by Glowing Feather | Jul 25, 2017 | Goodness Messages, permaculture, Sustainability
My message to you brother. This man is getting married today and what I want to talk to you about is self-sustained living. You can work for somebody…you can work for yourself and being part of this economy. But it’s all based on a trillion dollar deficit...
by paul kemp | May 16, 2017 | Animals, Causes, Earth, environment, Featured, green, permaculture, Solutions, Sustainability, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, Vegan & Vegetarian, World
The Healthy Planet Diet is the one way of eating that makes the most sense for preventing the diseases of civilization while preserving the livability of our planet. A growing number of people are beginning to see that turning a large amount of vegetable protein into...
by Tom Murphy | May 9, 2017 | Earth, environment, Featured, green, Nature, permaculture, Solutions, Sustainability, World
Water is an incredibly precious resource and even though 70% of our beautiful planet is made up of the substance, there are millions of people worldwide who do not have access to a clean water source. In an age where technology can solve almost any problem, it is...
by Robyn Francis | Apr 25, 2017 | Earth, environment, Featured, green, permaculture
Nobody can now deny the rising tide of awareness of an urgent need to change, which has been accelerating rapidly over the past 12 months. Most people are coming to accept the reality of climate change, and it’s connection to increasing droughts, water crises...
by Michael Podlesny | Dec 1, 2016 | Earth, environment, Featured, green, Nature, permaculture, Solutions, Sustainability, Vegan & Vegetarian
I am convinced that composting is the number one thing you can do as a home vegetable gardener that is beneficial for your soil and plants. Adding good quality compost to your soil helps with drainage, nutrients in the soil and so many other things. Along with the...
by Garret Lloyd | Nov 26, 2016 | Earth, environment, Featured, green, Nature, permaculture
Permaculture is a way of designing where you have to make use of nature’s principles as model and bending them to an extent to create fertile, self-reliant landscapes and communities. We cannot develop permaculture if people are excluded, uncared for or expendable....