How Quantum Business, Trading, Ethics, Morals, Value Systems, Governmental, UNO, Religious, Charity, NGO Crises, Euler and Euclidean Mathematics with Gurmukhi: Super and Non Aligned Countries: Be Happy Philselfologically – 118
We need to understand both the Religion and Science as I proposed in the University of Adelaide, South Australia in 1990 as “Philosophy is a Bridge Between Science and Religion” to the Prof. John Gill, Head, Department of Philosophy. The same was presented as the “Unified Model and Theory of Everything” to Prof. Simpson with our classmates of “Physics, Human and Society”. I received the Credits and Distinction for these works. My proposal of “Philselfological Model and Theory of Everything” was by then unbelievable and impossible task at that time as we did not have the “Internet with Google”, and during these presentations everyone was asking: “How can we achieve it!”
Many people think and assume that the World Religions and Faiths have been using the “Religious Crusades” and have been going for wars, and that is what makes many people “do not or may not” like world religions say in the western countries. However, as we now develop the “Quantum Single Theories and Models of Everything in Modern World”, we have to understand that when anyone; a group, state or nation gets power and authority, the dominance occurs from the “Classical Approach that mostly results in the Crusades, Armies, Nuclear Weapons, Attacks, World Wars, Cold Wars, and Oppressions in World Civilizations”. The Quantum (Bhagati Side) of World Religions does not support it, and that is why we may better read world religions and faiths as classical (governing bodies) and the quantum (masses), and the Quantum Masses, the Congregations Love Thy Enemy, Neighbors, Practice Sacred Education Systems, and personally develop the civilizations an the cultures. The Religious Crusades is the Classical Systems that are mostly labeled and called the “Brahmanism or the Priesthood, the Law of Book” in the world sacred civilizations.
The Quantum Sacred Systems mainly follow the “Theory of Evolution” and follows what the “Researchers,, Sages, Seers, Thinkers and Philosophers, and other Quantum People do with the Single Models and Theory of Everything do and by practicing it the Civilizations Progress and Develop and that is called the Kingdom of God Systems” and the Classical Systems follow the “Theory of Revolution” that the Kings, Emperors and Nations bring and support, and that is popular as the “Kingdom of World, the Classical Systems”.
Now, when we can use internet, its great platform to understand that world is a one place where we classically are one, but quantum sacred systems give us all a very unique identity, the personal qubit and the domain systems.
“Brahmin Guru Hai Jagat Ka Bhagatan Ko Nahi…” (Gurbani Sacred Systems)
“Intellectualism, the Classical Systems and the people who run it for the world, and that does not apply to the Quantum Systems, the bhagat with the Quantum Qubit Systems of Personal Relation with God, the Primal DNA System.”
I have had a dream to bring peace and pollution free life in India and Asia, and of course the World Peace, so I have worked on it from early 80’s to till today. When I studied and researched about UNO and the International Law, the Constitutions in early and the mid 80’s, what I noticed can be summed up at the end of 80’s as we can easily communicate about it helps in the Quantum Business Ethics, Morals, Value Systems, and Trading based on it along with any “Single Theory of Everything (Indian follow a Bhagat say Bhagat Kabir, Bhagat Namdev, Bhagat Manu and so on who suits us in the given context:
1. The Governments
2. The Private Sectors, the Corporates
3. The World Religions and Faiths as Quantum Systems
4. The UNO as the Missionaries and or also the Charity Systems same as in the Religions, Governing Bodies, Cooperates and other fields but differ in approach as the Classical Systems
In other words, the creation of UNO as the Integrated NGO’s seems similar to the Religious Missionary System, which seem to follow the World Religions and Faiths as the Classical Systems and that significantly differs from how people practice and live the World Religions and Faiths as the Sacred Quantum Systems. In this Philselfological Research as say a report, the NGO’s may need to rethink if it wants classical or the quantum qubit, the community and religions as these are in accordance with the Theories of Elements and Dimensions and Other Single Models and Theories of Everything that the same world religions and faiths offer.
When we consider the “Dimensional Structures of Governing Bodies and Public”, it follows the Natural Mathematics, Philosophy and Physics of Dimensions as say 4-D, and where we seem wrong at times that we seem to create the 5th and even the same dimensions as at the 6th Dimension, but it always collapses because the 4 Dimensions are compatible with the 4 Positions of Consciousness as the 4 Pada, which the Indian Sacred Systems explain as the “Sacred Flow of Human Consciousness as at the Physical, Emotional, Mental and the Spiritual Dimensions”. This is well described as the 4 Varana, Castes, Types, and in general the categories of the “Sacred Divisions of the Jeeva, the Consciousness”. These 4 Sacred Divisions cannot create the 5th Dimension, which we know as the “Mukati Dimension”, which is the Free Movement of the Universe Systems in anything including the Light, the 1st Observer and the Jeeva, the Consciousness as the Second Observer. So, the “Consciousness, the Jeeva, the Living Ones” tend to manipulate everything to create the 5th Dimension so that one can manage everything, and this is very simply step that we fail only when we lack knowledge and wisdom, and we seem to use armies, weapons, and all that is forceful to grab more “Power, the 5th Dimension”, and it is not possible. In this context two works are highly considerable and that are the Euler that describes the Math with 4-Dimensions, and the Euclidean Systems in Space Geometry, and these systems describe the Vowel (Euler) and the Consonant (Euclidean) Systems in the Mathematics. These two systems are the mathematical expression of all world theories of all grammars as well. The Gurbani calls the Euclidean Space as the Akahara Universe and that is well explained in the Onakara Theory in the Dakhani Onkara. The Euler Mathematics is well described in the Sidhi Goshati. I have tried to put all of it explained as the Vowel and Consonant Sacred Systems in the Phiselfological Single Theory and Model of Everything.
All Indian and World Religions, Faiths, Holy Books, Scriptures, Musics and the Sacred Education Systems has always been written composed and used with the Theories of Elements (Tat Darshana that is the Science of Elements), and moreover all that is ancient in the world before imperialism is also based on the “Sacred Theory of Elements”. All subjects say in the Vedas and Otherwise are also classified and researched based on the “Theory of Elements, the Science of Elements, the Tat Darshan as the Philosophy of Elements”, and the greatest wonder in the world is that its the “Secret of UFO’s, Anti-gravity Systems, Tricolor Standard Models, Vortex Systems, and all that goes for the Gravity and Color Systems”. In recent centuries, it became unavailable to masses and people were rather educated that its outdated but now the mass population, the masses can learn it!
