How Indian Alternative Sacred DNA Theory of Genes, the DNA can Help Stopping and Ending the Genetically Degenerating Processes in Modern World: Be Happy Philselfologically – 67

Most of the people in our modern age may assume that Indian Sacred Systems of Education, Health, Wellness and the Associated Sciences, Technologies and the Religions that deal natural world has gone gone anciently old, but the point is that all recent developments in the modern world has proved it wrong as what we now know as the highest level of knowledge and wisdom in the modern world is the most ancient, primitive and the sacred knowledge and wisdom of Indian Sacred Systems which all Indian Religions and Faiths communicate and counsel to the world civilizations.

Most of the people in our modern age may assume that Indian Sacred Systems of Education, Health, Wellness and the Associated Sciences, Technologies and the Religions that deal natural world has gone gone anciently old, but the point is that all recent developments in the modern world has proved it wrong as what we now know as the highest level of knowledge and wisdom in the modern world is the most ancient, primitive and the sacred knowledge and wisdom of Indian Sacred Systems which all Indian Religions and Faiths communicate and counsel to the world civilizations.

For example what world finds the best possible in the universe as the Sacred DNA is the Study of the Genes and thus the Genetic Sciences, which in India has been well known as the Ansha, the Alternative (as Reincarnation of) Sacred DNA, and the Vansha, the Linear (as Incarnation of) Sacred DNA with all Indian Vedic Knowledge and Wisdom developing it with its finest evolution as with the following two theories of Incarnation and Reincarnation of Sacred DNA in the universe:

1. The Theory of Caste and thus by Birth Sacred DNA System and thus its linear development and evolution in the same genes and the heredity that keeps the Sacred DNA as the most primitive and helps it live under all odds and the evens. The caste system of India is thus nothing but the Proper Studies of Sacred DNA, which the Indians say is the Most Sacred Thing in the Universe and thus call it the Atama.

At the very same time, when in any contemporary times and ages, the Genetic Degeneration ever occurs, the India Sacred Health and Wellness Sciences offer a Practical Solution to it, which we may assume the Philselfological, the Practical Solutions. It offers a complete change in living, lifestyle, living environment, conditions of education and work, and whatever seems foreigner to the Theory of Caste Systems, the By Birth Sacred DNA. It is running of Alternative Sacred DNA as Parallel Sacred DNA in which the two different Sacred DNA coexist as physically one mother and the other daughter DNA.

This is also popular as the Theory of Incarnations in the World Religions and Faiths. The most primitive world religion as the Jewish and Hinduism are mainly based on the Reincarnations, the Christ or the Avtar Theory that defend the Incarnation of Existence, and thus the incarnation of God as the Sound, the Shabada, which is always the First Form of Life as the Indians call it the Ethereal, the Eternal World of Akash Tattava, and thus in the Void Space, the Sound is the Incarnated Form as when the creation and the crunch of universe, and the infinite Micro, the Sukhama Universes are created and also that any existing universe takes up a New Visible Layer as Prof. Paul Davies calls it the Layers of Onion, which is as if new Universe inside or outside an Existing Universe or the Universes as when we say God created the Universe, and thus the Storage-house of Universal DNA of our universe. Prof. Paul Davies was head of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences and as a First Year Student of Graduation, I have heard his lectures on Theory of the Universe as the Onion Theory, and co-related it with what the Doctrines of Sikhism say it as we need to consider the Sukhama, the Micro Universes inside the Visible Universes, and that we see in our Inner Self as if already known Worlds of the Universes For as Plato says in the Theory of Forms, and Indian Thinkers and the Philosophers call it the Sukhama or the Shookshama World of Universes as if one knows many infinite micro universes inside as many as we have outside as the Macro Universes. That is why the Vedas say: “Net! Net!” means: “We Salute to the Infinite! We Salute to the Infinite!

