Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems, 3-Dimensions of Matter and 4th Dimension of Atama, the Creator of Matter with Sound, Light Energy Conversions: Ayurveda and Single Model of Science and Health in the Universe: Be Happy Philselfologically – 87
We can put the Modern Physics Model of Matter as One Single Source for whatever we know about matter, and its 3 forms with the power dimensions that sustain the universe. In the Indian context about it, I have developed a model that describes the entire systems of the world in just few charts, and among them is the “Model of Health, Physics, Sciences, and all related to these and the similar in just the Simple Venn Diagram of Ayurveda System, which is same in about say 500 Therapies in our Modern World, and that in it, we have everything as the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Systems of the Universe working in the Single 4-Dimensional System of “I”, which makes us all feel the “I-ness”, the Atama, and we call it the “Ojasa”, the “Sound, Matter and Light Energy Management”, which is always 4 Dimensional Existence of Life in which it, the “Ojasa” as the Power Dimension “Atama” has created the “Matter” in the 3-Dimensions, namely the “Tamo Guna, the YIN as the 1-D”, the “Rajo Guna, the YANG as the 2-D”, and the “Sato Guna, the Yong as the 3-D”, and that the “Ojasa is the 4-D by Joining All 3-Dimensions by the SAHA Systems” in which we can have the following:
1. SAHA as the Jeeva Atama, the “Je”+”Eve”, the Biological Life as the Shakti Dimension and thus considering the matter in the 3-Dimensions and as the Biological Life as the “Object”
2. HASA as the Parmatama as the Atama, the Chetan (Cha+Tana, the Chi or the Cha (here we have the Cha, Chu, Chi, Cho and other sound energies) in the Physical 3-Dimensional Form) or the Human Life, which makes the Universe Expand, Live or Crunch, and thus the “Theory of Big Bang” as the “Biological Life as the Subject, the Observer, the “I” in any form”
In the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Grammar Systems, we can sum it up as follows:
1. A, the AA as the Proton, and the Proton Cloud, the Pita, the Dynamic (it goes as the Static when in the Body, Outside the Nucleus and Dynamic when in the Brain, the Nucleus and even vice verse as its the HASA and SAHA, which gives each system two options as either static when it moves things as from the brain orders and dynamic when it moves itself as in the body. Let us also assume that I am wrong, then please simply consider how a magnet, the proton would work in the body and in the brain and its as if magnet in the boat that swims in the sea, the body and when the same magnet thrown out of the boat into the sea or water, the body!)
2. E, the EE as the Electron, and the Electron Cloud, the Kapha, the Kinetic System
3. O, the OO as the Neutron, and the Neutron Cloud, the Vata, the Static System
4. The “AA EE OO” as the Universal System, which jointly creates the “Charged Cloud” as the “Ojasa”
5. It is thus called the “AA EE OO” Light and Matter System with 4 Pada, the Divisions of Matter and is available in all sounds in the universe that in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi System called the “WAHEGURU”, the “AA EE OO”
Now, the Neutrons (OO, the Y-Axis, the 1-D, the Yong), Protons (AA, the X-Axis, 2-D, the Yang) and the Electrons (EE, the Z-Axis, the 3-D, the YIN) can have the 3+1 States, which we as the Pada as the Tamo, the Static, Rajo, the Kinetic, Sato, the Dynamic, and the Charged and the Neutralized Cloud of the 3 Guna as the Power as the Ojasa, which thus can have the following presentation:

The above structure is almost exactly, yes exactly same as the following Modern Physics Model:

A good example of “SAHA” and the “HASA” Particles made from the “SASA” Particles, yes the “Black Body Particles”:

Now, the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems have the following Standard, Susy Particles and the Forces that bind (bound) it together:
We have the 6 Systems of Consonants: OORAH AARAHA EERIE SASA HAHA and the SAHA (Force that binds, but remains hidden as in the Sacred Consonants of all world languages, and the micro particles and forces have the “gravity, the yin particles and the forces”, and these are the “YIN Particles, and Forces”, which are the “Major Shakti, the Force Dimensions as are about “7 Times” important than all other forces in the universe”, and its called the “Bhavana Force and Energy as its due to the “Shape and the Dimensions, the Bhavana”, and thus the “Most Powerful Force that Binds anything or everything is the Symmetry say in the Diamonds, and its the Bonding that Creates what we know as the “Dimensions, the Di’Mansions, the Bhavana, the Mahal’s in the Asian Languages, the Universe may stand still in the Space in due to the “Balanced Forces of the Dimensions”, all else is a story! So, we need balance in life as the symmetry, and perfections are never the part of this “Strongest Force of the Universe, the Dimension, the Balance as Earth has it with the Center of the Universe as we salute it daily!