When we explain the Higher Dimensions using the Sacred Euler and Euclidean Maths, we notice that everything goes very smooth with our special attention that all of these modern developments has been the “Sacred Poetics with Linguistics treating it all as the Dimensional Studies of the Universe” with say the Indian Theories of Tat Darshana, the Theory of Elements and Dimensions that describe from the Elements in the Universe create the Gases (3-D), Liquids (2-D), Solids (1-D) and the Consciousness (4-D, the Self-assembling Systems) and further about how it creates the “Matter and Materials” and how all of it is the “Vortex Systems” is well described in the Vowel and the Consonant Theories with “Poetics and Music as the Vortex (1-D, 2-D, and 3-D) with its Conscious Center as the 4th Dimension” and well said here that its the Abacus System as well with the 4-Dimensions (A, E, O, AE) where the 5th Dimensions is the “Collapsing at the Self-assembling Results” of the 4th Dimension and we have the Abacus Mathematics and the Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and World Civilizations preserving this Sacred Systems as the Early Manual Computing Systems that are same as the “Sacred Rosary Computing”:
“A Discussion on Higher Dimensions: In a 5D world you are conscious of being aware. Fear, need of safety, lack of trust don’t exist. Feminine and masculine energies blend together in harmony. You vibrate differently; faster and you are more fluid as a result. The light of Source and your being shines through you and all around you. There is a unity consciousness which is a state and being of oneness.
When you are fully immersed in the 5th Dimension you look upon those still in 3D with compassion. There is no judgement for you know they have made their choice and that they have every opportunity to ascend when they choose.
Image 10: New Earth
I believe for those of us living on planet earth right now along with our Divine Purpose of learning, growing, experiencing and becoming more conscious, our purpose is also to move into the 5th Dimension. (Please read more about it:…
The “New Earth” in the Image 10 is the “Parbrahma View of Earth” that is otherwise, the Spectrum (Colors of Para, the Prism Spectrum if earth is sent as a light to a side of a prism that on the other side emits what we see as the Parbrahma Earth, the Spectral Earth in Sacred Systems.
The First 3 Dimensions are studied as the Physical, the Brahma Dimensions, and the Next 3 Dimensions, the 4th, 5th, and 6th are studied as the Parbrahma Dimensions of Consciousness, and its the Primal Physical and the Metaphysical Study in most of the world civilizations. When we say the 4th Dimension collapse, one forgets the physical world and the body, but views everything as consciousness and that is from where when we get up in the morning and “Restore and Reassemble Everything as the “I”, the Consciousness”. The Physical “I”, the “Brahma I” is the Body, Heart and Brain, and the “Metaphysical I” is the Consciousness with its own 3 States of Awake, Sleep, Unconscious that feels and 6th State Awakened as the 3 Para Dimensions that are called the Parbrahma Dimensions. We are now able to understand it in the Brahmic, the Physical World:
The Brahma and the Parbrahma Dimensions when Sacredly Communicate, we have 3 Major Dimensions as the Organs in the Indian Sacred Educations Systems, and that are as follows:
1. First Level is the 1-D Physical and the 1-D Metaphysical, and all as the “Anga, the Physical Dimension that is discussed as the Tamo Guna in the Indian Sacred Systems and the Static Systems in the Modern Sciences and Systems, and Psora Systems in the Homeopathy
2. Second Level is the 2-D Physical and the 2-D Metaphysical, and all as the “Ankha, the Sacred Eye, the Observer”, the Observer’s Dimension that is discussed as the Rajo Guna in the Indian Sacred Systems and the Kinetic Systems in the Modern Sciences and Systems, and the Sycosis in the Homeopathy Systems
3. Third Level is the 3-D Physical and the 3-D Metaphysical, and all as the “Anka, the Geometry and Mathematics, all that is Abstract, and thus the Abstract, the Anka Dimension that is discussed as the Sato Guna in the Indian Sacred Systems and the Dynamic Systems in the Modern Sciences and Systems, and Syphilis in the Homeopathy Systems
More discussions about it that may seem mathematical but is very simple with pen and note, the homework way:
How Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems Explain GURU Systems as the Sound and Color Systems as the Veda and the Ayurveda that runs the Universes: Color, Music and Be Happy Philselfologically – 100
Indian Philosophy of Dharama, Arth, Kama, Moksha as the Wisdom of WAHEGURU Systems: Beyond Science, Math and Logic, the Intelligence: How to Enhance Creative Intelligence with Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically 101
The 10 Dimension is simply “IS” and is “Pure Light”, and it “SEES Itself”, and its discussed as the Turiya, the Ojasa, the Purusha Dimension in the Indian Sacred Systems and Ionization in the Modern Sciences and Systems, while its the Tuberculosis in the Homeopathy!
When we take the “Theory and Philosophy of Sin”, its well studied in the World Civilizations as the “Miasma Theory say in Homeopathy”, and we can always have it categorically as from Philselfological Single Model of Everything” with focus on Homeopathy (Potency and Dimensions) and Consciousness:
“Paradigm Shift: Homeopathy as Applied Consciousness by Douglas Brown, CCH, FNP, RSHom(NA)
<Published in Homeopathic Links: International Journal for Classical Homeopathy Vol. 19, Winter 2006>
Summary: Homeopathy departs from mainstream medicine not primarily through its different pharmacopoeia or methodology, but by way of its grounding in a fundamentally different paradigm of the nature of reality. Developments in the sciences of noetics (consciousness), cosmology, and physics are creating a context in which homeopathy can be more satisfactorily understood by both practitioners and patients. By making explicit the model of reality upon which homeopathy is based, practitioners as well as patients can join in a common language shared by others who recognized the primacy of consciousness and spirit in shaping the experience of reality.” (With thanks from the source:… )
In the Indian Vowel and Consonant Theories, the OAM, YAMA and KAMA are the Structural Formations and Dispositions of Light and Sound as at the O+M (First Vowel Row), we have Light Systems (Classical) and YAMA is the Sound creation and Dissipation of Energy when it spreads as the “M” with any medium and that is the Y+M Systems, the Ionization of Sound Energies, and the KAMA is the Dissipation of Light and Sound Energy in the Space Element, which starts the Psychiatry Systems in Humans and Other Living Ones, and it has almost nothing to do with “Sex and the Books, Literature, and Media Programs” as the “Kama means any desire or emotion in the space element”. That is where it may create the “Miasma of Psora by Excessive and Persisting Thoughts” that the brain cannot process, and all when a person may have done no physical, emotional, mental crime or abuse to anyone, and thus the “Kama is Human Psyche in the Theory of Elements and Dimensions” that deals with the Sound and Space Systems:
1. Psora as the Kama, the Indian Theory of Desire and Lust
2. Sycosis as the Karodha, the Theory of Anger
3. Syphilis as the Lobha, the Theory of Greed
4. Tuberculosis as the Moha, the Theory of Possessiveness (Attachment)
5. The Collapsing of 4 Dosha as the Ahnkara, the Theory of Self-righteousness in most of personal matter and the things; and it creates the “Viral of 4 Dimensions of Kama, Karodha, Lobha, Moha and thus the all collapsing with Veto Power of Aham, the Ego” that carries the “Virus of Miasma” of say Cancer, Aids, and all diseases that if we try to cure may not have any solution in the 4-Dimensions as it fails most the medicines. The good results with say “Aurum Met” deals the 5th Dimension of Human Life.