This Theory of Micro and the Macro Universes is what our Sacred DNA’s store and the Linear Lineage as the Sutra, the Sut or the Son Theory has been prominent in the Indian Civilizations. In the Son as the Developer of Sacred DNA has his sister as an Alternative Sacred DNA, and that is why in the Indian Marriages, the Sacred DNA has always been checked as the Family of Sacred DNA’s has been considered most sacred as if we do not accept its Power of Existence, we Force it to coexist and it Degenerates the Entire Systems of the Sacred DNA’s. So, the Indians respect this theory of Sacred DNA as they happen to know and our modern medical sciences has just discovered it in say last century or so. The Indian Theory of a Son, the Sut or Suta is a Thread of Linear Sacred DNA, the Daughters are considered an Alternative Sut, the Suta or the Sons, who use the Alternative Sacred DNA helping any other family of Sacred DNA that does not harm the Sacred DNA of a Female Sacred DNA of any girl or woman in the world. This is the reason that Indians respect women as she needs a partner who should not harm her Sacred DNA, and that all males or the boys, the Suta’s or the Sons need Female Partners having no fears of harming the Sacred DNA of anyone in the World, and this Knowledge, Thought, Emotion, Feeling and Concern is what Indians call the Sin Theory in which the Concept of Paap, the Sin based on the Purity of Sacred DNA has been respected and revered in India from ages. When Indians talk about any Paap or Punya, the Bad or Good, it says mostly the Theory of Sacred DNA, and we hear all saying: “You shouldn’t do it!” And this is the Spiritual, Philosophical, Religious and thus the Scientific Theory of All World Religions and Faiths while saying: “Respect and Know Thyself, the Sacred DNA Family!”

This very thing as we discuss as the Sacred DNA Family is the Essential Part of Indian Sacred Education Systems embracing the Vedas, Ayurveda, Philosophy, Sociology, Arts and in nutshell, the Indian Culture and Civilization. The wonder in it is that Indians Live It! Without any kind of education, training and or the similar all Indians live and lead their family life as the Sacred DNA Family should be living and leading its existence which is Incarnation Theory, and if violated the extinction of all forms of lives say of animals, birds, plants, tress and the humans is inevitable, which needs attention and thus the Reincarnation Theory recalling what we wrong we are doing according to our past and thus the historical mistakes that when repeated fail the humans and that is the only thing that in every contemporary age, the revolutionaries prove that Reincarnation or Coming of the Christ is sure as it may fool many people, but we know we have many people in the world who know it very well that we now need the Revision of Incarnation Theory looking for where we are wrong historically as its the time of Holy Spirit as to say that supports the Incarnation Theories in the world.

This alternative approach has been timely developed as the Karma Theory as by timely Saviors say Lord Krishna of Sacred DNA in the natural world Lord Krishna proposed it as the Karmayoga, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism proposed it as the Kirt Karna. The Theory of Kirt Karna supports both the Caste System of Sacred DNA and the Karma Theory, which is the alternative method to stop the Degeneration Processes among the Human Civilizations and thus the Sustainability of Natural and Normal Life in the Natural World. Lord Buddha and Lord Hazarat Mohammad Sahib, the Prophet has also been the Reincarnations of Universal Sacred DNA to save the Linear Sacred DNA, the Sacred Lineages in biology, psychology, philosophy, religions and faiths, spiritual and the divine lineages. This is one of main reasons the Indian World Religions and Faiths believe in the Theory of Reincarnation as the Theory of Prophets as the Reincarnation of Universal Sacred DNA as the Avtars, and thus the Theory of Christ that opposes the Theory of Degeneration of Sacred DNA popularly known as the Antichrist Theory of Saving the Sacred DNA at cost of suffering leading to deaths and diseases among all kinds of genes, the sacred DNA among all birds, plants, trees, animals and the humans as we notice torturing of animals in the medical laboratories. When we use the Christ Theories, we help supporting the sacredness, the symmetry among everything rather than finding the medicines and cures for the strong and the fittest as Sacredness is Life, the Living Standards, the sacred symmetry and not just the Survival of the Fittest, which end all in the struggle for the survival!

Now, the Indian Religious, Spiritual and Faith Leaders, the Saviors of Various Ages have been giving the Slogans, the Spiritual Lessons say Lord Rama said: Die but never break promises. Lord Jesus said: Treat others as you want to be treated. Lord Krishna said: Never work with expectation of its fruit, the end… means keep going on the right path. Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji said: Do what you say, and say only what you do!

Now, these Spiritual lessons purify the human thought pollution rather than doing behavior modification for action modifications as its for animals, and we can bring the Purity of Thought by bringing Sacredness in Life, the Symmetry that one is strong and brave enough to say what one does rather than obeying entire life due to fears without asking any question about how and why one is following what one follows even if its a duty. World never runs with the “Yes-man Theories”, but who say what they do and do what they say at spiritual levels, the levels of Mann and not the robot action of criminals in which one can be checked and verified if one is “Telling the Truth or Lying!” as when one is person of promise, the God Fearing means Follows what the Sacred DNA Systems inside say, and wants to improve, one needs not to be question, but an answer to one’s questions can make us all characterful and ideal citizens of the world family.