The gravity is due to the “Opposite Poles”, and does not need a big physical body say earth, moon or the sun, and thus, when we consider even an electron, we have “two opposite poles”, which act in the same way as the “earth, moon, sun, sign, north polaris and the center of the universe does”, and thus the “electron does not differ from the earth or how the universe works”. The electron as well as all other charges (sounds), charged particles (consonants), noises (the clusters in the universe, the asymmetry in the universe), and thus anything that can create, sustain or destroy charge is the “Shakti Dimension”, and it sustains the universe, and creates all the universes, which we know and do not know, and thus we differ from the universes as humans as our 1-Dimension, which is the 8th Dimension creates the universe, and we observe and modify these, and thus the “human consciousness” differs from whatever we see and observe in the universes. The problems is that human is the creator of the sacred grammars and maths, and that as a human we do not have to go or live at the center of the universe as being a human means one knows everything and when we process and edit it, we exhibit our human merits and the qualities, the traits. In this context, Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems give the following System as the Dimension:
“OORAHA (Purusha, the Ojasa, the Atama), AARAHA (Male Energies in the Universe as women are on the earth) and the EERIE (Female Energies in the Universe as men are on the earth system), SASA (the Nucleus based Energy Systems that balances energies), the HAHA (the Atom, light and wave function based systems) as the ANKA Dimensions, and thus the Sacred Vowel Systems with 5 Primal Sounds of O, A, E, S and H as the Dimensions and what created all of it is the Sounds of the Atama, the AA EE OO, which the Sikhs say: “Waheguru”, the “A, I, E, O, U”.
Thus, we as humans learn, edit, and modify the universes as an object, and thus the “7 Sacred Dimensions of Shakti, the Materialism” and thus, we as the humans have a different “Sacred Dimension”, the Power or the Spiritual Dimension, and it always differs from the “Shakti, the Matter and thus the Materialism”. The “Spiritualism thus has 1-16 Dimensions of its Own”, and thus what the “Shakti, the Maya, the Force creates is the Susy Particles, the Kulaxmi, the Weak Forces in the Indian Holy Scriptures”, and what the “Shatki, the Strong Force, the Laxmi creates in the Laxmi, the Standard Particles in the Universe”. When we say the “God, human or the Spiritual Dimensions, we say the Power Dimensions have created the “Anka Dimensions, the Dimensions of Lord Vishnu, and thus the “Antimatter”. In the Samundra Manthan, we have the “Matter, the Kulaxmi was created First, and then the Antimatter, the Laxmi, the Strong Forces Secondly or later”. As its the “Free Dimension”, in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems, its the “Anka and the Anka Dimension System”.
In the “Anka Dimensions, we have the 16 Sound Forces, which include the Matter, Antimatter, Light and the Sound Particles” as the 16*4=64 Yogini, the Forces, which can combine, Yog means combine, and “ini” mean many energies. In the Light Dimensions, we have the 16 Special Anga, the Physical Identities as the Metaphysical, and these are the 16 Light Particles, and other 48 (16*3) Particles are the Matter Particles as the Tamo (Strong Physical Forces, the YIN to say), Rajo (Strong Chemical and Biological Forces, the YANG to say), and the Sato (Strong Metaphysical Forces as the Abstract Physical Forces, the YONG to say) Particles. The Turiya, the Light Particles and Forces are beyond the 3 Guna Forces and give what we know as the “Abstract Qualities”. The “Power Particles and the Dimensions are the Vectors, which have the “Direction”, and thus differs from the Shakti, the Scalar Forces, which work without the “Direction”, and in the Indian Systems, we have the “Anka” as the “Direction”, the “Disha, Dikasha, Deekhaya”, and so on, which is the “Force of Gravity!” This is the reason the words, “Dasa, the Direction and the Sada, the Eternal, and thus the Eternal-Single-Direction as the DASA and the SADA, the Eternal Direction, and the name TAT-SAT, and SAT is the SATA, SATHA, SADA, SADHA, and SANANA”, and thus the Vector Paths as the TAT-SAT, the DASA-SADA” are among the most scientific and popular words in the Indian Civilizations!
For the “Light Particles and Forces”, the Indian Ancient Systems say that these are the “Invisible Forces and Powers”, and the word for it is the “Gupta”, the “Gu” is the Matter with Protons (OO) in it, and “Pa+Ta” is the same as the “PATA and TAPA” means what can be known by the direction, the vector as the “PATA”, and the “TAPA” is popular Indian term for “whatever the heat energies can influence is the “TAPA Systems, also known as the TAAPA Systems for the Thermal Systems in the Universe”. The Invisible Matter can give light, heat, and sound, which can help us identify the “Antimatter”, and thus we can know the “Gupta, the Turiya or the Light Particles”, and these do not mean the “Light Particles, but the Invisible Part, the Gupta Particles, and thus the name of Invisible Matter in our Modern Physics Model is for the Gupta or the Light Based Particles, and thus the NAMA Particles”. The matter is the “MANA Particles”, and thus the “MANA and the NAMA” as the “Matter and the Antimatter Theories” as we have already discussed.
Thus, it seems sound to say that we may replace the terms say the “Dark or the Black Matter and the Dark or the Black Energy” to call or name it as the “Invisible, Gupt (say the Gupta), Light Based Matter and Energy”, and if we call it as the “MANA Matter, the MANA as the Particles based on the SOUND ENERGIES”, and the “NAMA Matter as the Matter, Particles and the Energies based on the Light Energy Systems” as all world theories and the systems are based on the “MANA and the NAMA Theories”, and the Medium of Everything goes as the “MARA and the RAMA, and the MARA goes for the Visible Matter and the Energies and the RAMA goes for the Invisible Particles, Matter and anything related to these”, and I am sure, it will help most of the learn and enjoy the “Advanced Physics Models with Great Ease and Joy” in our daily life. The “MANA, NAMA Sound and Light Theories and the RAMA and the MARA Sound and Light Conversion Theories, and Universal Mediums for the Matter (as the mana-matter, mara-medium) and the Antimatter (as the nama-matter,rama-medium) can help us a lot in the global education, literacy and general research works in the modern world.

