by Bliss | Jun 28, 2022 | Animal Welfare, Amplify Goodness, Beauty Without Cruelty, Business, Causes, Earth, environment, Featured, Force For Good, Goodness Messages, Health, Heroes, Inspiration, Interviews, Make A Difference, News, Organizations, Peace, People, Positivity, Solutions, Sustainability, Vegan & Vegetarian, What I Learned, World
Hi Carissa, can you tell us about your business or organization? BeVeg is the world’s first and only ISO accredited vegan standard, making it the most reliable benchmark for Vegan claims globally and the only real certification program that conducts third-party...
by Bliss | Jun 3, 2022 | green, Featured, Health, Nutrition, Raw, Vegan & Vegetarian
First of all people have to want it. It is the best way to eat from what I’ve seen and the litrature. If you are interested it is a fabulous diet and a positive journey. 1. Have Fun That is my first tip to keep it really positive and exciting instead of thinking that...
by Bliss | May 17, 2022 | Earth, environment, Featured, green, permaculture, Sustainability, Technology
Never in history has there been a stronger or more eloquent advocate for the use of solar building principles than Socrates. Xenophon, a disciple of Socrates, presented in a Socratic dialogue the philosopher’s belief that the art of “building houses as they ought to...
by Bliss | Apr 20, 2022 | Solutions, Adventure, Amplify Goodness, Animal Welfare, Animals, Bliss Planet Mobile Adventures, Blissful Destinations, Blissful Living, Camping, Community, Earth, environment, Events, Featured, Fitness, Fun, Goodness Messages, green, Health, Inspiration, Latest Magazine, Make A Difference, Mental Health, Nature, Peace, People, Positivity, Relationships, Self Help, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, Van Life - RV Lifestyle, Vegan & Vegetarian, Wellness
Edition 23 of Bliss Planet healthy lifestyle magazine features articles on the Health Effects of Climate Change and Global Warming, Eco-Friendly tips, a visit to The Narrows at Zion National Park, plant-based athlete Linzy Granger sharing her Vegan Story, Community...
by Lacie Martin | Apr 13, 2022 | Featured, Earth, environment, green, Nature
Climate change is something that affects the world, every facet of society, and you. Your compassion for nature and the planet as a whole can lead to anxious feelings about the future of the environment. Even if the climate’s decline is a slow process, it will...
by Diluksha Prasad Jayawardana | Mar 28, 2022 | Featured, Earth, environment, green, Nature, Sustainability
Today, more and more harmful human activities around the globe have become a threat to the natural environment, its biodiversity and the longevity of human generation. Therefore, as humans, we have to find global solutions to overcome these environmental problems....