by Bliss | Jun 8, 2018 | Animals, Earth, Events, Featured, Fun, Goodness Messages, Health, Inspiration, People
This month’s features include: 3 Reasons to Take Your Shoes Off and Begin Earthing Today, Is Blood thicker than Water? LOVE covers them both! How to Become an Animal Advocate in Five Easy Steps, Ask and You Shall Receive, A Talk with Mary DeMocker, author of The...
by Tom Clarke | May 26, 2018 | Animal Welfare, Animals, Featured
When an animal gets sick it can be traumatic for both the owner and the pet. The owner hasn’t the foggiest as to what’s happening, and their poor pet can’t tell them what’s wrong. Our pets depend on us to look after them, and an essential part of that responsibility...
by Abigail Smith | May 23, 2018 | Animal Welfare, Animals, Featured
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” – Margaret Mead There are many different and worthwhile organizations that assist animals in need around the world. All...
by Bliss | May 8, 2018 | Animals, Earth, Featured, Fun, Goodness Messages, Health, Inspiration, People
This month’s features include: A Healthy Planet Diet For The Prevention of Disease, Transformation Starts With A New World, Emotions, How to Rid Your Pantry of Junk Food, Humanity, The Power Of Poetry In Difficult Times. Goodness Messages from: Roger Housden,...
by Bliss | Apr 13, 2018 | Animals, Earth, Events, Featured, Fun, Goodness Messages, Health, Inspiration, People
April 2018 Edition Click here or the image below to view this edition. Click the image below to view the video for this edition. This month’s features include: My Role in Creating a Peaceful World, Love Words, Be Kind to Animals and Your Body, Steps to Clear...
by Brittany Blazek | Mar 21, 2018 | Animal Welfare, Goodness Messages
Hi, I’m Brittany founder of Vibrate Life. I am an advocate for veganism and how important it is to be ethical and environmentally friendly. To treat your body with the living energy and make this world a better place by eliminating suffering. Brittany Blazek...