The health and medicines go from person, family to global life and the presence of ease in these. We take health care natural way. We have many problems as war and pollution from self to social and global level. The solution of these is always hidden in our feeling it personal need, necessity and duty. The diversification of problems does not make it bigger than the solution that seems to have bits different hands as granny’s natural ways.

The united hands share the solutions for all problems that are like individual contribution in making of a supercomputer, one as personal instrument or computer of mother nature following the universal laws and principles in great and divine (the original form) way. What we call hope is faith and in faith we share trust with one another. The personal religions and faiths just strengthen this bond of universalizing of our souls, which are so humble and are always just waiting our call for individual and personal research.

For example in the Indian Philosophy of Religion, particularly, the Sikhism and the other ancient concepts express that the salt is one of the life givers, as without it the human life cannot exist, it is spirit. It has been given the status of god in the scriptures because of this very fact. Anything without which life cannot exist is called the life giver or god, in the scriptures; it also includes the water, fire and air in the above process of boiling of the water. So all of these thus go to idealism, these are physically present or felt so the realism is not absent, the process of boiling and scientific knowledge about it can not be unnatural, that is, naturalism is also present. As we discussed about the violation and violence of words, similarly it also applies to fire, air, water and solid.

The previous one was pollution of words, now if we consider water, it also may be polluted and in return, what it does cannot be its own effect; it is the effect of caused pollution by any means. The water, in any form whether river, sea, oceans, etc., is considered life giver, as said before, and thus it is said to be having the status of god, its purification was considered so significant in Ancient Indian Philosophy that it was revered because of its life giving property to the spirit or consciousness. To worship it was to simply keep it clean and offer or add herbs, flowers, and other things that purify it, so in return it gives good health to the user. The same was true for fire, air and solids that we use.

The status of god attributed to these; is not because of blind faith; rather it is because of the action and reaction, as cause and effect in the same manner as for the water that are co-related between these and the continuity of life. Moreover in the process of evolution the things that cause or create any other hurdle is named as Dainta’s (the Asurs), these create disharmony in human body and other diseases by which the higher life or living bodies with higher consciousness are diseased or sacrificed. It happens so by the diseases of micro-germs and bacteria, such that the living things with very low consciousness breed on the higher ones.

Like in case of Chicken pox, the diseased is named as going out of the life giving energy (the Devi or Mata (Mother) word is used to describe it). It is named so as the life giving energy in creative form, by being creative means the energy that boosts one’s soft determinism so that one may use one’s creativity independently as an art to live in harmony with Mother Nature or the Creation. In addition, the nurturing energies or life giving female energies in nature are named as mother or Mata (the Devi’s), and their attributions are universal such that these are motherly in all of the creation. In the above disease, once this creative or nurturing energy is out by the presence of infectious things, the Asurs (the disharmony or disease creators).

The person goes sick and preventive measures taken for it are to remove the negative energy by process of purification, the process may be any but the Naturopathy or Ayurvedic (Nature Care and Cure-The Organic Way) earns the great favor from the villagers or old people. It is done so that the life giving energy is restored, that are, starts to work in the body keeping the health in good form. So the word Dainta’s is attributed to those things that cause lowering of life, and thus blocking the process of evolution. The humans are considered as in the middle of these two. For example, the water is life giver, but once pollution enters, its quality of life giving is left and instead it harm the living things until they are dead by micro-germs and bacteria.

Therefore, in the scriptures, this pollution is termed as the presence of Dainta’s in it. These attributes are also termed as the positive and negative energies. The Devta’s represent the positive energy; that is, life giving and the Dainta’s on the other hand represent the negative energy, that is, creating hurdles in human progress and development. Now humans, being neutral, have free will to either support the Devta’s or Dainta’s, that is, the humans can remove the pollution in which Devta’s help and in creating it the Dainta’s support. We may take example of water again, if we purify it, the work of removal of impurities is sustained by it, some added Potassium Permanganate is an example, on the other hand in the pure water even a minor thing with fungus if thrown it spreads itself to great extent.

The very word god is called Devta in the Indian Philosophy and Religions, this word means the life giver, and there are so many things, which are life giver that one cannot remember all names. For example, the oxygen, given by the trees, makes trees very important as these contribute to the continuity of life. The Sun, the Moon, other planets and so many other things that contribute to the continuity of the life on our earth are also named and called life givers or gods (Devta’s). Even the air in which the oxygen is present is life giver. It is the deepest research by Indian sages that found so many things, that contribute to continuity of life, as the life givers whether in male or female form of energy (Devta’s or Devi’s).

Moreover, they made research on how one can keep them in pure form so that they can give their best. It is such a great glory of these life givers, which the significant contribution these possess; reveals itself the way these should be kept, treated and revered. We may again take example of water, how to keep it pure is our need not the need of the life giver. The example of the Sun, as the life giver is such that it greatly contributes to the continuity and evolution of life in our solar system, however in the pollution it is not that the Sun that has changed, rather the sun-rays enhance the negative energy of the pollution. The Ozone Layer or excess of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere of the earth now is lowering the level of evolution, as the heat, as life giver also is promoting diseases and disharmony, such that the excess of the negative energy is retarding the evolution.

This retardation in the evolution causes diseases. The sunbath and the using the powers in the nature as energy givers can restore health. We just seem to need a little attention when we take a pill or a capsule that it is also present in the natural form.

I am always seeking your good wishes, blessings and the prayers as these has the power of silent sharing!

Thanks for your reading it.

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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