We have two major Evolutionary Theories, the Theory of Induction and the Theory of Deduction. When we can solve almost all of the world problems dealing with all theories as either theory of induction or deduction as for example the evolution of life on earth has two theories one is based on a fact that life started from a living cell as the Incarnation of Life and a human is the final product, and the other one holds that the Humans as the Reincarnation of already existing life in the universe elsewhere say on Jupiter or far away planets has created various forms of life on earth as the earth people may spread life on the moon or the mars, the planet. Both are the right theories in the context one what already exist can reincarnate or what has been going close to the or original, the pure and the primitive can take birth as the Reincarnated and Sacred the DNA.

So answer to both the Evolution of a Human and Evolution of Life has same set of questions and answers as in the Vedas exist the theories of Induction and Deduction. We now understand humans have already existed in the Sacred Universe, and thus Human Sacred DNA, which Indians call the Narayana, the Nar+Ion that Spiritually Biological Existence of Human Sacred DNA always exists in the universe, and thus the Ion of Nara, the Ansha of Humans. Well, for female form of humans, its called the Narayani, simply means Human Sacred DNA of Female DNA. When this Ansha, the Sacred Ion with Sacred DNA in it starts life on earth system, we have its Vansha, the Geographical and Ecological Sacred DNA, and thus its Evolution, the Evolution of Humans, who already exist in the universe and develop and go through evolution on various earth systems. The point that we can notice is that its “Ion” or “Ioni” as in the Narayana and the Narayani as “Ayan” or “Ayani”, which is same as the Singular and Plural, and of course what the Grammars discuss as the Genders; the Male, Female and the Neutral Genders of Vowels and the Words of say “I” as the Notation of Energy as we say “I’n” Plural of Shakti’s, the Energies which join together to form a set of various energies say Rajo, Tamo and Sato to form one life with all “I’s” as the “Ions” as the Sacred DNA of all individuals.

It demands serious attention that Indians knew it well, and thus the Indian Civilization has understood the Sacredness of DNA as same as the Sacredness of its Programming by the Sacred Grammars, Math, Music and Arts. Thus, the Indian Civilization has it as the Sacred and Classical Indian Subjects, which has been compulsory subjects before the imperialists changed the core-syllabus of the sacred Indian Education Systems as we have had:

1. Language, Grammar and Linguistic Studies as compulsory, and now we have grammars as just a little portion of language and the schools in India and abroad may not be teaching any linguistic subjects!

2. Math, Music, Dance, Instrumental Music (the teaching of instruments), and lot more as the sacred Indian Education rather than teaching maths, which allopathy students never want to learn, music which only art student can learn, dance, which parents may not support, instruments, which students now have no knowledge, and thus an Indian student studies the Streams of Subjects with combinations that give no insight and no light as popularly known as the Medical and Non-medical Streams, which help almost non!

3. The Syllabus and Law seems a foreign thing to most of the people in the developing countries as the education systems simply educate it in such a way that it never helps anyone after school leaving!

Lot can said and written about it, but we need a practical approach to this problem worldwide as its a common disease present in Sacred Global DNA Databases of Collectively Gathered Databases that May Run the Earth Systems if all become alike is big claim as if Creation of Clones of DNA, which need not be sacred and thus invite all possible genetic diseases and HIV and AIDS is a outdated now as we now face the most serious diseases of all times, which is Uncontrollable Creative Intelligence, which nature, the Holy Spirit uses to save the Sacred DNA of an individual, and may cause death of human body if one cannot exist as one’s DNA is! The Indian Sacred DNA and Genetic Sciences and Engineering deals mainly with it for botanical, biological and human forms of life’s, and when world feels its need, we can see how the Sacred Cows can save us from almost all of such non-sacred diseases, which harm the Sacred DNA!

This is something that I have been learning from the Grammar of Gurbani Etymology, Linguistic, Sacred Grammar Structures and thus Multiple Meanings of Gurbani for context to any subject in which one is expert, and thus the Gurbani or any Vedic Composition gives the complete picture what we know as the Sacred DNA and its Wonderful World in the Universe as the Para World, which is Paranormal. This is also the Philosophy of Both the Ayurvedic and the Homeopathic Medicines and the Treatments as when we decide the Puti, the Potency Systems that follows the Tamo, Rajo and the Sato Guna’s of the Sacred DNA for its treatments of any possible diseases it can have, and we may consider it with Calcarea Phos of Biochemical Tissue Remedy salts as follows:

The Human Body has 3 Worlds with 7 Layers in each for Tamo, the Physical Body, the Rajo, the Glandular Body, and the Sato, the Psychic Body of anyone in the any given Sacred DNA. Now, the low potency of Calcarea Phos say 3x and 6x deal with the Physical Body, the Tamo Guna that disease and destroy the body, and 12x and 30x deals with the Glandular Body of individuals, and finally the 200x and the 1000x deals with the Psychic Body of any individual human being. The great wonders in it that the Turya, the 4th Dimension of Health and Wellness, which the Holistic, Alternative, Integrated, Spiritual and Religions Forms of Treatments and Cures use is the Mother Tinctures, which the Indians call the Amrit as the Purified Herbal, Mantra based Water, and whatever into human body in the Form of Mother Tinctures and it may have higher potency. It gives water a higher authority over everything else that we use to cure and heal the Sacred DNA say in Males and the Genetically Alternative Sacred DNA in the Females.

