The Indian, Egyptian, Arabian, Israeli and World Single and Simple Models and Theories of Everything are all one in the Vowel Theory of Indian Language and Grammar Systems: Gurmukhi and All Secrets of Universe and Be Happy Philselfologically – 111
The Sacred Indian Systems that are based on the Indian, Egyptian, Arabian and Israeli and the Chinese Sacred Systems at the same time give us the “Theory of Vacuum, Zero Potential and Free Energy. These Sacred Systems also describe all of the “Single and Simple Models of Everything”. These also describe how the God is the God of Word, the Universe as the Information (Akhara Universe), its also the God as the Light (OM Philosophy), and how its the God of Sound, who Speaks and Talks (KARA Universe), and also how God of Vacuum as the Parbrahma deals the universes and the multiverses. This has names of the “PARA” that is the “Most Primitive Vibration that is the A’ Akhara, the Consonant Sound of A’ that these Sacred Systems call the Para Systems”, and this is the very Para System of the A’ that when deals with 0A’ and the 2A’ that creates all “Quantum Transitions Possible in the Universe” as it grows the 2A’ as the “Transition and the Speed of the Transitions” as the A’-A’, and thus we have it the “Two Pendulum Systems of the Universes as the 0A’ and the 2A’ (A), and that these are thus called the Brahma the 2A’ (A) Visible Universes and the 0A’ as the Parabrahma Universes that as the “Micro Universes remain Hidden in and as the Micro Dimensions of the Visible Universes that are based on the Vibrations of A’ that creates the “Matter due to A’-A’ Phases that is simply the “Direction of Spin” as the A’ is either clockwise or the anticlockwise” and it decides what is next the matter, light, sound or the energy and thus the energy conversions that are likely to occur. This is thus what we know the “0A’ to O, N, M” that make everything happen in the universe.
The “N” that is the “Bindi” Systems of the Source Quantum Dot in the Indian Sacred Systems when interacts with the “Bindu”, the Quantum Object Dot Systems is what we also know as the “Source of Fission and the Fusion Theories in the World”, the “Bindi” is the “Theory of Fusion” and the “Bindu” is the “Theory of Fission” as shown below M, the Fission UP and the N, the Fusion DOWN:
The Universe is the Topological Quantum System that is the “Topology of the Vacuum, the Source of Quantum Potential and Free Energy” and the Indian Sacred Systems describe it as the “KARA and the AKARA” in the Two Major World Theories as the OM+KARA that is the Universe as the Script (OM) and as the KARA, the Spacetime that is “KARA”, the “Light (RA) in Space (KA)”, and when we discuss the “String that Binds the Light (RA) and Script (OM)” that is the “Sacred Vibration that “A” for the AKARA”, and the KARA in 2-D Light is the AKHARA (Letters that we write), and its the “World Line” as the “Time in the Vowel and Sound is the Space and (Motion) Velocity Systems”.
The “A” in the Indian Sacred Systems is the “Union of Vacuum and the First Vibration” and it exists as the 0A’+A’=A’ and A’+A’=A, and this Vibartion as the “A’ and A” exists in the “A’, A, E, O, AE, N, M” that is the “Universe as the Information System”, and this way the “Universe is Sound, the Word, the Script” and its called the “ONAM” that is the universe is the information system of vibrations that we can read, listen, speak, understand, use and broadcast anywhere in the universe. This very study is known as the “Veda System”. According to Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism:
“The ONAM is the Essence of the Universe as the Script, the Akhara”.
The ONAM is the “A’, A, E, O, AE, EO, OA, N, M” as the 8-Dimensional System of the Universe in which the 9th D of the A’ remains hidden and its present in all dimensions. In reality, the ONAM is the OM System and the “KARA is the System of the Light and Sound Energy Systems”.