Smile of the Day with Mana, Nama, Mara and the Rama!
In the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, we have the “Sounds without 16 Vowels as the “Asymmetric Sounds”, which when acquire the “Sacred 16 Vowels produce the Symmetric Sounds”, and its the Symmetry and Asymmetry which when joined joined releases the “Most Sacred Sounds in the Universe” as the “AA EE OO”, the “Sacred Set of 16 Sounds of the World Grammars and Music”, and these released sounds are the “Power Dimensions”, and thus are called the “RAMA Sounds”, and the “Rama means what can emerge as the “R as Light, the A as the Proton, and M as the Sound and thus the Light, Proton (Sound) Energies into the “M Compositions of Anka, the Dimensions of “Power” from Light back to Light Dimensions through the Sound Energies of the “Proton, the AA, and the 16 Sacred Sounds of Languages and the Music”. This process is called the “Anga-Ranga-Anka Systems”, which means “Matter-Antimatter-Color” in the say Sacred DNA and the Semi-conduction Systems in the Universe, and its also the Sacred Structure of the Kundalini as same as the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Splitting of 3-1-3 Systems” as we have the “Matter, the Anga in the Left Brain, Ranga, the Music and the Colors in the Central Brain, and the “Anka”, the Dimensions and the Directions in the Right Brain.
When we have the “Anga, Ranga and the Anka Systems” operating anywhere in the universe, we have the “Mirror Theories in Action”, and thus when “Right Arm is created, we have its “Ranga System in the middle, and the Left Arm is naturally created as the Anka System”. This is one of major reasons that we all have two eyes, ears, left and right brains, and thus coexistence of “YIN and YANG” Energies in the formation of human body. If we say we have the “Human Egg associated to womb for creation as we all are created this way, we have it as the “Two EERIE Systems” functioning together”, and its also the “AARA, the Sperm Systems in the Testicles”, and thus we have 1-D only in the “OORA”, the neutron systems in the universe, which extends itself into two dimensions, say the protons as the “AARA Systems”, and the electrons as the “EERI Systems”, and thus the “OORA, the Neutron Systems operate the “Mirrors in the Universe”, while the “AARA, the Protons are 2-D”, and the “EERI, the Electrons are the 3-D”. I found it present in the “Flow Charts of the Human Body for Better Health”, and that we all have everything in 3-D inside us, which goes from “OORA to AARA and the EERI Systems”. For example, the following is “OORA AARA and EERI in the Reversed Order” as the “Say as if the Accretion Disk of EERI Comes First, the Flow of the Gene Systems as the AARA in the Middle and the “OORA goes as the Origin of Sacred and Sustained DNA Systems”:

Image: Analysis of myostatin gene structure, expression and function in zebrafish
I have researched it and have put it all in the simplified Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, which make education almost free and without books as even a single software or a program can educate the masses the Science and Math with the Modern Physics Model, and its a great thing to improve and promote the global research works:

The 16 Sacred Sounds in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages Systems and in all world languages fully support and follow the 4*4=16 Systems of U, C, A and G Brain Functions of the Brain Coding:

The Brain Functions and the Systems, which help us recognize the “I” is the “Left Brain Systems”, and it has the “Mirror Theory of always considering things with the Philosophical “Inner and the Outer Worlds, the Theories of Forms”, and we have the “Incarnated and the Reincarnated Self-identities”, and thus according to Plato’s Theory of Forms, we have the “Real World Outside, which is in the “WE” form, the 3-D, the Z-Axis, the YIN World, the Electrons like it”, and the “Ideal World Inside, which is in the “I” form, the YONG World as the 1-D, the X-Axis, the Protons like it”, and what joins is the “Ranga, which is the 2-D, the Y-Axis, the Neutrons like it”, the Way we Perceive and Conceive. Thus, the “I” is the “Proton”, which comes from the “Neutrons, the TAT”, and runs with the “Electrons, the SAT”, and these opposite charges of “Protons, the AARA” and the “Electrons, the AARA” run the “I-DNA, the Ranga Systems of Neutrons”. I may miss something hypothetically, but its how our brain works:

In this context, when we consider the “EERIE, the E in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, we have it in the same shape and function as the “Accretion Disk”, the “EERI Systems”, and it can coexist with the Stars say the “OORA, the Neuron Stars and the AARA, the Proton Stars”, but as a rule, it may never combine with them as we cannot have the OOEE, the AAEE combinations in most of the cases in the grammars, and thus we have the “EERI, Accretion Disk Systems as Coexistence of Stars”, which follow the Big Bang Theories of SASA, SAHA and the HASA:

(Image credit: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning)
It goes similar to human life dimension as we see and notice below:

In the human dimensions, we have the “human sperm and the testicles in the same shape, work and functions as is the “AARA” Systems”. The “AARA and the EERI can coexist with the help of the “OORA”, which in the human dimensions is the “Womb with Fetus in it”, and this System and Shape of Womb and Fetus is shown in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems as the “OORA”:

In any reproduction systems, we have the sperm as the “SASA”, which just the “SA”, and it has a head and tail in the same way as the “S, the SA” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems:

In this biological context as in the “Human Dimensions”, we have the “Womb Shapes as the “H, HA, the HAHA” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems and in it, the “HAHA” has one opening with entire letter as closed otherwise. Thus, the “YIN-YANG” Theories follows the “SAHA”, the reasons things in the Human Dimensions are studied as the “Grammars”, the Bride and the Bride Groom, and thus the Grammars, and in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, we have the name of “Viah’karna”, which means “Yong, the 8-Fold Theory of Sacred DNA in the Universe and thus the Indian Marriage Systems called the “SAHA”, the Marriage”.
Then we have the 6 Systems of Vowels: OO AA EE SA HA and the SA (in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, we have it as the Pairs: O, OO, A, AA, E, EE, S, SA, HA, HAHA, SA, SAHA
The most hidden 6 Systems are the most vivid as the 6 Consonants without the “A”, the Charge is not there, and we have the 6 as: OORAH, AARAH, EERIH, SAS, HAH, SAH;
and this Very 6 Systems in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems is the Secret of Modern Physics Models and Matter in the Universe.
In the 6 Systems of Consonants we have the Standard Model,
In the 6 Systems of Consonants without “A”, we have the Susy Model, and its one of the weakest thing in the universe, the matter and in world languages,
Then we have the 6 Systems of Vowels, which are the 6 Transitional Forces, which are between the Standard and Susy Model!
I may be objected about how I can count 6 Consonants not 5 in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as I have included the “SAHA”, but I have mentioned that in all world languages, we the binding mother, parent and hidden energy remains in the “16th Vowel, which is also a consonant, and thus S: or SAH as the “SAHA”, which is also the Ionization among everything that exists! Without the S: or SAH and thus the “SAHA” we cannot imagine anything possible in the universe! Thus, the “SAHA” is the First Force in the Universe, which exists as follows, and we need to consider that the “SA” goes for “Strong and Weak Hydrogen Atomic Structures”, and the “HA” goes for the “Strong Helium Structures”, and that I may assign some value system by error so please ignore it in our general discussions: ):
1. SAHA: Weak Nuclear Force, the YIN-YANG+++
2. HASA: Strong Nuclear Force, the YIN-YANG—
3. SASA: The Gravitation is high as the S-SA, and thus the YIN goes close to it!
4. HAHA: The gravitation can be minimum, and the Helium gas goes up into the sky! Its thus friend to the YANG Energies!
These 4 Forces as the Bosons, and thus the Field Quanta Forces is as shown below:

We have to consider how the Physics Model is and gives the knowledge of everything. When we notice that neutrons and other baryons particles are created, each and every created particle has its opposite, but in charge, and at the same time it also has its similar particle with almost no charge. When we talk about the “Strange Kind of Particles”, we have also what the Gurbani, the Teachings of Sikhism say the “Anka”, the Number Assigned to the given thing, which is the Dimension System of the Given Set of Systems. The “Anka” means the “Grammatically Mathematical”, which we know as the “Power Dimension” and the “Anga Systems”, and its the 3-Particle System of Tamo, the Static or Gravity Oriented Particles, Rajo, the Kinetic and the Electromagnetically Oriented Particles, and the Sato, the Strong Nuclear Based Particles, and what we know as the “Ojasa”, the 4th Particle, the 4th Dimension is having the “Anka, the DNA Coding, Decoding Systems, and what we can program, edit and control, and thus run science, technology, biology, chemistry and whatever depends on the dimensional rearrangements of atoms, the systems in the universe”, and that is why we say the “Anka”, the “A as the Proton, the Charge, the N as the Sound Energy that we can change by changing the “A, the Charge”, and get the desired “Ka”, the changeable wavelengths and the frequencies that we also know as the “Maya”, the “Yama”, and its the simple programming of matter and the materials in the 3-Gunas, the states using the 4th Power Dimension, which is the Power Dimension”. With the “Anka”, the “Theoretically Unified and Editable” and the “Anga”, we have the following image:

In the 16 Particles and the 4 Forces, we have the “Theory of AARAHA”, the “Basic Theory and Idea” and its the “Most Basic and Primitive Form of Universe Theoretically as the Grammars”. We have the “AA, the AARA” with “OO, the OORA” as the “Neutron”, and the “EE, the EERI”, which constitute an atom or get individual forms and shapes as the “Neutrons, Protons and Electrons” with other sub-particles. When we follow the “SAHA Systems”, we follow the “A, the AARA Systems”. In it any atom say from “Hydrogen”, which we consider as the “First Atom Grammatically”, we have the “SAHA” for it as the with the following:
Now, the SASA and the HASA is how the “Proton can give us matter in various forms we know and can have”, and thus grammatically, we use the “Replacement of A with AA EE OO, and thus the 16 Sacred Vowels, which are the same as the Sub-atomic particles”, and these process have the “S and the SA with A”, and the H and the HA with A”, and thus SAHA and the HASA as the 2 Major Forces in the Universe as the YIN and YANG. However, the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and Other World Grammars say that with the “YIN and the YANG”, we also have the “Neutral Gender”, and in it we have the weak forces and charges and we usually know it as the “YONG Forces”, and with these 3 Forces of YIN, YANG and the YONG Forces, we have the 4th as the Dimensional Power, which is the “Pronoun of the Atom as an object when we edit, modify and change it, and Uranium remains popular in it as we still do not know how to do the fusion, and carry fission”. The “SAHA” in the World Grammars is the “Punctuation as the Pronoun of Grammars, the “ANKA” without which Science and Math cannot have any meaning and sense as in Math the Operations and Functions are the Punctuation!”
So, with the 16 Sacred Productions from the Atoms say the Hydrogen, the “SA”, we have the 4 Forces, the 3 as the “Anga” of Matter, and 1 as the Power Dimension say the “Anka” as in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and all other world languages supporting the Modern Physics Model as the Best Easiest Model Ever Made. However, at the same time while we consider the 12 Particles of Black Matter, we need to consider the 4 Additional Particles of “SAHA Systems” as without the “Hydrogen and the Helium, we cannot have the Universe the “Anka System” as these 2, the Hydrogen and the Helium have the dimensional forces of the universe, and we consider the Hydrogen as an atom, we consider the Nucleus and Atom of Everything in the Universe, and the Hydrogen keeps changing into the Helium, and thus exists the Universe with the “Anka Systems”, and we have the other 12 particles and the 4 forces as the “Anga”, the Sato, Rajo and the Tamo Particles, but these exist in the “Anka Systems, the Sacred Hydrogen and Helium”!
The SAHA and the HASA has thus all qualities of the following modern works:
Helium (HASA)+Muon —> Hydrogen (SASA)+Energy
Hydrogen (SASA)+16 Sacred Vowels—> Antihydrogen (HASA)+Energy
SAHA+16 Sacred Vowels —- 4 Forces of Nature —> HASA+Energy
We have all of it shown in a very simple diagram, the 20 Possible Things in the Matter and the Antimatter based on the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Language Systems:

Thus what we say as the SAHA and the HASA is also the Antimatter of what creates it as the matter. It has the “Sacred Dimension of Anka”, the Power Dimension that Balances Everything in the Universe in which live.
The Sacred Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems have what we know as the 35 Sounds as follows:
1. The 20 Consonants and the 16 Vowels without the Sounds of “A, the AA”, and thus the 36 Sacred Sounds with Weak Forces in the Natural World, and thus it creates the Susy Particles, and the Black Matter of this nature. In it, we have the less use of the Sacred 16 Sounds, and thus its the Major of 20 Consonants. It gives the 20 Major Metallic Elements, and 16 Transitional Kind of Metallic Elements, and thus the Elements in it may not have the Perfect Electronic Configurations.
2. The 20 Consonants and the 16 Vowels with the Sounds of “A, the AA”, and thus the 36 Sacred Sounds with Strong Forces in the Natural World, and thus it creates the Standard Particles, and the Black Matter of this nature. In it, we have all the 36 Major Sounds. It is the part that deals with liquid kind of elements as it has the mobile systems that embrace the Standard Model Particles well in the periodic table, and the General Physics Models of Quanta Particles.
3. The 20 Consonants and the 16 Vowels with the Sounds of “A, the AA”, and thus the 36 Sacred Sounds with Medium Forces in the Natural World, and thus it creates the Susy Particles, and the Black Matter of this nature. In it, we have the very partial role of the 20 Consonants, and thus its the Major with the 16 Sounds. It has the 16 Gases, and Ideal Configurations with 20 Elements with the same or the similar nature in the Periodic Table.
4. The Special Characteristics of the Sounds of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi have the “OORA” Sounds as always without the “AARA and ERRI”, which means the “Neutron cannot have a proton and an electron in its system”, and the “AARA cannot have the OORA and EERI, and it means the Proton cannot have an electron and a neutron in its systems”, and lastly, the “EERI” cannot have the “OORA and the AARA, and thus cannot have an neutron and a proton in its own sacred dimensions”. The “OORA, AARA and the EERI” in almost all world grammars and thus all languages follow this rule. Thus, the “OORA, AARA and the EERI are the 3 Guna’s, the Qualities of Matter, and thus is also the TAMO, SATO and the RAJO GUNA’s”, and at the same time without the “OORA, AARA and the EERI, the Matter cannot exist, and thus its the Prerequisite Dimension of Matter, and we know it as the “Anka or the ANKA Dimensions” when the 3 Directions of “OORA, AARA and EERI” are present. It is the X, Y, and the Z-Axis as the Dimension, and we have it as the “Anka” in which we consider the “Ka” as the Matter. For example any metal say “K” can have the 16 Sacred Dimensions of its own around the X, Y and the Z-Axis by following the Rule that every charge around it, the “K” metal directs all of its charges and spins as the positive, negative and the neutral in the given directions of the “OORA, the Y-Axis, AARA, the X-Axis and the EERI, the Z-Axis”, and thus constitute the Vector Field which must follow the direction guidelines as if the ethics and moral not to abuse and say immoral things in the every vicinity of the given directions. Thus, the “Ka” can have the “K+(A, I, E, O, U, the AA EE OO)” which gives always the 16 Combinations in which we have the 15 Sound and thus Light Wavelengths of say the “SA” as the Hydrogen, and the 16th Sound and its Wavelength is the SAHA and the HASA Wavelengths. Its a special feature of “Hydrogen Wave Functions”, but at the same time, we have in general the special qualities and features of every element according to the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Language Systems as for example, the “K” is also having the following Standard and the Susy Systems:
1. K: It has additional elementary systems say as the “K+A+S+H”, and its shown as the “K” at the Wave Function, Source of Nucleus of “K” Type that has the “A as the Sound-Neutron, the S as the Breathe-Proton and the H as the Speech Flow-Electron”, and it has open end as it can have the additional 15 Additions of Vowels starting with “A”. The “K” needs opening of mouth as “O”, and that is why the “O and the A” are the symbols of neutrons in the nucleus. It constitute the Modern Physics Model and the Elements.
2. KA: It has the “A, the Proton” added to the “K+A+S+H”, and thus goes as the “K+A+S+H+A”, and thus can have 15 Sacred Vowels associated through the “SAHA” Pairing of Neutron, Proton and the Electron as 3-in-1, and thus give 5 Natural Forces, which are again in the 3-in-1 and we end up in the 3 Forces in the Nucleolus and the 2 Forces of SAHA and the HASA that combines and creates bonds as of the SAHA and the HASA, but tends to perfection and thus its the “HIRA Systems of 8 Dimensional Bonding”.
3. K Sounds, the Wave Functions: These have the “K Sound Functions”+”K Light or Wave Functions”, and use it in the real world of music, which we also know as the “RASA Systems”, and it influences even say the therapeutically use of elements as the “RASA, the RASAYANA”, and thus the chemicals and it goes through the “Puti and the Potency Systems in Ayurveda and Homeopathy”
4. K Dimensions, which is the Scientific Model of K: This very thing is the “Systems and the Language Versions, and we can call it the Ojasa, the DNA, Semiconducting and the Kundalini Systems of the Universe”. For example, in it we have the Placement of “K” on the Left, Right or the Central Side of the Systems say in the Brain.
5. K Coexistence: As for all mathematical functions in the universe and on the earth systems, we need to understand the “Sacred Theory of Dimensions”, which is the “Mathematical and Geometrical Theory of Dimensions as what we know as the SAHA and the HASA”, and its also thus the “Popular Theory of Diamond, the Heera or Hira” as we nowadays know the “Human Design Systems” and we have discussed as the “Sacred Kundalini, the Semiconducting in the living and the nonliving things”.
The following may fascinate most of us:

And it should surely fascinate us all as its the science of future, and now we can also under about the following “OORA AARA and EERI Showers we receive and that needs the “SAHA and the HASA as in it the Free Associations may be fatal”:

We all have the “Universal Foods, the Ingredients of OORA, AARA and EERI Particles, which our brains process 24 hours a day, but we need the knowledge of the Grammars, say the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems and thus the Universal Grammars to do the SAHA, the Ayura, the Ayush in the Ayurveda, which decides how we are going to digest what we know, the knowledge as only gathering data, information and knowledge is wastage of precious lives we have as the humans”. Thus, the Indians call the Grammars as the “Viaha+Karna”=Marriage, the Scientific “AHA”, the Management of Protons, the “16 Sacred Combinations of Brain Systems around the “H” Systems, the Making of Diamond, the “H” is the Helium as the “YIN-YANG”, the “EERIE-AARARH” Perfection as in the Helium and thus the Universal DNA Perfection in humans and other living things, the species. In our modern times and age, we desperately lack the knowledge of grammars and feed lots of knowledge into our brain systems. Without the grammars we get poor in the Math, Music and Languages and thus end up as a parrot, who knows a lot! The “Karna” in the “Viaha+Karna” is the 8 Fold Ideology and Mythology of the “Heera, the Hira, the Diamond”, which we also know as the famous “YONG Philosophy, the Diamond of Chinese and the Japanese Civilizations”. In Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, its the Grammatical 8 Cases, which are same in all world languages.
Thus, when we add these 3 Strong, Medium and Weak Sounds based on the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, we can have 36+36+36=108, and it can have another set of micro elements based on the 10 Prime Vowels in the First 2 Rows of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems and thus the Elements in the Periodic Table as shown below:

We while using the SAHA and the HASA in the 36 Sacred Combinations of Vowels and the Consonants can have all as the 35+SAHA+HASA=37, and all can amount and account equal to 37*3=111 Elements in the Earth System, and while we have all of the “OORA Systems of Neutrons as in these forces equal to 3 pairs of weak, strong, medium forces”, we have a Charge Carriers in which we have 1, 2, and 3 particles as the “OORA Neutron Packet”, and it can be the “AARA System of the 1, 2, and 3 Protons as the Particles, which can freely associate with other particles say the Neutrons or Electrons”, and lastly, we have the “EERI as the Electron as the Particle”, and we can have the 3 Electrons as the “1, 2, 3” and we can thus have the Neutrons, Protons and the Electrons as the (1, 1, 1), (1, 2, 1), and these variations go for the 3*3=9 Particle, which can freely associate as the Set of 3 Particles, and thus the 3*1=3!=6 (here 1=3 as we have the combinations of neutral, positive and the negative charges, which makes it 3-in-1 Packet and the Parcel of Charges), and thus, we can have 3 Tricolor Systems interacting and in general these three tri-particles can have 6 associations. Now, we also assign them charges as we have the following:
1. OORAHA Systems, the Positive Charge as the Protons, the YANG
2. OORAH Systems, the Negative Charge that needs “A”, the Charge of say the Electrons, the YIN
3. OO or the YONG Systems, the Neutral Charge, which exists as if the Sound Energy, the Charge that runs the atom, molecules and the universe as without it, we can not have the “E=M+C*C” making sound energy its part as the “OORAHA” as the Positive Charge has the “Wavelengths and the Frequency of Protons”, which spins, and the “OORAH” as what spins like the electrons”, and these two spin together around the “Nucleus”, and thus the “Sound Energy of Neutrons, the O, the OO” gives life to everything”. Thus, the “OORAH” is the Matter, and the “OORAHA” is the Antimatter, and we have the following:
The “M” is the Product of Two Opposite Spins, which looks like this:

Thus, the M can be the following:
1. Bosons
2. Hadrons
3. Fermions

We can sum it all as follows:

Now, this matter and the antimatter goes through the “SAHA” and the “HASA” in which we can change the “Balance of SA or the HA”, which makes life longer or lesser as it, the SAHA is the “YIN-YANG Balance”, and we have the following as the “Hydrogen (SA) and the Helium (HA) Theories”, and it has the strong bond combinations which also include the “Bonding in the Diamond”:

1. SAHA: Two Proton Theories for the Hydrogen and Helium
2. SHA: One Proton Theories with the Helium as the Base
3. SAH: One Proton Theories with the Hydrogen as the Base
4. HASA: Two Proton Theories with the Hydrogen First and the Helium Second
5. HSA: One Proton Theories with the Hydrogen as the Base
6. HAS: One Proton Theories with the Helium as the Base
The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems call it as the “SAHA”, the “Duration of Life Spins, which is the name same as the Ayush in the Ayurveda”, and for it, we use the name of “Hari”, which means:
7. HA: The “Right Brain Structure” balanced with the “RI”, the “Light Energies R, the Medium of Light and Sound Energies of Matter with “EE, the EERI, the Immunity Systems in the Human Body”, and thus it embraces the “Light and the Sound or Color Energies of 8-Dimensional Hira, the Heera, the Diamond, which has been the Therapy of Matter, and thus is called the “Matter, the Rakshasha as the Matter and Light and Sound on it as the Therapies of the Shukracharaya, the Lord of Healing the Problems created by the Matter Deformations”, and thus the “SAHA” has been the Life Span Healer in this context, and its name, the sound and the energy is the “Hari”, and the Gurbani says:
“Heerai Heera Baidhaya…!” “With a diamond the diamond is put right”, and person who does this is called the “Baida, the Doctor of Ayurveda”
Thus, the “SAHA Theory, the Life Span Theory” goes in the 8 sacred Dimensions” as shown below:
8. The “A” with “H” as the Super Symmetry in the Diamond Structures in which the “OORA, AARA and the EERI Bonding Systems is also there as follows”:
The Carbon and Hydrogen Bonding also follow the “HASA and the SAHA”, and we have the Hydrocarbons as the Super-Symmetry, and the Diamond is never an exception:

The “SAHA” Theories has also the Sacred Structures according to the say “Hydrogen and Helium Structures” in which we have the weak, medium and strong forces acting on the say “Helium Structures”, and we can have the “Atom with 1 Proton”, and thus the “S—-A”, and with “S–A” as the “2 Protons”, and with the “S-A” as having the “3 Protons”, and its same in the “He” in which we can have the “2+1+2+3=8” Protons in this “SAHA Theory Context”, and thus we can always end up with “Hydrogen as having 1, 2, 3, and thus up to 4 protons, and thus ending up as the 2 Helium Atoms”, and that the “Helium with 8 Protons is nothing but sequences of Helium, Lithium, and up to Nitrogen and Oxygen, which constitute the SAHA Systems as with the Hydrogen and the Helium Systems”. This is what we know as the Quasars Theory of “SAHA and HASA”:

Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!