If you are looking for a world that is natural and unplundered, then Earth is the right place. The natural beauties of the Earth vary from one region to another. The green and blue oceans and white and brown mountains on land provide a vision of beauty that cannot be matched by humans.

At first sight, there is nothing but an endless blue ocean as far as your eyes can see. But if you look close enough, there is some green at the bottom of the water which gives off such a relaxing feeling. If you continue to look down deep enough into the sea, some may say it’s like seeing heaven with all its bright colours everywhere making it beautiful and unique in every way possible. Then if you look over to the other side of the water, there is a completely different kind of beauty: dry and dusty like a dessert. There are dried up brown mountains that seem to never end and white sand that makes you feel like your feet are sinking into it even though they aren’t. Then when looking back over at the sea, you see jellyfish floating in the water with their beautiful colours and transparent body. Whether by land or by sea, each side has its own beauty that makes this planet Earth so unique and unlike any other one out there.

The world is full of beauty. If one looks at the ocean, one is met with a calming but vibrant sight that seems to be taken straight out of a dream. The water is capable of being both brilliant blue and green- it’s impossible to pick one colour as the most beautiful for this body. At times, bending light can make the waves reflect white or silver- this creates an otherworldly kind of beauty that makes landlubbers feel like they’re seeing what life on the sea’s surface must look like from under it instead. This planet also has two different kinds of beauty depending on where you are looking: either dry mountain ranges that stretch endlessly into the horizon or white sand beaches that are so hot in some places that the only way to stand the heat is to wear a pair of shoes. No matter where you look, there is something beautiful for your eyes to take in and think about.

A world full of natural beauty would have to be earth… I don’t know how many times this day and age we see images showing all the damage man has done to it – really, just as bad as outer space junk that circles it! If I’m not mistaken, then outer space junk that circles or orbits around Earth have been here since the late 50’s early 60’s when satellites were first sent up there – now THAT’S an eyesore if you ask me……. but back to Earth. When you look at Earth from a distance it looks blue and green – one would think that’s just water but they’d be wrong.

what Earth looks like from outer space if we take a closer look at these images, anyone looking at this planet can see blue oceans and green vegetation- quite pretty huh? Save for the few deserts that exist, most regions are either green or brown depending on how much rain it gets. It is true that man has not been too kind with what he hath wrought upon this beautiful planet which makes me wonder.

Ahamd Raza
Author: Ahamd Raza

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