Image: The ONAM as the Informational Universe Systems
Thus, the ONAM Systems as the “A’, A, E, O, AE, EO, OA, N, M” is the “Birth to Death Phases of the Black Hole”, and as its “Birth is so is the A’ and the A” and as its death is so is the N and M Sound Energies”, and in the following images, the Birth (a) is the A’, the Birth of Vibration and the A’-A’=A is the (b) in the image, and its the the creation of sound energy from the vibration (a) that is A’+A’=A (A’-A’ Plane):
Image: “ONAM” is the Sound Energy Systems Birth to Death Phases as the Sound Energy Systems
The universe and its relation with the other universes also follows the same patterns of the “A’, A, E, O, AE, EO, OA, N, M” and here the “Big Bang is the “A’ and the A” that is the “A’ and the 2A'”, the “Two Planes that has one as the Blank Qubit (A’) and the Other Qubit has matter in it as A’+A’=A=2A'”, and these also follow the same phases “A’, A (2A’), E, O, AE, EO, OA, N, M”:
When we consider the “ONMKARA and the ONAM” Systems, we also have to mention that its based on the Gurmukhi, the Gurbani, the Script of Sikh Sacred Teachings, and it embraces the Vedas as well as the Arabian and the Israeli Civilizations as the Sikhism has Hinduism and the Jewish World Religions and the Faiths as its “Old Holy Testaments” and it also takes up the Buddhism, Christianity, Muslim and other Modern World Religions and Faiths, and in it the Major Point is the Sikh Research Systems based on the Gurmukhi is Veda and what is NOT Veda, and thus the “All World Systems as ONE” and adds innovations to all world religions as its roots and calls it the “Sacred Wisdom Tree”.
“Jan Nanak Punn Hari Bijiya…” (Gurbani)
“Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has planted a Sacred Tree…” and it treats all world religions and faiths as “ONE Tree and its Branches for Research and Innovations”.
Now, accordingly, we notice that the “A’ is Vibration, the 2A'(=A) is the Wave that is attached to the A’, the Vibartion, and these both have a common point of the 0A’, and that is the “Light”, the 0A’ without propagation, and if we see a throat of the universe that is due to the 0A’ (No Vibartion), A’ Vibration and the Wave (2A’=A), and its the “Cyclic and also the Naturally Re-cyclic Process” as we see below:
In the Multi-universe, the Multiverse Systems of the Universe, we notice that the underlying Sacred Philosophy is always of the 0A’ (No Vibartion), A’ Vibration and the Wave (2A’=A) that when combines with its “Parent Creation Systems of any of the ONAM and the ONKARA Systems that is the “A’, A (2A’), E, O, AE, EO, OA, N, M” it produces its children, the children of the multiverse universe system, and that inside each of the universe it gives the “A’, A (2A’)” a greater sub-systems of creations with the 0A’ (No Vibartion), A’ Vibration and the Wave (2A’=A) Systems that create everything in the multiverse, and inside the centers of the universes and the multiverse, we have the same as the center and that is the “0A’ (No Vibartion), A’ Vibration and the Wave (2A’=A)” Seed where the 0A’ is the Sperm and the A’ is the Egg, and the 2A’ (=A) is the “Envelope of the Universes, the Brahmanda Systems”. The “2A’=A” is also the Envelope of the Zero Potential Free Energy Systems that exist as the “0A’ and the A’ Pairs” that is the “Inside the Universe World 0A’ and Outside the Universe Worlds as the A'”, and for this reason the “A'” is called the “Parbrahma” and the “2A’=A” is called the Brahma univere systems and this is called the “Secret of Lord Krishna or God as the Akshra, the God as Script of the Universes” and that is the 0A’ and the A’ with its mysteries of the A=2A’ and thus is the wonderful concept of multiverses:

When we consider the “0A’ (No Vibartion), A’ Vibration and the Wave (2A’=A)”, we have it as the “0A’, A’, 2A’ (A’-A’), A=A’+A'”, and that is the “Ever Awakened Spirit ONE Consciousness (0A’), Sukhopat (A’), Nindra (Supana) (2A’=A’-A’), and the Jagart Awastha (A) , the States of Mind (Brain Systems) as the Ever Awakened One Consciousness of the Universe (0A’), Unconscious (A’), Subconscious (A’-A’ the State of the Transition of the A’-A’ to A) and the Conscious (A without any transitions), and this is the “Secret of the Quantum Transitions of the Universe”.
When we consider the “Circle and Point”, we think of light and sound, but when we have to write it, its the “Quantum Qubit Systems as the A, E, O, AE, EO and OA” Points as the “Source of Sound from the Circle”, and that is what we say: “From the Mouth of God came the Sound”, and it created everything, and that God is the Source of Infinite Energy, the Zero potential, who from the Topological Circle, the Bindu and the Quantum Dots, the Bindi Systems created everything. This is the Indian Model Single of Everything of the Circle, the Bindu and the Bindi, the Dots on the Circle.