For the above 5 Dosha, the Miasmas, the Sacred Cures are done on the “Collection Centers of Miasma as the Mada and the Matasara, which is the Human Creation of Miasma (Mada) and its Collection in the Human Body (Matasara)”. The Indian and World Sacred, the Religious and Faith Systems advice the “Rosary Healing for All Incurables”, and that follows the “Theory of Sacred Elements and Dimensions” and all world religions and faiths follow it as the “Single Theory of Everything with Sacred Rosary” that is also the Puti and the Potency in the Homeopathy Systems and that is to say that the “Potency in Homeopathy is also a Medicine” that goes beyond the 5 Miasma.
In modern age, when a person starts to use say the rosary feels “Very Feelings Inside and Bitterness for Others and the Systems” and that is the Storehouse of Mada (Self-intoxication and hallucinations) and it spreads the “Heavy Negativity from Personal Opinions, the Matasara, the Intoxicated Thoughts and Feelings”. The Prayers, Kirtan, Sacred Psalms, Mantras, Gurbani, Veda, all heal the Mada and the Matasara which then heals the Kama, Karodha, Lobha, Moha and the Ahankara Intoxication and the 5 Miasmas of Homeopathy and Humanity.
Thus, the 5 Dosha with its Collection Centers (Matasara, the Centers of Infection, the Virus-houses) and Viruses as the Carriers (Mada) is now the “New Paradigm Shift Promoting Homeopathy as Nano Technology”:
When we consider the “Sacred Balance of Miasmas with the Indian Sacred Philosophy”, these are given the “Comparison Systems of Kama and Good Desire” in which the Kama is the Guna Dosha while the “Good Desire” is the “State, the Bhoomika that follows the Law of Affinity”:
“Indian Sacred Systems offer it as the Sacred Learning of 8 Dimensions, the Bhavana, and when one learns one sacred dimension properly, its called the attainment of the Bhoomika, the Ownership of the Bhavana,the House or the Sacred Dimension of the “Shabada”, the “Ka” or the “Chi” Level of “Shabada”, the Treasure of Word as the Matter, the Shakti, Sound and Light. It starts with simply and just “Good Intention” and ends in the 8th Bhoomika, the Sacred Dimension as the “Selflessness”, the Self-realization, and what we know the Mastery over the “Shabada”, the Swaibhanga, the Self+Beda, the Veda Knowledge. This very Sacred Process is known as meeting the “Shabada” with and through the “Shabada” as water meets and emerges into water as the “naman”, the “Nama Theory”, and thus as emerges fire into the fire and light into the light, and all the way its the Blend of Theory of Mana, and thus Winning it, the Mantra, the Mattra (the quantity of sacred vowels in the “shabada”) and the Theory of Nama, the Light of Self and thus Living in it, the Swaibhanga simply feeling what and who we are, and its as simple as possible and natural. The most recommended and easiest method in the world religions and faiths is to “Know Thyself” as we all have always good intentions to know it!
Theory of Mana, and Winning it is what the Sikhism and all other world religions and faiths advise: “Mann Jeete Jag Jeet!” means, “By winning, understanding or mastering the Mana Theory, the Sacred 8-Dimensions of Energy, the Shakti which is known as the Heart, the Mana, the Mann, the Creative Intelligence, one wins the World of the “Shabada”, the “Sansara, and thus 8-Sacred Dimensions, and dwells in the Sacred Bhoomika, the Self-ownership of the Body, which one owns, but happens to live as if a stranger!!!”
Please read more from the link here:
How the Space Element of Shabada, the Sacred Waves and Vibrations Help the Universe: The Sacred Sound, the Shabada as the Source of Omniscience, the Bindu: Be Happy Philselfologically – 74
The Bach Flower Remedies and Other Flowers, Fruits, Herbal, Plant, and Vegetable, Herb and Algei based systems also invite greater research with minimum of “Consciousness, Physical and Life Elements and Dimensions” as Dr. Bach says:
“With simplicity and involvement of combination of the four elements (4-D’): The earth to nurture the plant, the air from which it feeds, the sun or fire to enable it to impart its power, and water to collect and be enriched with its beneficent magnetic healing.” (With thanks from the source: )
If we use the “Homeopathic Potency” in the Allopathic Medicines, we can manufacture, distribute and market all drugs in the world as the cheapest medicines and thus the most inexpensive as we have discussed it in this series:
Wonders of India, German, and Australia: My Learning of Sacred Art of Creative Arts, the Musical Minds Philselfologically: Part 15
These “4 Primal Categories” are present in everything that has been studied as the Quantum, the Dynamics of the Universe and Consciousness in all world religions, faiths, mythologies, and the civilizations in general. The Indian Sacred Systems seem to have done the highest possible researches in it as we notice that the Indian Astronomy and Astrology Systems give these 4 Primal and Sacred Categories as the 4 Pada and the Paya Systems right from what we know as the Sounds, Colors, Shapes, and all as the Krittika Nakshtra and the Aries Sign with the “A, E, O, and the AE” Positions as the 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D that is in a simple way the “Sacred Dipole System of the Universe” that we have already discussed:
Everything Quantum is the OORA, AARA and EERI as the “OO AA EE” Qubit with the AEAE Quantum Body of Everything that We can Think: Secrets of Quantum Computing and Computers: Be Happy Philselfologically – 106
We notice that these 4 Pada, the Positions are same as discussed it as the Pulsar (1-D), Spiral (2-D) and the Chiral Systems with 3-D and the 4-D (also as the 3-D Printing and now the Self-assembling 4th D, the 4-D Printing), and in the Indian Mythologies the 4th Pada, the Dimension is also called the Paramgati, the Highest Velocity Systems that are same as the Photon and the Quantum Qubit Systems in our modern world:
Spiral and the Chiral Systems Need Circular and Elliptical Pulsar Movement as in the DNA Systems, the Basics of Life Systems: Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically – 97
When we integrate the 4 Pada, the Dimensions in the Manufacturing Processes, we notice one of the most amazing things that give books printed on demand instantly and that is an example of 4-D Printing for books and the 4-D Cinema as well:
The above “4 Primal Systems” that also as the Physical (1-D), Chemical (2-D), Biological (3-D) and the Psychological (4-D) Systems are studied as 4 Sacred Dimensions of Human Health as the Vata, Pita, Kapha and Ojasa in the Indian Ayurveda Sacred Healthcare Systems.
