Jesus GAVE His life and purposely chose not to call for divine deliverance, angelic help and spiritual reinforcements (Matthew 26:52-56), so He could die – as prophesied – for the Jew first, then the Gentile. Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. John 10:15 As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. John 10:17 “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. 18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.” Jesus GAVE His Life To Give Us LIFE! (With thanks from the source:… )

We easily believe that many people talk to dead people, angels, spirits and so on, but when it says that Lord Jesus talked to many people, we seem to doubt forgetting the he was in spirit not in physical body. He appears to many people and many see his vision as if present and that is not physical body but the astral or spirit in body.

It seems an act of shame that his great works, sacrifice and teaching and messages as well are put to doubt by the modern gurus for just trading their brand of New Era and having fake grounds of spirituality and being miraculous which is nothing but scientific and technological twisting. He taught what prophets before him said as well like from Abraham to Moses and also the Proverbs and all that gives wisdom to us.

So, we remember Lord Jesus as the true Prophet, the Philosopher and Messenger of Peace and all of his sacrifices and that of his disciples are witness to it. We need to offer him our thanks as a human without keep thinking if he rose again physically, yes he rose again in the spirit as the spirit is always with us.

Yes, Lord Jesus Gave his Life as a Human and Rose Again as in Spirit – There is no Controversy that Spirit Can Ever Die as Soul is Eternal.

So, let us please not forget that he gave his life for greater good and wellness of all that we notice that millions of his followers have done from centuries.

We all are one in spirit and it does not matter what we believe in, but if we express gratitude and thanksgiving to great ones as Lord Jesus did for Noah, Abraham, David, Moses and so many who came before him, he even washed his disciples feet, what we can do is just saying thanks also, it helps us a lot to live a better life as it seems to me. We are proud of him.

Thanks for your reading it.

P.S.: This is my personal opinion and I am a Sikh not Christian if it seems that this article seems to make anyone convince as this is a matter of personal choice. It is based on my research works not just one trick of making money, but earning the treasure of history of human civilization. I have just offered my thanks to Lord Jesus as a human.

My research works gave me the following as a poem:

Our Human Ego and the Sermon in the Holy Bible

O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
You are the creator,
However, we hardly indulge in you but in the creation,
You have the purpose for the creation,
However, we hardly follow the purpose but illusion,
You have the love for the whole creation,
However, we never seem to stop disliking.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We say that kingdom of heaven belongs to us,
However, we never show ourselves spiritually poor,
We say that you will comfort us,
However, we never mourn with divine compassion,
We say that we shall received what you have promised,
However, we never humble ourselves,
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We claim that you will satisfy us fully,
However, our greatest desire is rarely to do what you require,
We claim that you will be merciful to us,
However, we are rarely merciful to others in a profound way,
We claim that we shall see you,
However, we are rarely pure in heart like a child.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We proclaim ourselves as your children,
However, we rarely work for peace for all,
We proclaim that we are doing what you require,
However, we rarely want prosecution
We proclaim ourselves your followers,
However, we rarely want to face insult and evil lies against us.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We call ourselves salt for all humankind,
However, we rarely speak the truth lest we face crucifying ourselves,
We call ourselves light for the whole world,
However, we rarely shine for those, whom we dislike,
We call ourselves the highest in the heaven,
However, we rarely obey your commandments.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We offer our gifts to you,
When our fellow humans face sufferings caused by us,
We make our prayers to you,
When we hand over our fellows to court,
We sing our songs to you
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
You commanded not to divorce even the unfaithful wife,
We pray and seek your guidance for insight of obeying it,
You commanded not to take revenge on someone,
However, we do not want to do good to someone who wrongs us,
You commanded not to hate even enemy.
However, we rarely love our friends unconditionally.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We love those who love us,
Because we are hardly better than what we ought to be,
We invite those who invite us,
Because we are hardly better than what we ought to be,
We speak to those who speak to us,
Because we are hardly better than what we ought to be,
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Out supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We let it happen that
We do perform our religious duties in public,
We know it that
We should not do acts of charity to show people,
We let it happen that
We help needy and make big show of it.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our Supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
Teach and guide us how to help needy,
So that we may be rewarded by you,
Teach and guide us how to give something to needy,
So that we may be pleased by you,
Teach and guide us how to help needy
So that we may receive your blessings,
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We usually pray when everyone watches us,
We usually pray when room is open,
We usually pray when our heart is away,
We usually pray when you do not need words,
We usually pray when you are blessing everyone,
We usually pray when you bestow by your own ways.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We pray you to forgive us,
However, we do not forgive others,
We pray you to forgive us,
However, we do not stop judging others,
We pray you to forgive us,
However, we do not have mercy for others.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
Merciful Father, We seek your mercy,
Give us strength to do fasting without letting anyone know it,
Merciful Father, We seek your mercy,
Give us strength to store up riches for ourselves in heaven,
Merciful Father, We seek your mercy,
Give up strength to keep light spreading for all,
O Dear God, There is nothing without you.
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We boast that we are serving one master,
However, we still love possessions more than persons do.
We boast that we are not worried about anything,
However, we are still worried about food and cloths,
We boast that we are concerned with kingdom of true living,
However, we are still worrying about the problems for the future.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We are hypocrite because we judge others,
We are hypocrite because we usually ignore to look inside,
We are hypocrite because we usually do not honor holy,
We are hypocrite because we usually do not obey you,
We are hypocrite because we usually do not feel you by heart.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us the humans.
It is rare that we ask you by heart,
It is rare that we seek you by heart,
It is rare that we knock your door by heart,
It is rare that we surrender you by heart,
It is rare that we hear you by heart,
It is rare that we open to you by heart.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us the humans.
We think we will go to heaven but walk on wide road,
We think ourselves saved but do not check falsehood in us,
We think we will have self-realization but rarely surrender,
We think we will never fall but do not obey your word,
We think we will bring peace but rarely apt for true living.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us the humans.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
We do not welcome your messengers of peace,
However, seek reward from you,
We do not welcome the good humans,
However, seek reward from you,
We do not welcome least of your servants,
However, seek reward from you.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us the humans.
We are evil and godless when we seek miracles,
The greatest miracle is to love you,
We are unworthy and sinful when living inhumanly,
The greatest human is one, who obeys you,
We are broken and weak because we are in flesh,
The greatest attempt of the flesh is to obey you.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us the humans.
Your word is like mustard seed,
But we do not sow it in the field; the heart,
Your word is like the yeast,
But we do not mix it with flour; the people,
Your word is like a hidden treasure,
However, we do not to buy it, sell everything, the possessiveness.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us the humans.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
Forgive us when we do not proclaim your ways,
Forgive us when do not walk on your ways,
Forgive us we do not grow in your ways,
Forgive us when we do not keep your ways,
Forgive us when we do not rely on your ways,
Forgive us when do not obey your ways.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
Give us the ears to listen what you say,
O Dear Father, Hear our prayers, we pray,
Give us eyes to see you in everyone,
O Dear Father, Hear our prayers, we pray,
Give us tongues to praise you in everything,
O Dear Father, Hear our prayers, we pray
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
Dear Father, as the burning candle melts,
Prays Bhagouauty, melt our egos with truth of your word
Dear Father, as the evil thoughts ruin our intellect
Give us the wisdom of conscience, the voice of truth
Dear Father, as the discerning power helps us all
Bless us the joy of Holy Spirit, the treasure of your gifts
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.
The Word became the Flesh, but we are not able to follow
We all read and teach, but our weakness create sorrow
You can take our burdens, please take our ego
You cannot forsake, so bless us with the trust in all relations
Your Grace dispels all the sorrows; we seek it humbly
You spread love, care and compassion, allow it to flow in all of us. Amen!
O Dear God, There is nothing without you,
Our supplication to you is to lead us, the humans.


P.S.: English is not my first language, so please ignore the grammatical mistakes. Thanks!

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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