I have been using this methodology for understanding the Natural Care and Cure Systems:

HIV, AIDS, Cancer and other diseases: Sacred Cows, Twelve Tissue Remedies and Rudraksha: My Most Successful Cures Saving Uterus as in Be Happy Philselfologically – 45

The Sacred DNA having 3 Guna’s and 7 Worlds in each as of 7 Colors and Sounds, the Basic Forms of Energies that run the Sacred DNA and thus a living body. This gives every Sacred DNA a 21-Dimensional Mahal, the Palace of 21 Sukhama, the Micro Universes inside the Human Body, Mind, Heart and Soul Systems. Now body has 3 systems as the heart, mind and the soul, the psychic systems running it, and holistically it needs only water cures! lol

When one prepares the Sound, the Shabada based Puti and the Potency it by writing, singing and chanting the Mantra say: “Om Namo Shivaaye!”, and we prepare the Tamo, Rajo, Sato and Turiya State of Sound Energy, which is nowadays popular as the Activation Energy for Cure of Sacred DNA in the western worlds, the civilizations of the western counties. In India, its done humanly not by machines and thus one, who can do it is respected for achieving a level for Natural and Sacred Care and Cure of the Sacred DNA among all living things.

Now, these natural laws and principles may never support the modern medicines and the drugs in any form anywhere in the world as these without Puti, the Potency Systems mostly harm the Sacred DNA’s in the soil, plants, trees, birds, animals, humans and any other living and or non-living forms and thus any genetic modifications at cell, tissue, and other breeding systems among any kind of life forms and thus species may not be considered sacred in the context to the Sacred DNA, both the Linear as the Mother Side and the Parallel as the Daughter Side of the Sacred DNA, and thus Mother-Daughter RNA-DNA Sacredness, which is also present among all living ones. The good thing is that I was the best student of Biology until the Grade/Class/Grade 10th at the High School, and DNA Studies was my favorite topic, but one day our teacher of Biology operated on a frog, and cut all of its organs and limbs, and when I asked, she replied that she cannot bring it back to life, and while I opposed it, she said its part of practicals of biology and all medical students do it. Then was the end of my studies in the Biology as it needed such a cruelty for biological studies. However, I kept studying Biology and the Sacred DNA and learned a lot as we have had a dairy farm in which we have had about 25 cows and the buffaloes and biology and psychology was thus our real and practical life as we also have had many cats, rats and dogs while birds would visit our home daily. My practice of Sacredness of DNA remained one of major interest, and we always learn it in Indian Farm houses and villages that life is sacred.

So, I worked on the Sacred Use of Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Twelve Tissue Remedies, Naturopathy, and natural resources of energy based on these animals and the birds. We thus never supported Modern Medicines and Drugs, which I discovered need to be made more sacred through the Puti or Potency Process of Triturations or at least the Formation of Mother Tinctures of All Allopathic Medicines as is in the Ayurveda and the Homeopathy as otherwise, the modern educations systems in India seem to have made most of the Indians atheists, communist kind of rationalists and the surgery and the translating of human and animal organs too have made people no longer dwell on the nature but on the crude medicines and the drugs. I felt great when the doctors of Rajindra Hopital of Patiala proposed Calcarea Phos 3x for teething among the children. We hope soon Calcium Products be launched with say at least Calcarea 1x as we take many medicines like at low cost, without side effects. Well, without say upto 3x-6x, all medicines are Tamo Guni, and thus is the Story of Allopathy that could not cure mother of a doctor of allopathy who was MBBS and MD in it and he cured his mother using China, the main medicine of Allopathy. He then resigned from the Allopathy and gave our modern world what we now know as the medicines of Homeopathy, and he, the great Hahnemann, yes Sir and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has made the Ayurveda function as Nanopathy (Nano Technology) by giving us the Nano, the Micro of all Medicines and Drugs as the Potency of all say 1000, 50000, and 1CM, which is Pure and Sacred Nano Healthy Technology. We salute to this Founder Angel of Homeopathy! Smile