In advancement of the 4-D Systems with the Public as the Collective Consciousness, we have the Cloud Computing that is the 5-D Systems that are expressed as the EO in the Quantum Qubit Computing as with the Real Dimensions of A, E, O and the Virtual Dimensions of AE, EO and the OA, and we we discuss about the 4-D Printing, we discuss the First Virtual, the Kritya Dimensions in the Indian Sacred Dimensions. When we have a computer that reads our brain and shows what we think, feel and create in the brain is the 5-D, and when we are able to edit its programming that is the 6th Dimension. These 6 Dimensions in the Qubit Quantum Computing, Programming and and otherwise are the Basics of Qubit Indian Systems.
Religious Aspect of the 3 (A, E, O) Real and the 3 (AE, EO, OA) Virtual Dimensions: How the Epic of Lord Krishna and Mahabharta explains it all well is in the Pradyumna, the Son of Lord Krishna as shown here in Hindi that explains the Virtual Intelligence problems of cloning and its misuse and well explains what and how human brain goes corrupt when we do not practice the 4-D of Self-consciousness and reassembling and get hypnotized or mesmerized as then we work as directed by hypnotism and the mesmerism rather than acting according to what our consciousness, the conscience considers right as explained by Lord Krishna in Holy Gita and other scriptures and thus the Modern Quantum Sciences and Systems:
In reality what the Pradyumna, the Son of Lord Krishna does in the TV Serial is the Brahma and the Parbrahma Dimensional Interactions that some of us see physically in the conscious brain, some emotionally in the subconscious brain; the dreams and imaginations (fantasy) and some of us see it unconsciously as simply the play of sound (shabada) and light (say the TV and Film Shows or the Computer aided programs and animations), and when we study, research and view the ancient sacred systems we try to imitate but that differs as the “Virtual or Computer or Dreamy and Imaginative Faculties do not exist the way we see and imagine” and that is why its also expressed as the Kritya, the Works of Artificial Intelligence that the Indian and the World Religions and Faiths advise should not be used for harming anything but curing and doing the welfare of humanity; the Quantum Approach to Human Life that is now emerged as the Quantum Consciousness, Nano (Chara Systems) and thus the “Metamaterial Systems” and so on as we have discussed in this series and it constitutes the base and the basis of the “Single Models and the Theories of Everything” that we are now researching and trying to integrate as the “Philselfological Single Model and Theory of Everything”.
Thus, accordingly, the Para Dimensions (Parabrahma, Parmeshwara, Parmatma, etc.) in the Indian and Other World Religions and Faiths is the Full Recognition given to God Dimensions in all world dimensions, and that is how the Indian Theory of Elements has developed the Indian Alphabets, which are also the Sacred Alphabets in All World Languages. This is among the major reasons that Indian and Other World Religions and Faiths never separate the Science, Religion, Math, Geometry, Music, Arts, Philosophy, and thus the Single Model of All Sacred Educations, and most of the Indian and Seers worldwide always have proposed the Single Models and Theories of Everything. One of the most modern example is the book of “Hints for Self-culture by Lala Hardayal” in which gives a good proposal for the “Single Model of Everything”. Well, never mind, our Philselfological Theory of Model of Everything is the same thing!

The Indian Sacred Systems have recorded everything that deals God Dimensions as the Brahma Sounds of A, E, O (The N, the Bindi Systems) and while the Parabrahma Dimensions as the AE, EO and OA (The M, the Bindu Systems). How and why the Para-God Dimensions are dual is that its the “Ionization of Atama, the Atom” that becomes the Para-Atom Systems, and thus the Parmatama Systems, and these all are recorded as the “Keeta Pasao Eko Kavao…” (Gurbani) and explained as the Indian Astrology, Vedic Compositions of Mantras, Indian Sacred Poetry (Gurbani Systems), Linguistics, Arts, Sacred Maths and Geometry, and all that we discuss in the Single Theories of Everything and thus the Theories of Elements, the Indian Tat (Tatava) Darshan, the Philosophy of Observing Brahma and Parbrahma in all possible contexts and thus the God Dimensions:
Where some experiments seem to go wrong is generating the Consciousness Vortex from the 3 Tricolors (A, E, O) and the 3 Anti-tricolors (AE, EO, OA) that is the Sacred Wisdom Generating at the 10th Dimension where we can create no change and that is where nothing can be put to practical in our life and people having that deep knowledge may mislead the humanity as we notice many “spirituals doing so with a high level of knowledge and intelligence” with the “Near Death Experiments” (Even the people who meditate while doing the fortitude practice and that is called the “Tapa, the Tapasya with a warning: Tapon Raj Rajon Narak… by fortitude and near death experiments one can acquire the kingdoms and empires but it leads to most miserable life” and that is the “Sahaj or the Raja Yoga is well advised in the Indian and the World Civilizations” (Never struggle but relax and take it easy is the Philosophy of Kaliyuga, the Age of Machines and Computers), and the similar experiments on the “Consciousness of Living ones, the birds, plants and animals with various levels of consciousness”, and if we can stop these experiments and believe in the common sense and ordinary philosophical researches of from the Theories of Elements and Dimensions, we can easily derive very good results and the quantum leaps in our modern civilizations and that all at the local, regional and community levels all over the world taking care of sacred knowledge and wisdom of the native, tribal, rural and other quantum, the bhagati observing people from thousands of years:
Paul Roorda who signed my Open University Systems of Philselfology was my first foreign student from Canada during the 1995-2000 as he signed it in 1996. The other major person who showed the highest interest was Spiritual Guru to Ex Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayi in the late 90’s, the Great Sankracharya, the Spiritual Guru to Most of Bhartiya Janta Party and Other Hindu Personalities said:
“Harmander Singh simply touch the land anywhere in India, and I’ll get to full fledged University of Philselfology with all costs from us, our staff, and the university running all over India and world, and your job is just to give us the “Topics for Research”, and right now if possible give these (Philselfological) Projects to the Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayi and Other Cabinet Ministers…, it will boost the global developments…, and you know I personally want to learn all of your courses as it deal the Knowledge of the Universe (Brahmanada), which is Source of Peace, I’ll surely learn it from you…”
Then we discussed about these projects, and he said that for next 10 years, I would have to face poverty, debits and interest while doing these researches as he read my hand (Palmistry). He said that University of Philselfology would open during 2010-15 and would then flourish, and that is how I opened it at Life Dynamix in 2012.
