato, the Pita, the Dynamic as to the Chemistry, and what we know as the Programming, the Mantra’s in the Computer Engineering and Sciences) parts of the Natural and Other Sacred Semiconducting in the Natural world, an Nature in general:

Thus, the Physics, Biology and the Chemistry unite as follows according to the Natural (Physical), Artificial (Inorganic), and the Biological (Organic) Semiconducting, and that is where we, the world in this context stand today:
It well unites with the Hardware (Vata of Machines, the Computers), Software (Kapha of Machines, the Computers and Programming (Pita of Machines, the Computers) in the Storage Faculties of Databases, which is the Ojasa of the Machines, the Computers. In our education, research and training, we have it as follows:
1. Tamo Guni, Studies: In it, we have all physical studies of matter, and its always based on the “Action Theories, and thus never from the Applied, Pure and Research”, and in student-teacher, university, education, research and training’s, we need Graduation, Post Graduation and Research for all no matter what previous knowledge and qualifications one has as it is the Practical or the Action Theory Knowledge, which most of the people in the world have as humans, who are the “Tamo Guni, the Static Form of Energy that such people never like the physical abuse in the world”. It includes the property, physical possessions, hardware’s, machines, computers, vehicles, and all that goes for the “Insurance of Life, Property, Health and Accident, the Injuries and the Death”. The “Vedas” call it the “Shudra” or the “Sundra”, the Users of “Sha”, the Sounds, the “Shabada Doors, the Dras”, which means that we can work when we leave the meditation in which we close the Tenth Door as the 9 Senses and their Doors are called the “Shu-dras”, and we all use it most of the time and have fears getting troubles and problems and thus the “Insurance”! It follows the following law as the “Tamo, the Earth Age as the Childhood of Human Life”:

2. Rajo Guni Studies: In it, we have all chemical studies of matter, and its always based on the “Applied Theories, and thus never from the Pure and Research”, and in student-teacher, university, education, research and training’s, we need Graduation, Post Graduation and Research for all no matter what previous knowledge and qualifications one has as it is the “World Funda of Artificial, Genetically Modified Foods and all that anyone having little knowledge with dangerous mutation and permutation can do”. It is thus the major health and wellness healing process as all know everything that has “Kinetic Energy Conversions in it no matter what”. Applied Theory Knowledge, which most of the people in the world have as self-assumed lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers, singers, writers, and lot more than seem to occupy almost all databases. All need easy graduation, post graduation and research degrees in it everywhere in the world for all who are the “Rajo Guni, the Kinetic Energy Oriented, who do not want emotional abuse in the world.” The Sacred Vedas, the People of Wise as we say the Holy Ones call it the “Vaisha”, the “Vai”+Sha”, the Holders, and the Healers, the Merchants, the Dealers of “Sha” Energies, the Shabada Possessions as the same as the “Vai+da”, the Vaida’s, the Healers of Living Bodies. When we deal in it its the “Kinetic or the Rajo Guni, the Yin Act”. It follows the natural laws and principles of the “Charity, the Chara, Charit, Charitra, the Character” as the “Rajo, the Adolescence of Human Life”:
3. Sato Guni Studies: In it, the Dynamic side of Matter is the Dynamite that has all people read to use explosives, weapons, and it leads to a Little Street Violence and Crimes to major Cyber Crimes and the Terrorism. In it one most easily assumes to have been “abused by others, and thus the intellectual property violantions, the weakness of the Dynamic or the Sato Guni People”, and thus it leads to the “Intellectual and the Intentional Crimes”. The modern human civilization seem to have spent and wasted most of the world economy and funds on, in and against it. It is not matter of “Rehabilitation”, but that all need easy graduation, post graduation and research degrees in it everywhere in the world. The Sacred Vedas, the People of Wise as we say the Holy Ones call it the “Shatryia”, the “Sha”+Tria”, the Holders, and the Healers, the Merchants, the Dealers of “Sha” Energies Conversion into Powers through the “Indriya” as the “Tria, Tariya…, the Shakti, the Force use”, the 9 Doors, the Dras, and the Driya’s, and what flows in it as the “Powers is the Bala, and thus the “Tarna, the Turiya, and the Turna, the Turiya of the Sha’tria also written as the Kshtria”, and thus the “Sha+tryia” a, the Shabada Converters into Brahma Actions, the Martial Arts as we have discussed as the Origin of Brahmi Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Languages. When we deal in it its the “Dynamic or the Sato Guni, the Yan Act” as the “Sato, the Young and Adult Age of Human Life”.
