Mindful Visualization Meditation Exercises- A great way to recharge your brain and improve overall mental wellness

Mindful Visualization Meditation Exercises- A great way to recharge your brain and improve overall mental wellness

Photo by Shahariar Lenin In our increasingly complex world, taking a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life is becoming more vital than ever to maintain mental wellness. Recent research has shown that mindful visualization exercises can be an effective way to...


Meditation is a wonderful way to calm the mind.Implementation of it on a regular basis develops the capacity to enjoy rich experiences. It helps you to see and experience more beauty in life for longer periods. Scientific research proves that people who meditate...
Fire Performance Dance Meditation

Fire Performance Dance Meditation

Fire performance is a form of entertainment that many find therapeutic for both the entertainer and the audience. It is a performance art that incorporates the manipulation of fire. Fire performers create visual effects utilizing equipment with wicks that sustain...

Abusing Meditation?

It can be so very sad to see folks abusing meditation. What are some of the ways folks could abuse meditation? Some abuse meditation to separate from their thoughts. Some abuse meditation to separate from their emotions. Some abuse meditation to separate from their...

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