He personally took me on the Scooter from Mr. Thankur of Ludhiana (Punjab) to his Spiritual Guru Ji from Ayudhaya staying a little away from Thakur Ji’s house, where we, Shankracharya’s Ayudhaya Wale Guru Ji, he himself and myself have had a long discussion about future of India and World.
On my request, he agreed to change title of his book, “Pagal Ki Jholi” to “Veda Vani Ka Prani”.
Unfortunately Shankracharaya passed away few months after our meeting in Ludhiana, and he has also foretold me that as he said he wanted to help humanity that he said needed his taking the “Samadhi”.
Now, our family has got out of debits due to the TV Serial we made in 2001-03, “Kissa Puran Bhagat”, but the Lishkara Channel did not pay us huge amounts of 12-15 Lakh even when won the case from the Mumbai (Bombay) High Courts in 2003-5, we had to circulate the funds of about 50 Lakh to counter all balances and debits and that was the worst time for our family, my father Prof. Harnek Singh have had a heart-attack and Brain Clot, and was paralyzed then bed ridden from 2005 to now, and the worst that my Mother Gian Kaur expired in 2015. The Aadi Shankracharya told me these things in advance.
In the Global and the Universal Evolution, we notice two major approaches in the world, namely, the Super Power Countries and Non Alined Countries, and now it seems that if one country from the Super Power Systems uses the “Theory of Elements and Dimensions, the Quantum Systems, and the Sacred Education Systems” in the Constitutional Level, and the Founders of Non Aligned Movement and the Countries say India do the same, we can have easy set of “World Peace with Single Theory and Model of Everything” as the “Most Ancient Ideology that Recognizes Everything on Earth Sacred in which all are educated with Theories of Elements, Dimensions, Single Models, Theories, and so on according to Nation, Civilization”, and if we have to claim it, we notice no world state or nation seems “Secular or Non-Secular” without it.
When we declare any state or country a “Secular or the Non-Secular State” it seem to abuse the world religions and faiths as it does not recognize it as the “Sacred Civilization First, the First is Civilization, the Nations follow it”, and we notice most of the modern education systems simply deny all that comes from the World Religions and Faiths, and seem to give it a hard hit by labeling it as the “Terrorism, Uneducated, Not Modern, Ancient, Not Scientific, Not Verifiable, Not Systematic, and so on”, but rather its the most verifiable system that meets all areas of human knowledge and wisdom that we now know as the “Single Model and Theory of Everything Systems.”
Let us claim a little that if governing bodies say the Non Aligned Countries, and its Founder Country India ignores it that seems a big shame that seems there from Days of Indian Independence in 1947 as the Modern Indian Education Systems do have anything Indian in it as most of the world countries do not go native or national and simply claiming everything is “Abstract or Light” may not educate the people who “Visualize and Feel” that is the rural, native, aborigines, tribal and the similar ones as the Modern Systems do not use it as the “Role Models of Education”, the “Aryan Invader Theories” are just seem to make sure that people assume that the Theories of Elements, Dimensions, Single Models and Theories of Everything (Say Indians worship Ganges, the Rivers and the Sacred Cow) seems “Illiteracy to UNO and the Governing Bodies, and all seem to have been put superstitious!”, but in reality who follow the Single Model of A Cow, A Tree, A River, A Mountain, and so on become the “Quantum Thinkers and Philosophers”, the Experts of Single Models and Theories of Everything.

Well, we need to consider the “Philosophy of Civilized States, Nations and Individuals” rather than the “Super or Non-Super”, and this is what the Quantum Single Models and Theories of Everything Propose for Everyone.
In any case and meanwhile what we need to review and revive is that these 4 categories, namely, the governments, religious institutions, private sector and the NGO’s seem to have ended up as the “Service Providing Systems from the same manufacturing big plants that now seem to have hidden the 5th major categorical system among it, and that is the public that funds, votes and sustains these 4 service providing systems.” The 5th Dimension of Everything in Humanity easily goes as the Public, the Civilian Life, and the Civilizations where the high status, richness, gender bias, discrimination through power, penny and possessions do not constitute the regional, national or the international civilizations, but the individuals who are talented, people of merit, genius, and extraordinary not by post, status, richness and that is what we know as the Quantum Civilization, and the Classical Civilizations simply describe the 4 Categories of the Classical World and Civilizations and the “History” based on it. So, now we face the “Classical Crises as the Global Crises” and the Global Paradigm Shift with Quantum Systems seem to offer solution to it, the individual approach as the quantum leap.
The World Religions, Faiths and Spiritual Banking and Corporating (Incorporating) offers an approach for the governing bodies, religions institutions, UNO and NGO with huge private sector in the way public deals with one another from ages based on the faith systems that we can sum up as follows:
The most amazing thing about the Quantum Business and Ethics in the World Religions and Faiths is not based on anything classical, but the simple law of nature:
“Sow the seeds and get the fruits”, and that is further based on the extended natural law:
“One should do the Karma and should not expect the Fruits, the Flow”
This is what we know that flow, the fruit of action when follows a chaos does not give the desired or expected results and surely when it follows the Law of Uncertainty, the results are certain. This is what the world religions and faiths follow in its Quantum Business Ethics, Morals and all investments in the faiths are done like this.