4. The Turiya or the Ojasa Studies: In it, the Study of Genetics, Spirituality, World Religions and Faiths, and all that seems “Threat to Personal Identity” is there and its the gravest of all possible reasons that we have forceful and fearful attitude towards one another, and that we all lack proper information, knowledge, awareness and education with research that updates daily as research dies when one get funds, jobs and or power, the politics and thus it ends the Swaadhaya, which I named as the Philselfology. In it, almost we all are the victims, and we need what the “Sacred Education Systems”, and all of it in the easiest possible graduation, post graduation and research degrees in it everywhere in the world. Its the “Adult Education, Hobby Classes, Co-curricular, and above all its the “All Time Education, from Womb to Tomb”. The Sacred Vedas call it as the “Turiya, Ojasa, Brahman, Purusha, Divine, and many other similar names, but main one is used as the Brahman”, which means how the “Mana, the Man of Mann, the Man goes into Nama, the Brahm”, and thus all thinkers, researchers, educators, scientists and anyone thinking of “Mana Energy into Nama Power, the Light”, which happens when we do the Yoga, Meditation, Focusing, the Blank Beat of Music, and is thus the Yong Theory for the Chi, the Ki, Qi, and the “EAK” as the EAKONKARA!” and is the “Old Age, the Turiya, the Age of Ojasa of Human Life”:

“How to Be Happy Philselfologically and Violent Strike in School in 1976-77 gave me a start to think and work about Practical or Applied Philosophy, the Philselfology as the Sacredness of Knowledge and Wisdom – 26”
In it, the Ojasa or the Turiya, the Light Processes one needs no shabada or the sounds as the struck sounds, but the inner beat sounds that are the body functions and flows that remain the Rhythms and thus follow the “Nama Theories” as by simply focusing on these one imparts power and energy to these rhythms, the “Nama, the Light and Sound Centers”, which are based on the 16 Sacred Vowels, the Unstruck Sounds that govern and run the Power Dimensions. These sacred sounds are the “Purusha, the Power Dimension, the Husband, the Bridegroom, , the Vara, and the Pati inside all of us as the Eka Purursha of “Eka Purusha, Sabaayi Naar” means “Only Sacred Vowels are the Prurusha, and rest of the Body Parts in men and women are the Naar, the Prakriti”. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the Sacred Moolmantra of Sikhism gave this Purusha the Name of Purukha”, the Power Dimensions in which everything evolves, lives and emerges, as the very word, “Khai”, the “Khaya”: Pani Sang Pani, Joti Sang Jot. The “Purusha” too has a meaning that everything as the “Avara, the Maya, the Shakti, the Energy and thus the Dimensions of Energy” evolve, live and emerge into the “Sha”, the Sacred Sounds of the “Purusha”. In the Sujhu Cultures, the Human Body is Temple of God as we have the Genetic Family Systems, the Sacred DNA Family, which together evolve, live and emerge in the “Sacred Ojas”, the “Pu+Rasa”, the Rasa, the Amrita (the Mrita, which runs with the Shakti, the Sacred Energy Flows in the Living Bodies, which we know as the “Prana”, the United as the Prakriti in the Living Bodies, and in association with the Purusha as the “Tejas”, the “Sacred Glow that is Produced by the Body Flows, the Prana”, and thus the Reincarnated, Real, Mortal, Visible World and so named the Amrita, the “Ojas by itself, and thus the Invisible, Incarnated and the Immortal Ideal World) of the “Pu”, the Bala of the Universe, the Spirit of the Universal DNA, the Sacred Kundalini Systems:
Thus, in the Alternative Medicinal World, all follow the “Nama, the Light and Sound Theories”, which are more than 300 in our world. Its the Gurmukh, the “Vara, the Bridegroom” the Matter (Shabada) into Light (Unstruck Sounds) the Sacred Vowels, the Swara Side of Sacred Alphabet of the Gurmukhi, and thus World Languages as the Yang of Languages in the Gurmukhi Ways. It gives the Sacred Visualization of Swarga, the Indian Concept of the Swarga, and thus the Gurmukh and the Swarga, the Heaven Philosophy and Concepts of the Indian Civilizations. Thus are the wonderful said words about in the Sikhism:
1. Gurmukh Panth Suhela: The Pathology of the Sacred Vowels gives ease and gives perfect health as it means the Sacred Vowels (Gurmukh), Pathology (Path) Suhela (Su-wonderful and Hela, the Hala, the Need of Force and Friction to say and utter the sounds of vowels and thus the Quality of Shabada.
2. Mannmukh Panth Duhela: The Pathology of the Sacred Consonants gives disease and gives poor health as it means the Sacred Consonants (Mannmukh), Pathology (Path) Duhela (Du-Painful and Hela, the Hala, the Need of Force and Friction to say and utter the sounds of consonants and thus the Quality of Shabada.
The Modern Therapies mainly focus on the “Mana Theories of Struck Sounds of 20 Consonants, which follows the Laws and Principles of Matter and Sound, but not the Light”, and thus have almost all works going on the Shakti, the Force Dimensions. Its the “Mannmukh, the Sacred Consonants, the Akhara, the “A’vara, the Bride”, the Matter into Sound Conversion Side of the Gurmukhi as the Yin of Alphabet of the World Languages!” It gives the Sacred Visualization of Narka which means the “Na, the Sound and the Ra Light, which goes into the Ka, the Sounds that create pains, diseases and the suffering in the human body and the life systems in the Sacred Kundalini, the Natural Semiconductors, and thus the “Naraka”, which means the Hell and in the Languages the Halla, Hallant, the Consonants”, and thus the Indian Concept of the Swarga, and thus the Mannmukh and the Naraka, the Hell Philosophy and Concepts of the Indian Civilizations. About it, the Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism says that when an infant or a child starts to speak the Consonants, the Vehicles of “Maya” in the humans, one starts to use the “Left Brain, the Intelligence”, which is the Knowledge as the Serpent, who advises the Creative Intelligence, the Woman to eat the “Apple, Fala, the Flow of Sounds, which degenerate the human life essentials due to their flows in the body, and thus a Satanic Activity, the Energy Conversions of Matter, Sound and Light (E=M*C*C), which imbalance the Dynamics of the Achet Awastha, the Light Form of Human inside, the Light, which we cannot see as we see the things with it, and thus the words: “Chita, Cheta, Chinta…”, which makes us assume and believe that its the “Light that we see rather than that the light help us to see things”, and thus as the Sacred Gurbani says:
“… Maya Amaru Vartaya…”: “The Intelligence has made one slowly forget the Creative Intelligence, and its Kala and the Vidya, and thus the Bindu Theory”
We have discussed it earlier:
“The serious problems in the world language, linguistic and scripts has been from Hindi and Sanskrit difference and we can improve it a lot using the modern languages that are the divine languages as the Hindi, the Devanagari the Languages of the Goddess, and the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Scripts and thus the Divine Teachers Languages in the world languages that we have a easiest possible solutions to the world of languages, scripts and the linguistics as for example the Armani Languages that helps in the removal of cluster of constants that is the worst brain torture, the hell that we suffer while alive and that Lord Jesus speaks says as the Sciences of Languages, the Linguistics as Aramaic, the Popular Version of Hebrew, and thus of Sanskrit, Hindi, the Devanagari and thus the Brahmi of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as purposed by the Sikh Gurus doing the similar tasks about and of languages as Lord Jesus did; the video says it loudly while in the Indian languages the Hal, as the Harvesting Plugging stuff has the same meaning for the languages that all words, the akhara’s are the real Hal, the Hell:
Now, the words of Vyanajana that is consonants has a special name and that is the “Hall” pronounced as the “Hell” and thus we notice that we store unnecessary clusters and clots of consonants that harm the human brains and the creativity, and we need to check and mark the removal of this unwanted products in brain by using the divine vowels and thus the role of the Vyanaja first as in the Hindi it goes as:
The Vyanjana or the Hall, the Hell words that use force of friction, the consonants are the Non-Vedic words as prohibited in the Vedas, Holy Gita and the Gurbani, the Teachings of Sikhism that any word that does not start with saying OM and have grammar content of OM as discussed these parts of Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, English and other language structures, and thus words without the OM, the OAM, “AA EE OO” and thus the set of A, E, I, O, U is considered harmful, but the mantras containing these vowels of OM are said to be the Mantras of Savara, the Sawara, the Shavra and or the Shabari Mantras of all world religions and faiths that support the use of Vowels as must part of the grammars of world languages, scripts, linguistics and that that thus is Vedic, from the Vedas, the origin of which is OM as OAM and OO EE AA, and without use of “OM” the practice of any mantras is considered very harmful as it says:
“It is a practice followed in left-handed Tantra philosophy. It calls upon the grace of certain energies and not God in particular. Powerful energies are invoked and deities are said to be the ones who possess and grant such energies. Energies of these deities are commanded to take seat and obey the tantri. This is only possible if the Tantri has the grace of the presiding deity. Else those energies are said to destroy the Tantri himself.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The Tantrik or the Black-magicians are the ones, who use only the Consonants, the Hell or Heaven part of sounds that give either pain or pleasure to others and the self, who practices it. Thus, the use of vowels, sounds of Divine Painti Akhari, the 35 words and the vowels without Sah, the S: and thus only the 35 words and vowels in the Divine Alphabet of Languages say English saves us all from mental health and wellness problems.
The major contributions from world religions, faiths and spiritualism in general is the way it deals with day-to-day problems and the home remedial measures that world grammar experts has always helped in what we know as the slang, phrases, idioms, and all that has “it rains in cats and dogs” dealing with the cognitive behaviors among humans and other living ones and thus the cognitive behavior therapies as proposed by the Psychology of Grammars to say that I would call Philselfology of Grammars, and thus Bola’s, Doha’s, Mantra’s, Idioms, Slang Words and Phrases and Symbolism is just a Good-man’s goodwill therapy systems as we know it as the Shabari Mantras, that has most recognizable sounds, symbols and signs in it as we know it in India and thus the Cognitive Behavioral Therapies:
You see the Old or Ancient English Alphabet and the Vowels have the same number of total words and sounds that the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script has and thus some words seem to be either spelled or pronounced wrong, but total seems as the Painty Akhari, 35 Words as in the Punjabi and thus in the English Language and the world languages similar to it: ***
Thus, all world languages have the same words, the letters and the sounds, and thus the divine vowels as we notice and see in the Punjabi Languages and the Gurmukhi Scripts that is similar or same at many places to Hindi.
About the clusters of the consonants, it gives a wonderful solutions: “Compound letters are avoided in Gurmukhi, with the exception of haha and rara, which are joined with consonants at their foot with the signs. Gurmukhi script is an evolute from the old Brahmi script like Devanagari and other scripts of the area like Sharda, Takri, Mahajani etc. Gurmukhi characters are even older than Devanagari.” (With thanks from the source:… )
It very strongly seems that the Modern English language developers have tried their best to remove the clusters of consonants but while doing so, there are many new big clusters of consonants as it cannot be set of 26 letters but same as the Sikh Gurus, especially Shri Guru Angad Dev ji gave, and that is the set of 35 words, the letters that are same or at least almost same as the Old English Alphabet, and thus we may have many good solutions and thus the least possible problems in the modern and the future world!”
With thanks from the source: Sacred Wisdom of Mouth, Languages, Scripts, Linguistics: How World has Hindi and Punjabi Parental and Mother Languages: Philselfology of Golden Times of India – A Civilization – 50
The Gurmukh and the Mannmukh together have 36 Sounds, which have the Yin-Yan Pairs in the Gurmukha as the 8 Yin-Yang Pairs=16 Sacred Vowels and the Mannmukh, the Consonants as having the 10 Yin-Yang Pairs=20 Sacred Consonants in all world languages as we know it the “Gurmukhi, the Brahmi Languages”. These Yin and Yang Pairs are present in the Entire Body Systems as we have called the Sacred Kundalini, the Natural Semiconductor Systems in the Living Bodies and thus these as the 18 Pairs, the Dhatu’s of the 36 Sounds of the Gurmukhi, which our human biorhythms produce as if the Natural Instruments, the Orchestra inside our body as people, who meditate can experience, and its same as the Instruments and the Orchestra outside the human body, and thus the Brahmi Languages as shown as described below:
“Eighteen Dhātus:
The eighteen dhātus<ag> – the Six External Bases, the Six Internal Bases, and the Six Consciousnesses – function through the five aggregates. The eighteen dhātus can be arranged into six triads, where each triad is composed of a sense object, a sense organ, and sense consciousness. In regards to the aggregates:
The first five sense organs (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body) are derivates of form.
The sixth sense organ (mind) is part of consciousness.
The first five sense objects (visible forms, sound, smell, taste, touch) are also derivatives of form.
The sixth sense object (mental object) includes form, feeling, perception and mental formations.
The six sense consciousness are the basis for consciousness.” (With thanks from the source:… )
As we say that all “Dhatu’s” are the Twin Ashwani Kumar Systems of Semiconductors, the Electromagnetic Pairs, we have say the Nerve and Motor Divisions and Dimensions that means for each of the following we have the pairs:
The first five sense organs (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body) are derivatives of form. It has the five muscular systems associated to it, and thus the Five Karma and 5 Gyana Indriya’s, the Doors, the Dara (Driya) of Energy, the “In” and thus the 10 Indriya’s.
