Harnessing Mindfulness Through Yoga

Harnessing Mindfulness Through Yoga

Mindfulness is becoming an increasingly popular approach to foster wellbeing and inner peace. Practicing mindfulness through yoga is a powerful way to bring awareness, focus, and clarity into everyday life. Yoga has the potential to help us explore our inner selves...


Photo by Elina Fairytale Think of wellness as a journey. Just as there are many different paths we can take on a journey, there are many different paths to wellness. What is wellness? Wellness is an overall state of being that includes physical, mental, and emotional...
How to Start an Exercise Program

How to Start an Exercise Program

photo Sasin Tipchai If you’d like to start a new exercise program, pick any sport or activity that uses continuous motion (such as running, fast walking, cycling, swimming, skating, rowing, dancing) that you think you might enjoy. Start out at a relaxed pace...

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