A woman praying in a temple offers only 1 Rupee and asks for grant of boon of success for the family, saving her children living abroad, helping her to get the home and a vehicle and these prayers are done in all religions and faiths.
We give 1 Rupee to God and in return ask for every prosperity, and this is a “Fair Deal” and may seem as if one gets the “Prayers and blessings from a beggar whom one has offered alums of 1 Rupee”.
While studying all world religions and faiths, and the comparative studies and researches about it, we notice it that the Quantum Banking and Business pays humanity the highest interests and returns.
It’s the Quantum Faith Dealing and the Business as well.
It differs from the Classical Banking and Corporate Systems in which interests are paid. The same banks when offer loan follow the Quantum Systems, but when people of any nation deposit money, everything goes in the classical ways. In this context, the banks can either fail the world or can develop all nations.
Yes, that is right, the loan goes as the quantum for us, but our deposit in the banks may not, and for it, we need to learn how to invest in business and the market, the wholesale and the direct marketing to say as it helps us build our nations stronger and people trust one another as all deal in business and trading, and the profits.
In this context, the Sciences are the Classical and the Religions as the Quantum Systems, and thus Humans, the Conscious Ones as and the Quantum Philosophy of Consciousness are the “Philosophy, and the Philosophical, the Selfless and the Quantum Systems” not just the “Selfish Genes”.
The Classical or the Traditional Systems offer things for the “Time of Emergency” and the process secures lot more benefits when there is no accident or emergency and that stagnates money, and the “Quantum Systems” do not wait for the accident or emergency, but rather how and why the applicant approaches, and the great blunder in it may seem when the classical systems offer the “Banking and Saving”, but the Quantum Systems also offer “Donations, Charity, Child Adaptation, Tax Exemptions, and all that gives the Quantum World Religions and Faiths a way that is always a quantum leap”. The Quantum Systems are used by the community members with one another, and public in the world has been using it to the highest levels in the human civilizations. One of the fascinating systems in India using it also include “Saving Circles, Committee Depositing, Goodwill Storehouses, Reselling Systems, the Kabadia Systems of Old or Used Items-Sale and Purchase, Community Centers, Lotto and Draw Systems, and so on. These systems also embrace all that is popular as bad systems by name say the Chanda, the Donation Systems, Hawala Systems of Helping People by Verbal Reference, and all that goes well with the “Work at Home or the Self-employment” based on which we have Great Indian Storytelling about the Honest Merchants, the Bhagats, who give the “Philosophy of Business” rather than “Psychology to Win Customers and Get Rich Systems” and that is for the Quantum Development of the Cultures, Communities and the Societies, and does not bother about the “Return, and thus does not follow the Theory of Selfish Gene”. It rather follows the “Telepathic Quantum Connections” present among humans and other living ones, which I researched and developed as the “Philselfological Theory and Model of Special and Sacred Education Systems for Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Birds, Animals and or any action” and thus all that occurs in the universe described in the sister blog post:
Philselfological Single Model of Sign Language of Universe and Global Need, and Role of Sacred and Special Education for All Humans, Animals, Birds, Deaf, Dumb and Blind: Be Happy Philselfologically – 52
This is as the most ancient world business before imperialism seemed to have extincted the basis of this “Quantum World Market and Trading” using the Single Theories and Models of Everything, Theories of Dimensions and it integrated people all over the globe with one another even without the big corporates as now we notice even neighborhood is unknown and we notice people rarely interacting with one another. People in the past times has been able to communicate with the animals, birds and other things:
Now, its all back into the modern world!
Thus all modern business systems, relationships and trading seem to go classical; the professional and we meet in the consumer courts, and money is the main role playing factor with focus on matter, possessions and the status of the person, and thus it lacks all that we say the “quantum” in our life focusing on the dynamics of consciousness, and as a result the classical systems seem to have created the highest levels of suffering for the quantum people, the bhagat kind of simple, poor, honest, idealists, nature lovers, innocents and the similar in the most drastic ways through the 4 major classical systems of governing bodies, religious and NGO systems, and the UNO systems as when it blindly supports the officialdom or the corporate systems. Moreover, these innocent people as the victim are present in all international records and say the delayed to respond or even the blacklisted applications as not only as the terrorists and the suspected ones but the people whose poor life is given as in need of almost all international grants, donations, anti-poverty, scholarships, and anything where the power, penny and position matters.
Such talented people come to local, national or international platforms only when someone “picks” them or these people select someone as their “god fathers, ideal, role model” or join a political or other propaganda’s that cashes all that these people have done in their life as is in most of the developing countries, and even with exceptional achievements, merits and talents these quantum people may seem to have done nothing for the world community as these people are either lazy to create profiles, records; the footprints due to early times of rejections and failures and when they somehow come in the society with hard works, all their follows have already go to higher levels with next generations, and thus these people need attention from the governments, NGO’s, UNO and the religious institutions from early days of their life or some human concern when they seem to have gone “late” with all “social hurts”. In my opinion, these quantum people have been abused most in our modern 200-300 and say last 50 years, and people go “inert to them if they do not get any huge success or enough funds” particularly in the developing nations. Should they feel as if aliens as classical environment with law, order and tough constitutions, these people never feel any ease at all, but consistent dominance and pressure due to authorities and officialdom that does not recognize anything quantum as classical achievement!
Thus, these people are in the world populations and the records but may never have been able to play a significant role in the world community as they also have been facing and following the most crude and slow process and procedure that hinders all abilities in the “categorical negligence in most of the world systems” that is these people may be intentionally put, placed and presented in the irrelevant categories, mostly by birth or some kind of riots, violence or coups that consumes all world talents and merits as we notice in the regional, communal, caste and religion based problems, and I personally thank internet we communicate about it now a days:
The reason that these quantum systems have fully replaced everything in the recent years is that these do not need office and staff, and the “online works and services” also do not need any classical setup of the offices and staffing, and that is how and why the internet and online life has emerged as the quantum leap in the world civilizations. Now, when the internet goes worldwide, we can hope coming back of ancient life back with everyone doing some home based online and or offline works. It also gives people get educated about the “Theories of Everything, Dimensions, Quantum Consciousness and the Sacred DNA Philosophy!”