The sixth sense organ (mind) is part of consciousness. At the same time, we have left and right brain readings, the nerve and motor systems, which gives the Consciousness two outlets, the Prakriti for the Motor Nerves and the Purusha for the Nerves, thus the Human Brain as the Hub and Headquarter of Electromagnetic Powers that are one as the Prakriti, the Right Brain and the Purusha, the Left Brain joined as the Natural Semiconductor, the Kundalini.
The following ones add up as the pairs to the Kundalini, the Natural Semiconductor as we know the Light and Right Side of the Glandular System, as for example the Pineal Gland receives the “Smell and the Sound”:
The first five sense objects (visible forms, sound, smell, taste, touch) are also derivatives of form. The Form is the “Shakti”, and thus accompanies the “Shiva”, which can be felt but not seen, and thus the “Shakti as the Ida, the Idrirya, the Karma-indriya centers, which Psychologists call the “Ida”, the Moon Systems in the Ida, Ego and Superego Systems. The “Shiva is the Gyna, and as what western civilizations have named the ego, the Gyana, and thus the Gyana Indriya’s. In between all remains the “I” as the Superego System of the Kundalini, the Natural Semiconductor Systems, and “I” as the Power Dimension that runs the Systems of the “Dhatu”, the “Sound (Dha) Conversion into Matter using the Light as the Power, and thus the name “Dhatu” for all semiconducting systems in the Physical, Chemical and the Biological Functions in the Living Systems. These create the Sacred Kundalini, the Semiconductor from this process, while keeping the Living Systems Happy, Healthy and Holy to produce the 18 Pairs as the 36 Sacred Vowels and the Consonants that produce the “Eggs” among the women and the “Sperms” among the men, which is a One Set of 18 Dhatu, the Pairs of Sacred DNA Systems, the Semiconducting Systems that keep life keep going on the earth systems. These Sacred Living Semiconductors, the DNA, the Kundalini live and dwell in All God Quality Systems, the “OM”+”Jass”, Light (OM) and the Sound Systems (Jass), and thus the “Ojasa” of Sacred and Divine Ayurveda Systems, which keeps the “Sacred DNA” present in all cell systems of the living bodies. At the same time this “Ojas”, the “Light, the Physical into Biological (Ja, the Jeeva, Jaiva, Jeevan) and then into the Sound (Sa, Shabada, the 5 Senses, Organs, and all that needs the Sound Energies), and thus the “Ojas” as the Universal Spirit in which we all live, grow, develop, excel and die as a body, but this Sacred Systems of “Light, the Nama Bio-Jeeva, the Mana and Sound, the Shabada”, the “Power Dimension of Life” lives always in the universe as a Living System for all Sacred Semiconductors, Sperms, Eggs, DNA, Kundalini, which is the 7 Dimensional Universe in which we live, and we are the Smaller, but the Same Universes as we say all of us are nothing but the Universe: “… Jo Brahmande Soyi Pinde…”: We all have the same Sacred Semiconducting System that runs the “Entire Universe, the Sacred Dimensions of the Universe, the God Made Human in His Own Image” and exactly the Same Sacred System as the Universe Has which is the “Ojasa of the Universe, the Ojas Ocean which we all share as the Drops of Amrita, the Ojas!”
At the same time, all that have life can also have life and having no bio-jeeva life in it as we notice the “Bioless Foods”!
All of it accompanies all Living Systems “as the Power Dimension”, which runs with the “Nama, the Shiva or the Rama, the Light Theories and the Therapies in which the Electromagnetic Energy moves towards the Head or Heaven, the Swara Centers” (The Gurmukh of Gurmukhi!) in following Sacred Divisions and thus the Force Dimensions, which runs with the “Mana, the Mantra, the Shakti or the Sound Theories and the Therapies in which the Electromagnetic Energy moves towards the Feet, the Hala, and thus the Hell, the Consonants” (The Mannmukh of Gurmukhi!):
“1. Rasa dhatu (Lymph)
2. Rakta dhatu (Blood)
3. Mamsa dhatu (Muscles)
4. Medha dhatu (Fat)
5. Asthi dhatu (Bone)
6. Majja dhatu (marrow (bone and spinal))
7. Shukra dhatu (Semen)
(With thanks from the source: (Ayurveda))
and the 8th is the Power Dimension:
8. The Ojas Dimension
The Ayurveda Systems study and explain all of the 7 Sacred Dimensions of Force, the Sound, the Shabada, and the 8th Sacred Dimension of Power, the Shiva or Rama as the 7 Sacred Chakras, the Life Cycles and we use the “Nama”, the Light Theories as the 8th Sacred Dimension of Power, the Bala:
All that we have discussed so far can be summed up as in the following image:
In the Periodic Table, these Dhatu’s have a special place as the Greater Bonds of the Living Semiconductors as we need to rearrange the Semiconductor and the Kundalini, the Biological, Chemical and Physical Worlds of the Matter, the Elements differently.