When we consider the “A’, A (2A’), E, O, AE, EO, OA, N, M”, we have the “Simplest Model of Everything based on the Vibartion Theory” and that is the “A’-A'” which is free from direction and dimension systems, but creates everything like itself that is same as the “Cloning” and it starts the “Propagation of a Circle that is Balanced by Two Equal and Opposite Pairs of Vibrations that Give the Zero Potential Energy Systems that Freely create the Quantum Clones”, and thus the “A’-A'” is “All that Exists as the A’-(0A’-A’)-2A’, the Life or Quantum Systems of the Consciousness” in which the “A’ and the 2A’ are the Two Poles and the 0A’ with the A’ at the Center act as the 3rd and the 4th Poles, and that makes the 0A’, A’, A’-A’ and the 2A’ act as the Universal Dipole that “Clones Everything as the Dipoles who either keep expanding or collapsing”. and what we see as the Indian Observers and Seers has been doing through Sacred Visualizations, the Meditation, Focus, Visions and so on, and that is the A’-(0A’-A’)-2A’ Systems from its Sacred Center creates the “Sets of Vibrations that from the 0A’ and A’ keep creating what we know as the Indian Sacred Vowels and the Consonants that is the “A, E, O, AE, EO, OA, N and M” in which as we discuss the “Most Amazing is the Sound of the N and M” that create the Outer Most Nodes around the Dipole and the EO and OA create the UPPER and LOWER Nodes of the Dipole while the Dipole is the “A, E, O, and AE” as shown below:

Image: The Quantum Science as the Secrets of Yoga with Bindu (M) and the Bindi (N) Systems giving the Sacred Setup of 16 Indian Vowels
The Classical Quantum Sciences studies of the Molecular Systems rather than the Atomic or the Electronic Systems gives the Sacred Setup of the 25 Indian Consonants that start with the First Indian Consonant as the “K”, and these also appear as the “K in the Hindi and Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Languages”. The point of concern here is that both the Indian Vowels and the Consonants are from the Most Ancient Indian Sacred Systems of the Elements, the Building Blocks of the Matter, and we thank the great people who did it for us:

Beautiful Indian Consonant Glimpses as the Classical heterogeneity h(p, q, t) as a function on phase space (shown is the region |q| < 3, |p| < 2.5) at times $0 < t \le 9T$ is also shown below:

Images: The Basis of Indian Consonants is the Atomic and Molecular Wave Functions as the Quantum (Vowels) and Classical (Consonants)
Thus, when we consider the classical and the quantum systems in the Vibration (0A’-A’), its Quantum and when we go for the “A’-A'” Wave Theory, we notice that the Pendulum, Fork, and anything that can create the vibrations and the waves, and thus we notice the presence of the Indian Vowels and Consonants in all such things create the “Waves and Vibrations that has Fixed Sounds, Colors, Shapes, Energies, Dimensions….” and its the Fixed or Constant Standard for All World languages and the Grammars.
Well, I have to put it that in my more than 25 years of researching I have never seen a violation in it, and thus the “Single and Simple Model of Everything” while in the Middle Schools in 1982, I noticed that Languages, Math, Music and Grammars work and function in the same way and I started to study everything in this manner while always standing first in the school due to this not yet recognized research though many experiments on brain as a mysterious thing are done in recent 50 years while humans has surpassed all possible limits in the name of defense and security or more research on the brains may it be of birds, animals or the humans while doing it, I have tried to ignore the possible harms modern technology has done in last say about 30-40 years! I have yet to see and notice if there is sensitivity present among the governing bodies, corporates and officials! I an my family fully condemn such inhuman actions that harms natural merits and talents in any family anywhere in the world no matter in what capacity or just for fun sake in the world of crime!
The problem with these sacred systems from the Tesla Times is that these cut down the production to 1/10th and make systems 10 Times faster, but corporates may not earn a lot, as for example, the solar cells in this system cost a very little and are highly effective and thus the experts say that corporates want to sell already done productions and that modern educated masses lack proper researching to do these things and it gives enough time to corporates to sell things at very high costs. I remember few years ago we used to pay some rupees for the incoming calls and outgoing calls were also very expensive and such schemes has made many new corporates become big corporates and that makes any quantum development something that seems impossible as with “Single and Simple Models for Everything” offer almost “Free World Education, Research and Training Systems that Helps All Start 3 or 4-D Printing Machines installed in every home in the world”, and we see it very slow and Bills are mostly ignored regarding it in the developing countries as most of the companies who failed in west seem to sell in the east, and this “Dream and Vision of Education, Work and Free Systems” lags behind as corporates and leaders may not take interest in the developing countries, and that seems a big shame to people who know it well as we discuss.
