Photo by M. Maggs 


Thomas Edison is one of the most famous inventors of all time. There are lots of stories about how he came up with ideas for inventions; some say that he’d sit down and wait for inspiration to hit him, while others believe that he worked tirelessly until he figured out what was needed to make his ideas a reality. But one thing you may not know about Thomas Edison is just how many times he failed before becoming successful.

The story of Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb is an inspiring and motivational tale.

The story of Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb is an inspiring and motivational tale. It shows that even when you think you’ve failed, it’s not the end—failure is a necessary part of the process, and it can be turned into success.

The story goes that Edison tried over 10,000 different experiments before he finally created his first working filament (which later became known as the light bulb). The most important thing to remember here is that Thomas Edison didn’t give up after failing once or twice; he just kept trying until he got it right!

This story has been used for many years as an example for all those who dream big but are afraid to fail at their goals. The message from this inspirational tale is simple: If you want something badly enough in life, never let anything stop you from achieving your dreams!

A few years before his famous invention that would change the world, Edison was working with a team of people on inventing an electric voting machine.

Edison was working with a team of people on inventing an electric voting machine. His investors wanted to see what they were getting for their money and wanted him to publish a story about the machine so they could see it in action.

Edison’s response: You want me to publish something that doesn’t exist yet? Well, I’ll give you something better than that—I’ll invent it first!

You can imagine how frustrating this must have been for Edison. He had spent years developing this machine, and now he had to describe it in words so that other people could understand what they were investing in.

He published a story about the machine and showed it off at demonstrations, but still… investors wanted more! They wanted to see what they were investing in first-hand. They wanted more than just words on paper or a demonstration—they wanted to be able to touch the machines themselves and see them working with their own eyes.

The problem was that Edison hadn’t yet figured out all the intricacies of creating the machine, and he couldn’t write about the system or take photos until it was done.

You can imagine Edison’s frustration as he worked on his new invention. He had investors and employees who were counting on him, but he couldn’t show them what he was working on or explain how it would work until it was finished. 

At times he must have felt like he was at a dead end. But Edison knew that there was no point in giving up and starting over, so instead of giving up, he decided to keep going and figure out another way around his problem. And that’s exactly what happened when one of his assistants came into the room with a newspaper article about photography technology!

His investors didn’t want to wait any longer, so they pulled their money and sent Edison back to work in his lab.

  • Edison’s investors were impatient, and they wanted to see results. They had invested in him because of his reputation, but they were frustrated by the fact that he couldn’t show them anything until he had something to show.
  • So when it came time for the investors’ quarterly check-in meeting with Edison, they pulled their funding and told him to go back to work in his lab. Edison was faced with having to work harder than ever before if he wanted to prove himself worthy of their trust—and more importantly, their money!

Faced with very little money, Edison worked harder than ever to perfect his invention.

Edison was a driven man. A man who didn’t give up easily. He was used to failing and still realizing his goals. He had faced many obstacles before, but he always overcame them in the end. Edison didn’t let money stand in his way for long—he worked hard until he had enough money to continue on with his work, which allowed him to make more progress than ever before!

He called upon every last bit of energy he had left, and finally proved that he had successfully built an electric vote recorder.

Edison had created a device that could record sounds, but he had no idea how to use it. When he tried to listen back to the recording by placing a needle on the cylinder, nothing happened. He tried again and again, but still, nothing happened. It was as if the hand of fate itself had taken hold of this invention and thrown it into a deep well where no one would ever find it again—or so Edison must have felt when he first heard those awful clicks coming from his machine.

But then something interesting happened: instead of giving up hope altogether, Thomas Edison started thinking about how he could improve his invention by combining parts with other inventions already in existence at the time (such as an electric motor). And after many trials and errors…he did just that! Soon thereafter, he called upon every last bit of energy he had left and finally proved that he had successfully built an electric vote recorder—a machine that we now know as one aspect of what eventually became known as radio broadcasting!

When faced with setbacks like this, you have two choices: sit around feeling sorry for yourself and let your negative feelings take over, or use those feelings as fuel for your fire and keep working not just towards overcoming your setback but also turning it into something amazing!

When faced with setbacks like this, you have two choices: sit around feeling sorry for yourself and let your negative feelings take over, or use those feelings as fuel for your fire and keep working not just towards overcoming your setback but also turning it into something amazing!

If you’re having trouble getting back on track after a major failure or disappointment in life (like Thomas Edison did), here are some tips that will help:

  • Stay positive. When we tell ourselves “I can’t do this” or “I won’t succeed in the end” we will only make matters worse. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of what happened to us, focus on how much better things could be if we keep trying!
  • Don’t give up! Even if things seem bleak right now and there aren’t many signs pointing towards success down the road, don’t give up completely. Remember that even though Thomas Edison failed an enormous amount of attempts times before he invented the lightbulb (which was one of his greatest inventions), he didn’t give up until he finally made it happen!


Thomas Edison is often remembered for his incredible contributions to the world of science and technology. His inventions have had a lasting impact on modern life all over the globe. 

Despite numerous challenges, Edison never gave up on his dream to invent a secure, reliable voting machine. Despite countless failures and setbacks, he stayed committed and eventually came up with a device that could accurately count votes in just minutes. He wanted to ensure that citizens would be able to cast their ballots without any hassle or worry about fraud. 

In this way, Edison showed us all how dedication and perseverance can help turn even the most difficult tasks into reality.

We’re all faced with setbacks, and sometimes we need to recognize that it’s not about how many times you fall down but how many times you get up again. In the story of Thomas Edison, we see just how powerful this idea can be when applied to everyday life. If you’re facing a challenge right now, remember those words! Don’t let your negative feelings hold you back—instead, channel them into positive energy toward overcoming whatever obstacles are holding you back from success.

Live your life with an outlook that there is no such thing as failure. Try out your creative ideas time and time again until you get the just-right result that you want. The more improvement attempts you make, the more success you’ll discover. The person who repeatedly attempts to hit the ball with a positive mental attitude will eventually hit it, and a person who makes many attempts to correct problematic situations will inevitably solve them successfully.

The Following is from “A Short Inspirational Story About Thomas Edison”

Hi…I’m Billy an artificial Intelligence Mascot with Bliss Planet 

And I’d like to share with you a short inspirational story.

Thomas Edison is a name that has gone down in history and continues to be an inspiration for many people today. From his inventions to his perseverance, he remains an icon of success and innovation. 

From humble beginnings as a telegraph operator, it’s incredible to think of the impact Thomas Edison had on the world through his countless achievements. 

His sheer determination, ambition, and drive was remarkable; despite facing failure after failure in experiments over 10,000 times! 

He famously said “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

This anecdote perfectly encapsulates Edison’s relentless spirit and shines light on why he achieved so much in his lifetime.

May the Bliss be with you!

Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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