“The result is a rather awkward twin-tower shape to add to the already uneven shape the periodic table has. The initial unevenness occurs because the alkali and alkaline earth metals fall on the left as a tall block followed by a shallower ten element-wide block containing the transition metals. This is followed on the right edge by another taller block, which is six elements wide and contains a mixture of metals, semi-metals and non-metals.” (Metals, the Chalaka, Semi-metals as the Ardha-chalaka and the Non-metals as the Kuchalaks has always a specials category as for the Semiconducting Families, and with thanks from the source:… )
Thus, when we consider the Semiconducting Elements in the Periodic Tables, the Sacred Dhatu, and thus the Kundalini Systems give the likely 18 Semiconducting Metals, the Semiconducting Elements that influence the Life and thus are as if the Bio-Metals, which has been well checked, verified, used and recommended medicines in the Natural Nano Technology of the Semiconductors, the Kundalini, and thus the Sacred DNA, and thus the Homeopathy has used it all before anyone in our Modern Times, while Ayurveda has always used it as the “Puti”, the Potency Systems for Health and Wellness, and I have used almost all of these Sacred Set of 18 Medicines with the Twelve Tissue Remedies for more than 25 years and it has the “Real Semiconducting, the Kundalini Effects on the Living Things as for the Animals, Birds, Plants and the Humans as for example the Sulfur is the Mother Semiconducting Medicine for All” as well as shown below are the modern semiconducting materials that need to be reviewed accordingly as the Sacred Symmetry of Grammars, Maths, Music, and Homeopathy, the Natural Nano Technology, the Dhatu Systems of the Ayurveda, and the similar:
Thus, the Vata (Matter), Kapha (Sound) and the Pita (Light) Energies that run with the Systems of the 5 Elements, the Panch Karma of Ayurveda, the Indian Health Sciences. It follows the Process of Sublimation. The following image shows how the 3 Guna, and the 5 Elements are correlated:
This very thing in the Homeopathy Health Sciences is present as the “3 Miasmas, the Virus, the Microbiological Side of the Living Things and thus the Human Life” as we have the Vata as the Psora (the Indian equivalent to as the K-sura not the Sura of the Sacred Vowels and thus the Impurity or Infection that enters body having no independent life), Kapha as the Psychosis (the Indian equivalent to as the K-Kayosas, the Moon (Sis, Sas, Sasa) for Fluids and Flows, which make the Sura into First Formation of All, the “Kayi”, the Fungi Formations, the Most Primitive of All Viruses, and thus the “Kayi”, the “Chi”) and the Pita as the Syphilis (the Indian equivalent to the (“Sas”, the Moon+Flows, the Fruit or the Fala, the Ripened State of the Virus of Psora and the Psychosis as the Living System against any or the Human Living System, and thus eats the Sasa Products, the Sacred Fluids and their Flows from the Living Biological Body say animals and the humans, the “Isa” at the end of Syphilis’a is the Isha of the Syphil and thus Independent Lord, the Isha in the living body, which is the same as the Rust on the Iron Material, and thus it rusts the blood cells, the degeneration and the decay process, which the Homeopathy deals to cure permanently), and the Major Wonder in the World is that the Homeopathy deals it as the Nano Technology with Right from the Shakti and Shiva Dimensions, the 8th Dimension of Power as the Psycho Center in the Nervous System, the Purusha-Prakriti Center to say, which is the Essence of All World Therapies as the “Nama, the Nano, the Light Theories”:
In our daily life, we use these Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Energies as the Vata, Kapha and the Pita Energies, while using all of these in the Perception, (the Vata based Karma Organs, the Senses, the Indriya’s), Conception, the Kapha based Gyana Organs, the Senses, the Indriya’s) and the Thought, the Ojasa Process of the Pita, the “Particle Side of Light” to read all of it as the Reader, and while “I” feels, experiences, records, stores, and thus is the “I-Database”, the Personal Identifications for all that we know, think, feel, and experience, and its the “Wave Side of the Light”, which is the “Real I”.
These Matter (Vata), Sound (Kapha) and Light (Pita) transformations are the Basics of Sciences, which study as the Melting, Evaporation and Sublimation:
The 3 Guna of Matter, Sound and Light transformations are the Basics of Sciences, which study as the Melting, Evaporation and Sublimation, which go into the Other Popular Energy Conversion Systems the 3 Guna, the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic State of Matter, which can have say 3 Forms of Matter for each as Solids, Liquids and Gases can have 3 Transitional States as water can be liquid, gas and the solid ice, and this is also true for gases say Nitrogen liquid forms and conversion of liquid gases, solids, and the other relevant forms into desired form of matter.
These 3 Forms of Matter as what we know as the Vata, Kapha and Pita in the Ayurveda, which constitute the 16+20 Dhatu’s, the Compound Form of Life. Thus, the Vata (Static Form of Life Systems), Kapha (Kinetic Form of Life Systems) and the Pita (Dynamic Form of Life Systems) work and operate in the Kundalini System, the Natural Semiconductors. The Kapha, the Moon Systems create the Ida, the Left Side of the Human Body, the Kundalini, and thus the Natural Semiconductors, the Pita, the Sun Systems create the Pingla System of the Human Body, while the Central Systems of the Sukhmana depend on the Earth Systems, the Vata Systems. Thus, these 3 Guna, the Static (Vata), Kinetic (Kapha) and the Dynamic (Pita) runs the Human Semiconductors, the Kundalini, and thus the Life Systems. These behaviors may differ when Inversion takes places at the Body and Mind Junction, called the Agya, the Command Chakra, but our concern here is also based on the Astronomy, Maths, Physics, and Abstract Form of Universe, and thus the Semiconductor Theory of the Kundalini. It focuses on the Moon Systems, which is considered as the Lord of Signs and the Constellations when we think of the 8th Sacred Dimension of Amrita, the Chemical Bases of Life, the Bio-chemistry (Bio+Chemistry) in which we study the Physics of Biology and Chemistry in the same way as we study the Ayurveda as Biology and Chemistry:
Thus, these 3 Guna, the Static (Anabolism), Kinetic (Catabolism) and the Dynamic (Photosynthesis) runs the Human Semiconductors, the Kundalini, and thus the Life Systems. This Concept is same as the Sacred Kundalini, the Living Semiconductors among the “Living Ones” as the Junction of Ida (Left Side of Body, the Moon or Rajo Guni as the Kinetic Systems of Life as the Catabolism), Pingla (the Right Side of Body, the Dynamic Sato Guni Sun System of Photosynthesis) and the Sukhamana (the Central Side of Body, the Tamo Guni Earth Systems as the Anabolism). These processes end up as the Sacred DNA and the Semiconducting Functioning:
This very Living Semiconductors can be seen as the Living Kundalini Structures, and thus the Human Id, Pingla and the Sukhmana Functions that are one and the same in all Medical Sciences whether the Ayurveda or the Modern Semiconducting Systems:
In any living bio-system, if this Kundalini, the Living Semiconductor System gets disturbed, we have more of the “Rajo Guna”, the Kinetic Energy going into Dynamic Cell Formations or the “Tamo Guna”, the Static Energy going into Dynamic, the Sato Guna Cell Formations. In the opposite cases, when the Dynamic Cell Formations get into Static or Kinetic Cell Formations, we can have diseases among all living cells in the Botanical, Animal and Human World. The caner, tuberculosis and the HIV, the AIDS are the examples of it in which the “Dynamic Cell Formations” disturb the human cell formations storing the bio-energies as the matter, the static and the body movements, rhythms and the chemical changes as the Kinetic Use of the Bio-energy.
