When Babylon Conquered the Israelites

In the Old Testament, Babylon was considered the “Prostitute” when it was actually a powerful nation that conquered the Israelites. Although in captivity, the Chosen People were living in relative ease and comfort in what was called “the golden...

Cause to Live and Die for/ God’s Mission

Give me a cause to live and die for,But let it be a great cause,Exceedingly great and momentous,Something that would take all the fight in me,Something that would draw from me,Wracked and panting with weariness,And in the very face of death, and disaster,…A song of...

Being Alive in this cosmos

Being alive in this universe is simply mind boggling. Biochemist Quasler states that the coincidence of life in this planet is one out of ten raised to the 301nth power. This is not only one in a million which has nine zeros after the number one but one in a zillionth...

Random thoughts on the human aura

It just occurred to me that there may be a real reason why we put curious white designs on the heads of nurses, or why we put pointed hats on bishops, or crowns on kings, or long white hats for chefs. My wild guess is that this is just an artificial way of mimicking...

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