The Vegetarianism as the Reiki through Foods

We believe in the Reiki, the natural power flowing, universally. It is present in the plants, as the energy to restore by herbal qualities, while supporting the evolution. On the other hand, the nature does not seem to support any single headed evolution, like the...

Classical American Philosophy

Although Wright was regarded as the leader of the Metaphysical Club, Peirce and then James proved to be its most significant members. Charles Peirce seemed destined for intellectual achievement from an early age, and he began publishing papers on logic and semiotics...

Plan a Successful, Fulfilling Year by Pete

An ocean of possibilities is yours to have. New Year’s day is right around the corner and it’s customary to make promises to oneself about how this year will be more productive and generally represent a meaningful change in direction of some kind. The #1 most popular...

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