All diseases are based on the Moon Systems as its the Kinetic, the Rajo Guni Systems that are most popular as the Reactive Mind Theory in the Psychology and Psychiatry that can either degenerate or speed up the normal processes in the living bodies and its thus purely and mostly the Psychiatry, the Psyche Problems, which causes it as we can call it the “Circumstantial Problems”, which none living thing can save itself as its based on the Physical, Biological and Chemical Balances that are the 3 Major Parts as the 3 Guna’s that run the Living Semiconductors and thus the Sacred Kundalini’s among us all. We need to pay serious attention to slow down the degeneration by taking care of the Moon Systems, which are the Mood Systems in the Living Cells, Systems and thus the Humans.
The Reactive Mind Theory is the Running Software Kind of Systems for the Natural Nervous Systems that the Indians call the Kundalini, which is nothing but a DNA Chip based on Individual’s Most Known Patterns as asked and noticed personally or by machines and then installing it to run the Human Living Semiconductors which are nothing but the Solar and Lunar Cells of the Bio-cells and the kids like it as if a toy while asking to learn “AA EE OO” to run the same as our world needs the Karma Branches so that there are less Crime Branches run their “Karma” Theories otherwise all are what we know:
It is thus the Sacred Bond and the Band of Life present between the Sacred Dimension of Force, the Shakti and Power Dimension, the Shiva as described in the next 4-8 Dimensions.
4. The 12 Sign or the Rasi Systems as the 7 Systems of Body based on the Self-effort and the Shakti Dimensions
5. The 28 Constellations Systems as the Sound, Matter, Energy, and Light Management as based on the Mantra Therapies
6. The North Polaris as the 8th Dimension in the Human Body as the Sound, the Shakti of Mana Theories and Light Dimensions, the Shiva or Power Dimensions as based on the Nama Therapies
7. The Center of the Universe, the Sachkhanda as the Light or Consciousness Systems in the Living Bodies as based on the Grace and Blessing Theories, the Ashirvada, the Effortless and thus the Uncaused Systems as simply by standing in front of the sun, we get the sunlight and thus easiest of all dimensions
8. The Rasyana, the Universal Iona or the Ion Theory as the Sacred Energy-Power Dimension of the Universe as the Ayurveda calls it the “Amrita Dimension”
These Sacred Divisional and Dimensional Distributions of Matter, Energy, Sound, Light that works in the Living Human Bodies as we can say the Natural Semiconductors, the Kundalini Systems are the Basics of the Sacred Ayurveda Systems in the world, which are always universal and one can verify it anywhere in the universe in which we live. It makes the Ancient Health Sciences as the Sacred and Scientific Health Education Systems, which help restoring the Perfection and Purity of the Universal Structure of the Kundalini, the Natural Semiconductors among all as we have discussed in the Sacred Dimension Theories.
“Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and the Theory of Forms, and OM: How Sacred Vedas Chant Physical and Metaphysical Rama in 7 Heavens and 14 Sacred Dimensions – Be Happy Philselfologically – 54”
The Sacred Electromagnetic Systems of the Kundalini are always well described by the Brahma as the Light Center, and the Two Poles of the Systems as the Twin of the Ashvani Kuamara’s, which always work together. It gives the Ashtavaidhya Sacred Dimensions of Healthcare in the Ayurveda in which we have the Twin of Electric Parts and the Magnetic Parts of the Body United in the Backbone as the Kundalini, the Semiconductors. The Rasayana or the Rasa Vidya plays as the 8th sacred Dimensions, which unites the Sacred Electromagnetic Systems as the One System. We have the following Sacred Dimensional and Divisional Chart for the Kundalini Semiconductor Theory in the Ayurveda as discussed in the 7 sacred Dimensions of the Universe and the 8th Sacred Amrit Dimension as the Power Joining Dimension, which is the Rasa, Nector, Amrit, Soma and other names, which needs the Ashirvada, the Prayers before giving it and other herbal medicines in the Ayurveda System.
The above 7 Dimensional Diseases occur as we may not be able to store our audio, video and the general databases in the proper places due to irrelevancy and or imbalance, which the Ayurveda calls the “Din-charya”, and thus the “Charitra”, the Art of Swimming the Chara, the Force Dimensions in which women succeed and the men fail, and thus the Shakti Dimensions as the Women Dimensions, and the Triya-Charitra and the Chalitra, and males do not have an ability to get success in it very easily and it leads to what the Respected Tulsi Dasa says as the “Nari, the Female or the Shakti Dimensions “Taaran Ke Adhikari”, they, the women can swim the Shakti Dimensions, and have the Rights, the Adhikaari to Swim, the Taarana as well as all the living or the nonliving things that live and excel as the Shakti or Bhoga Dimensional Life of the Creative Intelligence, the Right Brain Users as the women are, and men or the males can excel mainly in the “Power Dimensions”, which is the “Light or the Nama Theories and subjects related to it say the Sacred Maths, Astronomy, Philosophy and the same as the Pure Subjects, but may not do the same in the Applied Forms of Subjects in which the Women do, and this thing as the Gurmukh and Mannmukh is written as the Pavitra (Pure Subjects) and Apavitra (the Not Pure”.
