Our mind and body is affected by anger in many ways. There is a chain of feelings related to anger, which we undergo, like stress, sense of being betrayed, and tension in the mind and body. When we are angry we go through many mental phases, like we are sitting in the corner of a dark room, and there is no one to help us out of that dark room, and the feeling of loneliness creeps up through the body and into the mind, leaving the whole body numb.
Different people go through different phases of feelings while angry. Some are in such a mental state that they just want to take refuge at someplace, where no one can find them and some people go defensive and want to pin down the person responsible for creating such feelings.
There are many angles to look at a problem and find the best possible solution, rather taking refuge or pounding someone, which can be the last resource. Most of the times, we do not see the things we are blessed with, but always see negative aspects of our life and forget that there are many people out in the world suffering worse than us. We can turn the negative forces building in our mind into the positive forces and everything will become a lot easier for everyone of us. People who are robbing, manipulating, betraying, lying, or hurting other people around them and are happy about it, will suffer and they cannot get away with the bad deeds they have done to everyone else and in the end will pay a high price for their actions. If a person is victimized, then the best way to vent off the anger is to use the intellect and resources to enforce that the victimizing source is paying for the crime committed against you.
Anger affects us in many ways and can lead to self-destruction. Every one of us has our share of problems along with the share of happiness if life. Sometimes it happens that we encounter problems, which we find impossible to solve and find tough to go on with life, and feel angry on ourselves and think that we are being centered out for the punishment and the negative feelings start to overcome our mind. When going through such feelings hope is one string, which we should hold on to and think about the blessings, we are blessed with, as life in itself is a blessing as well and we should think about people who are suffering a lot more than us. In such situations, the best way to get rid of the negative energy is to do something else and divert the attention, write a journal, or read jokes, because laughter is a great source for relieving anger. The negative energies of anger should be burned off, which are root of anger. Another effective way to relive anger is to take a long walk and absorb the beauty of nature, provided to us by God.
If we are in such a situation where everything seems dark and we are unable to find anyway out of our problem, then we should look back on the other problems we have faced before in life and dealt with and then things will seem quite clear with a solution to the problem.
Anger only helps to complicate the problem, rather than solving it. If you feel that the world is tumbling down, then pick up the torture stake and walk another mile.