At the same while blog goes too big, I must add what it means Tamo Guni Allopathy means, anything that is made by processing is only chemical extract and mostly does not contain any bio-energies in it, and thus are matter that is what it means to be Tamo Guni or Guna. The Homeopathy and the Ayurveda uses Mother Tinctures and thus the Puti and the Potency Systems keeping Bio, the Botanical Energies present in its medicines and the drugs and thus produce the Rajo Guni products. When in any world therapy, we ask to eat fruits, herbals, the herbs and whatever the plants and the trees bear, we call it the Sato Guni Products. The water as Turiya, the Bio-Re-cyclic Process as the Turna, Going inside the Re-cyclic Process are the medicines and drugs that are present on the Plants and Trees and we receive all the treatments and the healing energies by simply sitting, strolling and walking among the plants, trees, which can be herbal or non-herbal trees, and these qualities are naturally present in the recycling natural world and thus the Turiya Products, and its the Most Sacred of All Possible Treatments in the Natural World in which we live and helps one becoming Vegetarian or the Vegan, and is thus continuous prayerful mode, when all doctors and healers say that only prayers can save the 3 States, the Guna and Naturally Programmed State, the Turiya Awastha of our Sacred DNA’s in any form of life! Well, this is the Ideal Profile of Indian Sacred Education, Health and Wellness, which is as clear as crystals that absorb the green light, and thus the green bottles, which gave me the topic for my thesis of PhD in the Alternative Medicines that I passed in 2005 saying: Philselfology: Multiple Drug Therapies and the Multiple Philselfological Counseling for Drug-less Therapies! (Not a bad idea! Smile )

Well, while the topics spread a lot when we edit and add in the same blog, so please bear it, and thus we do not have to prove which theory is right or wrong accordingly, but may accept that all kinds of genetic modifications need an approach to natural evolution, which is instinctive, intuitive and thus innovative and takes immediate self-defense mechanism that defends everything in the natural world that may harm any living thing due to presence of artificial genetic modifications to Sacred DNA :

The World Religions and Faiths offer solutions to all world problems on a sound grounds that all living things follow a naturally programmed system in which a cow does not eat meat, and a lion does not eat the grass, and thus everything in the natural world needs no programming or genetic modifications in this context. All need help in the Sacred DNA to survive better ecologically and geographically too, and that is the major reason that the Indians call the Food a Devta, the Aanna Devta, the Food as God means having a Sacred DNA, and thus Pavitra, the Pure and Pious, which means it has a Sacred Programming of the DNA, and any modifications to its Original and Patent DNA is a serious violation to the Natural Laws and Principles of the Universe. This is one of the reasons that Indians worship Lord Rama and what western people know Monkey God, the Hanuman, the Natural and Sacred DNA of the Jungles and the Nature in the general as he is very popular for not modifying anything, and we say in India that during his times, the Farming was Organic and no Genetic Modifications were given any priority anywhere as people could naturally understand by living with the birds, plants, tress, animals and the humans what they all want so no modification is needed when we know and understand it as Lord Jesus says that the animals and birds know and understated everything and thus never worry, and human ego cause one to create modifications what seems harmful without understanding the natural part of every living ones that they all follow unchangeable Sacred DNA’s, and we need to understand and cooperate them all as their primitive and natural Sacred DNA does want. For example, we know how to brought up cats, dogs, cows, horses and other animals and birds, but majority of the world population may know nothing about it. For it, I proposed a Special and Sacred Education System for all based on the Indian Sacred Education Systems, its what ensures that the education serves individuals during their life spans, which, the Sacred Education Systems are same in the every other world civilization say the Egyptian as the Indians are as we discuss!

“Sign Language of the Universe and the Global Need and Role of Sacred, the Special Education for All Not Just for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, but Indeed for All: Be Happy Philselfologically – 52”

The World Family when accepts and approves firstly as the Caste, the By Birth Sacred DNA as what all world theories propose as the Theories of Evolution say of the Karma or the Action Based Theory (the Alternative Sacred DNA) that one depends on Environment, the Darwin supports it as we all do, and secondly the Theory of Purely Sacred DNA as all world Theories of Theology of Religions and Faiths propose as its first assumptions include and embrace that life exists on other planets that we learn as the Heavens, the Birthplaces of Sacred DNA’s present on our earth systems. It says Lord Jesus came from the Center of the Universe, where we have the Most Sacred as the Most Primitive DNA exists, and this is what we call Lord Krishna, the Most Primitive Man of the Universe means have one of the Most Sacred DNA.