“The Men are from Purusha, the Intelligence in the Universe, and the Women are from the Prakriti, the Consciousness, the Creative Intelligence.”
In it, the Purusha and the Prakriti has the “Para”, the Light as the Common Dimension of Power, and the Males have the “Rasa or the Rasha”, which means the Living Sacred DNA Structures of Light, and the Females, the “K’rati”, the “Blood Cells of 5+5 Senses, 10 Karma and the Gyana Indriya’s, the Senses in which we all dwell physically, and thus the Egg named as the “K’rata or the Shabada (the “Ka”) Rata” as for the Gender Identifications, the Rata and Rati as “AA EE OO” are the Vowel Signs of “+ – 0” Signs as in the Chinese Birth Calendars in which the “Age of Woman is the “0” that converts M into F and the F into the M as the “M”, the “+” and the “F”, the “-“!”, and its shown below as the Yin (-), Yang (+) and the Yong (0) Systems of the Chinese Birth Gender Predictions:
Thus the Sacred Applied and the Action Side of All Subjects, and that is why brain of women works more on the Shakti Dimensions, the Sacred Consonants unlike men, the males whose brains work on the Sacred Vowels, which all women know already! Thus, the male and female knowledge storage, and in such cases, the women is owner of using the “Shakti, the Energy Conversion Dimensions, which in the women work about the 7 Times Faster than the Men due to having the 7 Sacred Dimensions of Shakti, the Energy Converters for Woman, the Female Flows, the 7 Prakriti Prana’s” among the Women and thus in context to Dimensions as for the Left and Right Brain Communication Skills as the Men, the Males do not have the Prakriti Prana’s equal to women due to woman body cycles”:
So, in our modern world, as always in any contemporary societies and the civilizations, we need to understand the “Nama, the Light Theories” in which both men and the women are alike, and that the “Light or the Rama Power Dimensions are same in men and the women as the “Pursuha Dimension” as the “Pursuha of Ayurveda is same in all living things no matter male or the female. This “Purusha” of the “Samkhaya Philosophy of Creation” in the Ayurveda is the “Real Creator of Life, the Ojasa, the Spirit of the Universe as the Power Dimension in the Men and Women”, and we all are products of it as the Sacred DNA’s, Kundalini’s, and thus the Natural Semiconductors:
Thus, we all need yoga, meditation and the pranayama management, and what further requires energy which thus manages all the flows, and thus the “Shakti, the Force Dimensions in the Body” and all of it go into the Sacred Management of the Pita Center which the Indians call the Base of Life, the Solar Plexus, and its the Indian Root System of Psychiatry Problems as most of us face the Psychosomatic Problems as the Psychiatry Problems, which is the Daily Joke!” as its the “Power Dimension as what we eat, we are and thus the Solar Plexus, the “Dharna”, which means “Sound and Light Centers” as it the “Dharna” gives “Sound and Light Disorders, which are Psychosomatic, and we have least possible real psychiatry disorders in the world as when Indian Natural Sciences say Ayurveda deals psychiatry in which we notice lack of understanding the Power Dimensions of Psychosomatic!” In other words ability to hold breathe in the abdomen measures the “natural power one can have”, do we have it!!!
The Energy Dimensions, which we can condition based on the Mana, the Mantra Theory has 7 Sacred Dimensions of Energy, the Shakti, and thus the 7 Energy Conversion Centers, which we know as the 7 Systems, the Chakra of Human Body as in the Human Semiconductors called the Sacred Kundalini, and these are associated with the 8th Dimension of Sound and Light, which we know as the Purusha and Prakriti, and it runs with the Sacred Vowels and the overall functioning of the Light and Sound, which is the Nama, the Light Theory based functions and work on the fastest possible speeds of light unlike the Mana Theory, the Sound Theories, which work based on the Normal Speed of Sound. It is Basics of the Homeopathy, Homeopathy and the Nano Technology, and the “Kids Know it as when we grow we forget it forgetting the Sacred Vowels, the Ayurveda calls it the “Dhatu, the Product of Sounds for Energy Conversion of Matter into Light”, which are 16+20=36 as we have 20 Sounds, the Struck Sounds and 16 Light Based, the Unstruck or the Uncased Dhatu’s as the 16+20 Tattva’s as caused and uncased elements, the sacred Dhatu’s are the Complete Universal Elements are Product of the Shakti, the Force and need conversion from Basic 16 Sounds, the Dhatu, the “Dha” Dhavni or Sounds and the “Ta”, the Matter, and thus Sound Created Forms of Matter. In it, we have the Uncaused Creation of 16 Dhatus, the Immortal Life as the Conscious, the Light, which has “Life Identity”, which creates the “Consciousness and thus the “Atama”, and differs from the Shakti, the Prana as it can live without the Prana with 20 Caused or Struck Kinds of “Dhatu’s”, the Life Constituents, the Supporters of Life as the Shakti, the Dhatu’s of Human Composition. We need to recognize it as its otherwise we see the caused products, which are mostly the abnormal identities called the “Dainta’s”, which means the Carriers of the Shakti Elements which are artificial and have no life in it and thus the Kritaya, the Products of Pishach Vidya’s with which we can easily make the Artificial Semiconductors that need what the “Bhoot Vidya”, the “Knowledge of Matter, the 20 Struck or Caused Elements, which create the natural world, the “nature”, the prakriti, and thus the “Mann”, the “Mana”, and its sound theories!”.
