Hi, I’m Sylph Nightbloom and I have a little to say on how I like to live my life and it’s not a label that I could put on it. It’s not Christianity or any type of religion and it’s something that is separate from my spirituality even though I’m a Tantric practitioner. I believe that when I wish to behave the right way in any situation that all I have to do is stop for a minute and breathe and to listen to what my heart tells me. And we I feel something Good well up then I have the inspiration inside and know what I should do and I just do it and it feels the best of my choices. And if I get into too much of a hurry there are times that I let myself get motivated by fear in any of its forms such as anger, greed, jealousy or feeling a lack. It is important to be reminded by others and myself and to remind others that when you do something that makes you feel Good then you are doing something Good for the world. Do for yourself and you are doing for the world. Make yourself a more solid person in your own heart and core. Know that you can reach out

Do for yourself and you are doing for the world. Make yourself a more solid person in your own heart and core. Know that you can reach out Make yourself a more solid person in your own heart and core. Know that you can reach out to the community and help others that may be wavering or that may not know which direction they will take in their lives. And let them know that they already have the answer here in the heart in the form of their feelings and emotions.

And when you feel a tightness or shaking or unease in whatever it is you are contemplating or the way you are holding your focus…it really isn’t serving you or anyone else.

And when you know that you feel solid inside…a sense of purpose, you feel strong, and you feel motivated then you know that the choice you are making is benefiting you and everybody whose life you touch 🌟

Sylph Nightbloom

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