All Prophets, the Incarnated and the Reincarnated Sacred DNA has been able to answer all questions of any individual rather questioning anyone. So, we can help all by distribution of knowledge we have, just using it in answering individuals or the people rather than preaching them about the truths as intellectuals may like to do. Thus, the Sacred Use of Knowledge and Wisdom is to Answer any question, and that is what Vedic, the Knowledge and Wisdom of Mouth is all about, and its what Indian sacred Educations Systems has always been solving all problems of any age.

For any crises that starts to degenerate any caste, the Sacred DNA as Single, the Linear, the Vansha as the Biological Generations or Set of Many as Parallel, the Resonating, the Shabada or Sound or the Ansha, the Tecaher-Taught Type DNA Theories thus propose the alternative theory as the Theory of Parallelism now popular as the Theory of Resonance as the Sangat Theory that we discuss next.

2. The Karma or the Action Theory supports what we c an call the Alternative Sacred DNA, the Change of Parental Linear DNA as its in the breed systems and human inter-caste theory as there does not any existence of No Caste; none exists with alternative caste in the world, and thus we can have only the Alternative Caste System in the Development and Evolution of Sacred DNA. It stops all kinds of Degeneration Process among all living ones say plants, trees, birds, animals and the humans.

This very thing is well lived when we know that all we live is surely left as a witness to the world as the Sacred DNA that keeps the records of even the fossils, trees, plants, birds, animals and the humans. That is why the Sacred Indian Education Systems consider life eternal, and Mann, the Creative Intelligence as the DNA that one leaves behind and receives the same Sacred DNA again that the Indians say that one goes through millions of life cycles of DNA, and our accounts are never deleted from the Sacred Databases of the Universe.

I must add here that all known world therapies in the health and wellness deal with the Human Sacred DNA as the ultimate truth of existence of an individual in the universe, and heals it with use of any possible Sacred Mode of Purification Process of Making Medicines, Drugs and the Procedures a Holistically Sacred Approach. I have well discussed it as the Puti and the Potency Systems of Sacred Health Sciences of Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Natural Health and Wellness Ancient and Modern Therapies that support the Sacred Healing Processes and the Procedures of Sacred DNA of Plants, Trees, Birds, Animals, and the Humans, and thus keep life a sacred. For example, the Allopathy Treatments now use the Biochemical of Calcarea Phos 3x for Teeth Growth and Development. The Twelve Tissues Remedies and all Homeopathic Medicines are made with the Sacredness of Purification through Triturations. In my opinion, all of Medicines of Allopathy can be manufactured and processed with the process of Sacred Purification say Nux Vomica in Allopathy can be Nux Vomica 1x as Calcium Phosphate is Calcarea Phos 3x. It will surely reduce the side effects and the cost of production, and we can have very low cost medicines and the drugs in the world as if directly obtained in the Plants and the Trees say in the Ayurveda and the Homeopathy.

Wonders of India, German, and Australia: My Learning of Sacred Art of Creative Arts, the Musical Minds Philselfologically: Part 15

Philselfology of Botanical World: Ayurveda and Shaak Vidya, the Havana, the Vaishnavi Philosophies : Be Happy Philselfologically – 46

Philselfology or Swaadhaya of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra: Puja, Puti and Pati: The One Philosophy of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha: Be Happy Philselfologically – Part 53

Thus, the Sacred Indian Education Systems follow the Mann, the Heart, the Emotions as the Sacred DNA rather than the Brain, the Mind and Intelligence as its nothing but Studio of the Sacred Editors of the Brain Programming. When we follow the Mann, the Creative Intelligence, we become religious and faith oriented as if we have to live here on our earth forever as the Mann has nothing to do with time limits and due to the Sacred DNA.

The Indian Sacred Health Sciences say that it, the Sacred DNA as the Sanskara, the Ideal Self-operated Studio system, in it the “San” or Saw, the Swa (Swaimbhu/Shambhu) means Self, and the “Kar” or the “Kara” means what we now know as the Sacred DNA System in anything which operates, runs, functions and does everything as in the auto-run and Self-operating system of the Mann that does it when the “Kar” goes as the “Ka” as the Sacred Sounds command it, the “Ka” is the Primal Sound of Sacred Energies as the “Krim”, and “Kara” is Functional System of Energy, the “Ka” and thus the “Kara”, and thus create the Brain Scripts with Sound Energies and we say that God created Man in His Own Image of Sacred DNA and we enjoy as God and the Gods do.

