From last about two weeks, I have not been able to work online due to some circumstantial problems that seem to be caused to stop my works as I have also been asked not to say anything about some people and special people, whom I consider a cause retarding the progress of greater good and thus for wellness for all.

My concepts of coexistence and thus Law of Affinity seem to be interpreted as if all of these works aim to prove that I am proving to be self-righteous who claim to have knowledge but is over authentic and a kind of behavior that is dominating others.

It seems to be derived from the regional sociological and religious attitude that in India has been marked as masked terrorism and one is proved to be intentionally polite and thus purposefully and it is not at all so (I mean it).

I believe in the sense of equality and selflessness and thus welfare of all. It may seem to create some disturbance for rigid kind of people who have established their power, positions and status and thus may interpret my works in the desired way or even block it.

These are made facts by using BCI or other computer or equipment checking systems that can fool anyone and anything without considering the lifelong works. These things are inhuman as in its prolonged way more than 20 years of my life has been spoiled as if I am a criminal or under never ending psychological experimentation for AI.

If it is an assumption, I still have right to appeal humbly that I am been blocked to contribute towards the world community for self-invested interests of some people who can run the system as the pre-planned for global developments. It seems that the scripting in the process of globalization has just gone as if a drama.

Moreover it also seems that it has been scripted in such a way that only some people seem to have right to change it, and we, the common people or public have to act according to this pre-planned script as it seems to me.

So, I again appeal to world community and concerned authorities in India to see such issues as global not just local or regional.

This globalization tactics against the alternative medical practitioners like me in India seems climbing high as it is not well respected and neither the writers as I am also a writer.

My cable was removed from the pole by the neighbor while in the name of shaving the tree. I was totally engrossed in my online works and it took more than 2 days to fix it. All of it has been done at times even before, in one case my cable was even burnt.

I hope that these appeals will get some attention from the authorities and people in the vicinity who think to seem that I am insane and cynical but I am devoted to my works.

Wondering if I should keep asking you to pray for our family and me.

Thanks for your time reading it.

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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