The Future is Bright with Promise

The Future is Bright with Promise

I would prefer to look at the coming change not as a product of the past where the contradictions and mistakes of the past come to a peak until change suddenly occur. I would rather look at the coming transformation as an unfolding of something totally new and novel...

Our Human Journey

I have only one life to live and one chance to giveTomorrow may never come, before life is undoneI have only one breath to take, one heartbeat i could makeBefore everything stops under the sun i will miss all the fun. So i rejoice in this borrowed moment now, with any...

New Humanity

There’s a silent magic working in the air….somewherethe rocks see,the stones sing with gleeI feel it in my bones,it is real!it is there. As silent as the mountains,yet sparkling as fountainsIt is a sure as the sunriseas vibrant as butterflies. It is as...
The Power of our Thoughts

The Power of our Thoughts

We think and it comes to pass,Our thoughts from the past mold our presents fast,We dream and in the universe we beamour desires to make the universe follow the thoughts we deem. Our thoughts act like a magnetWe are really as we thinkethThe size of our thoughts becomes...

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