We usually say and hear that life is a play. However, we cannot play with our health. This play for kids, children, young ones and the others is a jolly discussion by the kids. The play in any form is like a live discussion on a particular concept, theme, idea or subject matter that aims for drawing our attention. The focus in it is on the health care. The health improvement enables us to pay attention towards some such important issues of our daily life that if we understand it through creative communication we have many ideas, which enhance our abilities to deal with personal, family, social and professional hurdles. We all face hurdles in our learning, living and leading the human life.

The incidents of our everyday life offer not only the solutions, but also develop us to reach a level, where we can learn to manage and fix the distorted idea, if any, which turns out to be a magic healing, the all round development of thoughts, ideas and feelings for any other distorted idea and thought. Nowadays there are the drama therapies and other forms of therapies based on the dramatization of the fiction and the non-fiction. The play can be a skit, drama or form of stage work, simply materializing the concept into action. The documentary or the short films or TV serials are the suitable way to represent it to the audience.

In the plays, we can have various time limits or desired durations, depending upon how we play it. Now, if we have music and sound effects, it goes towards greater creative art, while just with a curtain behind representing scenery of a garden, may be creative idea to minimize the requirements for playing and presenting a play. Therefore, we have the same play for 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending on the presentation. If an anchor gives a narrative speech as the personal experience as if the mother is speaking while the film moves ahead, with the kids playing their respective parts in the acting works, before the beginning of the play or the film, it may help the audience to have better insight of what they are going to see.

One of the most important factor of any language is that it need to have maximum coverage of the theme work, for example if we consider the English, as a language, we have it as first, second and third language in different countries. It is difficult for a student to understand where English is the third language about what it means that it rains in cats and dogs, however, if we say that it is a heavy rain, any student can understand it. There are many slang words, which have different meanings while we speak it in the first, second and third language. In some cases, the language may be totally beyond the knowledge if it is fourth or fifth language as in some countries there are so many languages that one may spend years to learn it to the level where the literary language has the taste.

To maintain this taste of literature the language is for diversified levels from the first spoken language to the last, so that one may not need a dictionary, though it is a useful in learning, to understand the words in the context of the native languages. The language is thus in most possible simplified way. The reader or the artist participating in playing this play can change and select the names, places and the slang words that suit the social, cultural and traditional background of the place when or where one wants to read or play it. The simplification of language is to improve the communication skill that the students or the learners of English as other than native language need.

The film as it we can have as a documentary or short film, the suitability of the audience is the major factor, such that viewer of any background in the English speaking may enjoy it. The simplicity of language is like a salad, which enables the knowledge hungers to digest the rich literary foods. It is for the kids, children, adults and family as a whole to see and enjoy that kids care for all, as they want to make everyday a Happy Peace and Health Day.

Moreover, the play in one part or combination of more than one act is yet another option for the convenience in learning, imparting the literacy missions with taste and touch of ideas through dramatizations as nowadays we have stage shows of half an hour to three hours. The kids can dress up as young or old person depending on the requirements of the character, while using their special ability to perform it in simplified way. They may have it written on the slips or papers as if they have ready questions and answers, when the long dialogues may appear bit difficult to dramatize.

The child artists may also share it in the group to have one line after another to complete a long dialogue. There is yet another creative capability, the unusual art that we know as improvising, the making of dialogue on the spot which has the similar meaning that is in the script, but with different words, as if writing an essay in one’s own language, the art of creative writing. The each part of this series of plays as the parts of one major play Happy Peace Day offers it to explore the new horizons and dimensions for the language and promotion in materializing it into group discussions, stage shows and other form of media. Have happy reading, discussing and playing.

I had the joy of writing the concept, theme, story, screenplay, dialogues and the doing the language direction of a series of acts for the pilot episode for the media. It is the story of a child, who was enlightened at the tender age of 5 years; it took only six months that he reached at such a high level of human wisdom while struggling with dedication and devotion to his approach to it by following the each step as a milestone. It was a great pleasure to dramatize it for the audience. I have gone through this play the second part of the series on the Happy Peace Day with the same manner.

Thanks for reading about how and why I write plays.

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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