If the seekers of welfare of all are so serious about world it is a must read. We talk, study, teach, share and preach a lot about how better world can be created with controlled conditions as if patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU). The conditioning is better than brain control as without brain control all can be creative contributors rather than conditioned contributors.

If we think that there are some people, who are thinking for us, we are as wrong as if one waits for return of the dead husband from the sea. We do not seem to make any efforts for self-control and thus has arrived where we always have been arriving, the brain control, mental setup as if we, the humans are robots and conditioning of programming is facility.

Why brain or mind control is worse than curse, to learn it, please read it. Thanks for your time for self-disciple to control yourself as the master of the body and mind!

Why should we be afraid of 666, the NWO?

New World Order adds to 666 as it is NWO means 18 the strongest number for all conflicts related to money and moral. 666 adds as 18 without being compound number. Thus, we may have some better life if we choose 1 for moral and 6 for Venus, the money and replace 666 by 616 that adds to 13, the Proper Use of Power and Authority lest it leads to self-destruction. The number 13 is the best number but only if used wisely.

Well, never mind www is also adds to 666 and it is misuse not blaming science and technology. Controlling cheating and spam (616 adding all to 13) differs from simply saying that 666 is symbol of Antichrist as adding to 3 sixes we get 18, the financial conflicts. Then adding 18 to as a single number 9 for Mars as said for Wars rather than Discipline and Duty.

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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