by Sudheendra Reddy | Jan 22, 2020 | Community, Earth, environment, Featured, green, Solutions, Technology
RECHARGE or RENEWABLE POWER is the slogan as of now in the automobile industry, especially the car manufacturing houses are aiming to develop electric cars and tap the government subsidies. For instance Mahindra has e2oPlus and eVerito whilst Tata Motors is planning...
by Suzanne A Edwards | Oct 31, 2019 | Earth, environment, Featured, green, Nature
“Humanity, the most intelligent species on the planet, capable of anything, but is governed by its aggression and youth. A species fast in developing but slow in maturing. Once a species that cared about its home, its provider, let its ego dominate its...
by Louise Hodges | Jul 1, 2019 | Solutions, Earth, environment, Featured, green
Green Living Steps Made simple – Earth-Friendly Eco-Friendly Guide To Help You Green Living is an admirable goal. But most of us can’t embrace a crunchy-granola-live-off-the-land- like pioneers kind of lifestyle. If you don’t know the simple steps to...
by Sarah Gaston | Jun 6, 2019 | Animal Welfare, Animals, Community, Earth, environment, Featured, green, Sustainability
Yes, having fins is fun and all. However for the animals that depend on the sea as their home, their only option is in a rapidly declining state. I have swam among too many bleached reefs, walked too many microplastic littered beaches, and witnessed too many animals...
by Goodness Steve | Apr 25, 2019 | Animal Welfare, Animals, Earth, environment, Featured, green, Make A Difference, Nutrition, People, Positivity, Solutions, Wellness, World
PEOPLE Share Smiles Smiles are a powerful force. They have the ability to enhance the mood of others in a mere instant. Sharing your smile with others creates a positive chain reaction illuminating the lives of others while enriching your own wellness. Steam Cook Your...
by Bliss | Jan 17, 2019 | Adventure, Amplify Goodness, Animal Welfare, Animals, Beauty Without Cruelty, Bliss Planet Mobile Adventures, Blissful Destinations, Causes, Community, Earth, environment, Events, Featured, Fitness, Fun, Goodness Messages, green, Health, Inspiration, Latest Magazine, Mental Health, News, Nutrition, People, Positivity, Relationships, Self Help, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, Van Life - RV Lifestyle, Vegan & Vegetarian, Wellness, What I Learned
Venice Beach 2019 Edition This month’s features include: AMAZING BENEFITS OF VEGAN DIETS, BEAT DEPRESSION & IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS, An interview with Cindy Goodman Stulberg and Ronald Frey, The Arizona Vegetarian Food Festival, Messages From Venice Beach...