One Mistake Made When Manifesting

One Mistake Made When Manifesting

One of the most important contributors to energy is Clarity.  Clarity about what you want in life.  What do you want most?  More money?  To lose weight?  A better relationship with your significant other?  A closer connection with...
Some of the lessons that life is teaching me

Some of the lessons that life is teaching me

This earth, this life, is really a wellspring of lessons i will take with my soul forever into the pathways of eternity. I have learned that life is too short for one to experience all its wonders. so i will just have to treasure each and every moment as it is my...
Life and Death

Life and Death

Only those who are truly aware of the finality of their deaths are the ones who truly live. Only then will we not take anything for granted. Only then will we realize the beauty of life. Yet sometimes our society distracts us from things that really matter in life....

I Want to Be a Human

“I want to know aim of your life,” he asked to a child. “If you know aim of my life, what you will get?” the child was not interested in him. “I’ll help you in every possible way to improve you in every direction,” he said to the child. “Who...

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