I noticed and felt the need of “Patenting” it all and thus it goes as the “Philselfological Model of Everything” with the USPTO Offices, USA. It helps to convert any theory of Science, Math, Philosophy, Religion, Faith, Spirituality, Grammars and all that is summed up as the “Sacred Systems of Consciousness and Universe”. If any person or agency wants to patent, copyright or use anything in the world as described through this Single Model and Theory of Everything, we can help with it and also give “Doctoral Degree to Individuals, who do it anywhere in the world”. We can also offer dual degrees with licenses so that one is able to educate others about these theories and the scientific models. The Philselfological Models also fully describe the Advanced Physics Models of Elementary Particles and thus enables one to understand it any possible versions that we use and communicate in our daily life.
When I personally as everyone does praise the Vedas and Other Indian and Other World Sacred Systems of World Religions, Faiths, Brahmi Systems, the Sacred Education Systems including the Gurbani, the Gurmukhi Brahmi Systems, we notice its not part of governing bodies, education systems, officialdom, and what we may say the UNO and the World Governing Bodies. For this reason, at one place we may praise our past as much as we can, but when we consider if public, masses, and world population get anything from these sacred systems, the answer is always known and that “NO”!
This is what modern world seem to have lost or have brought to near extinction during the last 300 years of Imperialism in the Modern World. The Globalization as the “New World Order” seem to have put it all into greater risk and most of these sacred systems have gone out of daily practices of last generations say from late 80’s to 2000 AD on onwards. Say in Punjab, and other states or countries where the “Sacred Education Systems are known to only people who has been labeled terrorists or anti-social elements, and while the officials may not know anything about these theories at all” the new generation may not take any interest in the sacred education systems, but its because all of it is not officially approved, recognized and no work, job and above education and degree about these sacred system is available in the governing body operated schools, colleges and university and it is where while one praises the Gurbani and the Vedas when raises such issues may seem against the systems, the pollution issues, factories, business set, pharmaceutical and fertilizer issues, and lack of inner peace without sacred education systems, and people supporting it thus seem threat to governing bodies and most of people who support sacred education systems may be treated as terrorists all over the world. This is the main concern for humanity when it seems that “Eastern Countries may have terrorists and Western Countries (well it can anywhere in the world) may have New Big Corporates based only on the education systems that does not support the Sacred Education Systems of India, China, Arabian Countries, Native, Aboriginals, Native and the Tribal People in the World Civilizations”.
The people in east say in Punjab, Kashmir, Asaam, and other states of India and Asia, people has always been living the “Lifestyle of Tribes and the Tribal Communities where majority of people are rural, native, aboriginals, tribal and or the “Desi Indian and Asians” and the may never have been given this status as we notice in the modern developments in the world say for the Aborigines, the Tribal People and there suffering, the natural genocide due to excessive machines, and of course the “Modern Theories that has yet to support the Theories of Elements, Dimensions and Consciousness, the Quantum Qubit Systems and thus their feelings of reverence and shame for everything living and sacred with the Sacred Education Systems and the Brahmi Language Systems that now have started to extinct” and that is what these people have been practicing successfully from the thousands of years, yes the “Sacred Education Systems” something that now needs serious attention from world communities and humanity. These areas and the regions are now the sensitive and extincting in the very said way as if the wildlife and the jungles, and when officials, NGO’s, educators, ministers, and others visit these areas or people who support its “Natural Lifestyle” may avoid while writing and saying so based on 40 years of living and researching it as the “Philselfology, the Single Model of Everything” that we seem to harm life by the “Pollution Spreading Vehicles, Excessive Modern Harmful Equipments, Weapons, and all that disturbs its peace and prosperity”, and its possible only when the concerned understand their “Native and Brahmi Sacred Systems” as we have discussed in the Series of Be Happy Philselfologically as we are the ones, who claim to the descendants of great world cultures, civilizations and “Sacred Education Systems” and seem to have failed keeping it alive.
It seems that as we all are now able to do, their suffering should come to an end and they deserve respect, the only thing that gives life to the “Sacred Systems and the Sacredness”, the “Feelings of Reverence and Shame” has kept the “Sacred Systems Alive” and now it extincts, and it does not need raising funds, collecting or giving donations, and making appeals but learning the “Sacred Education and its Single Models and Theories of Everything, the Master’s Creative Works in Human Civilizations”.
“Let’s make them smile again, they deserve it as our kith, kin and the ancestors as we happen to learn something that they may not understand and nor we understand how animals, birds and humans speak the “AA EE OO” as does the universes, solar systems and skies!”
A Little Note: The same patterns can also be noted in the modern parts or the countries and the world when it says: “A study using census data from nine countries shows that religion there is set for extinction, say researchers.
The study found a steady rise in those claiming no religious affiliation.
The team took census data stretching back as far as a century from countries in which the census queried religious affiliation: Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland. (With thanks from the source:… )
The point of great concern here is that we are habitual of “The Official Reports; the Photos, Audios, Videos and so on” that are mostly conducted in accordance with the “Imperialism and Corporate Systems 300 Years Old” and it may get grants and can create more officers who personally may not know anything about the “Sacred Education Systems of Tribal People All Over the World” say in Australia, Africa, Latin America, North America, Asia and so on where the “Modern Education, Officialdom and Governing Systems” may never approve what people practice and live the Native and Rural Life as the “Old Testament, the Gospel of Human Life on Earth” as we notice the rapid extinction in most of the states of India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and if we say in most parts of the world its for just concern that we need to understand them rather than educating their kids with education systems that support their evolution. For it, we discuss the “Philselfological Single Model and Theory for Everything for and from World Religions and Faith”:
How Nama Theory is Sacred Dipole Theory for Light and Consciousness as Observers: Indian Nama or Dipole Theory as Single Theory and Model of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically – 119
For Sacred Education Systems and the humanity awareness, we at Life Dynamix Systems and the University has been able to get the affiliation and recognition and we hope and wish that we should be able to get the same in main stream of universities and set up the “Chair for the Philselfological Model say in Gurmukhi, the Punjabi” that will promote this project for everyone in various countries supporting the unification of systems, single models and theories get into good and sound shape so that world communities get things as they or we want not as we design and propose. These systems, courses, degrees and researches is to support the masses who may neither go and work with the native, aboriginals, the rural areas nor they may find job and work in the other modern places and the systems that depend on the modern education systems. The said native or rural people may not find work in the modern education systems even when they have promising learning from their own villages as for example the Desi (Organic Farming has almost extincted even when people know how to do it, and we have run a dairy farm for more than 30 years to say and the Desi Organic Farming may not get required materials in India very easily say in Punjab where I live.
