Philselfology of World Religions and Faiths: Spirit and the Holy Spirit – Be Happy Philselfologically – 27
The most amazing philselfological thing that creates scientific approach towards the universe and life on earth in general is unsaid as we say that when the Light that Talks does not Talk. In the context when the Light that “Talks” Talks gives us a little support as if a clue makes human life have scientific feelings and creative thinking among us. The amazing and thus the wonder, the wisdmaad about the world religions and the faith is that all share the same light that talks.
When we talk about the Jewish Religion, the Prophet Abraham and others say Lord Moses talked to light. Their talks were converted into the languages that the humans speak and have remained on earth scientifically and in the essences of all philosophies.
I was delighted to read it when I studied it in Australia in 1989, while staying at the Travelodge of Adelaide in the second-third week of January. I started to read Genesis there that I finished in the next few months.
Now, Lord Jesus also talked to light that talks as did his Mother Mary. We know him as the Living Light. That light when gives the philosophies may be called the Spirit. However, when it gives the Creative Arts to the world is what we know as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit talks though someone and thus need an instrument and it can be anything. It talks about how humans can be an instrument of the Spirit. We in India and many other countries call it the Shakti.
When the Spirit Talks, it does not say to write or do anything. It is the Level of the Spirit that we usually say the Awastha, and that Awastha in humans is as we know the Awastha of the Turiya.
Lord Mohammed Talked to the Spirit but when there were times as it we say appears to write, all need the Shakti, the worldly knowledge giving words that can convey. In most of the Indian Religions and Faiths, we have angles, gods and others helping humans to convey the message that the Spirit has to say. For example, the Sanskrit Language was given by the gods and helping humans understand the signs and symbols for development of words, the letters, numbers for Math, colors for Painting and other arts and works, sounds for music, and so on until all faculties of human knowledge and wisdom are met well in any contemporary age as it seems.
Now, in the context Sri (Lord) Ved Vyasa was given full support by the Holy Spirit in the Form of Ganesha.
That light has been same for Muslims as when in the Form of Angel Gabriel, they talked and the Holy Words that are unsaid otherwise were written and noted.
It does not change anywhere as even Lord Krishna went to the Level of Spirit to utter the Holy Gita. That level where at the Turiya no one may speak, they spoke and still speak. There are many people in the world who can do it, but the wise listens to the Spirit if it says to do so. How the spirit says it in many religions and faiths is when the Master, Guru or the Teacher, the Coach and anyone on duty says as otherwise it seems to be a spiritual crime against the natural world in which we all live.
The Spirit talks to all and we all know it as the Light that Talks or the Parkash in other words and its Shakti in any form anywhere in the world has its names, forms and all that has lot to do with the regions of earths, the continents and ecological nations and the states. For example, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism gave the messages as the Divine Teaching, the Gurbani as the Vedas have been in the form of Wisdom of Mouth as he spoke from the Mouth but did not write it as Lord Krishna did utter the same in the Turiya Awastha.
It was Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji, who developed the Punjabi language and thus the Gurmukhi and wrote what Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said as it seems from what we or I know to our best knowledge.
Though all would have sung, written, and done so many things but they follow what the Spirit says and take help from Holy Spirit as it seems from the human civilization.
Mahatma Buddha simply spoke from the Mouth as the Wisdom of Mouth at the Turiya Awastha.
When the soul as the Atama, the selfless state of ego, which seems its original form as named without Desires, the Tama, and thus the Tamo Guna, the same ego seems to be the Atama. In that area of human wisdom, as discussed with Dr. Mahesh Parikh of Mumbai in 1996-97, who accepted it as a verified, the Theory of the Bindu, the Circle as he is a gold medalist in PhD in Philosophy and MD in Psychiatry, well he can have 2 gold medals.
However, what I personally did in the Theory of Bindu was that I gave it a Shape of Electromagnetic System. His argument was that as west or the modern scientists and technologists believe a set of crusts and troughs that run human mind as Electromagnetic System that can be verified. However, I explained and we discussed it a lot that its not crusts and troughs as human is a circle of EM waves and vibrations that are same or at least similar to how the universe works.
His psychiatry argument, the point in it by then was that one feels low or high based on the personal cycle, and my point was that we need to see a cycle as a circle that once noted need not be checked again and again so that one can live a peaceful life. If we one to machines too much, one may never well. Based on this series of discussions he said that my theory of brain and mind based electromagnetic waves and vibrations in a circle were right, and thus was the Philselfology for Mental Healthcare. However, he added until proved by the west or the technologists, many people may not accept it, however from charts, graphs, drawings and the note book that I used to take it him, he said that it was surely right. I could not believe so I said:
“Are you sure!”
He said, “Yes, but we have some problems due to modernization and technology! YOU will have to prove it, though I’m fully convinced” (So, I am proving by then.)
Well, in any case, my sister Kuldeep Kaur Ji could not have any sleep all night that if he says I am mad when went to see him. He next day said, “He isn’t mad!” However, I said he, the doctor was wrong while sitting in the city of Mumbai, and later he learned yoga and meditation from his origin Gujarat and now works more than occasional visits Mumbai. He is a psychiatrist of psychiatrists as I said and he allowed me to practice my Theory of Philselfology for Mental Healthcare in 1997, so it may be verbally legal by them; I am authorized in it a little of as a drop of sea of congregations that helps.
“Can you tell about practical life, the Philselfology of learning, living and earning!” No.
