We are proud to be humans, however we do not seem to keep the dignity of this proud. We invest our time, money and energy on the vehicles. We make donations, but while we drive we give pollution to all those who are breathing in the air that we share globally. We inhale the air in which most people in world exhale pollution because for them money makes mare go, but it is health that makes human go today. We need good health to keep our self-going. Let us share the air free of pollution, just reducing the little on our behalf, which may inspire millions to do the same. It is non-violence against all giving peace and rest so that all can breath.
With reverence for all humans, I would make a humble request that there is no difference between our body and the earth. The water in sea and liquids in our body are almost in the same proportion. The coast is for maintaining the zonal and the regional environment in biorhythm. We all know it that if we disturb the biorhythm of nature we all will go sick and will not be able to survive or have good health. We may earn billions of dollars, but without good atmosphere and health, we cannot use money.
The Caribbean coast represents the environmental richness and wealth, which is richer than all the assets the country has. It is help the whole of the human civilization, a contribution without investment. This is need of our children, they do not need money they need our giving they natural life by preserving the natural wealth as the Caribbean coast is. We are wasting the natural waelth the cost of which is beyond our estimations. We may be earning a lot, but the pollution is the interest on our earning money this way, which our children will deposit as the diseases. Let us try together that our children do not eat bread and butter earned with pollution in it. The earth for need not for greed and the it is our children’s need.
Thanks for your reading it.
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