This guided visualization takes you through a process about living an integrated life. There is a section in it about dealing with the expectations of your work place whether self-imposed or otherwise.
I encourage you to read the visualization then close your eyes to work your way through it. If you need to open your eyes to remind yourself of the next step, please do so. Then close your eyes and continue with the visualization.
1. Get comfortable in a quiet location. I like to sit with my feet flat on the floor and my hands resting in my lap with the palms up and open. Having your feet on the floor helps you to root in the earth. Having your palms open indicates your willingness to receive. If you have physical challenges and my preferred position is uncomfortable, please choose the location and position that works best for you.
2. Now, notice your breathing. Follow your breath as you breathe in and as you breathe out. Breathe in easily and gently. Breathe out easily and gently. Take several easy, gentle breaths. Now, gradually deepen your breathing. Follow your breath as you breathe in and as you breathe out deeply and completely. Now, give yourself permission to relax. Feel yourself relax.
3. Now, take this opportunity to reflect on your life. As you continue to relax, take look back over the past week of you life. How would you describe it? Are you living an “integrated” life? That means making conscious choices and having time for each part of your life. Or would you say you are “sleepwalking” through your life. That means life has become busy. You are spending your time trying to keep up. You are making few conscious choices. Or are you somewhere in between? That means in some parts of your life you make conscious choices while in others you are sleepwalking through your life.
4. Now, take a few deep cleansing breaths. Breathe in through your nose. Now, breathe out forcefully through your mouth. With each cleansing breath, let yourself release any tensions or concerns that may have arisen when you reviewed the past week of your life. Take 3 cleansing breaths and feel yourself release easily and gently.
5. Now, open your consiousness to all the wisdom that is available to you. What small steps can you take to live a more integrated life? Notice as the ideas present themselves to you. Know that you will remember each idea when this guided visualization is over. Continue to allow the ideas to come into your consciousness. When the flow of ideas has stopped, allow yourself to relax once more.
6. Now, look over the list of ideas that came to you. Which ones would be easy for you to implement? Which ones would take a bit more effort? Now, imagine yourself implementing one of the simpler ideas. Where are you? Who is involved? What time of day is it? What are you wearing? What can you see? What can you hear? What can you taste? What can you smell? What can you touch? What are you doing? Imagine the situation in great detail. See yourself successfully implementing your chosen strategy. What does this success mean to you? Take a moment to savour your success.
7. Now, do you feel tied to work due to a smart phone? If yes, continue with this guided visualization. If no, go to the last step and begin your return to regular consciousness. Now, back to the smart phone: do you do this on your own or is it an expectation of your workplace? If this is something that you do on your own, ask yourself if being “on call” is in your highest good. If you have a family, is it in their highest good? Do you give up anything in the rest of your life by being tied to work?
8. Now, if you received guidance that being tied to work through your smart phone is in your highest good, take a few deep breaths and relax. You can then go to the last step and begin your return to regular consciousness. However, if you received guidance that changes are needed, open your consiousness and ask for guidance about the steps you can take. Know that you will remember the guidance you receive when this guided visualization is over.
9. Now, these next steps are for those of you who keep your smart phone with you and on after hours because it is an expectation of your workplace. Open your consciousness and ask what, if anything, can be done at this time to address this situation at your workplace. Your guidance may say that nothing can be done at this time. You can ask the question again later and see if circumstances have changed.
10. Now, if you received guidance about steps that could be taken at your workplace, ask for guidance about which strategy to implement first. Let the answer come into your consciousness. Now, imagine yourself putting this strategy into action. Now, imagine yourself implementing this strategy. Where are you? Who is involved? What time of day is it? What are you wearing? What can you see? What can you hear? What can you taste? What can you smell? What can you touch? What are you doing? Imagine the situation in great detail. See yourself successfully implementing your chosen strategy. What does this success mean to you? Take a moment to savour your success.
11. Now, begin your journey back to regular consciousness. Begin to notice your surroundings. Notice any noises in your surroundings. Notice where you are sitting. Notice your breathing. When you are ready, return to regular consiousness. Stretch and open your eyes, ready for whatever comes next in your day. Know that you will remember the guidance and ideas your received during this guided visualization.
Note: If your guidance told you that there is a better time to work on the issue of smart phones, I encourage you to use this guided visualization again in a few weeks or months. Circumstances may change at your work place and make it possible to implement strategies to cut the ties to work through smart phones after work hours.
To freedom of choice and an integrated lifestyle,
© 2010 SPIRIT Connections