by Dr. Harmander Singh | May 3, 2021 | Animal Welfare, Community
Bent says: Three weeks ago, while walking along the woods of Vestvolden (the fortification moat that arches around Greater Copenhagen, Denmark), I came upon a nearly dead Hooded Crow (gråkrage in Danish). He or she, just fledging, had fallen out of a high nest in a...
by Bliss | Apr 19, 2021 | Causes, Animal Guardians, Animal Welfare, Earth, Entertainment, environment, Featured, Force For Good, green, Heroes, Inspiration, Make A Difference, Nature, People, World
Joaquin shared the following inspirational speech from the 2020 Oscars. I’m full of so much gratitude now. I do not feel elevated above any of my fellow nominees or anyone in this room, because we share the same love – that’s the love of film. And this form of...
by Bliss | Apr 3, 2021 | Animals, Animal Guardians, Animal Welfare, Force For Good, Goodness Messages, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet
Bliss Planet is grateful for Taylor Winter. He pulled over on a dark highway near Jerome, Arizona in the middle of the night and rescued 3 dogs who would likely be ran over. “If I was to help other people with the wisdom I’ve learned. Challenge...
by Bliss | Mar 1, 2021 | Animals, Animal Welfare, Earth, Featured
To breed on the coldest place on earth, emperor penguins must also become part of a crowd. Their chicks are born in the depths of the Antarctica winter. their only protection from the cold is their parents brood pouch, but as winter storms come in…this...
by Bodhi | Feb 7, 2021 | Community, Animal Welfare, Earth, Featured, Inspiration, Make A Difference, Peace, People, World
For all those passionate for a new world, sometimes sacrifices and hardships become necessary. In history, many have died for honorable causes and because of them the world was never the same again. In honor of those who fought the good fight, even if in the end would...
by Bliss | Feb 3, 2021 | Animals, Animal Welfare, Earth, environment, Featured, green, Make A Difference, People
Little Things That Make A Big Difference People Share Smiles Smiles are a powerful force. They have the ability to enhance the mood of others in a mere instant. Sharing your smile with others creates a positive chain reaction illuminating the lives of others while...