Now, we can raise a question about how and why the “Circle is Everything”, and the easy answer is that topologically, the circle is the vacuum without the Bindi, and it becomes the “Bindu when there is Bindu” as otherwise, we cannot imagine any circle. Moreover, topologically, the circle takes up all shapes, and that leads to all sounds, colors, and the thing that we know as the primitive and primal knowledge and the wisdom. In other words, the “Bindu” with “Bindi” is all that Indians call Vedas, and its same as “Everything Sacred in the Universe”. In it, the Bindi is the Quantum Management, and the Bindu is Classical Systems in the world, and the rest is the general knowledge, and that is what we know as the “Pure Research (Bindu), Applied Research (Bindi) and the Bindu and Bindi together give the Action Research works and its base, and that is what we can say the Quantum Research Work Systems that I had to name as the Philselfology. In which we have philosophy of Bindu (Zero, the Indian Darshana Theory), Science is the Bindi (Logos) and the Quantum Science is the “Self” as the Quantum Entanglement, and thus Philosophy and Science together make “Life Possible”, the self and thus the “Philosophy, Self and Science gives Philselfology. I stated it in 1990 in the University of Adelaide as: “Philosophy is a Bridge between Science and Religion”, and that is Religion and Science as if the Classical and Quantum Sciences and thus the Indian Quantum Theory”.
“If you can prove it with 15 years of research and write 15 books, it will help human global development, though many people will call you mad!”
This is what Prof. John Gill, the Head of Department of Philosophy said to me!
Now, when we have researched the Quantum Systems in the Human Palm, I have able to reach at what Prof. John Gill said and I obeyed.
Now, we add some previous descriptions as that the “A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A'” Levels are treated as the 4 Pada, the Positions in the Indian and World Knowledge and Wisdom as the “Static (Tamo), Kinetic (Rajo), Dynamic (Sato) and the Turiya (Free Energy Source in the Vacuum, the Shoonaya)”, and the Indian Sacred Systems call it as the Light (A’), Sound (2A’), Energy (3A’), and Matter (4A’) Systems in the O, A, E and the AE, and it remains as the Set of Qubit Quantum System that is the “Circle and Cycle of Free Energy”. It is the “Base and the Basis of All Indian and the World Sacred Systems” say as the Pyramids, Feng Shui, Crystals, Mantra, Yantra, Tantra, and what we know as the Scientific and Quantum Products; Computers, Machines, Equipments, and all that is Nano Systems as we have discussed the CHARA Systems of the “A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A'” Vibrations, and it gives all modern systems of advanced physics model a greater depth and meaning, and also gives models of everything a greater significant”, and its one of the greatest contributions by world religions and faiths in union with philosophy, science, technology, and arts, music, para sciences, and so on. The great point of concern is that is base and the basis of the music compositions and all is based on the sacred poetics and so is the Quantum Qubit and the Computing and the Computers and what to say, its the essence of the Nano Systems and the Meta-materials, the superconductors, super insulators and the super capacitors! These 4 Positions with Two Major Angles of the 45 Degrees is the “Chara+Na”, the Positions and Angles where Nano’s and the Qubits, the Photons give their results and the effects as we say:
“O God! Keep me at Your Refuge, we get all we want! – Data Rakhin Charna De Kol, Charna Di Mouj Baddi”
The “Angle of 45 Degrees for the A’ with the 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A’ is the gradual evolution that this sequence goes as if we have 4 Angles of 45 Degrees in the 4 Quadrants, and that is in real life when we notice that the “Circle gets one point of pressure, this changes into 4 Dimensional System as it gives “UP and DOWN” that makes the circle has four primal forces acting on it, that the “Pressure is the Down Force” and it produces the “UP Pressure”, and during this time, the circle also makes a motion due to pressure and the resulting “UP Pressure” is in the other quadrant and thus uses the 2A’, while the “First Down Pressure” is the A’, and when these two pressures create the simultaneous creation of a pair of “UP and DOWN Pressures of A’ and the 2A’ in the Circle, and that due to passing of time gives the 3A’ UP Pressure and the 4A’ of Pressure Down, and thus it activates the 4 Quadrants of the Circle, and it gives 3 Motions as Circular, “UP and DOWN”, and one Translational as “Left to Right” from the UP and DOWN Forces of the Exerted Pressure, and One, which we have as the 4th Pressure is the “Total Circle as UP and DOWN” and its is with the Center of the Circle”. This is what creates the “Spirals in the Universe, and Everything is a Spiral of 3 Motions and the 4th Motion as the Power Motion, the Resultant Motion”, and we see it as well shown below:
Now, we notice that the “Spiral Systems” have another system that gives it a spherical and a circular shape, and that is when we notice that “UP and DOWN” additions get the A’+2A’=3A’ or A’+2A’=0A’, and it is here that all notations in the Indian and the Other World Sacred System, we notice a Pairs as the A and A’, and these pairs constitute the Cartesian Pairs as the Coordinates that are as X-X’, Y-Y’ and the Z-Z’. In these we have the A’ having the 0A’ Systems as we cannot have the A’-2A’, but the A’-0A’, and its the Master Spiral Point that gives every systems even the shape of the sphere with upper limit as the A’ and the Lower Limit as the 0A’, and the World Sacred Systems call it the Time Dimension and the Indian Systems call it the KALA, the Zero Dimension of Time. This is the Sacred Dimension of the Parmeshwara as the 0A’ and the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A’ are the Ishwara Dimensions that are as the Sato, Rajo and the Tamo and the Turiya respectively in the Indian Sacred Systems, and we see it as shown below:
The above systems of the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A’ and 0A’ create the O, A, E, AE and the OA Systems that again makes it the the ONKARA Sacred Geometry Systems. The “IN and OUT” and the “UP and DOWN” Systems make it all the “M, N” and the “N, M” that create the Circles and the Spheres!
Now, when we pause and think, the “N, the Bindi and M, the Bindu” are the “Moving Points, the Quantum Dots of Light M, the Bindu and the Sound Energy, the NANO Points” in which the A, E, O and the AE are the Colors that when move and twist change from say Red (A) to Blue (O) and then Green (E) and then black and white shade (AE)”, and we see the Life and Universe as shown below:

Now, the final point about the ONKARA Philosophy that Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gives as the Ultimate Philosophy of the ONKARA Philosophy is the the EAK ONKARA, and the EAK (IK) here means that the “M” in the “OM” is One Infinite Ocean of Consciousness, which we know as the 6th Dimension that “Sees” everything as one, and what it, the one consciousness sees is the A, E, O, AE, EO and the OA Dimensions, and this “One Sacred Dimension of Everything is the Living Life of the Universe” and this is always the “AN” in the ONKARA that we have described as the “M” and its as the “U” in the “Sung” that sounds as the “M”, and Guru Ji calls it the 6th Prime Dimension. This 6th Dimension does not follow the “Color and the Gravity Systems, but Shines Brightly”. So, one later modifications in the ONKARA is as O(AM)KARA. This 6th D, the “M as the Bindu” gives us the “One Observer”, which is not a physical observer but “Observers and Reads” the Quantum World of the “N”, the Bindi in the Indian Sacred Systems. This Sacred System of the Bindi and the Bindu are the Observer of Light and Sound, and the Observer of the Sound is Perishable Bindi, the Decimal. The “Bindi, the Sound as the Origin of the Shabada” merges into the “Bindu, the Light, but this Light is the Consciousness as the 6th Dimension and definitely not the light energy” for this very reason “One Photon of Light, the Bindu System remains and the Other (Second One), the Bindi Perishes”. However, both the Bindi and the Bindu, the Subject Photon and Object Photon are ONE as the Qubit, and this is what Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji calls the “EAK, the One Supreme Consciousness”.

We need to consider that when we say the universe is the “quantum memory bank”, its Quantum, the 5th Dimension, and when we say its “ONE”, its conscious at the 6th Dimension.

If we do not accept the simplicity of the one system of consciousness, the essential of all world religions and the faiths, we have to explain the 5th of the Quantum and that seems wastage of precious human life for sacred education and research. Everything that is quantum is connected and thus laws of conversion of energy, and that consciousness is nowhere disconnected is the law of consciousness as the total energy that does not change its “singularity law of energy as the power, and thus the source”.
We will edit and add.
Be Happy Philselfologically! Kala, the Qubit of Quantum is in everyone!