They, the Gods say the Sacred Words, the Sacred Sounds of the Universes within the what we may call the Inner Invisible Universes, the Sukhshama or the Shukhama World that only an individual can see and in which we live and create more minute universes within us and we have it all within the range of what we think, imagine and feel creating the inner universes and the outer develops and follows what we develop from within universe and thus all discoveries and inventions first work in the Heart, the Sacred Lands of Holy Spirit which is one with us as the Sacred DNA Mode, and thus the Sanskara of an individual never changes in the universe and one may take many births with same Sacred DNA and be the same and thus the Theory of Incarnation and the Reincarnations of anyone in the universe as we cannot destroy anything say energy and its conservation in the universe but we can have better results from individual’s self-contribution as the most ideal thing in the universe as we thus say Be What and Who You Are, and says the Lord: “I’m what I’m” that he, the lord never changes do you/we!! (Moral: If we forget and change, he does not!). When on the other hand, we follow the Brain Stuff, the General Intelligence, we believe in what the Indians call the Jarh based on the Jor or the Zor, the Matter Oriented Functions or Shakti, the Use of Force as the Brain treats all as the Dead Bodies in this context, and we have most of the Human Relationships as if Product and the Consumer based dealings that end up in the courts and the consumer courts. That is one of the reasons that while explaining what is the Philselfology, the Creative Thinking of Philosophy and the Scientific Feelings of Science as studied by the Self, I have used the term Scientific Emotions as our emotions and the feelings are product of scientific reactions of our glandular systems, and used the Creative Thinking as processing of the General Intelligence as what we think follows the Theory of the Chaos.

In our modern times, we seem to have excessively focused on the external, the material worlds of the universe and thus seem to have fully ignored the minute the subtle universes that function with what we think, feel and want and remain present within all of us as the Blue Print of Brain, the Mind Mapping of the Sacred DNA that goes back to trace what our ancestors have done and stored in the universes that we cannot see with the naked eyes but feel, see and imagine inside as if we already know it and thus the Sacred DNA’s that we all share. We need to pay attention to the Inner Worlds in the Theories of Forms of Sacred DNA’s as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle say rather than going to celestial lands elsewhere in the universe as people and lives over though there has the same Sacred DNA as we have, and its universal so we need to use our minds for accepting our modern conditions and make it, the earth a beautiful place reflecting our inner and the universal beauty without blaming what we see outside as inside the child within who keeps our Sacred DNA alive is always sacred, pure and pious, and we simply need to listen to it so that we can understand what Vedas and Gurbani, the Teachings of the Wisdom Tree say, and we are one in it.

The emotions are sacred as these never follow the chaos of the universe but all that is based on the Sacred DNA Genetic Systems as for a mother, her child is her Sacred DNA lineage and rest of the theories of the world that stay here for millions and billions of years are nothing but a chaos having variable importance as age changes and thus changes the general intelligence of all humans, and thus at certain ages people may be outdated or get retired, and its what runs and manages most of the world systems based on the Modern Education Systems. The Creative Intelligence as the Mann does not change with time and age, but rather may get stronger as one goes old, and thus All of the Sacred World Civilizations have been dwelling on the Creative Intelligence, the Mann, and thus the Essence of Sacred Education and DNA Systems until the Modern Imperialism removed it almost globally about 300 years ago, and Intelligence and the Logic took over in which the Creative Intelligence, the Mann and thus the World Religions and Faiths, which say that the Intelligence is a Incarnated Thing, and the Mann, the Creative Intelligence is the Reincarnation of the General Intelligence, the Glowing Light according how the life influences the individual Sacred DNA in a given geographical and ecological social setup rather than the Fixed State of Human Brain, which remains as the Incarnated State of Existence of life, and thus, it does not receive any Sacred or Non-sacred Sacred State of the Human Body, Mind, Heart and Soul, but many call it as the Glowing Light that does not speak as many when focus and meditate see this Light.

It is thus the Pure Knowledge and Wisdom, which whenever has been imposed over the Creative Intelligence degenerates it and converts it into Light, the Eternal Glow inside human brain, which the Indians call the Atama, which when enters into the living system of fetus inside the womb, the Indians say the Atama has entered into the Child’s Body, and the Baby will live and take birth, and all feel very pleased. This Atama, the Essence of Intelligence given no human attributes means its neither botanical, which the physical human body is, and nor its, the Atama is the biological having heart as the central pivot. However, the Atama having no human attributes, qualities, and traits helps all to live and use what the Pure Intelligence, the Atama knows. When we talk it in context to Sacred DNA, its the Pure Side of the Same DNA, and thus Mother and Daughter Side of any given DNA among all living things, and both the General Intelligence as the Atama, and the Creative Intelligence as the Mann is present among all living things, and in matter, the nonliving things, only the general intelligence, the Atama alone lives but without bio-botanical qualities and the traits. Thus, the Indian World Religions and the Faiths say that the Atama, the Intelligence is present among everything say an atom, earth, universe, and whatever the Indians worship; respect and appreciate that way, and thus say everything has its Purity Inside.

