by Bodhi | Mar 21, 2023 | Community, Words of Bliss
Death is just another horizon waiting to be reached and it would open up to another vista of greater life. It is said that for those who have life a full life and who have conquered fear; for those who have accepted fully the consequences of life and living and death...
by Bodhi | Mar 21, 2023 | Community, Words of Bliss
My brush with death yesterday blessed me with a beautiful reminder that i have time. If i would have died yesterday then i wouldn’t wake up in the morning to see the beautiful day. There would be no bright faces of my children to see. No Halloween, no delicious...
by Bodhi | Mar 21, 2023 | Community, Words of Bliss
An hour ago, i was just a half inch from death. I was biking on my way back home when a speeding car nearly hit me i felt the power of his windshield in my ear. It was a numbing experience. I thought, wow i nearly became the celebrant of Halloween. Thank God i am...
by Bodhi | Mar 21, 2023 | Community, Words of Bliss
The curious thing about religion is that once an idea or a philosophy becomes a religion, the spirit becomes harder to grasp. Religion is the bodily manifestation of spirit but is not the spirit. That is why religion becomes a pitfall, it becomes a veil to the real...
by Bodhi | Mar 21, 2023 | Community, Words of Bliss
When i was a child i thought that growing up means being serious and not being playful anymore. I thought that being mature means feeling self important, established, formal, not laughing out loud, always busy etc. I was so wrong. I thought that childishness and...
by Bodhi | Mar 21, 2023 | Community, Words of Bliss
Ageless memories, dreams of flight, Nameless vanities, rainbows of delight. Multiple religions, blinding collective passions, All shields against the ravaging night. People passing, street lamps bursting, Transcient shadows against the glaring light If only to escape...