With lost psychosomatic understanding of Power Dimensions, we have lost the Puti, Potency and Pati (in Males) and the Patani (in Females), and so is the lost spirit in every possible department in human life. While going towards the ancient wisdom, the mid-point stands as use of Modern Information Technology as shown in the video below that helps the Sacred Theory of Fusion, the Bhanjana and Bhajana:
Based on the Universal Theory of Fusion, the Bhanjana and Bhajana, the Sacred Dimensions and Dimensional Development, all ancient and natural sciences work as is the case with say Ayurveda, Vastu, Sacred Maths; Music, Arts and to say the entire natural world and knowledge in it. This was the Theme of My Seminar: “Physics, Natural Sciences, Society and Our Modern World – A Need of Unification of Knowledge and Wisdom in the World” at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at the University of Adelaide, South Australia in 1990 as the First Year Student of B.Sc. (Math), and was highly appreciated and expected more work on it while given credits and distinction for it. Later near 2000, say 1997-98, the Aadi Shankracharya of West, the Gujrat in India wanted to know about it while he wanted to learn these sacred studies by himself offered me an opening of university or research center anywhere in India where my job was just to tell the topic only while the rest of the staff works on it with students. In our serious discussion about the worst possible disturbance in the living semiconductors, the Kundalini, which he called the “Satrangi, the Seven Colored Kundalini, the Semiconductors in the body”, he said what was the gravest possible sorrow of an Indian Spiritual Leader:
“You know, all Indians as rest of the world is going to suffer when the “Satrangi”, the Kundalini Systems will be disturbed in which all Indians will suffer a lot but subconsciously and unconsciously as you know, but I don’t want to see this grave suffering falling upon Indians and the rest of the world citizens as the governments will fail. It will be a great suffering for all, and so severe that I won’t be here to see it. I’ll leave this world before it happens in the near future…, your knowledge will not help you my friend as this inevitable calamities fall upon all, and you must stay and live at your home for next say 10 years and see how this “Satrangi” Kundalini cum Sacred Semiconductors of Indians and others can be saved, but I say for next 10 years you’ll have serious burden on your head and heart as none may hear what you know and so…, and then the world will change… but I may not be here in this world to see it! I wish you could address the Indian Parliamentarians with Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayi as the Prime Minister as I want to take you to New Delhi… but for next 10 years, it is one of most unchangeable fate of Indians and the rest of the world!”
India in 1990’s
He said it, and pointed that he would die, and it was grave signal of 1995-2000 which many other spirituals told me, and many left their human bodies as we say going to “Samadhi”, and it gave the most smiling face of Sankracharya say it as if preparing not to see how people when their Dimensions of Force, the Kundalini, the Human Semiconductors with sex and libido systems run by somehow that we now know as the Nano Brain Control Conspiracy. It seem to entirely taken over the Natural Semiconductors called the Human Body, Brain and Heart that can be directed towards anything by simply the “Activation Wavelength” that may be one of the most misleading thing in the world according to what the Indians call the “Mantra Jagrati” in which only the eligible and capable people do the “Mantra Jagrati, the Activation of Energy Dimensions, which run based on the Theory of Conditioning, the Mana, the Mantras or Sound Echoed but with consent from the individual” otherwise, one completely loses the “self-control”, and can face massive upsetting in the Kundalini Systems while also facing the Power Dimensions, the Voice of Conscience (Inner Voice, Child Inside, Veda Vani, the Thoughts of Power and Purity) which manage the Ethics, Moral and Value Systems at great risk and one feels totally torn, self-abused and may even commit suicide due to self-shame in it, so we must avoid harassing people who respect the value systems called the Power Dimensions of Inner Purity that cannot be conditioned or “more purified”.
As most of us may not know the same physically and emotionally includes the sex and porn media, drugs and brain control going on in which media may have no censorship hold as Indian and Other Civilizations want as the Living Semiconductors of Living Things go robot and mechanical as simply living behavior based stimulus and response oriented machines, the reason that I have written about its possible solutions in the Be Happy Philselfologically say right from 1989 onward and earlier while writing to countries say in USA, Europe, Australia and Asia continents during my stay in Australia in 1989-91, and I may add that I address to respectable and honorable parliamentarians but as normal civilians not officially though and I have the least possible interest in the Politics. Meanwhile, he, the Shankracharya wrote a Spiritual Book, “Pagal Ki Jholi”, the “Madman’s Begging Cloth”, which I requested him to write as the “Ved Vani Ka Parni”, the “The Human of Wisdom of Vedas!”, and he accepted my request.
We now have it online at the University of Life Dynamix offering degrees and practitioners licences recognized at many places and help individuals all over the world achieve the Vedic Knowledge and Wisdom for self, family and future. In our all of sudden and out of blue meeting at Ludhiana at the end of 90’s, he amazingly told me how these works will be serving humanity but say after 10 years of gap as he was able to tell the future of nation and world. So, about after 10 years, I discussed it with Steven Ferrel, and we have it all part of Life Dynamix in 2009-10. During these years, I just researched topics that our modern world needs and the information technology has been a blessing in it with the internet services coming home.
The modern world has thankfully retreated to this Sacred Theory of Theory of Fusion, the Bhanjana and Bhajana, the Sacred Dimensions and Dimensional Development, which is always based on the Energy Conversions as Divisions, the Devi’an’s Way, the Shakati Dimensions in the Vi-bhajana, and the Power or Di’man’sions, the Electromagnetic Creation and Management of Sacred Mansions, the Mahal’s or the Bhavana’s as the Sacred Dimensions of Power, which seems hope for many living things as an attempt through the Nano Technology as the Power Dimension Management called the Puti and the Potency as to say. The Soul, Conscious or the consciousness in general plays a major role in it as the Puti, Potency and Power Manager that we know as the Pati.
“Philselfology or Swaadhaya of Sacred Mahamrityunjaya Mantra: Puja, Puti and Pati: The One Philosophy of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha: Be Happy Philselfologically – Part 53”
The music is an example of the 14 Sacred Dimensional Theory of Fusions that leads to focus, meditation and blissful part of inner world uniting inner and outer Kundalini’s, the Sacred Living Semiconductors.
The next part is here: “Sacred Homeopathy as the Natural Nano Technology and the Sound as the Light Energy in the Physical, Biological and the Chemical Living Cells: Mana as the Joti, the Light Saroopa: Be Happy Philselfologically – 78”
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researchin