I asked Mahavir Bhullar of Amritsar (know him from early 80’s) about it who was living at Mumbai by then… “Get your dues on time and work for 50, and get 100 to live and survive!” “What!”, “Otherwise, how will you survive!” I am learning to lie now!
The access to Atma with Tama, the lowest level of ego is not possible, so I access it either as through listening to Music or other arts or the meditation that at time may help to access it from the Sato Guna. That’s how I have doing my research works of Philselfology; I told him.
All researchers do the same; he replied and his problem is that he seems in a deep sleep while listens to you! “Are you listening!” I may ask to ensure! “I’ll tell you if you say anything wrong!” he says. So, I speak a lot!
We also discussed a set of courses with my shortest possible handwriting and the notes as I refused when he asked for a demo to a foreign student. “Say I’m a student from South Korea…!”. I started the demo…”But… you aren’t from South Korea!” The demo finished and we laughed and had shared something like this:
These concepts seem to follow the artistic use of creative faculties in humans and machines.
It has association what we know as language and the creative communication arts. I started to learn computer in my studies in the Government Multipurpose High School in 1986. After some training I was able to teach to almost all students and the teachers not knowing of computers in our high school. The computer education started in Punjab in 1986 and I was in the first batch of students, who started to learn computing.
After more than 25 years have passed in learning the computer education. While writing this for health and wellness of all philselfologically embracing the scientific feelings and creative thinking together with our self-involvement, we note that our health and wellness depends on considering life as one identity on earth and the natural world in the universe. It is what Philselfology is all about thus deals the problems of health and wellness in all spheres of life from living to nonliving and mechanical to robotic products of human brain.
Now, back to the main topic; yes, when even philosophers speak besides great souls as Lord Jesus and Lord Buddha speak, others wrote it and we get it by Grace, the Gurparsadi, but those who heard and believed are considered to be the best students, learners, and thus the disciples. In the Holy Bible these words are well explained that “Who Hears and Believes is a Great Disciple.” This thing in the Indian Culture and Tradition of Saints, the Sants is called the Sanatana, the Sa’na’t’an means the Path of Saints and thus Eternal. We may not go for English grammar here!
The Punjabi in the Gurmukhi Script has a great scope for solving the problems of science, technology and the computer sciences!
Indians have never been ignorant while staying their states say Punjab or Kerala!
This very thing all humans share about what they have heard from the Light That Talks and communicate with one another irrespective of one’s religion and faiths is seemingly the Philselfology of it, the Religion.
One worships the Spirit as the form of Holy Spirit in any part of the world and thus are also the Dera’ Systems in the world as say even tombs, graves, and all that are places of worship, but when we worship the Spirit, the Power of the Divine or the Brahm.
We may have to avoid the Holy Spirit, the Shakti of 3 Guna’s. This is what most of Sikh people say and convey that they do not worship the Shakti but they do respect it very much anywhere in the world as its the essence of the Shakti, the Natural World.
We at life daynmix – wings for all may not support the religion if based on the costumes, known knowledge of the religion from anywhere in the world as it may do more harm then good.
The major reasons among other reasons for it are that the world business and all that seem to involve the human interactions have put the world religions, faiths and philosophies to such a serious test that the lived life for others need a serious attention so that we may all together curb the selfishness, greed and insensitivity that seem to harm everything in the natural world we live in, and its not the religion, faiths and anything but our inability to comprehend what it says as we lack the essence of compassion, the divine feelings for all as equal and alike lest we march in the name of our world religions, faiths, spiritualism and all that may make it just a tool for trading.
The life does not end with death, a truth that everyone knows, perhaps the ones, who know the aftereffects of suffering, violence, deaths; killings and wars in the world that seem to consume the best of natural life by degenerating what our ancestors have been storing for us.
The light that talks within and outside us all have lot to know, say, do, think, learn and thus do the greater good. We however, support learning world languages, wearing of any costumes purposefully as otherwise it may seem the market and trading that have now less of Philselfology of religions and faiths as we have discussed in the part the series!
P.S.: Among the first videos; when I did not know how to make a video and upload to YouTube! (Uploaded on Mar 20, 2011)
What I did in the university of Adelaide and elsewhere was to understand and convey that Philosophy is a Bridge between Science and Religions.
“How Philosophy is a Bridge Between Science and Religion the Concept of Philselfology – An Article at Knoji”
In other words, with the sacred visualization, we cannot understand even a bit any world religions and faiths. The actual religion is to create a sacred vision that almost all world technologies and the techniques want to get and may be to sale! We all have it, but it needs that we thank to the ones from whom we get it called our saints, the sants, spirituals, guru’s who recognize nothing other than the sacred visions; and all that amounts to the creation of it.
On earth, its not the salvation but for a civilized life that our ancestors have lived anywhere. It is the Living Wisdom that remains as long as the life is here and there.
The essence of religion as we have discussed in context of sacred visualization has nothing to teach and learn, but a same speed or level that we call the san-gati, the blissful velocity and acceleration so that all live a better life always improving philselfologically.
So, the religion in this context is higher than the philosophies in the world as it gives the birth to all that know as knowledge and wisdom, and the living wisdom of the darshana, the sacred visualizations, the visions in other words. When we have only about 1-5% studying philosophy or the philosophical subjects, we may not claim to know the religions and the faiths in the world and the spirituality in many cases.
Thus seems the Philselfology of World Religions and Faiths.
Until editing for updated editions!
So, we try and learn to be; … Be Happy Philselfologically!
Thanks for your time!