In the “Single Models and Theory of Everything” every world religion and faith give thousands of examples that describe it, and Phiselfological Model and Theory of Everything also discusses it:
Philselfology of Sacred Electron, Nucleus, Atom, Earth Systems and 3-D Theories of Universe: Sikhism, the Khanda Qubit Theory and Sacred Structures of Electromagnetic Symbols, Emblems, and Systems in Atom and Universe – Be Happy Philselfologically – 56
So, as long as the UNO and World Governing Bodies do not pass a resolutions about the Religion and Faith based Single Models and Theories as part of the Modern Education Systems, the religious people may face various kinds of discrimination and attacks and thus when there is any reaction that seems intense anger and people become suicide bombers while defending their religions, faiths and believes that are neither having status in the world education nor as scientific approach in many countries. If people want “Self-identity” in many parts denial to religious single models of everything when absent may tend to lead individuals to the levels of “Self-denial and Lost Identity”, and that is not just a psychiatry experiment but normal and natural right brain non robotic and innovative lifestyle. Its here the UNO and the Governing Bodies still have to play a proper role for the masses as otherwise the same masses are looted by agencies that sell this identity and degrees or award without having it recognized it all in the UNO, Governing Bodies and above all in the academic systems of school, college and university education systems.
The Scientific and the Religious Degrees, Qualifications and thus the Recognition of World Religions and Faiths as the Most Ancient Philosophical, Artistic, Mathematical, Grammatical, and in general the Right Brain Innovative Method of Studies needs proper recolonization in the world education systems. It also means that every student in the world needs the “Dual Qualifications as the Sacred Education Systems of Classical and Quantum Systems say the Classical Computing and Quantum Computing”:
1. The Religion and Faith based education that gives complete study systems of family, individual and what we know as the “Personal Experiences, Feelings, Innovations and thus Family and Individual Education” in which can add all that we seem to have as the Co-curricular in the Modern Education Systems. These are the basis of the sacred education systems in the world systems not just the “Moral Education”.
2. The Rationalism, Logic, Scientific and the Mathematical Synthesis that deals with experiments and theories developed in the world.
The modern education does not recognize any world religion based theory and hypothesis as the academically acceptable that can have qualifications or experiences awarded and that means we may have no official job for this most innate and innovative ways, and if it has any status it goes as “The Free Education Systems of Scout and Guide Movements” that say in India needs personal funds and investments to get even the training.
This way the Ancient Education, World Religions, Faiths and the Spiritualism that records any personal belief has almost no recognition and this makes the modern education play negative role against world religions that seem to make world community think and feel if a religious person is a terrorist or is against the modern governing body systems and the UNO Systems.
The religious people in the world now seem to think and feel that Churches, Mosque, Temple and or the Gurudwara may be place of official removal of the terrorists and the suspected people, and thus it may brain wash new generations to abandon the world religions and faiths as the schools and the universities also may not recognize what we pray, do Kirtan, recite and path and still it is all “personal”.
As we have come up with the Single Theories of Everything and the Single Models of Everything, and these all are derived from the world religions and faiths and is the highest level of world treasures, heritage and the archeology of the world civilizations that anyone can restore as what we call the “Theory of Vowels, the Sacred Education Systems and the Models of Everything”. When we talk and discuss about the Indian Sages, Seers, Yogis, Spirituals, and “Other People of World Religions and Faiths”, they all have been proposing the “Single Models of Everything” and when these were collected and the “Indian and Other World Civilizations” complied their works and presented it to the humanity as the “Anthology of Patanjali (Yoga), the Anthology of Hahnemann (Homeopathy), Anthology of Euler (Mathematics), Sage Vyasa (Indian Vedas and Holy Gita), All Brahmi Languages of India (Shri Guru Granth Sahib) and so on, we have all their works constituting and updating all that we have in the world. This very system of classical and the quantum systems has been officially approved and educated all over the world before the Imperialism and the Mesmer’s Left Brain Theories of Logic, Rationalism and the Systemic Approach slowly extincted the “Right Brain Quantum Theories of Bhagat’s” in the World Civilizations, and thus we have ended up that most of the educations systems in the modern world do not have the “Sacred Elements of Maths, Grammars, Music, Languages, Linguistics, Philosophy (the Indian and the Eastern Sacred and the Metaphysical Systems), and in nutshell the Sacred Education Systems may not be present in the Mainstreams of Education Systems in the World, and the great wonder is that its the “Pure Subject and Research Systems” that are called “Sacred Education Systems”:
As when we think of “One World Religion”, it does not have the contributions from the World Religions and Faiths in the way as these are regional filled with the Brahmi Languages in every part of the World, and if such things ever happen, it may further put the “Left Brain Theories of Classical Systems”. The modern world with very recent single theories and models of everything now very well explains that every region in the world has local and the regional systems that use all that we know as the sacred education system in the regions of the world. The following video does not reflect my personal opinions, but the views given in it do not seem to accept the “Quantum Theory of Jeeva, the Consciousness, the Quantum Qubit Systems and the Regional Poetics in All States and the Countries”:
This is how we can create the global understanding that the World Religions and Faiths are the Philosophical Studies of World Cultures and Civilizations: How Quantum and Classical Dual Qualifications can Stop Violence and Terrorism in World due to fact that world religions are independent authorities over the “Quantum Sacred Systems of Qubit Civilizations”:
How Gurmukhi and Gurbani describes Indian, Arabian, Israeli and other World Quantum Qubit Systems as the Jewish and Hindu Quantum Sacred Systems as Theories of Vowels, Consonants, Rama and Raheema Qubit Systems, and IK Onakara as the Euler’s Formula and the Ishwara-Onkara Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically – 114b
When we think of the Brahmi Quantum Sacred Systems, we think of every kind of tribes, native people, villages, aboriginals, ancient and modern civilizations, archeological treasures, temples, mosques, churches, gurudwara’s, and all that is based on the local world culture and heritage as its, lest people forget and we face the extinction the “cultural identities of sacred education systems and all that is related to it say including the Brahmi Languages, and the Quantum Qubit Systems in the native way.”
Next part of the series: How Nama Theory is Sacred Dipole Theory for Light and Consciousness as Observers: Indian Nama or Dipole Theory as Single Theory and Model of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically – 119
We will edit and add.
Be Happy Philselfologically!
Thanks for your time reading it!