Well, its always better to mention who the Vedas or the Gurbani, the Teachings of Sikhism convey the same. The General Intelligence or just the “Intelligence” is called as the “Shiva”, and the Creative Intelligence which is the Mann having many forms as we say the Avtara, the Reincarnations of the Same Mann, the Sacred DNA are various forms, the Avtara’s of the Paravati, the Shakti as the Gurbani says:

“Shiv Shakti Aap Upayeke Karta Aape Hukam Vartayai…” means

“Intelligence, the Atama (Atma) and Creative Intelligence, the Mann as the Universal Pure and Sacred DNA as we say the Mother as the Pure and Daughter as the Sacred DNA, and the God as its Creator runs it naturally and automatically!” (In the Letters to Roams, Saint Paul says that even the Gentiles, who do not believe in God and do not obey the Law obey Commands by knowing it all of it in heart! The Teachings Sikhism, the Gurbani says that the Hukam, the Divine Orders of Pure DNA are inside the heart, and heart means the Creative Intelligence that runs the heart zones, and thus the heart! “Hukam Rajayi Chalna, Nanak Likhaya Naal… as written in the Japu Ji Sahib. When it says Lakh, Likh, Lekh, it simply means the Pure and Sacred DNA and thus the Brain Programming, which runs living and nonliving alike as by the Pure Intelligence, the Atama or Atma Content, which is called the Order, the Command, the Hukam as the Likhat, the Pure and the Sacred DNA Script in the Teachings of Sikhism, the Gurbani.)

Meanwhile the Indian Sacred 64 Vidya, the Sacred Knowledge’s about the Pure and Sacred DNA include say Readings of Hands, the Palmistry, and say Astrology and other total of 64 Sacred Expressions that anyone can learn and use it for physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual health also uses the terms of Lakh, “Lekh” say as (Lak,Lakh, Lag, Lagh, and Lan…, the Tamo, Rajo, Sato, Turiya and the Sound, the Anada as the Sounds of the Sacred Vowels consitute every word having these 5 Levels according to the Kosha, the Sheath Systems as the Onion Layers, the Sacred Managements of the Five Elements say the Solid, Water, Fire, Air and Sound, the Ether or the Space in the Human Body), and thus the Lekh, the Likh as the Luck or Destiny on lines of hands, feet and forehead to understand a little about what kind of Pure and Sacred DNA one has, but these Sacred Indian Education Systems are mainly based on the Human Hobby Systems. The Human Talents and Merits in Indian Sacred Education Systems find great place as the Popular 16 Classical, the Sacred Arts!

Now, with the Pure DNA as the Intelligence, the Atama, these every DNA’s are the ones having Non-existing state, and that is concept of Holy Spirit is there as the Creative Intelligence that helps, while the Yogis may sit in the Glowing State of Brain, and thus the DNA, and they sit for hundreds and thousands of year as if Static Light does. That is why World Religions and the Faiths invite all to serve the natural world and the world in general as Holy Bible says: “Go and Serve the People of this World!”

Mann, the Creative Intelligence, the Glow of Light that Talks as our Inner Self is what all follow in the Sacred World Civilizations that no mother, father, and whatever embraces human relationships of say Sacred DNA and thus as sacred bother, yes we bother what is to be attended immediately as matters of emotions and the feelings rather than the theories and the philosophies that is all world religions and the faiths say that God says: “I Live in Your Heart!” as the Universal Gospel that Human Feelings and Emotions are Sacred and the Sacred Civilization of India has always followed this Living Truth of the Universe.

The Wisdom Trees of India say the Gurbani says that the Sacred is as the Sway-occurred, the Self-born and occurring! We call it the Lekh, the Likhat, the Script that has been written millions of years before for our individual Sacred DNA, so please live, love, lead yourself and thus the body, mind, heart and soul that we all have as the Individual Sacred DNA’s! The Sacred wonder is that this very Sacred called DNA, the Likhat and the Lekh never dies even if one dies physically!

This is one of major reasons that Indian see movies and other media of art, literature, dances, music and what we know as the Classical Media in which the Mann has its major role and it moves the hearts of all Indians and they start to laugh or cry as its what Indian Civilization is as lived, living and loving all as all are one, a family in the world. It is a religion and faith that follow it as the Leela, the Cosmic Play of One Family of God.

With my humble request about and of Sacred Education Systems I mostly propose the Indian Sacred, the Ancient Education Systems in Relation and Context to the Other World Civilizations and our Modern Civilizations, yes integrating both Ancient and the Modern Civilizations and the Worlds, and thus is the Be Happy Philselfologically!

Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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